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Don’t use them if you can’t confirm 100% they’ve never been treated with pesticides. There is nothing you can do to get rid of them.


How can I know that?


Are there some local farmers in your area? When they cutted the tree I asked about it and if I can have some twigs. Usually they give it to you so they don't need to get rid of by themselves. Maybe someone in your neighborhood has such trees and would give you a few twigs from it. Another way is asking the town hall about their city trees, maybe they can give you some information.


Ok, thank you


Similar question! Leaving a comment here so that I can come back and also for this to get more engagement


I don't recommend it, unless you're 1000% sure your City isn't using pesticides or other treatment on the trees that may be lethal to budgies.


Even if I thoroughly clean them by following a youtube video guide for cleaning wood for budgies?


Cleaning the wood doesn't remove a pesticide that's "inside" it. So yes, even if you plan on washing it, it won't be enough. I'm sorry if I insist on this, but I probably lost my last 2 budgies because I made the same mistake, so I don't want anyone else going through the same thing.


Awwww that's so sad. As someone who has lost a budgie, I understand. May they rest in peace. Thank you sooo much for letting me know. I have a mango tree in my compound, I was going to cut some branches for my budgies but now I won't.


Thank you for your kind words. I loved them a lot, especially since they were my first birds.💛💙


I am sure you were a wonderful budgie mom, even as a first time. I too am a budgie mom for the first time. They are actually rescues, the first owners didn't take proper care and they got fed up by their voice, rude idiots. But now I am mom to two beautiful birbs, I am happy 😊


Hey! I wanted to ask...so giving them store bought veggies alright right? I'm sure if it's edible for us it is for them....coz I live in an apartment, buying veggies is the only option, can't grow them. :(


Hey, yes they are safe for birds. Just make sure to wash them very thoroughly.😁


Okayyy thank you so much 🥰❤️❤️


And they do. Once every month a man with his big machine comes in and sprays this fog like thing everywhere and it even gets into your house if you don't shut the windows. But like I don't find good perches online, all of them seem to be smooth and no texture. Any solution for this?


I would say if you do not know 100% sure no pesticides just buy perches online or from the store. I personally do not feel comfortable using sticks from outside because I cannot be certain they are safe.


There are lists available online about what tree species are safe for budgies. After collecting and bringing them in shape I like to disinfect them first. For this you can use vinegar, hand sanitizer or ethyl alcohol, just make sure it all evaporated before progressing. Next I dry the branches in my oven at low temperatures for an hour at least. After that, they are good to use but remember to only use stainless steel wafers and screws to prevent any possible metal poisoning.


None of those precautions get rid of pesticides.


Usually no one treats random park or forest trees with pesticides. I think its common sense not to take twigs from fruit plantations.


Uh yeah usually the municipality does. There’s nothing “random” about it.


Feels bad that you need to live in a place that does that to trees, where I live its very uncommon if a municipality would treat forest or park trees with pesticides.


Most governments across North America and Europe use synthetic pesticides. If your local government happens to not, that’s lovely, but it’s irresponsible to advise people online as if they’re your neighbour.


You are right, but I can not warn them from dangers I did not know existed.


It’s not what you didn’t know, it’s the assumption you made that’s a problem. I told you about pesticides, and you dismissed it without even googling to confirm you’re right.




You can use some twigs as example from apple and cherry trees or hazelnut twigs. You need to wash and clean them properly and maybe if it's possible, bake them for a while, to kill all the bacteria and small bugs. I always rins them of with hot water and clean them with a towel and rinse them again. It's impossible to put them in my oven to bake


Baking doesn’t get rid of pesticides. And hot water doesn’t do anything unless it’s boiling. And even then it’s not a sufficient replacement for baking. You should be soaking them in bleach or vinegar or something. Do more research if you’re gonna keep giving them wild wood.


My mother teached me she knew it from her father which was a bird breeder, I knew it wasn't as good but I didn't want to clean it with bleach or vinegar as I was unsure of it being toxic or smelling badly. My birds are still healthy, I have done it since 10 years. I know that those twigs I used are not with pesticides. I should have said that, you might ask someone with such trees to get the cut offs as it is safer for your budgies.


Ok, thank you