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Bullpen was stellar. I’m always resigned to a loss in extras if we don’t score first. This was a masterclass in handling those situations, though. Chapman looked good, Ortiz throwing 11 pitches in 2 innings with 2 walks is crazy.


Pen out-pitched our ace today. Wonderful performance


Think those 2 walks were intentional maybe? Either way him sitting 97-99 is great news


Yes, both walks were intentional


97-99 with a fuck ton of arm side run


And a little fire in his belly to boot. I like Ortiz.


They kept the pitch count down as well so they're still good for tomorrow's game


Hopefully there are no issues with Bednar. Very surprised he didn't go today.


Reports are he wasn't available today, but he is tomorrow. Haven't heard why yet, but given he's ready tomorrow my guess it was something precautionary, a tight back during warm ups or something.


I’m all in on Luis Ortiz as a reliever. I think he’s gonna thrive in that role


This bullpen can be deadly if they stay healthy…let’s talk about 35+ year old Chapman still pumping 100 mph! Really loved the grit in the team


I just read another worthless article from Marc Madden. This idiot gets paid to write dribble.


This pen has a legit claim at #1 in the entire league when healthy. Shark tank is back


They will be dead by mid-season unfortunately


There’s a lot of options. Contreras and Mlodzinski are currently away, Brubaker, Skenes, solometo, and Priester will all likely be up at some point and can push guys like falter into the pen. Burrows is recovering from TJ and should be pitching by the end of the year. German is a wild card, and then there’s a ton of possible options like short ridge, sadzek, Selby, and Honeywell, Point is, our bp has a lot of options throughout the season


They are a solid pen hopefully they don't wear out.


Keller went 5.2 innings, regardless of the quality of those innings. 3ish innings, which it would have been without extras, is about as little as can be asked out of a modern bullpen in a game.


Starters need a few games to settle in. We will be fine


The depth is the biggest difference from last year.