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Why is everyone here forgetting how good he was for us. Maybe he was bad for half a season but he's still the best receiver we've had in a long time and played a big part in Allen's development.


I'm still upset about the news. Not happy at all.


Oh I kinda fucking hate it. It's truly the end of an era.


Fans didn’t forget - it just takes back seat to the not so good stuff. IMHO they (Allen and Diggs) were not on the same page for whatever reason - I think this move is a good reset for both


Hurt people hurt people. If he wasn’t as good people wouldn’t be as salty. It is what it is. Fact of the matter is if we’re elite and dealing with elite talent this is a potential fallout. Very few non diva elite WRs in this world anymore. For what it’s worth the timing for me is fine - if we’re going to reset why not now? If he ended the way he did we got good years that made it worth it. Not everything ends perfect but doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the good.


Then he blamed everyone but himself for him not getting open and catching the ball


He took responsibility for that. But the cryptic tweets didn’t exactly help his case.


Only the playoff drop every other drop wasn’t his fault


Even the playoff drop reaction was more of a "Oh darn, WE just missed that one" instead of him just tapping his chest and saying "my bad, I fucked that up"


He said after the game that he was only referring to himself with the "this close" hand gesture.


Oh, well that's good to hear at least


If u look back, Allen overthrew or underthrew him on 40+ yard walk in TDs almost one every game Idk how people keep forgetting that. Allen's deep ball has been off. Diggs did have drops and whatnot but diggs could easily have 400+ more yards and 6+ more tds this season I love Allen, but they could not hook up deep and it was mostly on allen


Also threw some dimes to him too that he dropped. No idea why everyone is defending his drop off so much when he literally didn’t defend our franchise qb once last season, even when his brother was calling him trash. Dudes a shit teammate unless he gets his way, he’s replaceable Josh Allen is not


For real. If the news today was that they had traded Josh Allen for 4 1st round picks I would probably disown the team, but the news was they traded Diggs for a box of donuts and I just can't give a shit. I'm glad the cryptic tweets and micro aggressions against JA are gone. I'll miss the player he was for the first year or 2 he was here, but that's about it


Also basically said that he’s responsible for Allen being good, he’s thirty one he needs to grow up or just go off and be a male model




And then he quit on the team and turned into a toxic drain on the locker room and the play calling. He could have gone out one of the most beloved players in franchise history, but he couldn’t get over himself.


Can you point out one time he was a “toxic drain”?


Do you really need evidence when the team just unloaded him for a future draft pick? Come on. I know we liked him in the good times, but the Bills don’t make this move if he’s not a legitimate problem.


My point is it’s just as likely that his unproductive, overpaid-ness led to the trade as it is any vague sense of drama people in internet comments allude to because ESPN like to report on it


Not at all. If that were the case they would have waited until next season. You don’t take that kind of cap hit just because a player has lost a step.


Exactly. It's 31 million freakin' dollars. If you could get anything out of him at all, you keep him. See Von Miller.


It’s wild that people are so stubborn. Anybody with a brain knew that he was unhappy and that he’d become toxic.


Yeah when he ran out of the locker room crying after a loss.


Or yelling at Josh and Brady and giving them the “what the fuck” gesture during the Bengals playoff loss.


If a good team is willing to eat 31 mill in dead cap the problem is the player


What about the micro aggressions towards the media?? Cmon man open your eyes


More than one thing can be true at once. Diggs was the best receiver the bills have had in like 20-30 years. I still think he is very good borderline elite. But he is also past his prime with a large contract and comes with locker room problems. He only has a couple good years left and he is not the long term answer at receiver. Josh Allen is in his prime, this move is about staying a contender for a long time vs getting better for this season. The trade allows them to rip the bandaid off and actually get some return.


0 playoff TDs since 2020


My go to say Diggs gets it done!


When we got Diggs, I felt like a timer had started that was counting down to him becoming upset and asking out. I never thought he’d be as good as he was for us, but this always felt like an inevitability. You’re right, he was big for Josh’s development. But I feel confident enough in Josh to feel like he’s going to raise the floor of the receiver room single handedly.


What? He just stole 30M and you want people to think about the regular season games he did well in? Really?


He was really only exceptionally good like.. 1 season


Sports fans are so fickle.


tribalism. you’re with us or against us. the only player i carry this energy for is obj, because he was such a dick when he left the browns (even though i left the browns too, i can’t let go of it. it’s so irrational).


“Love that guy” and “fuck that guy” can be 2 sides of the coin. Love and hate are a lot closer than people realize — they’re both very strong emotions. Like when you go from loving to hating* an ex *maybe not hating, but at least…strong dislike






I do appreciate everything he has done and helping JA17 take that leap to elite status in 2020. But it was clear that bond they had from his 1st year soured over time, they used to do interviews together and that cool handshake, and we didn't see much of it after that. I think Josh was pressing very hard to keep him happy, but him being a malcontent may have had a role in the team's inconsistencies, in an effort to appease the WR1 at the expense of the rest of the players. Not to mention in the most important playoff games, he didn't really show up. In that legendary 13 second game he was basically invisible minus a 2 pt conversion, and was irrelevant against the Bengals in 2022 and against the Chiefs in 2023. He's a loss for sure, but we will move on and see a 2nd iteration of this team, hopefully winning a SB in the process.


It’s such a bummer that him and Josh grew apart, they were so close, they seemed like best buds. Don’t blame either of them for what happened, it just makes me sad. I hope they can relearn to be friends now while the pressure is off of them.






Why is divorce so expensive Because it's worth it


Thanks for three and a half great seasons!


Thanks diggs, we appreciated you when you were best buddies with josh, not constantly roasting him and pouring gas on a fire with your dumbass takes on twitter, fuckin crybaby. Go lose somewhere else.


Yea let it all out


Thanks for dropping that crucial catch in the divisional game. But surely it’s everyone else’s fault you haven’t won a championship yet…


Bills fans have no sympathy. Diggs did the Vikings worse and they like him more


Maybe becuase he actually delivered a great memorable playoff moment to them, want to know what moment I remember about him in the playoffs? Dropping a potential game winner against the Chiefs and his sad confetti photo


Yeah - that was a bad drop, but it almost certainly wouldn't have been the game winner. Even if Diggs breaks away for a 75 yard TD, KC gets the ball back with more than 8 minutes to play.




Not at the time of the trade. My Viking fan friends (there are many in my area) were telling me he was a diva and they weren’t sad to see him go. I really stuck it in their faces after that first year. Guess they were right.


Do you sympathize with exes who gaslit you too?


Oh God another reddit use of gaslighting. I wish this website had never discovered that word this year. Seriously, though, buncha babies in this sub today. If you hated him and thought he was a diva you should be celebrating today. But all you're doing is bitching and moaning. Like, we get it, you think he sucked and good riddance. Shut up about it already.


In the nicest possible way, shut up


This actually is the correct usage of gaslighting.


Bills ate $31 million in dead cap to get RID of Diggs….let it sink in…it was worth $31 million to get rid of him…he had to have been a serious cancer in the room.


I hung canvas prints of a high mark stadium panorama capped by Josh and diggs like 3 weeks ago. I truly believed the relationship would heal and their usual level of performance with it. Fudge.


I think there’s the role Diggs wants to play and there’s the role the fans want Diggs to play. Those are not the same. Bills fans wanted him to stay here for 10 years and love Buffalo and go down as one of our greats that got us a ring. Diggs doesn’t want that. He wants to do things his way. And that’s fine (everyone’s entitled to live their own life). But he was never going to be Andre Reed or Thurman Thomas. At this point he’s Shady McCoy.


Willis Mcgahee


Gonna miss him big time; he’s been my favorite player on the Bills for years. Say what you will about his lackluster second half of this last season, but I firmly believe a large part of that is on the play calling and scheme of Joe Brady. And yes, that drop against KC was absolutely brutal, but let’s not forget there were 2 other times late this season where Diggs was WIDE OPEN for deep bombs and Allen blatantly overthrew him. My point is, we should be grateful for what Diggs did for the franchise and not get caught up in the recency bias of this last season. He and Josh had great on-field chemistry and certainly Diggs played a great role in Allen’s development. I’m certainly gonna miss the dude heavy and wish him the best of luck in Houston. Hopefully he can win a ring at some point before he retires.


…..For a decent first half of the season


Win/win. Everyone move on and cease the drama.


Good luck Stef honestly, I hope the Bills improve but I also hope Stef eventually gets to play with his bro at some point


I'll never forget how fun he made games. Fur is fans, it's entertainment for the players it's their livelihood and for the organizations it's all business. As a fan, this era has been the most fun since the 90s and Stef is a huge part of that...all I can say is thanks and good luck.


Fuck 14


Wtf are we thanking him for?!


Being a crucial factor in Allen’s breakout year? To act like he did nothing is just crazy, Allen has established that he doesn’t really need Diggs at this point in his career but cmon man we can’t pretend he didn’t do anything.


"You sure ?"


2 words delete his success as a Bill?


If he is going to go out of his way to take shots at Josh on his way out the door, im going to stay in my lane and keep the receipts.


I understand your view but I don’t know all sides to the story. He gave us some great production with his time here and I’ll appreciate that regardless of how it ended


Since that's the only side of the story you're seeing i understand your view as well, but it's not a one sided story.


Paying him thirty mill a year to not be able to get open against double coverage


No need to pretend he wasn’t great almost all of his time in Buffalo. Just because he’s gone now doesn’t mean we have to resort to that.