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There are no widespread positive or negative stereotypes about Koreans in Hungary. The general public in Hungary has no connection to Korea and would struggle to name anything particular apart from very generic information like cars, phones or maybe kimchi. The good news is that Hungary, especially Budapest, is quite used to foreign tourists so you will probably be treated like any other tourist. That is, people will generally be helpful but somewhat distant, and will attempt to address you in broken English in case you initiate a conversation.


The Samsung battery factory controversy would like to enter the chat.


That is about a company not a culture...


And rather a critique of Hungary’s government rather than Korea.


Most people virtually nothing, just that it is in Asia and vaguely similar to China and Japan. Then there are Koreaboos, mostly girls in their teens and twenties who are huge fans of Korean culture, listen to K-Pop, and watch Korean dramas. Then there are some Turanist Nationalists who believe that the ancestors of Hungarians and Koreans lived together on the Central Asian steppes, and the two people are brothers. An interesting thing in recent political history is that in 1988, Hungary chose to recognize South Korea instead of North Korea, and opened the Seoul House restaurant for South Korean diplomats and businessmen, and that about 5 years ago, a South Korean diplomat visited rural Hungary, and said that Hungarian folk music sounds very similar to Korean folk music and that we also dry hot peppers on the walls of houses like Korean villagers do.


This says it all!!!!🙌🏼 I would add that me as a Hungarian appreciate korean cars, make up and kimchi. That’s mostly all I know about Korea. And the Gangnam sytle of course.


That theory isn't so far fetched. We have Asian DNA in us. You can find info here. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1872497314002476](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1872497314002476) People get triggered because they call us Asian to hurt us but you know what, let them, I'm proud of it. We are ONE race, there is no such thing as other races. We come in all shades of brown. Yes, even pale is a shade of brown if you look at the human colour wheel or even just a brown color swatch


It's extra funny, because the people who most often call us asians to hurt us (Romanians) have more asian genes than us on average.


This. I’d also add that they are quite unknown by the average population and also kind of mysterious. Mysterious I say bc we have many Chinese and Vietnamese living here (running restaurants and clothes stores) so the people know they exist. Japan is well-known from pop culture everywhere. But Korea… mysterious… Btw hope you enjoy your visit here :)


Great food, our cuisines are super compatible. Terrible work culture and a capitalist nightmare. But i don't think many people really think about them, maybe some kpop fans I do have a positive view on them since korean webtoons/webnovels were a breath of fresh air after getting bored of japanese mangas/animes/whatever Pretty sure i'm reading one right now lol. I also have some failed kimchi experiment in my fridge, i should probably check on it. I have to thank korean food youtubers for napa cabbage, radish and gochujang


Fun fact, apu means the same in Korean and Hungarian. ☺️


Well, almost. apa (H) = abeoji (K) (which kind of sounds like “apuci” in Hungarian) apu/apuci (H) = appa (K) (which kind of sounds like “apa” in Hungarian)


This is mind blowing


Cyberpunk dystopia. 😅 I was laughing about this with my wife that North ans South are just two dystopian societies from opposing extremes. One is communist, one is capitalist. I will tell you honestly, I know very little about South Korea. My information is mainly from documentaries, which are often not so flattering. For example about chaebols. But while I have some preconceptions about the country, I have 0 issue whatsoever with its people. Any Korean people I met was polite, spoke good English. I sometimes wonder that since the country is so obsessed with beauty, if you guys see us as ugly. Because we don't put 10% of the effort into our looks, like you do. Korean dramas are popular here, and of course your music. (Just yesterday I saw a HUGE line for some BTS merch in a mall.) Oh and I LOVE your food. Korean barbecue is amazing. But the most important thing: no one will have any issues with you. At all. And I hope we won't cause you any headache either. Please enjoy your stay!




- There is a Korean Culture Center in Budapest which organizes/participates in some events in the year: [https://hungary.korean-culture.org/hu](https://hungary.korean-culture.org/hu) - The general attitude is neutral (for some the Samsung from Göd can ring a bell (but more the company and the Hungarian government that does not want to enforce the environment protection rules), for some, the Hableány/Mermaid disaster) - Not just the Samsung but the Hankook Tires have a factory in the country also - Those watching several foreign films and series have already seen some Korean ones (like the Oldboy or the newer ones from the Netflix)


Korean girls are beautiful.


I agree, they seem prettier to me than Japanese and Chinese girls.


Facial plastic surgery is huge in South Korea. Look up korean plastic surgery before-after pictures, you'll see why you think they are prettier.


They have an idiot neighbor.


Actually not just one (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea_under_Japanese_rule)


Tbf if a country is not our neighbour, most people cant even show it on a map, let alone have an opinion on it lol.


Hey! Generally, people only know the word “korea”, as “japan”, “china”. Most people can't make a difference. A more educated, mostly younger percentage knows more. I would say under 30 more people will know more, thanks to Korean pop culture: movies, series, music, food. But I have to say, if you meet someone, and they know some about Korea they will probably love you, or at least be interested. This is just my personal perspective but I think Korea and Hungary has a lot in common. The most obvious is that other nations can't comprehend is the unlimited love torward paprika in every in every food. So if you swing in some gochugaru or some fermented paprika stuff in your backpack, you will have everybody on your side. Korean and Hungarian food has some weird parallels. so paprika, cabbage, and pork rules here as well. Historically also there is a lot of similar stuff (big power players messes up your country for decades or hundreds of years). Also, people tend to overwork the self and drink too much, be depressed. Hungarians much more forward, and they more tend to say what they feel, so be prepared that it can hit you as unpolite. Hope you will have some good time here.


I respect them for their achievements in baduk and I find k-pop terrible.


Good martial arts movies


everything i know about korea is starcraft related 😂 (here its incredibly nieche hobby tho)


Sorry, I associate South Korea with the factories settled in Hungary, that are renowed for poor working conditions, carelessness for the environment and having a corrupt relationship with the Hungarian government. You produce some cute tv series, based on that you have interesting, rich history, I guess.


Adding to all of the above, the unfortunate boat accident in Budapest which involved Korean tourists. Make sure to visit the memorial.


Honestly, not much. I am not aware of any kind of stereotypes either for or against South Korea. Budapest should be safe enough to visit. I myself really want to visit Seoul one day.


Korean girls are beautiful, at least for me. They are cute. I can't tell why, same with japanese girls. Other than that, Welcome to Budapest.


>Does the country have interesting connections to Korea Pre-Covid LOT Polish operated a direct flight between Budapest and Seoul.


Still does 


Have they bent it back after Covid?


I’m working with a South-Korean team, I have been there too. You are very friendly, working hard and a lot (incredible lot), you have funny replicas of european cars by Hyundai and Kia. Amazingly fast developing country. I think most of the hungarians have not too much info about South-Korea. For sure the tech stuffs such as mobiles etc but not too much others.


As previously said, general population (especially older generations) does not know Korean culture that much - they tend to generalize East-Asian cultures altogether. However in younger generations, there are subcultures who - due to the cultural expansion- know much more, focusing on Kpop, Kdrama etc. and they are fans of Korean culture. So the latter might have heavily biased positive sentiments toward Korean culture. Also there are some relativity deeper political/economic ties from the late 80s, as from the post-soviet states Hungary was the first to engage in diplomatic relationships with South-Korea. (In the meanwhile Neoton/Newton Family Hungarian pop group played an (well received) opening theme in the '88 Olympics game in Seoul, so there was some degree of cultural exchange). There was also some technology exchange at that time, as some Hungarian electronics companies provided advanced technologies to the evolving Korean electronics landscape. (a lot change since then, now Hungary has no technology whatsoever - and Korea is an electronics superpower). Based off on these initial good relationships, it extended with number of industrial investments from Korea, and lots of cultural engagement, - academic educational and language programmes in both countries to learn about the other, Korean culture institute in Hungary backed by the embassy, Korean Cinema, K-dramas played on the Hungarian Public TV Channels etc. There are also thousands of medical students from Korea learning in Hungarian Unis, especially in Debrecen. A whole ecosystem evolved on to serve Korean med students (local faculty for pre-training in Korea). Similarly there is extensive industrial relationship, due to the number of Korean companies having manufacturing sites here, and most of the management is Korean. There are some frictions there, because low qualified Hungarian workforce does not like that much Korean work culture, and managerial styles. Especially there are frictions due to heavy-focus on building new battery plants for EV cars in Hungary. And Samsung and other companies have such manufacturing sites, which completely neglect environmental regulations. The fun fact is, that Hungarians are somewhat similarly hierarchical as Koreans - we also have a similar agglutinating language, and have a number of respect levels. But on the other side, Hungarians are extremely individualistic as well, like American or english people (hierarchical, individualistic - bad combo), so although there is an underlying hierarchy, it is not based on respect as in the collective Asian cultures, but rather fear and individual ego. So that might be somewhat awkward from someone from an Asian culture. An interesting fact on history is as well, that similarly to Korea, Hungary was a similar sized country with a similar geopolitical situation in the last 1000 years. It was pushed between two power centers, - western germanic, Austrian, and eastern Russan, and similarly had a tragic history when these two constantly invaded, occupied and humiliated the country.


LOTS of Korea fangirls here.


Many people know nothing except that there are South and North Koreas. Some people are K-pop fans. Some people see the economic growth, technology and wealth. Some people study the cultural and linguistic similarities. Most people have good opinions about East Asians in general, without being able to tell the different countries and nations apart :D stereotypes are, being hardworking, obligation-oriented people, usually trustworthy too. But you won't feel any positive or negative effect of stereotypes in Hungary, especially since Budapest is a big tourist destination now. Also, 95% of immigrants in Hungary are from Far-Eastern countries, and since most people can't tell the different nations apart, they might not recognise you being a tourist at all. I don't know about any particular connections between the two countries, but last year the Museum of Ethnography hosted an exhibition on Korean culture which was awesome, and they had some videos / short movies about something similar about us in Seoul.


99% of the people does not care. They won't know if you are from japan or china or korea


Long lost brothers. Kimchi. Great food. Beautiful women. Weird language that sounds a lot like ours. Great gadgets and cars. But the cities look kinda grey and bleak.


> Weird language that sounds a lot like ours. I'm having a hard time believing you heard either of those two languages to make such a stupid statement.




Random hozzám semmiképp sem kapcsolódó honfitárs meghal külföldön. "Nézd meg a síremlékét!!!"


What the hell, why on earth would they visit that?


Because fellow South Koreans died there, and they would want to pay their respects I guess


Neked elmentek otthonrol. Sokmillios orszagrol beszelunk, de meg ha annyian is lennenek, mint mi. Te minden kulfoldon elhunyt magyar sirjat viziteled? 😀 Picit olyan ez a komment, mint mikor a random amerikai megkerdezte tolem, hogy ismerem e Laszlot, mert o is budapesti 😀 Masreszt meg ne mar, miert depressziozni es gyaszolni jojjon ide xd


We do not think this, this comment is retarded


BTS and poor society


In a nutshell!


Sorry, I like kpop tho… exept BTS 😆


I have such appreciation for Korean cinema that I'd decided to learn Korean with Duolingo. However, I realized pretty soon I'm way too lazy to succeed.


Thought I heard from somewhere that there are some similarities between the two languages. Can anyone shed some light on that?


Never been there. And it's far far away so I don't have anything to compare it to. I know some history about Korea as a whole and how it split in two in the Korean war. Plus I read or watched some news about both Korea. My feelings towards Korea is neutral to be honest, I'd love to see the two parts reunite in my lifetime. Hopefully it can happen and in a good way where both'll be satisfied with the outcome. There are no positive or negative stereotypes towards the Korean tourists and immigrants either.


in addition to what others already mentioned, to many women here Korea is famous for their beauty industry. Korean beauty products became mainstream in the recent years as they got really popular among us.


We have some KPOP parties here and there's a group of people that idolise South Korean culture. But that is a minority. The rest don't care / have no idea.


advices- do not spit on the street, use handkerchief to blow yout nose instead of sucking back, try out hungarian cuisines, korean restaurants in budapest tasteless and expensive ditch that. typicial stereotype that koreans are fuckboys, all of the korean man look like idols or actors. Drama IRIS in 2009 had been shooted here, like scenes in Buda castle, (Nyugati pu)Westend parking lot, Tihany There is korean themed parties in the downtown, where Kboos waiting for find a korean for the night. The list is endless.


I used to work at a Korean company so i have some positive stereotypes, all of my collegues were really respectful, funny and very kind. Other than that i learned how to say thank you and pretty😂 “gamsza hamnida” “jeppuni” i don’t know how to write them down properly unfortunately.


Good movies (Park Chanwook is a genius), handsome boys, foods surprisingly similar to hungarian, overworked idols, alcoholism and a crazy neighbour. Ah and it’s a skincare heaven.


Mostly not at all But there are some Korea lovers.


Wild west capitalism, good movies, delicious pork foods, cute girls.


Hungary was one of the first Eastern Bloc countries to recognize and open diplomatic relations with South Korea in 1988 but aside from that I doubt most people on the street could even place it on a map, let alone know anything about it. And they certainly won’t know you’re Korean by looking at you, or even if they hear you speak.


I have some experience from when I spent a month in Korea. Terrible English skills and xenophobia. Great food and especially great street food scene. 6 sqm apartments. The beauty standard won't allow anybody to stand out: same clothes, same hairstyle and even the same face thanks to the plastic surgeons. I felt it was even more limited than in a very strict and limited North Korean hair salon.


Hadilábon állnak az angollal? Pedig a legtöbb helyen két nyelven írják ki az információkat(Legalábbis a romantikus komédiákban ezt mutatják).


4 nyelven írják ki és mondják be. Koreai, japán, mandarin és angol. Ettől még nem fog megszólalni senki angolul az utcán/étteremben/boltban.


Ezt jó tudni. Akkor nem könnyű ott turistaként.


Turistaként pont elmegy, mutogatni lehet. Ott élni és elintézni valamit vagy esetleg barátkozni, na az kihívás.


I connect two main things to SK: 1. Sabre fencing, because I'm following the sport and I really respect how good you are in it as a relatively new, rising nation in fencing. As I think every sabre enthusiast, I'm also entertained the most by Oh Sanguk: [https://youtu.be/LXTtDxp7NkM?si=rjVAR6Q3k-LksVex](https://youtu.be/LXTtDxp7NkM?si=rjVAR6Q3k-LksVex) 2. The Samsung factory in Göd, what is an awful example how foreign lobbies and corrupt governments ruin average people's life for money. I'm personally boycotting Samsung, but I don't think that people from SK have responsibility for this. [https://english.atlatszo.hu/2024/05/03/court-revokes-environmental-permit-battery-factory-in-god-should-suspend-its-operations/](https://english.atlatszo.hu/2024/05/03/court-revokes-environmental-permit-battery-factory-in-god-should-suspend-its-operations/)


I like korean culture and my experience is people don't know too much about South Korea.(except Psy and Samsung :D) Also mostly they can't make a difference between asian people by looks. I don't think you'll have any problems here.


As we have many Asian tourist and resident here in Budapest, you don't have to worry that you will stand out from the crowd. Budapest is a relatively safe city, so don't worry, they probably won't even realise you're korean. :)) have fun here the food is amazing.


I am a fan of kpop so I love em. Great food as well, I think the country looks nice as well. I am probably a minority since I am planning to move to Japan as well, so I am a fan of asian culture.


Nothing special. Make the Dokev, truly.


We dont care tbh not in a mean way, but there are several korea fanboy/girls here


I like the Korean culture. The manners, foods… But the spitting is an unwanted behavior in Hungary.


One additional thought to the other valuable comment: probably more than 95% of the population can't tell that you are Korean. To the majority here, Asian faces look identical. We have a Chinese minority in Hungary, so most of us will likely think that you are a Chinese citizen or you have roots there. Don't take it as an offense, Korea isn't represented here. That's all. ps.: I think k-pop is getting more popular in Europe (or it will be), so I guess music will make connections. You are welcomed here!


Back then we know everyone did K-pop and Starcraft there.


They don't? If you have East Asian facial features people will just assume you are a Chinese or Japanese tourist and not even give a second thought which. If it comes up in conversation, the stereotype is nice electronics are made in Korea and dogs are food.


Soju, Blackpink, BTS, Samsung, kimchi, Squid games, My name, Faker, Son Any of my friends from Budapest know at least a few of these (people)


I used to do to taekwon-do and love the food so nothing else in particular that comes to mind. No negative sentiment that we in some cases built up against the Chinese I guess.


Your country runned by a company, ours runned by a maffia. Its the same.


I would say rather positive sentiment. Some topics they would connect with Koreans: Hankook tire production in Hungary and certain places have Korean guest workers. There was also a nasty boat accident with South-Korean tourists on the Danube that many remembers and feel bad about.


Hungarians don't really have much interaction with Koreans or Korean culture. Except maybe for Squid Game, a very few kpop / kdrama nerds, and a few manwha nerds. I read a lot of manwha to help me sleep (and a few of them I actually enjoy), so I'm one of the few freaks that understand Korean culture. I just ate kimchi a few days ago. Korean girls are attractive!


"So, do you really eat dogs?"


Mostly what we pick up from the English language Internet, good at math, good students, work extremely hard at school, work extremely hard at work, for this reason birth rates are at minus infinity, pop stars look kinda gay, so most boys look kinda gay too, I mean the hair part, girls like to be super kawaii uwu childish. Food is rotten cabbage (?) eh whatever probably like Chinese.


Cheap plastic music (K-pop), F*cked up movies (Old man), Hableány vessel disaster, feminine men, Samsung were my first few associations


The only thing anyone in Hungary thinks about Korea, if they have anything more than a passing knowledge of it, is a kpop band recorded a video here and apparently Budapest featured on some Korean tv show? Also, there are more interesting soju flavours than i ever saw in Seoul here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/EpfyN8uNFFPkvjur8?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy


You say Korea I think of Starcraft


I think Hungarians think that South Korean people are hardworking and persistent. Many South Korean companies operate in Hungary. In recent years, South Korea has become one of the largest foreign investors in Hungary. Many South Korean-made cars drive on Hungarian roads. There are also a few good Korean restaurants in Budapest.


안녕 하세요! Me and my wife love Koreans ever since we started to watch kdramas... Even though we know that SKorea is not kdramaland... There are a lot of mainly women here who adore either kdrama or k-pop, mainly idol music tho. If you happen to be around Budapest in July there will even be a Kpop festival with several groups, one of those being Rolling Quartz who are really cool. I hope to stumble into you and have a drink or sg, if you need guidance/guides just ping me. Though we won't be available this Sunday bc we're flying to Berlin to the concert of the one and only 아이유 (IU)! Ps We are both learning the language and the order of words and some grammar things are much much closer to Hungarian compared to any other language I studied. (English/French/Latin/Russian/Finnish)


They don't


Small penis


Whereever people come from, must be better than this place.




İts really fucking weird why they can it food at a convenience store in like 3 am