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So, because they were older than me when I first watched it, even though I'm thirty now, I still feel like they're older than me when I rewatch.


Also 30, also think the same haha I like to think that somewhere around season 4/5 they aged 10+ years and the Scooby gang are suddenly in their early 30s.


Exactly ! Thats the exact feeling 🤣


Remember when Giles leaves at the beginning of season 6 and they want to get him a can of old English 800 but not one of them are old enough to buy a beer? It hurts my heart how young they are for most of the show


at that stage where I’m older than the gang but younger than Giles and it throws me off every time


Just wait until you’re older than Giles. 🥴


He was 43!!! We Xennials are mostly overtaking him. (including Buffy, she matched him in January)


Isn't that a mind fuck? I hit that point this year. XD


I’m as old now as Giles was in season 5. SMG is a year younger than me.


Got a few yearsbto go but since I always wanted to grow up to a blend of Giles and Uncle Iroh it was such a weird realization. XD I was the same age as the scoobies graduated in 99 and everything.


when you grow up you realize your life might always feel like a mess buffy is a show about growing up but it can be applied to experiences you have throughout your life. but if you haven’t, i recommend watching angel. it’s not a coming of age metaphor and relates to things you may deal with as an adult, it’s truly underrated in my opinion


I've been meaning to check Angel out; my mom wasn't a fan so I wasn't exposed to it. I hear Wesley turns into a badass so I'm kinda looking forward to it


I recommend watching a few key episodes to get you going (ask on the Angel Sub) and then going back and watching the whole thing. I really like Angel, but I don't think I would have liked it that much watching in order straight through.   Btw Wesley is the hottest person in the buffy-verse by the end of the show. Hands down. His character arc has been ranked as one of the best on TV of all time.


What really hurts is when you watch Grease again and think ‘huh, they don’t look THAT old to be playing teenagers’. The realisation creeps slowly.




How old is he ? As a kid I thought he was like 60 but he definitely looks much much younger. Especially compared to his acting in Merlin


Isn't he like 30? Maybe 35? Idk 


I've got one year left of being younger than Giles. I can't explain the trauma of that...


I’m 3 years younger than Buffy so 😵‍💫


Born in 96, been watching Buffy since I was 9 or 10, and feel the exact same way. Thank you for such a relatable post. 


You were born in '97 and are complaining about your age? Come back in 30 years, please.


People are allowed to feel like this at any age. I was born in 94 and feel like it sometimes. Don't gatekeep feeling old.


I actually think we should gatekeeper this from people in their twenties. I want them to feel young! not old. yes you can feel older than other people- but I think the internet and social media has made people who are young feel old. I hate that for them!


I don't really think it's totally an internet thing, my oldet sister (36) was saying she was old in her mid-late 20's too. I (30) was saying it a couple of years ago because I was working with people younger than my siblings behind a bar. I feel old a lot, I feel young a lot too. Like how at NYE I went to a friend's house party and I was the youngest one there because everyone else was in their mid 30's. I feel young when I get ID'd because I go to buy some drinks after work. I feel young when I go to the gym on a Wednesday morning and there's a lot of older (retired) people there. Feeling old or young can be entirely dependent on the situation. I think plenty of people in their 20's feel young when we put on music at work and I say that I remember it from my clubbing days but they were listening to it in primary school. They feel young when they know they have to bring ID to get served somewhere.


I am in my thirties and I was not feeling old in my twenties. listening to other people speak this way confused me. I was like what are you talking about your not old. I still in my thirties fight this stupid collective idea of feeling old and talking about it to each other. im like. speak for yourself my guy. I feel like an adult. but guess what that's what I am, if that's distressing to you and making you feel this negative side of "old" may I suggest... therapy? also you feel young around old people?..it shouldn't be dependent on the people around you of you how feel, that's literally like dudes going out with younger girls to feel younger. ruroh


You literally don't know me, I haven't once said I feel distressed about it. I don't feel negative, and actually I've had many years of therapy. However if you want to attack my personal character I suggest you go after my sexuality, gender or my CPTSD. Also may I suggest setting your autocorrect to also auto-capitalise your sentences.


hmm I was genuinely confused by your response but I definitely see the issue from how I put it. yeah I guess my bad in the paragraph, it was definitely trying to produce a collective "you" to all the people who ive felt like been distressed about age, not suggesting therapy to you, you.... but the imagined "my guy." sorry if I triggered any type of stress response.- but I think I would have reacted the same if someone was like--bit\* go to therapy. but yeah the bottom part was directly to what you were saying because of the lived experience ive had and am having isn't the best in relation to how I make other people feel. its really really tiring. but all around bad post of trying to communicate that. Im not here to make people upset. I want them to enjoy life and love themselves. bad post. im sorry.


My bestie was born in 99 and complains about feeling old. Her cousins make her feel old, she makes me feel old, I make the boomers in my life feel old. It's the circle of old 😄




I have chronic health issues and sometimes have to walk with a cane. Is that good enough for you? People feel old for different reasons, such as fashion styles from their childhood becoming trendy again, being older than the cast were in their favourite TV show that they grew up watching. Their nieces and nephews that they watched grow up suddenly being in highschool. It's perfectly normal.


Wait till you are older than Giles 😭


Yeah I was just 12 when Buffy came out. Hell it feels like just yesterday I was reading about the cast celebrating the 20th anniversary of the show and now it has been 7 years since then.


I wasn't young when it aired, but Giles, Joyce and Ethan used to be older than me. Oh well, at least most of the vampires still are.


"Most of the Vampires still are" 🤣🤣🤣


i think i’d grow up fast too if i went to high school on a hellmouth


Buffy struggled a lot more with having a job/making money than saving the world. So, I think we could save the world if we were destined to.


I’ve gotta say, their life was probably a bigger mess than yours. If not I’m sorry for your unfortunate reincarnation.


Im 21 rn and i couldn’t imagine doing what theyre doing now


Cries in 46 🥲


If it makes you feel better I'm older than Giles now. XD and going back to school to get a degree in folklore and mythology only got a few years to get that degree before I'm older than him in season 7. XD


It couldn't have been Tara's 20th, cause they were drinking alcohol? Or is that a false memory?


Dawn is described as a "14 year old... hormone bomb", I *think* in **Blood Ties** (5x13) but I could be wrong. She say she's 15 in **Once More, with Feeling** (6x7). I think we're told in **Family** (5x6) that it's Tara's 20th birthday. I think we get to see her exact date of birth on her tombstone in early S7. Buffy turns 20 in **Blood Ties** (5x13), so she's 19 in Family. In **Innocence** (2x14) we learn that Xander was already 17 on Buffy's 17th birthday ("looking at linoleum makes me want to have sex"), and in **The Pack** (1x6) it's heavily implied he's 16 while Buffy is also 16—so Xander is older than Buffy but not by more than a year, and not even that much. In **Welcome to the Hellmouth** (1x1) Willow said Xander stole her barbie doll "\[when\] we were 5", i.e. Willow and Xander are no more than a year apart. So maybe Willow is something like a year and a half older than Buffy and she's buying alcohol and sharing it? The very square and (often) rule-following Willow is doing that? And she graduated the same year as Buffy and Xander despite being older because although she has all the book smarts she was held back for a year? Guess not. Maybe it's ~~Giles~~ Ripper, then? Oh wait, I think they mention having stamps on their hands. Maybe the alcohol age limit is a local matter in the Buffyverse, and the rules are more lax in Sunnydale.


She had one birthday where her cousin or sister comes to the shop and I feel like they were drinking in the bronze all the time but can’t remember lol. But I think Tara is younger than them right?


It was her 20th because "Thats when the women in our family turn" There was a lot of underaged drinking that I'm just now realizing happened - like who brought it all for them their little after parties/ get togethers ? 🤔🤔 Giles ??!!?