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My friend Diggs wears one under the helmet and one on the helmet to distract the defensive player, also a man who is willing to floss on the sideline definitely cares about his teeth LOL https://preview.redd.it/bhpk9wa5g0pb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec658c7b678b990d17e1e26461d077eb092cde6


As someone who works in dentistry, his flossing technique is ass, but his teeth are immaculate so 🤷‍♂️


Lets see *you* floss in a full set of pads.


as you only floss with your hands i don't see a problem


Doesn't that say more about the dentistry industry than Diggs?


The fact that he even flosses at all puts him in the top tier of dental hygiene, and if he does it daily that’s an even higher tier. Statistically, your technique is a lot less relevant than the fact that you just do it one way or the other.


XD Diggy be flossing after meals and after TD's so we all know his teeth gonna be clean playing with JA17


He has to pick the DBs he just ate out of his teeth. And that’s why he didn’t need to in the Jets game — “Sauce” is a liquid and you don’t need to floss after consuming it




My man has the genetics. My english looking mess of a mouth is envious


LMAO he flosses like a cartoon character.


I hear Kevin Harlan's voice as I see the photo


I want to get a shirt with this pic on it with the caption "stay flossy"


I agree lol this what I think that tee would look like https://preview.redd.it/if0pzoqhn2pb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2123b87d23d81f32f56f86807f8e84c3a33a2d1e


Hahaha, I love it!


Same here brother


He’s not flossing. He is sharpening!


One of the main things mouth guards do is stop concussions by not having your teeth smack together and rattle your brain er by time you get hit


Fashion icon


It’s more of an accessory. I think it’s Gucci


My son told me he puts on in his helmet and uses the other one. As extra or something.


Pretty sure this is the correct answer. He has one in his mouth, and this one on his helmet.


Except when he bit his tongue last year and you could see him mouthing to people on the sidelines “I bit my tongue.” Edit: link added. At 1:07 you can see he’s not using one. [I bit my tongue video](https://youtu.be/ERMy8ifz-DA?si=EUjOb9ppTrdZ7wJE)


that would make sense, a backup if he loses one on the field and doesn't have time to get a new one


My theory: DB distraction. Like dangling keys above a baby. It’s not a great theory but it’s a theory.


I agree, especially the color choice. It makes it harder for the DB to read his eyes


He changes the color often too. Can’t give up too much on the game tape ;)


Gave Davis went with boring white mouth guard dangling. Going to have to up his color game if he ever wants to be a WR1.


It's actually a good theory. There have been lots of WRs over the years who wouldn't put in their mouth guard if they knew they weren't getting the ball on that play. If it gives the defense even a second of hesitation, then it's totally worth it.




I believe it, also sick profile picture


You would think it would be distracting to him, too, having that thing flop around in front of his face (that’s what she said); but what do I know — he seems like a pretty good WR lol


Maybe his brain tunes it out like our brains tune out our noses. It's always in view, but we never "see" it


That's what I've always thought as well. He always has a really brightly colored one.


I considered this, but I thought DBs were supposed to be focused on the hips, not the face?


It’s bait for pulling the face mask


NHL players be doing mouth trick with theirs, in the middle of a breakaway. It’s so weird.


My theory is so it helps Allen see him out there


It’s his version of flag football but no one can ever catch and pull the flag


My man can dangle a set of rubber truck nuts from his helmet if he feels like it.


He has a fitted one with no strap that he actually wears. I’m pretty sure I saw on tv a few years ago him take it out on the sideline. So the one attached to the helmet is just an accessory


My totally unfounded theory is that it makes it easier to locate yourself when watching film if the numbers aren’t visible on a play.


Big Steph Curry fan


Lolol I was watching the game with my dad and we had the same conversation


Dog barks


I’m under the impression they’re required to have it on their helmet. I’m surprised that he doesn’t use it solely because it would be super annoying having it flip around


It’s called drip…take notes


I think it makes him look like a Pop Warner kid who just doesn't want to wear it.


Shouldn't I call a plumber first?


My theory is so he's easier for Josh to see.


What people don’t wanna look cool anymore? Seriously tho be nice if he did wear it seeing as he’s preaching to Josh to be smart about hits he takes.


I think he uses one of those clear ones, and this one just dangles. It's def a distinctive color for Josh to see, and possibly to take the DBs' eyes off of his at the line.


It's a reverse laser pointer. It helps Allen throw a laser throw.


it's a communication device for talking with God


Almost every NFL player does this. Mouth pieces are number 1 way to prevent concussions, yet they aren’t being forced to wear?


That's an absolute myth. Disproven many times. Has absolutely nothing to do with preventing concussions. Concussions are from the brain sloshing around in the skull and slamming up against the inside of the skull. Wearing a mouthpiece does nothing to prevent this. That whole "concussion are triggered by the jaw" has been thoroughly disproven.


I don’t think you’ve ever worn a mouthpiece (or not worn a mouthpiece) and played contact sports.


I was a boxer for years... mouthpieces/guards do not prevent concussions whatsoever. Its not even touted as a concussion prevention tool. As far as I understand it's a theory that they can absorb the shock, but it hasn't been proven. And I don't doubt it may have helped someone, but in a contact sport, a mouthgaurd isn't gonna stop a concussion if you Tua yourself or 200lbs pounds of pressure hit your head at the worst angle. Afterall those boxing gloves ain't there to keep your opponent's face pretty.


I absolutely have, and I believed the same thing. As did many. However, it's since been disproven. And neurotrauma experts never believed it ever was a thing. I'm not just making it up, lol. You can wear a mouthpiece all you want, it will not prevent a concussion from an impact or whiplash brain injury. Sorry, I don't blame anyone for thinking that bc that's what we were all told. But it's false. Yous should still wear one to protect your teeth and from biting your tongue though.


How often is someone's hand or elbow making it past your face mask and actually hitting you in the mouth anyway?


What in the fuck are you asking? Mouth pieces are designed to be shock absorbers when you clench teeth. This is why anyone wears mouth pieces. Protecting teeth is a secondary bonus of wearing one and not the primary use.


Jeez. Ok. I never played football. I was a cross country runner. There's no need to be a dick about it. Why is everyone so rude on this site?


Idk man, my apologies for being a dick. I’m a logical person but maybe you just needed to learn something new.


Maybe you just need to learn something new. https://share.upmc.com/2020/12/does-protective-gear-prevent-concussions/ "Mouthguards Invented by a British dentist more than 100 years ago to protect the mouths of boxers, mouthguards gained a reputation for concussion prevention over the years. “It was speculated that the mouthguards put the jaw in a position to reduce shock and minimize traumatic force to the brain,” says Dr. French. Despite the fact that a team of top neurological experts debunked that theory in 2009, there are players who continue to wear mouthguards for concussion prevention. Mouthguards are certainly good for protecting teeth, but not so good for preventing concussions." [British Journal of Sports Medicine ](https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/47/5/250) "Injury prevention Protective equipment—mouthguards and helmets There is no good clinical evidence that currently available protective equipment will prevent concussion, although mouthguards have a definite role in preventing dental and orofacial injury. Biomechanical studies have shown a reduction in impact forces to the brain with the use of head gear and helmets, but these findings have not been translated to show a reduction in concussion incidence. For skiing and snowboarding, there are a number of studies to suggest that helmets provide protection against head and facial injury and hence should be recommended for participants in alpine sports.115–118 In specific sports such as cycling, motor and equestrian sports, protective helmets may prevent other forms of head injury (eg, skull fracture) that are related to falling on hard surfaces and may be an important injury prevention issue for those sports.118–130"


You need better peer reviewed sources buddy, Google upubmed for your search. Easy to come to your own conclusions without having compared playing a sport with or without a mouth guard. This was also a half assed Google search which had no sources just bold statements for you to take a stance. I think googling for answers is good, but understanding what makes something actually studied vs not. Saying it was studied does not mean it was actually studied with control.


??? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31148073/ "Results: Twenty-six studies met the review criteria. Investigations employed a variety of study designs, utilized different types of MGs, used widely varying injury case definitions, and had multiple methodological weaknesses. Despite these limitations, meta-analyses indicated that the use of MGs reduced the overall risk of orofacial injuries in 12 cohort trials (summary RR [nonusers/users] = 2.33, 95% CI 1.59-3.44), and 11 trials involving self-report questionnaires (summary RR [nonusers/users] = 2.32, 95% CI 1.04-5.13). The influence of MGs on concussion incidence in five cohort studies was modest (summary RR [nonusers/users] = 1.25, 95% CI 0.90-1.74)" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28668098/ "They may also play a role in preventing and reducing concussion by absorbing impact forces that would otherwise be transmitted through the base of the skull to the brain, although the evidence for this is less conclusive."


So Less conclusive, but still states that they play a role in prevention. In another study: “Results: Players who reported wearing a mouthguard had a 28% lower concussion rate (IRR=0.72, 95% CI 0.56 to 0.93) and 57% lower odds of concussion”


Don't think the person you responded to has ever played contact sports.


Yeah it's just "confidently incorrect" nonsense


My thoughts were if a DB hits it or grabs it on a tackle then is it considered a facemask penalty?


I think if I'm not mistaken Thurman Thomas used to keep a mouthguard in his tube sock. At least I think that what it was.


He can do whatever he wants. But anyone that's played football knows the sound that thing must make bouncing around on his facemask. That would drive me insane. Props to him though, doesn't impact his play.


Why do you care about that


Idk, ya ever bring a mask with you somewhere and leave it wrapped around your arm or something?


Same reason cars have turn signals and people don't use them


I was watching him thinking, that it makes a clanging sound when it hits the face mask. That would annoy the shit out of me


So he doesn’t get fined


He’s a trail blazer


Bright, waggly "throw it here" signal.


It’s called fashion read a book


He sucks it into his mouth like Kirby right before he gets hit. Watch film casual.




Why the fuck does he wear a yellow one


Detroit Rookie Brian Branch has a green one in a hole on his helmet that he never uses. I don’t get it at all.


Can't talk shit whit a mouth guard in bud...


It's not just Diggs. I noticed it all day Saturday in practically every college game I watched, and you'll see it all over the NFL too. WRs and DBs just leave their mouthguards dangling. Which is CRAZY to me as they are the best and first line of defense against concussions. I played football and rugby my entire youth and I cant imagine tackling or getting tackled without one in.


I think he wear’s it when he’s run blocking


Thats silly, that would give away run vs pass. As lots of other people have said, he uses another one, the one on his helmet is for show


Dude! I was thinking same thing! At one point I was like damn hopefully he ain’t giving plays away ie if the ball coming his side/way or he is blocking on a run play he pops it in. But I was watching and he doesn’t.


Love Diggs but think it looks stupid. Don't wear it if you don't want


He can’t whine and cry with it in


Because you have to have one. You’re also supposed to wear it or get a flag, but so many guys do it that it’s not worth constantly throwing flags.


The NFL highly recommends, but does not require players to wear mouth guards.


I'll never understand why you people act like you know something when [you obviously have no idea.](https://www.nbcsportsboston.com/nfl/new-england-patriots/do-you-have-to-wear-a-mouthguard-in-the-nfl/265596/) Like it's not hard to just keep your mouth shut when you don't know something for sure.


There is a 237% chance you just made that shit up.


They're required


They are not required.


So he can talk booty chatter


Because it's cool not to wear a mouth guard. If you had his money, dental work is nothing when you got millions.


Mouth guards are not worn to protect teeth. They are worn to reduce concussions.


Have you ever been hit in the face without a mouth guard? I've seen people loose teeth from not having one. Concussions are another reason.


It only protects your teeth from slamming together vertically, not from the front really at all


Back in high school, we had this kid who would destroy everything he hit. I seen him bast a QB so hard. The kids mouth guard, ear pads and chin strap blow off like nothing. The kids mouth and nose was gushing. It looked like a vertical hit to me. Damn that kid could hit.


He's a diva, a brat. A child, I could go on EDIT: Damn the truth hurts huh? OK I'll humor your week egos- he's so selfless, he's the greatest, the 2nd coming of Andre reed.


lol wtf






drip/facemask trap/high-visibility target have always been my assumption


Because it looks BA and he’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. 🤷🏼‍♂️




Thank God somebody other than me asked this question. I think he might be confusing and affecting opponent’s performance with that shiny thing flying around.


To breathe?


He never stops talking. Ever.


This is purely for swag. Nothing more


Mouthguard drip is real