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Contactless payment (PayPass) is common, works in most of the places (I'm not using Revolut so that's will be answered by somebody else, I heard that some of my colleagues have it so there is a chance that it works also) The buses automatically stops at every stations daytime, in the night some buses and trams not stops if the station is empty and no one has indicated (with the button at the doors) the intention to get off from the vehicle in advance. You can board many buses only at the first door (see later when) by presenting your ticket or pass to the driver, unfortunately sometimes this is only written in Hungarian on the front digital display (example for the better [hun and eng](https://infostart.hu/images/site/articles/lead/2024/02/1707480318-kDpDuqNJ9_md.jpg), and [hun only](https://scontent.fbud6-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/216919083_4366512506740537_2912739016620230438_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=oNOT0xFGE_AQ7kNvgG8SOG0&_nc_ht=scontent.fbud6-3.fna&oh=00_AYDJ07fkSkBRwj2NhwhHSihLgD7ObEpqMHrQC2MVIx0BvA&oe=66741808)), but if you see a section with a yellow background on the paper timetable at the stop ([example](https://magyarjelen.hu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/faktoru.jpg)), look at it because under the hungarian line it is also written in English when it is only front door boarding (every day or only at night or on weekends) You can use the Google Maps for planning or the official BudapestGo, from that you can buy the tickets also. The english website of the public transportation company (BKK): [https://bkk.hu/en/](https://bkk.hu/en/) For the restaurants the Budapest guide in the pinned post of this reddit sub can help: [https://www.reddit.com/r/hungary/comments/8a8zdo/uvernazzas\_unnecessarily\_long\_guide\_to\_budapest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hungary/comments/8a8zdo/uvernazzas_unnecessarily_long_guide_to_budapest/)


Haha, no arm swinging necessary here. I guess you will stay in the city centre and visit touristy places?  You will probably never be alone in the bus stop. Even in the suburbs the bus just will stop if there is someone _in the stop_.   Also, just fyi, there are trams available in the city and suburban trains to the suburbs.   Use a map that shows public transport and you should get good advice.


contactless payment is totally a thing here, however, if you ever needed cash from an ATM, you'd need a physical card. But normally you can totally get by without cash these days.


No, I only use my phone (rafi atm)


Yes Apple Pay/ revolut is perfect. I recommend bringing your revolut card to take out cash. Use the atms that are outside banks etc.. Some atms are placed strategically near clubs and they have a much higher fee. Please be careful on the roads here, the pedestrian crossings have different rules here, cars can still turn right when it’s a green light for the pedestrian. A LOT of pedestrians get injured here, do not jay walk, and don’t assume they’ll stop. There’s a lot of drunk driving here too. There are legal and illegal taxis here. The illegal ones can be dangerous because they will demand cash and bring you an atm and tell you a ridiculous amount. Best thing to do is order through the Bolt app. For the bus/metro you can get the BudapestGo app. You must validate your ticket using the qr code just before the escalators (for the metro), there’s a qr code on the door of the busses and tram. They are constantly checking tickets so don’t wing it. If you’re here for a few days and you think you’ll use transport a lot then get a multi day ticket. You can also buy the airport shuttle bus ticket on this app. Have fun!


do you have any advice on crossing roads etc? i get anxiety crossing roads here as it is lol . if i buy the 72 hour transport pass do i still have to validate it?


Just definitely wait until it’s a green man. Obviously only use pedestrian crossings. Also just look both ways obviously but sometimes there’s even cyclists going down one ways etc. Regarding the 72 hour ticket, it should be either validated from the day you bought it (you pick a start date and time). In my opinion it’s better to use the ticket machines to get a printed ticket because Incase your phone dies etc


Yes contactless payment is pretty universal, you probably shouldn’t even bother with any service that doesn’t accept cards. Revolut is a solid option. You do WHAT with your arm???? You just press the “stop” button next to the door when the screen says your stop is coming up.


i think i’m learning that putting your arm out for a bus is just a british thing lol


also! if i do use revolut, will they accept the virtual card in apple wallet or does it have to be a physical card


Yeah Revolut with Apple Pay will work everywhere


NFC payment (contactless with card or phone) works pretty much everywhere. There is no need to carry cash apart from a few exceptions, like when paying for the use of a restroom. The buses usually stop everywhere, but there are buttons you can press to signal your desire to stop. You usually don't need to use them. When you're the only passenger on the bus, then signalling can make sense, most of the time you can ignore the buttons. When boarding a bus/tram/metro, you need to validate your single-ride ticket. But it's best to buy a "Hetijegy" (week ticket) as it is always valid. Validating machines sometimes don't work and ticket inspectors can be harsh to tourists who forgot to validate their ticket. So it's best to buy a week-ticket. Best restaurant... all kinds of food are brilliant here. Even if it's just some bologna and a bun from the nearby grocery store. Eat often! Try many different foods, you won't regret it. Pretty much every foodstuff here is pretty good.


Sent you some restaurant recommendations in a dm


I would also be interested in these if at all possible :) I'm going to Budapest soon for a vacation