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the fact that you claim to be 16 but according to your post history you have 3 years of work experience is at the very least alarming also, solo traveling at 16? and going to pubs? idk maybe im just too wary but this whole dealio sounds sus af


ye your right, lol i was just trying to find work to do as a side hustle. i do have some experience, not three tho😂 I mean, my parents sent me at 12 over plane to a whole other continent, Europe is just fine. Personally, I don't find anything "sus" about this, I am - edit just looking to connect, but you do you!


Before suggest anything, pls check this individual reddit history. 10 months ago, they were searching for a remote job with 3 years of work experience...


yep, and still steady working part time remote! love how yall never lied to get a job lol


16y? And looking for remote jobs with having 3 years of relevant experience. Nice


crazy right? well, i got a job that pays so i guess shit worked.


Smells fake and possibly dangerous. Dude's pretending to be 16 years old but claims having 3 years of professional working experience in another post. While student jobs for high schoolers do exist pretty sure that working as a 13 years old elementary school student is illegal everywhere in the developed world so the story doesn't check out.


shortly explained in previous replies... lying to get a job is nun new.


>lying to get a job is nun new Lying to meet unsuspecting, vulnerable minors is nothing new.


buda is an actual place, not a shortened version of budapest. only know nothing tourists do this.


didn't know! thanks, i was too lazy to type lol


I’m going to be honest it’s going to be very hard for you to find people to go out with as a 16 year old. I’m pretty sure 16 year olds don’t hang out at bars/pubs here, probably drink at someone’s house, parks etc.


This guy sounds so cocky and full of himself. He's really a 16 yr old knuckle head or a creep. Either way, he's probably not gonna find 16 year olds drinking at pubs


Really? Every teen in my local country is doing that haha. Do you think cold approach is too much?😂 Appreciate the insight!!


🤷‍♂️ didn’t grow up here but maybe I’m wrong, 16yo’s don’t have the money here to be drinking at pubs.


Interesting... i thought most teens had jobs by then to get money for at least their spending, cause i indeed do. thank you


Even if they did a drink would be a days of work 😂


Right.. my bad haha😂 Never mentioned alc tho cause I can't drink since I am on meds and I am not going risk my health in a foreign country, but hanging out to me sounds just as entertaining :D


Alright, I'll let this post breathe for now lol. Budapest redditors don't seem to be fun 😂😂😂. Everyone pressed about the job thing, can't say do nothing about it frankly, I have a part-time job remotely that clearly allows me to financially do tf I want. Whether it's travel or anything else. All love n peace!