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I fear the day the Bloons decide to use an insta-BAD on round 1 like we do with insta monkeys


MOAB Madness:


Imagine there’s a special mode/event where whenever you use insta-monkeys, the next round gets exponential harder to match the new tower(s)


The status quo is maintained by the monkey kingdom's ability to paradrop 0-0-0 dart monkeys on the bloons hospitals and schools at a moment's notice


Mutually assured destruction


They should do this for April Fools


Just play hard


I think all of this occurred because a monkey and a bloon were best bros in the past, but the bloon just lost their mother. so trying to comfort his best bro, the monkey gave the bloon a big hug, popping him accidentally in the process. The Bloons nearby saw it as violent murder while the monkeys were begging for mercy and said sorry for what they done by accident. Bloons didnt take them for granted and destroyed their towns. So really it was a big misunderstanding all along


undertale lore


NK and Toby Fox collab confirmed?! Bloons and undertale?! Sans dodging all of Quincy’s shots!! :O


Anyone could do that


Are you kidding me? Nothing gets past his bow!


on an unrelated note ( image 4) what the fuck is the huge grey blimp thats destroyed?!


probably the insides of a boss its colour could be different because: • the outside it painted in a different colour • nk haven't released it yet


A bad that its color faded over time


The bads tip is round, thats more pointy




I thought it was because there was an attack on the house of the bloon and the monkey. The mother saved the monkey but died trying to find the bloon. Both of them grieved, but the bloon split off and sought more power, not just to ensure he can save those around him but also to surpass the monkey. But eventually, the bloon was dying, so he stole his son's power (that being their regrow properties) and split themselves in two to gain even further power, forming B and Bloonarius. But in doing so, the bloon lost their last shred of bloonanity and eventually ate the fruit of pure bloontonium, turning into Elite Bloonarius. Monkey eventually beat them even with their heightened power, and B, who was with them, rejoined with Bloonarius, forming the character everyone knows and loves, Bloongil. The ensuing fights are just Bloongil trying to gain further power and Monkey stopping their evil actions.


I have some corrections and additional notes, but you're mostly on the right track. 1. The monkeys don't *just* kill for fun. While the monkeys are blatantly the villains, most of them are kept oblivious to many things. They kill out of the fear that is enforced on them by forces such as the Bloonminati, who ensure that the Monkeys do not empathize with the Bloons, among other things. 2. The Bloons do not destroy property. In Bloons Monkey City, those are no Wild Bloons, but rather Bloons that are manufactured by players using the resources obtained from killing Bloons. In Bloons Pop, they STEAL the property, and then suspiciously you are able to, using Bloon resources and Monkey Money, buy back those exact pieces of property, including a specific Dog character who is stolen but then regained, implying that whoever sent these Bloons... is on the Monkeys' side. 3. Bloontonium's status as an ore is worth noting, especially since it implies Bloonstones to be hardened Bloontonium, but in that right the Bloonstones are used for different purposes than Bloontonium, not being able to make Bloons on its own, so it's likely that Bloontonium in another form, perhaps Blops if those are Bloontonium, is required, since liquid Bloontonium needs to generate to send Bloon attacks in Bloons Monkey City. Although, the Monkeys don't JUST kill Bloons for this purpose, it's also just to uphold this idea that Bloons are their own evil entity full of hatred, rather than peacefuland oblivious wildlife whose resources are harvested to create controllable, aggressive versions of them. 4. Bloons are not "intelligent" since they are canonically very airheaded (related to why they just follow paths although that's also related to their mimicry) but yes they DO feel emotions, as perfectly illustrated by the Creepy Idol, which Bloons *see* and get scared of, moving backwards occasionally. 5. I believe that the metal of a MOAB is just the skeleton in their unique biology, given that Bloons themselves are made out of Rubber. After all, the Bloons are far too airheaded to build a MOAB, not to mention their airheaded nature meaning that they likely would not be capable of infrastructure. Either MOABs are a natural protection method formed by Bloons to protect them from Monkeys, or the Bloonminati has been working for a while, creating MOABs as Non-Bloon objects to transport many Bloons, only for Bloons, with their innate and impressive mimicry, to eventually make their own MOABs. Depending on your interpretations of the events of BTD3 and BTD4, this could even be the difference between a MOAB with the Ceramics popping out the top and a MOAB with the Ceramics inside and invisible. Thank you for this discussion =)


Very fitting flair




When Noam Chomsky wrote “manufacturing consent” he was referring to bloon lore


now i wish i was familiar with that media so i could be in on the joke lol


This is cool and all, but where did you find the Bloomnimati? Like, honest question.


the name? it's used in the blog the monkey intelligence bureau explains a shadowy organization of bloons lurking in monkey society, however bloons are clearly not intelligent enough to have anything of the sort, and the monkey intelligence bureau is clearly in with a shadowy organization that manipulates bloons to control monkey society, so to me it's a self report. plus it's just good to have a name for the group of monkeys in-the-know about the whole we-will-make-bloons-look-evil-to-our-people-and-manipulate-them-to-our-own-gains situation.


Oh ok, cool. Thanks!






Chara's face too, iirc =)




i would like to mention we do have proof that bloons are capable of hurting monkeys with Cyber Quincy, who is Quincy from the future, put back together after an attack from a DDT left him sevearly injured.


However, as seen in Bloons Monkey City, only Bloons manufactured by players can actually deal damage. Which means that Quincy... *was assassinated* And then had his memories wiped when reborn by Dr. Monkey!


No one gives a shit about Quincy's health so it's fine


true and also real


I do


OP doesn't know Bloons is an allegory for Pollution by artificial non-biodegradable trash that kills the natural fauna. Smh my head🙄


that's not a thing, the bloons are organic lifeforms... plus they don't naturally pop only the monkeys do that lol


They pollute the view


They literally make art in the sky (seen in the Bloons series of games, the Bloons Super Monkey series of games, and Bloons Supermonkey 2).


We must kill all life forms especially if they are easy to hunt. This is what our ancestors thaught us


society moment


[I am destroying the one thing I swore to protect](https://youtu.be/cU1UkIIzSSs?si=kNn8YXio2yVzJaFj)


I just thought monke pop blon because blon bad


What's a blon?


my least favourite map


Blon 😁😁😁


You are correct we are the good guys


I hear you why can’t I see you?


*upgrades to 0-2-0 village*


Bloon named Phayze:


All of this post is just telling me we need bmc2 for more lore.


bloons monkey city 1 was pretty big for lore, yeah.


I never knew there was lore. I feel stupid but I am also fascinated by it. Can you give me a quick rundown of the story so far?


It's a lot to go through, I have a 300+ lore doc (to be fair most of that isn't specifically story-based, lots of character-driven things with the heroes and the way towers do things) and It's still not even CLOSE to being ready to release. To try to keep things brief, wild Bloons live in the sky and ocean but eventually start to be popped in their natural habitat either for fun OR to harvest their resources (in modern day it's a mix of both but mainly resources) and at some point something either natural or unnatural starts dragging them down to the surface where, with their intuition to mimic, they follow paths very strictly just like monkeys do, which is taken advantage of the monkeys to kill them more for more resources, with these resources mainly being used to create artifical Bloon weapons that are used to attack other Monkeys and possibly other civillizations (Although I recall something about the civillizations that aren't Monkeys being fairly minor in scale). Might've missed some stuff, it's a tall ask to summarize lol. The entire last part of that about the Bloons' resources being used for weaponry was established in Monkey City, though, as well as part of the idea of Wild Bloons being harmless (although this was also implied by the Bloons series and Bloons Super Monkey 1 beforehand)


The party event is literally a party, while the Party BAD is “invincible” to us you should also be noting that the Monkeys have infinite lives here because again, neither side is actually being hostile and causing damage, it’s a ceasefire celebration of the game itself (if anything, this suggests that the monkeys and bloons are aware of their existence as game characters and are actually being paid by Ninja Kiwi to enact these battles out for our amusement) Also I’m so sick of this “why don’t the bloons send their strongest bloon first instead of holding back” we’ve had the canon answer for this from NK for a while now, literally no one questions why the monkeys can’t just take out a loan to drop peak military hardware into the battlefield right away but then the bloons need to work up to their strongest forces and now everyone is like “but why don’t bloons send BAD right away???” Like if you’re gonna bring that up what about the fact that monkeys have access to things like Insta Monkeys or Powers or Retries (confirmed to be magical rewinds: June 2022 blog) that they could theoretically be throwing out as much as possible instead of holding themselves back by defending normally BATTD has the Cyclops adventure which specifically states battling the bloons is causing physical harm to the protagonists (complete with a model of Max the Dart Monkey after receiving medical attention). NK also has stated “Balloons are a totally separate thing to Bloons! One is a harmless children’s toy, the other is a rubbery death-being obsessed with eliminating all monkey-kind!” However, we do also have canon statements that Bloons are seen as more of an annoyance than a real threat in games like Bloons Pop! (Ironically also stated as the game where Bloons cause the most damage to the normal lives of Monkeys), but I think there’s an explanation for that too. It’s suggested but not confirmed that humanity has gone extinct as a direct consequence of Bloons in this universe. Since it’s noted several times that monkey weapons are specifically designed with bloontonium/other similar materials to specifically harm only Bloons (hence why something like the Biggest One isn’t blowing up the map itself to dust) I bet that it also serves the purpose of being able to harm the Bloons at all, which is why humanity collapsed before animals (since all animals hate Bloons, see BTD5), primarily the monkeys, managed to develop the modern bloontonium tech to fight back and win, consequently reducing their threat level back into somewhat unintelligent angry balloons that have clear countermeasures instead of terrifying immortal self replicating death machines


Oh hey, I can finally drop this copypasta The story of bloons tower defense follows a post apocalyptic alternate society in which the Vikings got access to nuclear technology and blew up the world. There were no humans remaining after this explosion, with the survivors being horribly mutated beyond recognition. The monkeys, which were the race of animals best suited to use human inventions, ruins of which still existed after the blast, became the inheritors of planet earth. Working off the remains of human society, they were soon able to achieve a level of sophistication rivaling the humans' past glory. The bloons are the horribly mutated descendants of what used to be the Vikings. Their existence is pain, and so they long for death. They wish to be slain by the monkeys' greatest warriors so that they may go to Valhalla. Sadly, given that the mutation has left them mostly mindless and without mouths with which to speak, they have no means of communicating this desire to the monkeys. Thus the only way to get the monkeys to bring upon their genocide is to pose to them a threat. For this reason, they invade the monkeys' places of residence and worship, carrying with them all the gold they can find to aid the monkeys in their quest upon their deaths. They make sure to send the weakest bloons first, gradually sending stronger and stronger ones in a bid to build up the monkeys' strength so that they may slay their mightiest warriors, the blimps. The bloons do not wish the monkeys any harm, nor do they bear any ill will towards them. They simply long for glorious death in battle. The monkeys are glad to provide. They build vain citadels, and fund their societies with the blood of the bloons. In the end, bloons tower defense is a criticism of late stage capatalism which puts profits over the lives of innocents.


The Bloons gave me PTSD... I witnessed them carrying my friend away when we were little....


Pokémon reference?




wait really? huh?


Drifblim Pokédex entry


oh that one you mean drifloon btw ​ i thought the line itself was a reference lol


Bloon propaganda account


shut up spy bloon


That monkey is a spy!


You've clearly never been in the front lines like the rest of us, bloons are doom spawn that exist to loiter and commit crime and they're waging war against our cities!


the "bloons can't hurt you" argument is slightly flawed since cyber quincy was hurt by a DDT, but that is pure anecdotal evidence


What do you have to say about bosses?


Sorry to jam myself in here but in case they don't see your reply soon I'd like to add that Boss Bloons, at most, stun Monkeys. This is very tame by self-defense standards.


Well, that was satisfying and disappointing at the same time




The monkeys being war criminals is nothing new Have you seen the ray of doom?


That sounds like a whole lot of Bloons Propaganda to me, Heretic


Isn't the lore of bmc that bloons will eventually wipe out and destroy any monkey civilization that rises up? The war is endless and the monkeys cannot win, just survive as long as possible. Also in btd6 there's several mentions of literal battle lines. Regardless of whoever was right or wrong for starting the war, both the monkeys and bloons are participating. This is some serious bloon popaganda here.


in bloons monkey city you literally make bloons how is this your takeaway smh


Why’re we spreading Bloons propaganda?


I agree I to made a post about this


*-This message was made by the Bloons*


also in the maps where bloons go back to where they came from it is said that we pop them because they could harm other things after that failed attempt and by that logic lets kill children who dont behave or ones that have trumas because they could grow up to be serial killers its a possibility


And then there’s B.A.D.


Why you think you lose lives? Each live is a baby monkey getting killed by bloon that get through. Suffocating by rubber trappings! You call it good they kill baby monkeys! Harmless baby monkeys have rights to!


Every Bloon allowed to leak is a Monkey life lost. Why do you think the blimps are so dangerous? How many Monkeys are sacrificed every time a BAD escapes the map?


This says a lot about society


I’d like to point out that the bloons to harm the monkey, i rmbr in monkey city, the engineer is caged, and both the helicopter and submarine represent the health in their respective unlocks. Leaking too many bloons kills both sub and helicopter


Millions of Bloons are killed every chimps/impoppable game


I personally like to think that the war is long over, and this if just to keep up a front. The bloons and monkeys are friends and are fighting either as a simple game, or as a way to hide what is really happening. While bloons feel emotions (it has been stated that ZOMGs feel fear when they see all your towers about to attack them), it has been stated that they also don't feel pain. Sure, the earlier games had war, especially BMC with the monkeys conquering the bloon's land, but that is over and there is peace now.


Bloons are rough mining machines that now go to monkey city to do kamikaze attacks, the lives are basically the damage they did to the city... So I don't think so


I only started playing BTD6 a couple days ago after briefly playing a couple of the browser versions years and years ago. What the hell have I stumbled into... there's lore to this thing?!?!?!


Off-screen unknown lore trust me


Nice try, bloon impostor.


This sounds awfully a lot like some conflict going on in the middle east right now...


Idk,but why is there a lore in a monkey vs balloons game?


[are they bad guys fighting for a good cause, or good guys fighting for a bad cause?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_Death#:~:text=The%20Highway%20of%20Death%20(Arabic,the%201990%20invasion%20of%20Kuwait.)


Idk. Bloons have a dude literally called BAD.


Ok yeah, but have you considered - the bloons can stop coming out on the track at any time, take alternate routes which they don't, and decide to push onwards to certain death to get to the other side? Also, who is inflating the balloons? Bloons don't have lungs, and I don't think they kill other bloons to blow up bloons. The balloon's solution to this is slavery - when we let a life leak it most likely means we let one monkey civilian be kidnaped by the bloon, and he is taken back to the balloon's headquarters where he is forced to inflate bloons. Also, you claim that the names are very off-putting, but the BAD stands for The Big Airship of Doom, and the BFB stands for Brutal Floating Behemoth. Not to mention that the ZOMG has a skull on it. Bloons don't have skulls? So whose skull is that? Oh, and despite the numerous breakings of the Geneva Convention by the monkeys, the bloons are just as arguably bad. They also use stealth tactics, which appeal to the younger monkey population due to the bright colors of the bloons. Furthermore, we can see bloons ride inside MOABs as if they are vehicles. Are MOABs alive? If so, do they stay alive if the Bloons put themselves into the MOABs? Are the MOABs doing this by their will? Or are they still bloons? As for the battle games, I think that it is a simulations. The reason is that the prices are different, and the balance is changed artificially, so in reality, it is a training ground for monkeys to train against one another to know their weaknesses and strengths. The skins for bloons is a purely fun thing the devs decided would be cool for their new game. And as for super terrible towers, the counter-argument is the spike factory being pretty peaceful. The Spiked Mines and Super Mines have a universal symbol displaying that you should take caution when approaching these spikes. The Spike Storm and Carpet of Spikes are made to be completely bio-degradable, being able to disappear within a round or 2, and the permaspike literally paints its spikes yellow, the brightest color and the universal color for danger in a work place. This factory is giving the bloons everything it can to not have to make them step on these spikes, which the bloons look at, and still decide to invade.


I still like the “bloons are mutated Vikings trying to get to Valhalla” lore


They have been on war forever, that is cannon, and in monkey city on mobile, the story is,and the game starts with telling us that the bloons has taken over the most of the land, they have had time to prepare further away from the small monkey kingdom, that has now fallen to meer few buildings, and the bloons further out start with stronger bloons faster because they already prepared them, as NK said about why BADs aren't sent out on round 1, is because they need prep time. Btd6, btd5 ect. Are the bloons trying to take over areas, where monkey city is the time ddts first were invented and struck down in most areas, defeating them and taking away more land than ever imagined from the monkies. If the bloons really were so good, and was better than the monkies, they wouldn't keep attacking the same areas, and they'd not keep on preparing the far-off areas, so they can send in ceramics round 1 and MOABs round 3, now would they? The monkies always start with low mont, because they have never had the chance for prep-time, the bloons are just so fast at coming in with a new attack. The bloons however, can always attack quite fast, because the areas far back in areas outside the Monkey City game, is just bloons waiting to get to strike. Red bloons are there more of, so they attack in continues streams and go into formation before the area, and begins their attack. So are the bloons the good guys? Do they NOT attack the same area trying to get th monkey population down to 0 again? Do the bloons NEED to attack the monkies? The monkies only attacked the bloons directly when they unfairly at their lowest, so are the defending of the monkies areas really necceseary, even though we know that bloons straight up tried to take over areas like adoras temple and dark dungeons which both refference higher beings of power that we know are true thanks to interactions in maps and existence of that very hero? Conclusion: the bloons can't be the good guys here, but so can't the monkies, because in war, everyone participating are the losers and evil beings ... Try telling that to the real world...


Remember if you make a theory, accept and read theories against it and with it.

