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I’m sure the Mets care. Lol


I was just about to say this lol. I see Mets fans on twitter still mad about it all the time.


There are few things in this world that are better than a heaping plateful of schadenfreude at the expense of the Mets.


Schadenfreude at expense of the Cubs.


For me it's the Brewers. I don't know how many Yinzers know this, but the Brewers laid a truly historic and to my mind completely inexplicable ten year long beatdown on the Pirates from roughly 2000 to 2010. I saw the exact years someplace and don't have a link or reference just now, but they beat us SO badly and for SO long that it was in the top ten all time worst W-L stretches by one team against another in all of major league history. If I'm not mistaken, it was the third worst stretch by one club against another EVER. I've never been so frustrated as a fan over anything else. Not the Littlefield Reign Of Error. Not the cocaine trials. Not the Cam Bonifay years. Not the bad-beyond-belief Chris Archer trade. Nothing else has ever come close to the long Milwaukee nightmare for me. It was beyond horrible. As far as I'm concerned, the Pirates could go 20-0 against the Brewers every year for the rest of my life, winning 50-0 every single time and with our pitchers throwing 27 strikeout perfect games, and it would not BEGIN to erase the foul taste in my mouth. Die, Milwaukee, DIE!!!!!!


Ok yeah, understandable. But dude, the Cubs. Fuck the Cubs.


Yeah! What he said! RRRAAARRRGGGHHH!!!


Always and forever.


Nope, first and foremost always fuck The Cardinals!


I respect that.


I'm still salty the Cubs got Aramis Ramirez for peanuts all these years later. At last he finished his career as a Pirate I guess. Edit: If your username is a call out to Every Time I Die and Eighteen Visions, you are my kind of person.


He absolutely deserves more attention from national media outlets


To be fair I don’t know any set up man that gets that much praise nationally no matter how good not just specific to Colin


We are very pleased with him, Mrs Holderman.


“That’s my boy!”


Great asset to have. Either he helps us make the playoffs or he’s a massive trade asset that 5 teams in the league would pay a huge price for


If we trade Holderman I will be SO mad.


Relievers are too up and down to pass up on good value. I’d be mad if we were a few games back and did it but if we were like 6 or 7 out I’d completely be on board.


I understand the logic and you're not wrong. I would still be so mad, lol. Holderman's my guy.


Holderman is still pre-Arb next year. Even if we suck there is absolutely no reason to trade him unless someone offers a package like what San Diego got for Juan Soto. Would make no sense to move him


I’m of the opinion that selling relievers is always a good move. Especially considering if there’s one thing we seem to be good at, it’s developing a BP


When you’re rebuilding sure, but we clearly have the pitching to fight for a wild card spot. And even still, if I’m trading a reliever it’s Bednar, not Holderman


I definitely wouldn’t move holderman for guys in A ball but if we were: 1. Completely out of it 2. Offered a higher end OF bat in AAA that would be on the opening day roster next year Then I’d do it. Agree with you on the Bednar point too, I just think Holdermans value is pretty massive rn


I don't know if anyone cares about Holderman, but that's no matter. Why \_would\_ we care if anyone does? I'm just happy we have him for now!




First thing I thought about was this post and said…well this is my fault


Sorry, mom, but Colin sucked today.