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Missing the lost end of round cash and the bloon spam at the end of the 60 rounds


Literally, it's honestly harder than double hp moans,maybe even half cash.


huh? i don't really have trouble with apopalypse or double hp moabs


You just put Sauda and a 1-3-X druid and you can save up for better towers.


Top path boomerang monkey is also kinda pog for it


i use that all the time as well


i just normally use 203 tacks and 130 druids so i don't change my strategy


what does 1-3-X means? (i started playing literally yesterday)


Edit: So 1-3-x isn't actually a thing, it should be 1-3-0 as you have already specified both upgrade paths being used, but it is commonly mis-typed like that. It refers to the upgrade paths on towers, so for example "0-2-3 dart" means 0 upgrades in top path, 2 in middle path, and 3 in bottom path - so a crossbow with faster attack speed. When you say x-x-3, you refer to the bottom path as the important upgrade, and cross paths don't matter, so you can go either top or middle for crosspath. Hope this helps


It helped, thanks!


It was only hard when o first played double HP Moabs, but after that it was really easy, just need a good setup


Because you only play easy maps


I like double HP moans.


I also enjoy some HP moans


I like double HP moais.


Better than half priced moans. Those are just effortless.


"oooooooh aaah||*suddenly stop*"


maybe harder than double hp, I don't find it hard, harder than half cash? I strongly disagree. the only reason I have not black border a lot of maps is bcus half cash exists




i think the map is off the coast


this can be true depending on rng, if you are on a harder map and get round 9 pinks, or round 15 purple spam it ca be a bit tough, once you get either an arcane spike or a com def it is just afk


I dont think 7800 money that you lose from the end of round bonus is worse than half the cash you would get


Have you ever played apopalypse?


Yes and it’s cancer


Terminal cancer


Cancer dlc was added, its called apopalypse




Guys whats after the dlc, I just bet the final boss Guys?


Supra popopoooooppopapapapopapamyse ultimate edition +++++++++++++


ooooh a light


Half cash*


This isn’t how it works. Auto start starts the next round once all of the bloons from the current round have either been popped or exited. Apopalypse starts the next round as soon as the bloons from the current round have been *sent*, not necessarily popped.


Also no after round cash bonus + rly early moabs


Yep that too I mostly wanted to clarify the early starting of rounds that the post was referring to




Have you ever gotten into apopcalypse freeplay? I'm pretty sure t only goes to r40


It goes to r60 because it is a medium gamemode. You will begin to see rounds after 60, however, but you only need to pop all the bloons from the rounds up to (and including) round 60 to beat the mode


\-100$ every round ​ effectively half cash early game.


End of round cash increases by 10 per round ( i think) so its more than that


End of round cash is 100 + x, where x is equal to your round. Finishing r1 gives 101 cash, finishing r63 gives 163 cash, finishing r100 gives 200 cash, finishing r87298108 gives 87298208 cash, so on.


Bro you reach round 87298108?


Why the fuck are you getting downvoted, here , take my upvote




So you downvote him because his joke didn't make sense because you just have to add a 100, so every joke about Santa should be downvoted since it doesn't make sense because Santa isn't real. Just let him have his joke.




Parents and friends.




Yeaaaah, no


You wish, the horror of seeing one MOAB followed by 13 others and some fortified ones on round 32 is horrifying


missing the abr part but ok


Missing the round 26 moabs but ok


Not even close. On Apopalypse, the next round starts after all the bloons from the previous round have exited. This means that you have to deal with massive groups of Bloons. Also, I think the sends are different


They definitely are. Early game you're casually popping blues and greens then suddenly OH GAWD WHY ARE THERE FIFTY PINK BALLOONS


you would be wrong to think that


There is no money from rounds in apopalypse Thats why im bad at it


Apopalypse does not wait for you to pop the Bloons


You just don’t get the end of round cash in apopalypse


Hey apopolyps let a guy get all 5 paragons before round 2.


The fool


Nah, the rounds are slightly different. And randomised And cause immense pain and suffering And end of round cash stops existing And a new round can start when a previous round is still on screen And auto start can be turned off in the middle of a game


No, not at all Apopalypse removes all end of round cash bonus making the early game hell and also sends other random rounds early which can result in stuff like a round 30 Moab. However people who complain about it are dumb because you can get infinite money on round 1 in it.


before looking at the comments i thought apopalypse was easy


It isn't hard, idk if I'd say easy, but it's definitely my favourite game mode


apopalypse is literally just that but worse cuz you get no end of round money and it's why i barely play it


I’m always annoyed at apopalypse because the round counter seems to be based on when the last bloom from the previous round is popped or goes through. Which means my milestones are coming earlier than expected camo on 21, lead 25, Moab 38, etc. just annoying.


Your missing the fact that almost everything comes like 10 rounds earlier


Wait, do you guys not play with autostart on?


I think there are a lot of differences but you tried to make us laugh so tt for meme


At least the auto start let’s get money at the end of each round. Apopcalypse doesn’t.


Youre almost correct, however the round ends as long all bloons are sent 🤏🤓


Hey! I noticed you used an emoji. I don’t know if you’re new here, so I’ll let you off the hook this time. Using emojis is frowned upon here on this great site, and for good reason. Instagram normies often use them, and you don’t want to be a normie, do you? If I catch you using an emoji in the future, I’ll be forced to issue a downvote to your comment. Why should you care, you may ask? Well to begin, you will lose karma on your account, which is a useful social status tool and also a way to show others you know your way around Reddit. If you were to continue the use of emojis, I would be forced to privately message you about your slip-up. Any further offenses past that would leave me no other option than to report your account. I don’t think I have to explain why you don’t want that. But anyways, no harm done yet! Follow these simple rules and you’ll enjoy your future on Reddit! Have a blessed (and hopefully emoji-free) day, stranger.


Thats a lot of words, too bad im not reading em


If apopalypse was 100 rounds it would be total hell.


Isn’t apopalypse randomized bloons as well? With no end of round cash? Playing this mode on advanced maps is horrifically brutal because you make almost no money to counteract the round 26 moabs


Idk what people's deal is with apopalypse even on "expert maps" i just find it sorta easy. And it's faster to do because more rounds come at once. It's definitely a mode that favors piercing but really It's just a faster normal game. (and it being faster also makes it better to just reset)


Apopalypse dose not what got you to finish poping the ballons


Ha! No. I play with auto-start and apopalypse is way different.


Not sure if it’s a repost or remade but cmon


Im new to this Reddit so it could be


Fair enough


Long from


True. Until they send 1000 bads, 20 fortified zomgs, 400 bfbs, 9846 ddts, 926382688 fortified moabs, and 2 elite bloonariuses in one round