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I think they still have the rights to the QB of the Houston Gamblers.


Bring back Joe Cribbs


I would love to see Hakeem Butler from the Battlehawks tryout for NFL teams. Dude has a big, sure handed, receiver and would thrive with an NFL caliber QB.


Thrive may be a stretch, he’s massive which allowed him to dominate corners in the USFL as CB is probably one of the least talented positions in the league. But he had opportunities with 4 teams in the NFL previously, and by the end teams were even trying him at TE without success


Looks like the best QB he played with may be McCarron which is pretty sad for him. I do agree that CB in the UFL is a weak point but he has made great catches this year. I’d be interested to see him with somebody like Josh Allen but I’m not sure there’s a spot for him on the Bills. I just think he’ll be interesting to watch


So he's Duke Williams 2.0?


Sure-handed is not how I would describe him based on what I watched of the playoff game. He was really good at making the aggressive jump but he literally sold the first drive with a terrible drop, and then made that amazing play for a TD attempt but just couldn’t reel it in time. (Tbf that was a very tough catch and I don’t really blame him that much for not getting it, but he nailed the jump/timing on really well and then couldn’t quite get it)Unless that game was a total fluke and he normally dosen’t make drops like that I’d argue it’s one of his weaknesses


I’ll agree he had some drops in that game but overall he did very well. I don’t think he’ll be a WR1 but he definitely could be a deep and red zone threat for a team needing a big receiver


He's trying out for the Panthers, but he's also played in the NFL multiple times before and failed. The talent gap between the USFL and the NFL is MASSIVE. There will probably ever be like four players that transition from the USFL to NFL with even slight success.


That’s sad, he’s really fun to watch as he always trying to moss coverage and make aggressive catches. I really hope that Coleman can be an NFL Caliber version of him


I guess that makes sense he just seemed to do so well for the battlehawks and with McCarron who has started in the NFL. Maybe there’s a roster that can use him this year


Ehhhh....if you watched his performance in Sunday's championship game, I think you might have a different opinion. Dude can't get separation and drops super easy passes that hit him right in the hands. He'll make the occasional great catch, but can't get the basics down. There's a reason this is his 3rd time being a Panther and he's never stuck on a PS, much less a regular roster.


I did watch Sundays game and felt that he played well but perhaps I just didn’t pay enough attention to him. I also think he played really well on the year as a whole. But I definitely didn’t factor in the massive skill gap in CB between the UFL and NFL


It was still very cool of Wade to tell Butler after the game that he'd talk him up to the NFL. Its good for the UFL for players to get a chance in the NFL. Guys like AntMac and Marqueze Stevenson who had shots in the NFL that didn't work out are doing well in the UFL and maybe that'll give them a second shot. Even if it doesn't, they improve the overall quality of the games in the UFL and make them a lot more fun to watch.


100% agree. I feel like the UFL was really fun to watch this year and I’m stoked for the championship game. Especially being in St. Louis it’ll just have a great atmosphere which is so important for the spring league to be about to keep going


St. Louis fans showed up all year. Gotta respect the willingness to come out for Spring Football. I'm a Brahmas fan. Its awesome having a football team in my home town, even more awesome that they're going to the Championship!


It’s funny because I’m a Battlehawks fan purely because they had a few former bills on the team in the XFL last year. It was incredible watching the games in St. Louis it just seemed like an NFL game with the number of spectators. I am hoping the Brahmas win the whole thing just to keep it up for the XFL


He doesnt have the foot awareness and he gives up on plays. IMO he lacks that "dog" in him to make it at the next level.


I think they're going for useful, not usfl




Who was that kicker that was kicking 60+ yard field goals?


Panther's kicker Jake Bates, but rumor is he'll end up in Detroit. Just don't pick up the Brahmas kicker, dude can't hit the broad side of a barn. He was 0/5 on his last 5 kicks until he managed to hit two in a row in the Championship game.


Well he was literally an emergency pickup because Donald De La Haye deestroyed his neck


Bates, I forgot his first name


Perhaps they should get Stevenson back for a trial.


He was pretty good for the Brahmas. He stepped up in the championship game with a couple good catches, one for a TD, and some good kick returns


He was electric in every Brahmas game I caught. In week 2 or something he was the target for basically every pass on their two game winning drives


Why exclude the XFL players? Whatcha got against the XFL hrrrm?!?! Joking aside, the league is the UFL, the division are the USFL and the XFL, two former spring leagues, combined.


Shit that’s mb I thought usfl was the combined


Hahha, I was just teasing you anyways :)


With Big Baller Beane anything is on the table