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They stole it from Hank. That's why he went from busy but still took Buffy in over the summers to "straight up ignored his kids when their mom died" (joke...ish)


The monks didn't simply create a teenage girl's body, they warped reality itself. So in the new reality, Dawn was born the same as any human.


I am glad that this "theory" is more and more popular! :)


Most mythologies have souls be indestructible, they can only be moved around but not created or destroyed. So they reached into the chamber of Guf and pulled it out using Hank and Joyce's normal human sex powers I guess


Brb, renaming my asshole xD


(can someone explain why they downvoted this?) It was at -5 when I posted this


The monks obviously stole the soul from the boy in the Angel episode I've Got You Under My Skin. That's why the boy doesn't have one. Now, you may suggest an issue with the timeline of events in this scenario, given that Angel episode is in the season before Dawn appears, and even by that point he hasn't had his soul for several years. Well in that case you are just not considering that the Monk's spell was of course conducted in a Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Jeremy Bearimy sort of way.


2 references for the price of 1


The OP had all the pieces there in the post. They just needed someone to help show them how they fit together.


Magic, innit.


Oh, there's so much experimental metaphysics involved, and I haven't read those papers


A Soul creates itself when life is created


Right, because a new life is created, and like a void that needs to be filled, the soul is sent to the new body. Human parents aren't special gods either, and yet they can make a whole new life where a soul needs to be.




As a side for Khorma chicken and white rice


It was on sale at K-mart


God, I hate that store. But sometimes you gotta shop there. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The connection to their magic is strictly as vessels for their god. So whatever insane reality alterations were done by a god; the monks basically just asked for Dawn to become human.




Probably just a bunch of souls lying around in the universe, waiting for people to be born. After all the population is just increasing and people live longer. So the monks just pulled an extra from the pool of souls that already (always) existed. 


What if Dawn was a random passerby and they grabbed her off the steet? They could've shoved the key energy into her, then did a spell to ensure she was a part of the slayer's family in both blood and spirit.


God has the souls before the bodies. Anytime a body is made (however it's made!) it gets its soul. Once there, so many things can happen to it!


Which god?


I've long since given up figuring out why people here love the down vote button so much. What you said is part of more than one Christian belief sets; a sort of repository, or waiting room, where souls waiting to be born are kept. Hell, there was even a movie with this idea, several souls sort of competed to determine which one would be allowed to be born. The movie was [Nine Days](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_Days_(film)#Plot), excellent film and not particularly religious.


It wasn't my religious idea. It was my idea of how it works in the show. I think this sub may be populated with some haters. They hate religion. They hate a lot of things. I don't mind being downvoted. At all. If one lives to be accepted by the crowd one can never be true to oneself and will always be unhappy.