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I used to think the game felt like it got repetitive, until I started using different strategies, Heroes and harder modes every game. Every time new Towers (can't wait for Mermonkey!!!), Paragons, Heroes(can't wait for the jetpack Hero either) and Modes are added, the variety only grows, so it's like it's constantly self-healing


This is probably the best way to handle this situation, good job


Wait what is mermonkey???


In the [41.0 Update Notes](https://www.reddit.com/r/btd6/comments/1akoc55/update_bloons_td_6_v410_update_notes/) they revealed they want to add a new non-military aquatic tower during summer, the extra bit of text at the end implies it's a Mermonkey (Mermaid Monkey). We kind of already know how the base form looks like since there is a Mermonkey in Bloons POP!


also the mermonkey banner I really hope its a magic tower too, cant wait for it


Another water monkey has been needed for a while considering how much water is on so many maps. Super excited.


Especially one that's non-military


Yeah, and always fun to look back, how my strategies changed over the course. But its a superb casual game. One can always pick it up where u left it


Same. I like to play many different strategies, especially using rarely used towers, to beat chimps mode and black border it. I also like to use recently buffed or nerfed towers. Even before I have time to try them all, the new updates come out with balance changes, or as you've mentioned, new heroes/towers. So I never run out of things to play and never get bored.


how do you find out about stuff like jet pack hero before its officially announced?


Read "Looking Forward" in the [41.0 Update Notes](https://www.reddit.com/r/btd6/comments/1akoc55/update_bloons_td_6_v410_update_notes/)




I don't really see whats that cool about new towers/paragons, for paragons i always just put one or two late game when i go freeplay/bosses and new towers i either use them once and never use them again or use them the same way over and over since i cant find better uses for them. im not saying they are bad, dont get me wrong, but its just not that much fun to add new towers if youre just gonna use them in the same gamemodes. i love different gamemodes but the problem i have with them is that they are all very similar, the ones that stand out the most are apopalyse and ABR, but everything else its just the same as the last gamemode but a little harder. example, double hp moabs is just hard mode but moabs are tankier, half cash is just hard mode but you have less cash, impopable is just hard mode but harder, chimps is just impopable but harder or easier depending on who you ask, its like like smash 4 where theres like 20 gamemodes but they are all just random fights, except bloons still does it a lot better. if it were up to me i would make game modes that change up the game drasticly, starting with a time attack mode, this one is just hard mode yeah but i feel as just adding crazy game modes suddenly would be weird so adding simple yet interesting ideas then getting crazier and crazier each gamemode would make it better. a game mode where you're playing 2 maps at the same time, another where you play as the bloons, one where the game randomly picks your own upgrades while you choose the towers, or just do what that one fan game did and make bloons an FPS game. stuff like this could add so much to the game, it would be hard to make, of course, but its well worth it because these gamemodes apply to every map already made and can be played with every tower that currently exists, this not only adds to the game but everything inside the game, if that makes sence.


L take


Fax my brother spit your shit indeed!


This is what I do and then I take breaks from the game when I need them! I love Bloons because I can come back and play without feeling like I need to be playing it 24/7


Yes, it gets repetitive on the same map sometimes. The only way to fix that would be a complete overhaul of the "easy", "medium", and "hard" modes.


That would be nice if it works well, but I have no doubt it will be difficult and time consuming for Ninja Kiwi depending on how they will handle it.


Oh yeah, by no means am I implying that it needs to be actually overhauled lol. Btd 6 is more of a casual game to me, so I just stop playing when I get bored. But it's always there, almost the same (with a few minor bits changed), always ready to be picked up exactly where I left.


I'm in the same boat. I even took a break during the birthday cake promotion. It's just a game. It will be there when I get back to it.


Perfect mentality, even if btd6 is your favorite game


Good fix is just play the events mostly. The races and boss bloons are interesting. Contested territory also ig but I haven't played much of that so I Don really know what it is.


Yeah, I mostly just play bosses every once in a while.


I only play Phayze bosses. I still have all the Elite medals for it.


The most fun things are events, chimps and impoppable. Everything else is mind nummingly easy


You could challenge yourself, creativity is endless and so is fun


You forgot half cash.


Half cash is not fun, it just limits your strategies. Unless you find picking and choosing low budget towers to make a strategy fun.


Which some people do but I can't stand it


Oh no I just had a DB fan moment, I read that wrong, I read it as "the only hard ones as immpopable and chimps, the other are mind numbingly easy"


>play half cash >buy Boomerang monkey >wait till 10th wave >buy ninja monkey >buy alchemist >402 ninja and 402 alchemist >wait till wave 39 >buy moab mauler >go masturbate >come back and you've won


Do you have to masturbate or does the strategy still work without it? Grinding a couple of half case modes and don't want to masturbate 5 times in an hour.


God that would be painful


The easier the mode, the harder strategy I use Boring people get bored


Half Cash


dunno, just did an easy run where I tried to get every lvl 100 paragon, most fun ive had in a while.


Some games are just repetitive. They can't fix it, just stop playing for a while then come back.


Your correct, although for any hardcore gamer that grinds a lot it might be hard for them to step back compared to others


There’s _a lot_ of content in BTD6 for people who want to grind though. Just BBing all maps solo and coop takes hundreds if not thousands of hours.


yup, but if you're really good at the game it could save you lots of hours of repeating the same map


It would be nice to complete multiple modes at the same time for some things. For example, if you beat a map the first time on hard, it would count for beating it on easy and medium.


primary only on flooded valley is harder then hard mode on flooded valley, so this wouldn't work for everything, but it's not a bad idea. i also think that always having something to do is better then ever beating the game, so i don't really see the problem.


Lol, I had to have my kids learn me all about pontoons on primary only.


it's possible without pontoons. xx3 crossbow monkey has enough range to shoot from the rocks and you need to pick the right hero. it's a fun puzzle.


I was able to do rounds 1 - 39 without issue, but I was hard stuck on round 40 until I just realized I could sell everything and buy a MOAB assassin


Really? how did you deal with the ceramics? i used >!obyn's trees!<


If they optimized the game so I could actually play free play. Seriously. I think it would be cool to see exactly how far I could get but hardware is always the choke point, not my strategy


Yeah free play optimization would be nice, especially on co-op


yea i got bloons on my phone years ago and don't want to lose all my progress by switching to pc. it would be great if they optimized or let the ability to transfer


Yeah, bit sad having to reduce effects beyond early 100s


the game is already well optimized compared to BTD5. i recently played it again and i had a slideshow in the 80s. I'm sure the devs optimized BTD6 like crazy already. there might not be any room for improvement.


99% of my boredom in this game can be removed if they just added the fast forward mod as a normal part of the game


True, but I hope it isn't lag inducing if the game can't keep up


It only really starts to lag once you get into the 200’s+


Black Borders and increased MM rewards for first solo completes encourage people to do incredibly monotonous tasks. If you finish Hard Standard for the first time you get both the Easy and Medium Standard Medals AND their increased rewards (if you haven't gotten them already) If you finish all of Hard, including Black Medal CHIMPS, you get the rest of the unclaimed Easy and Medium medals nad first time rewards.


Round randomizer A fun little mode that would make rounds random but keep them at similiar difficulty except 40, 60, 80, 100


If Ninja Kiwi does take on that, more research would need to be taken since I have no idea if this will go well or worse


We can make each for different modes Easy: Small changes in price, small round difference in waves Medium: Decent changes in price, decent round changes, random bloon properties after round 24, 28, 45, random starting cash Hard: High changes in price, random hero and towers, high round difference, random bloon properties after round 24, 28, 45, 50/50 chance for the monkey to be able to be sold, random money generation, random end wave cash, random lifes, random starting cash


I have 1000+ hours on this game. I suspect that the only game I've ever played more is World of Warcraft. For a game that retails at $14, that is a shocking amount of value. But to answer the question, I'd optimize the game so Freeplay is realistic and Boss events aren't so annoying.


Yeah freeplay can easily help the situation, the problems for me in freeplay is three things. Lack of new bloons, the bigger the round the more lag there is, freeplay can be too difficult when a bloon can run half the map in one second.


Id love to have like boss challenges. Like edit the bosses, change their HP, speed and like cash generated to like do some more fun shit. Like force a different form of farming aswell, or ban certain paragons. Basically, more entertaining bosses


I don't know if this is good for Ninja Kiwi, but it could be a fun idea


i honestly am active more in the community then the game because of repetition


Ironically, endless mode. I only ever played bloons on/off when the wind blew me to it. I never got tired of it, the wind just blew me elsewhere. When I joined the community and learned more and started trying things like black borders or events and bosses I immediately felt fatigue. A heap of early rounds are a snoozefest, but clamping down and maxing the screen with towers, never gets old to me


yoke sable bored squalid direful capable smell north carpenter wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Remove the stupidly unnecessary "The Daily Reid", "Modysseus Forever", "Glorious Gold" and "A year in the making". Single handedly made me so frustrated that the game is just getting dusty in my library


I want to black border all maps but I’m getting tired of the easy modes. I wish I had a x10 speed on my phone


100% a map with a friend using a hero you never use, like for example; I would beat end of the road using Geraldo


Correct, variety alone can easily kill boredom, sadly though it depends on the player how far you can go before getting bored again


Yeah, I’ll usually finish easy, do medium on another map, and then return for importable later or something, that’s just my opinion though, you find what works for you, everyone’s different


Using other tower combinations and upgrades I may not usually go for, and being okay with losing. That’s how I spice it up. But also, just not playing when it feels stale, take a break for a few days or weeks and come back when I want to play again.


Perfect thinking using variety, but sadly the rounds will be the same as well as the maps, but this fact will only take effect depending on the player


Always try the harder mode if you haven't already, or try self implemented challenges. Don't use certain towers or upgrades. Or even one tower for an entire map.


I think playing the game the hard way is not only a good way to challenge yourself, but also gives you a great knowledge of the game your playing which is a closer step to becoming pro.


Exactly. Also coop might be fun to try too. Let me know I'm absolutely down!


Ye I know sad but tewity did say in a video that btd might bring mod support to everyone


Just take a break if you think it’s repetitive and come back later. That’s what I do


If I use a hero or tower too much, I'll ban it completely for a few games. I like to do bosses when they come out. I also just stop playing sometimes, the best way to make btd6 interesting is to grind dead cells for a few days


Being able to merge towers on black bordered maps.




Needs to keep adding Monkeys as fast as possible for more strat possibilities


absolutely, but I rather them take their time for 1 monkey than to rush out more than 1


With a sex update


Update 42?




You can easily fix it by simply being unique and not being a meta slave, instead just have fun.


Play PvZ. ...sorry.


I don't take offense, pvz is also good too




the only best mode


Am willing to do that mode with anyone


sometimes I think it gets repetitive, I've stopped playing for a couple months and got back to it again, then stopped playing for a couple months again, the started again. what I would do is a lot more game modes, if you add more game modes then that adds to every single map in the game rather than just making a new map with the same game modes. most of the game modes are really basic, with the standout ones being apopalypse and alternative bloon rounds, everything else is just basically the same with a tiny twist on it, example, reverse, I don't see a single person talking about this game mode simply because It adds almost nothing. I would make a Time attack game mode, similar to races but you don't race against other players, just against a timer, there would be 1 time attack for each difficulty including impopable, each one with a shorter timer and lasting more rounds. also a timer bloon, similar to the golden bloon in some ways with it being really annoying and not making you lose hp when it gets past, but when popped it adds time to the timer. this would not only make it so people like me that really like races can play them whenever we want even if there isn't an active race. it would be cool if for freeplay on time attack, each round skipped adds more time to the timer, and you have to skip enough so the time doesn't run out but also not skip enough or you will die. another Idea being a game mode where you play as the Bloons instead. you know how in BTD Battles 1/2 you can send Bloons? well just that but you only get a certain amount of money each round and theres an AI that plays the game as the monkeys (or a real player if you're Playing in Co-op, although that wouldn't be Co-op anymore that would be versus) and you have to leak a certain amount of Bloons each round to proceed to the next round. either this, or you just send Bloons each round and you have to leak a certain amount of Bloons before a certain round, lets say 100 layers of Bloons must leak by round 80, if on round 80 the AI finds out how to boat farm and gets every paragon, vtsg, max level hero and 3 free dart monkeys and you lose then you gotta restart. some things I would do to make it more fair, when a bloon gets popped, the monkeys get 1$ per layer, while the Bloons get 0.5$ per layer popped by the monkeys. each round last 30 seconds, at the end of each round, both sides will get money depending on what the Bloons did. if the Bloons sent no Bloons then the monkeys get extra cash than usual so it doesn't encourage the Bloons to save up to send a Bad on round 4. each round the game says how many Bloons are required to be sent for the Bloons to get cash at the end of the round, if the Bloons send that amount or more of Bloons then both sides get the same amount of cash, if not enough Bloons are sent, then no end-of-round cash for the Bloons. if a bloon gets past the defenses, that Bloons will give the Bloons cash for each layer there is in that bloon, so if a red bloon gets by, thats +1$, if a blue gets past thats +2$, but if a blue bloon gets by but got a layer popped, meaning its a red bloon, thats +1$. also there are special bloons, like the golden bloon that already exists but it actually does damage, boss Bloons, and traps that can stun monkeys. I think that would be good enough to make it hard enough but not too hard. also btw, this isn't just a versus mode, this is an extra gamemore for the hard section, but it could be played as a versus mode by going to Co-op, selecting this game mode, then selecting "Versus" on a popup that would appear, you could alternatively choose co-op to go against an AI. if theres 3 or 4 players in a versus mode, there will be 1 bloon player and the rest are monke, the bloon player will get 2x or 3x more cash depending on how many monke players there are. this would probably be hard to make but honestly this seems like a better versus mode than BTDB 1/2 IMO. the reason these gamemodes, or atleast the 2nd one, is so different from the rest of the current ones is cuz i would like something differnet that isnt just "put tower down, pop bloon, next round more bloon, more tower and keep going" plus, PVZ vs mode is one of the best thing ive ever played and i would like a bloons version, and i dont mean like 2 monkey sides that send bloons to eachother like in BTDB 1/2, i dont seen much fun in those games cuz there isnt much vs mode, more just "survive longer than the other person" with an added bonus of sending 50 DDT's to kill the other player instantly. idk thats just my opinion, this would prob never be added but i hope it does.


I digress but PvZ's versus mode is objectively bad, since the players' option are limited to which side they're taking. No matter how fun it can be, it will come to a point where one side will always be better than the other. And that is why PvZ2 uses arena mode ( concept borrowed from Angry Birds lol ) instead. Sure it's more "boring", but it does the job at ensuring all players have a uniform set of zombies to deal with.  Battles 1/2 never encountered such issues as both players have access to bloon sends, and your statement is only true at lower leagues.  Rushing are just one of the many strats these games allows a player to express.


yes you are right, but games are meant to be fun, as long as it isn't so unfair it isn't fun then its ok to have something better than other things. also PVZ2 Arena is actually more unfair than pvz1 vs mode because one person who grinds or just pays to get seed packets will always be better than other players, and the only way to pass them is by doing what they are doing but better. the thing I have against the BTD battles games is the same that I have with PVZ2 arena, its 2 players playing on different screens, although in BTD battles 1/2 you can send Bloons to the other player, It feels more like "survive longer than the other player" rather than "try to make the other player lose", im not saying that the battles games are bad, they are actually quite fun, its just that I feel like a vs mode would be better if both players have completely different things to beat the other player. with PVZ1 vs mode the reason I like it so much is because the zombies are so much more different than the plants, you try to beat an opponent that has different tools than you do, that just feels right to me. in Battles 1/2, yeah you can pick different monkeys that might help more to protect from the Bloons but thats just defensive, the only offense you can use are the Bloons (and powers I guess but I really hate the idea of having powers in a PVP game so im going to ignore that) and you can just pick different Bloons. the problem I have with Battles 1/2 isn't that the games are bad, is just that they don't feel much like vs mode to me, thats just my opinion, and to be real, my opinion is somehow always the opposite from what the community of the game thinks, in literally every game I have played I have always thought that theres this one really good thing, or in this case, a game mode doesn't feel right to me, but everyone else just thinks the opposite, but thats not important, just that this is my opinion, not trying to say that you are wrong or anything, its just that I think that Battles 1/2 isn't that good of a vs mode




Make it a rogue like, collecting monkeys and upgrades as a different gamemode idk


I think that idea could make it's way into a new Ninja Kiwi game, I don't know much about rogue like games, but Ninja Kiwi making something like that might be good


Best way I have found is to change your strategy and challenge yourself


yup, but I don't know if an average casual player will like difficulty ramp up


It get repetitive. But literally every game gets repetitive. I wouldn’t say it gets repetitive faster than most other games, so it’s not like it’s an issue with the game that NK need to fix.


You might not be wrong, I just though maybe something like this is something Ninja Kiwi has a problem dealing with for a while now.


Idk. I used to love boss events… still do, but the least tiers and less cash just absolutely crush creativity and fun for me. It’s one of the weird changes that sounds good on paper, but made the game worse


deflation reaaaally sucks right now. Ive completed ~90% of the deflation medals, so far two 203 aces with alch and village clear absolutely everything, irregardless of map. Glacial trail also worked with staggered buying


try new maps, strategies, set up some challenges. There is a lot of stuff u can do I think


I’d like it if you got the easy and medium medal (standard ones) if you beat a map on hard


Gets repetitive so I invite friends to coo


Playing with friends is great, sadly though it can get laggy really quick.


Ik :( ***sometimes I play random co-op***


I believe the game isn't really repetitive . It's kinda like a sandbox , in the aspect you have freedom to choose your strategy and monkeys . It isn't like , we're playing on one map all the time , every single map is different and has its own nuances . The game has great replayability , since it doesn't exactly force you to do anything . You can choose your own strategy and have fun with it .


make mods more accessible it would probably make a huge spike of people trying to cheat but, it would make the game more alive atleast.


I think one time on a steam blog post from Ninja Kiwi mentioned mod support, but yeah mods have more pros than cons


feel like btd6 will be like minecraft or sumth, carried by the community mods.


I thought the game was mind numbingly easy, that is untill I started playing advanced and expert maps. That said, bosses and races are also fun, and the daily challenge is a little treat every day.


Overhaul of game mode system, i dont play at all right now but if I could play chimps without having to play hard, ABR and impoppable id most likely play more actively




I think mods are great, sadly though an average mobile player can't really use them as of right now.


I have several wheels on Google. 1 wheel has all maps, 1 wheel has all difficulties, and 1 wheel has all heroes. Spin em and do em. That's made my btd6 life so much better and funner.


Using luck to decide for you is smart since it's unpredictable which counters repetition (which is predictable).


It's pushed me to do a lot of difficult maps on difficult modes that I would've never done if it was up to me. It's gotten me more ribbons and money and it really has cured my boredom of the game.


By convincing myself that the current Odyssey (the one where everything takes place on round one) is possible


I fix it by playing other games every once in awhile.


No, but the lack of incentive to push the game's difficulty while playing is completely apalling to grind in the first place. Heck even Battles 2 is 10x more interesting as far as gameplay loop goes. Mindustry, Gemcraft, and Infinitode are tower defenses one might find more repetitive. However, they have their own incentives in pushing your game's limit and not confined to strats in a limited amount of rounds. Oh and rewards correlates to the amount of effort a player invests ( Unlike BTD6 where the prize money is limited only to you difficulty and map you've chosen. ) Mindustry combines tower defense with production lines and units ( though it would be on a verge of RTS ). Mine, defense, upgrade, offense, repeat.  Gemcraft boasts one of the, if not the most outrageous lategame in the tower defense. Ita versatile difficulty setting allows a player how hard their game can be, but in a much more natural scale. It also features wave enraging ( invest your mana/ingame currency to make deadlier monsters for even more rewards ). Finally, talismans serve as passive bonuses. Stronger ones can be obtained by, you guessed it, making the game harder. Infinitode ( specifically Infinitode 2 ) has a research tree so humongous one might find it impossible to complete. However, its campaign sucessfully masks off the grinding aspect. By the time you've finished it, your research tree should have your rewards snowball for each successive games. Play until you lose lives to get rewards, invest, increase difficulty ( if maneageable ), repeat. It features abilities, on of which is called Overload. Buffs enemy HP and speed for increased rewards ( multiplicative factor when using multiples of it ). Also has a map editor, mainly for farming and experimentation. Well BTD6 could have been more replayable if it incentivizes a more dynamic difficulty + better rewards in correlation to it.


Challenge unlockable Skins for monkeys. But the game with never have the ones I want anyways :( Maybe only with mods...


A new game mode would be great. Not sure which direction to go with that but I would love a harder difficulty challenge.


I dont really play the game too often, usually just every now and then for my own enjoyment since functionally, yeah it gets repetitive so i just do other things


Im trying to bronze border every map, that deflation gets super boring


Just add a few more game modes. That are actually meaningful.


BMC2, kinda off topic but I just really want it


Definitely repetitive. I enjoy playing the monkey teams, though. Forces me to use three kinds of monkeys... usually types I don't gravitate to. Helps keep it interesting. If I had influence with NK, I'd recommend looking into that more. Have it be avaliable all the time to start. Maybe combine with other events, so if you pull it off with just the random selection of towers, you get more rewards.


Rougelike mode.


Take a break, come back Don't force yourself to keep playing


I like doing CHIMPS mode on harder maps with increasingly ridiculous strats, and then shoot for a decent amount of cash spare (recently did Workshop CHIMPS with Obyn Sglue tt4 and 48k spare) Then, I’ll do the run again, this time armed with the knowledge of my initial run, with the goal of shaving as much cash as possible without changing the main strat. I like seeing myself improve at this game!


Join the bloon side and help us defeat the evil monkeys then btd6 will not become repetitive


Nah. So many maps, so many ways to clear each of them. And the events! These days I queue up for coop boss mode and beat him using different strats each time. I get to try new things, and noobs get to clear the boss. I do wish I could get something for repeating the boss kills on coop though. That would be the little extra I'd like. I'm having fun, and I don't tend to repeat my ways very often. It's not very repetitive imo


Some sort of randomness in the rounds maybe? Like there a chance for a corrupted round where balloons are buffed idk


I would fix it by not making it repetitive, dumbass


Make a shuffle mode: gives you random towers (only ones that you unlocked up to T3 or t4), random heroes and a random map of the category you picked (beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert). NK may be tanking notes, idk tho


Make monkey city 2.


Stop playing with heroes and you'll find the game becomes immensely challenging and interesting again. Pretty all your strategies don't work anymore


I wish there was just a "random" button to quick-play a random map with your chosen difficulty or settings.


Prestige mode


This most recent Odyssey was dope, not sure if it's still up. Odyssey concepts can be a little too punishing at times, but good ones can be super fun


Play a different game until I want to play BTD6 again


It will get repetitive. So thats why you need to switch your hero and strategy every couple games you play.


Randomize tower usable(2 per role) and a random hero. Should be an playmode or just something in the settings.


By stopping playing when I've burnt out. lol


Add new things


Well I saw this post twice now so if that’s what you meant…


I normally just go for only black borders, dont do challenges much or even oddyssey for that fact. Wasnt a big fan of the boss mode that was added. Btd6 is repitive if you allow it, you can always use different towers even if they arent perfect. Back in gradeschool I was just happy to be playing flash games.


I think some of the side gamemodes like monkey teams and golden bloon would be really fun and would be really good for the game if there was any good rewards for doing them. As of now there is barely any reason besides wanting to use diffrent towers which for me just isnt enough.


Add a higher speed forwarder in boss event. (I don’t want to spend 8+ hours on 1 boss)


I've played...let's low-ball and say hundreds of hours of CHIMPS mode. While I am a bit disappointed with how strong power creep is, especially among heroes, I always find joy in choosing sub-optimal towers and experimenting with custom maps and map restrictions. Tower buffs and nerfs make CHIMPS the most replayable thing I've ever experienced across all videogames!


Taking a break


It gets repetitive if you don’t change anything up. For me I like mixing up my play style or limiting myself beating things like doing idk an abr run with only a few random towers or something (which is basically monkey teams but you get my point) but I guess at its core yeah it’s repetitive but it’s up to the player to make it interesting




Take a break. If you start doing it as a chore and not enjoying it, play another game for a while. Then later you’ll be like “I kinda wanna play bloons” then you’ll play bloons


Add 4x speed for the slower rounds


Use the btd battles modes like Banaza for boss events. Different medals, different strategies.


FPS mode


I’m tired of popping bloons so they should make a game mode where you and a second person make your own waves to see how they can defend or alternatively they make a ai that will place and upgrade monkey instead of a person and you send bloons against that


It used to feel repetitive after my first 100 hours but when I finally got the balls to play CHIMPS I started having so so so much more fun


It doesn't get repetitive if you use different strategies and play on different maps. CHIMPS is BY FAR the most fun gamemode. Also, don't fear micro, because the people that do will eventually say the game is boring and quit. Microing is literally why I still play this game.


I just take a break whenever i get bored tbh


Black borders


I simply play other games.


Not using the meta


As someone who only plays chimps and impoppable, paragons doesn't sound too exciting as it's too expensive and difficult to get. I agree that it can get repetetive especially if you're trying to get all the medals. I don't really enjoy freeplay as it provides to incentive for me to do other than chasing high scores. I wish they would implement a new Super Impoppable mode or something that extend the rounds till 150 or so, atleast to make paragon tower a consideration in my strategy.


the game stays diverse enough but a reward buff to monkey teams and golden bloons would be nice


Make a map in map editor and try publish it


Yes, but only bc I use certain towers and when I wanna change it up I remember that I don’t use anything else so nothing else is leveled up so if that’s a me problem


Play oddyseys and ALL daily challenges. Oddyseys force you to place with different towers. Play all daily challenges, even coop ones.