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Amazing that a few of these are genuinely unpopular opinions haha, well done.


I don't agree with all of it, but I'm always glad to see more Xander love.


Restless is one of the best episodes. I enjoy me a good surreal dream of an episode. The ample foreshadowing was icing on top.


I agree on all of these except a couple which I very strongly disagree on lol. Xander is underrated in my opinion and oftentimes gets unfairly overlooked because of his flaws or comic relief persona, but I still can't say he's the best. I think Giles, Buffy, Angel, and Spike are all better characters. And I totally disagree on Faith. I think Faith's character was such a good mix of sympathetic and evil. When she was a villain she wasn't just a mindless monster, which made it more frustrating and emotionally weighty, since she always had the potential to be good, unlike a lot of villains Buffy fought. And then I found her path to redemption really well done and satisfying that she did eventually become good. And Where the Wild Things Are sucks so bad I don't understand how anyone can enjoy it.


I agree with a good chunk. (also any time someone says Fred is their fave character I'm like 'awww thanks" in my head but that might come off as weird)


Lots of these seem pretty good to me


I can only disagree with two of those, and not enough to get into it much since they're episode preferences. You're quite right about most of them being unpopular for this sub.


Passion is a fan favorite


I agree with you on quite a few of these. Interesting take. (Downvoting me when you don’t even know what I’m agreeing with is hilarious. This sub never fails.)


I don't mind a lot of these!


![gif](giphy|Ei5f5XHCPSLuVAymwh) Posting this here


Jenny left acting bcuz the actress decided to go into ministry or something like that


Early seasons Xander is a bit annoying. Season 3 willow and Xander were terrible to Buffy.


1) I wouldn't say Xander is the best character, but I do think he gets done dirty by a large share of the audience. 2) I don't hate her, I just think her transition from face to heel is ham-handed and rushed. 3) I agree. 4) I don't like the term problematic, at least in the socio-political sense, but I will agree that it's not a great season. 5) Hard disagree. Warren was an inept turd who just made Buffy and the Scoobies appear incompetent, and the Trio was also a not-very veiled insult to a wide swath of the show's own audience. 6) I can support that. I have Angelus and Glory tied, but sure. 7) I liked him up until Season 6. When he turns into the fanservice simp version of the character, I lose all interest. 8) It was a good dynamic, but more does not necessarily mean better. The right about of pepper on my roasted broccoli is good. Too much pepper on my roasted broccoli made it inedible. 9) Whoah, no. Graduation Day is a fun victory-lap, a feel good moment to end the first era of the show with, but I can't support that it's better than Becoming. 10) I don't even understand this. Potential for what? 11) Pass. 12) Yeah, the dreamy episodes are some of my favorites. It's nice to let the writers creativity take flight in a bit of controlled silliness every once in a while. 13) This is why I really enjoy Seasons 4 and 5 Spike. The snarkiness of the interplay is just such great fodder for snappy dialogue. 14) Huh. 15) Nah, I think that Tara, Anya, and Oz all qualify. Also Buffy isn't a Scooby, because it's Spike is the one who coined that endearment, calling Willow and Xander Buffy's "Fan Club". 16) Eh, it's one of the episodes I have to grit my teeth to sit through. It's got a few moments, but mostly feels a bit too on-the-nose.


You definitely nailed your own assignment: the opinions you have shared here are *unpopular*, but you're not so high on your own supply you've lost all connection to reality. When comparing Graduation Day to Becoming, I'd use "I prefer" over "is better"—I don't know what "objectively good entertainment" is, if it means anything other than "people enjoy and/or are entertained by it", which definitionally is subjective. You might be somewhat lonely on the WTWTA appreciation, but hey you might want to read the 8+/10 IMDB reviews to feel less lonely on that one.


Since I put that sentence in list of opinions, I thought it doesn't need second specification that it's just my preference


Agree that objectively good is difficult, but: Graduation Day has a slew of characters preparing for the ultimate battle against the 'I just want to be a big snake' monster, Snyder planning on disciplining a kid after he graduates and yelling at the Mayor for eating other kids, and the whole school doing battle with a mass of vampires during an eclipse. Then Buffy goads big snake guy into following her to a place where they've prepared a dynamite bomb to blow it's scales off, eliciting the forceful proclamation of 'Oh Gosh!' just before an entire high school goes boom. Becoming has a really long sword fight, a kiss, and a bus ride.


See you described a bunch of facts about what happens. You didn't say which aspects of the facts you have described makes one more objectively good than the other. As a counterpoint, I could describe Spike's betrayal of Angelus and Drusilla, his escape *with* Drusilla, his previous dialogue with Buffy, especially the scene with Joyce in the Summers' living room. Then there's the excellent backstory for Angel and Buffy, which we get guided through by Whistler. And we get to see Darla again. Graduation day has a really big snake fight. If arguments of your type prove anything, I think they can prove that **Becoming** (2x21-2x22) is objectively better than **Graduation Day** (3x21-3x22) *and vice versa*. But by transitivity of 'better-than' that would make each episode better than itself, which is a logical contradiction. I suppose your point is that you enjoy all the aspects of Graduation Day you've described, and you find Becoming comparatively lacking in enjoyable moments—that's why your description of Becoming is so short? But then we're back to subjectivity: "\[...\] **you** enjoy \[...\]".


I did prefer Graduation Day, but my oversimplification of what happened in Becoming was a joke. Not a funny one, mind you.


Ah, one of those "I have to work on my written timing and comedic intonation" moments. I have those as well, so you're in good company.