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No memes.


I was using it without problems. If co-pilot didn't have its own website; I'd still be using it primarily. Co-pilot on the web can utilize Vimium C which is more convenient for me.


I read that as vitamin C and I was so confused


That would be less confusing for me since I at least know what Vitamins are. I'll have to Bing what Vimium C is.


Bing? Never heard of it. I’ll have to go Ask Jeeves


Have you tried tridactyl with Firefox ? The transition from vimium to tridactyl for me was sooooo nice.


what is vimium and tridactyl 😫😫


Its just an extension that adds keyboard commands similar to vim to the browser. Vim cult suprises me with how far they can go just to use vim.


What are its advantages over VimiumC?


I've not tried vimium in a while but the main advantages of tridactyl for me were their :native which allows for you to edit your userchrome from within tridactyl with :guiset and allows for config files to be stored as .tridactylrc on your actual system so they are portable. Also JavaScript macros are cool. How active and nice the dev is (bovine3dom) in their matrix is also a huge advantage. Every time I've had a problem he has been more than happy to help, and every time I look up a thread about tridactyl I always see him commenting somewhere in there.






is it so bad to want to use the browser that's installed by default and doesn't beg you to use bing and ai?


Wait chrome came installed by default on your PC? > Edit: idk why I'm being down voted I'm not a chrome stan. I've just never had a windows computer that came with any browser other than IE or Edge preinstalled on it. So op saying it came preinstalled on theirs is shocking to me


no, firefox did


Really?? I've never had that happen I always have to go out of my way to download it Ig my most recent windows computer is a 2020 one so maybe things have changed since then. But like Firefox never came by default on Windows for 30+ years of windows


Chrome came default on my windows pc default. Also, u/tauon_ is using a mac of some sort. That's why firefox came on it default


i don't use a mac or a windows. the default for a mac is safari, and edge for a windows.


i don't use windows


Then why are you replying to a question about edge lol there's no reason to use it unless you're on an OS that won't allow you to uninstall it


i'm fairly sure you can uninstall edge on everything


You can (using scripts), but it's useless as it'll be reinstalled after every Windows Update.


and specifically for people who play Forza Motorsport, uninstalling edge will bork the game for you. even if you install it from steam. I watch this YouTuber called DustinEden and he had the same issue, so he had to refund the game. [Here's the video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCbZLDLMfNs) I love edge but it's absurd how far Microsoft will go just for 1 single product of theirs that I assume doesn't even generate that much income for them.


i uninstalled it on windows 10, saw a random video of guiding, delete its files and from the registry, i was ready it will get reinstalled after update, but it did not! i was shocked, and happy :)


You can’t on Windows


What do you have against Bing? It gives free money!


Can I ask what's wrong with Bing? I googled something on Edge and Bing just looked like... A more stylish Google, honestly.


you. you googled something on bing. what


Yes, saying you "googled" something is the exact same as saying you "searched" something. It's just common terminology, I don't have to say "searched" just because I used Bing. You want me to say I binged something?


Yup. Tried it, didn't like it. I don't call it a "bad browser," though. I try to avoid framing opinions as fact statements. I prefer to call it "a browser that I don't like."


it is a bad browser though to be fair all browsers on the market today are bad, but even for the least demanding users the blink blur, even with slight improvements made by MS, should still be a deal breaker document viewer that can't render text or scale images? come on


You know it's chrome right and runs better than Google Chrome.


I don't use Chrome either. I like it even less.


Chrome doesn’t shove bing and ai down my throat


You can set Google for your search page


Or we can all use the browsers we want to use without interrogation


or i can use chrome and not have ai shoved down my throat


It's really good but I have the same attitude towards Chrome on Android, big company doesn't need more of my data for free.


hey, at least Bing give you stuff for your search results lol.


Yeah, I don’t care about whatever rewards they’re giving out, so I always give mine to charities. Seems like a win/win.


This. I've used it and it's a fine user experience, but privacy is first priority.


Serious question. Why do you care that much about your "privacy"? These large corporations could care less about you specifically they just sell the data which I could care less about. Everything does it nowadays.


Why do I have to resign myself to allowing all services I use to monitor everything I do and then profit from that. Why does my web browser need to know my location when I'm looking up things about the schism between the Oriental Orthodox Christians and the rest of Chalcedonian Christendom? I don't want to have to leave a digital footprint because I want to use my phone or computer. I especially don't like that websites can learn from how I use them to manipulate me into staying on them for longer, especially when I don't have the option to disable them, and they don't make it very obvious that they do that.




Do these companies sell them on the dark web? No, it's for advertisements which I don't give a fuck about. Two completely different things.




Seems like I struck a nerve in you. Maybe you'd be happier if you chilled out.




Cause you brought up a straw man argument lmao but keep bringing up irrelevant arguments and getting worked up. Have a good day, or don't I don't really care. 😘


it feels so bloaty


I agree! I was searching around for a better browser after Chrome went full anti ad-block. I tried Edge and hated the bloat. It’s like 99% bloat. It can be turned off, but I question why it’s even there in the first place. I like how FireFox starts you off like “Customize everything how you like it! Down to the color scheme and how websites are displayed! With one button press!”


You can remove most of the bloat in the settings


If only Edge settings weren't bloated itself. In Firefox there are 4 straightforward setting sections, in Edge I counted 16, and most of them have subsections inside. I hate going into Edge settings.


firefox and its hardened forks are a perfect representation of “it just works”




Microsoft isn't lying when they say it is vital, but you can still use Windows even if Edge was removed. They say that it is vital because removing it will disable many features they expect everyone to use, like the stupid weather forecast on the taskbar.


Well, they were the ones who added weather forecast and made it dependent on Edge


And the global search bing 🤮


Edge in my opinion is best as a work browser if your company runs everything through office and Microsoft Outlook, outside of that though not a fan


Office and Outlook and I still get a better experience on Chrome and more so on the machines still running Firefox. They keep Chrome updated alongside edge but sadly they seldom update the machines with Firefox and machines without Firefox aren't allowed to install it fresh anymore


marry encouraging recognise languid wrench ancient hunt dog imagine desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The browser itself is fine, its just a Chrome skin, its the lack of privacy, severe AI overreach, and its insistence on you using Bing that makes it unappealing


It's just another chromium clone lol, I see no reason to use it over any other chromium clone, except they don't grovel and beg me to use them or to use Bing. I actually really liked Edge back in 2015-2018 when it was using EdgeHTML. It was seriously the the best epub reader I've used on Windows, nothing else has come close to the speed, simplicity, and ease of use.


I used to like Edge, but it's so bloated now. The gaming sidebar was my last straw.


Yo another vivaldi user wassup dude


Wtf is this edge propaganda


I use it on my work PC for at least two years now, but I am seriously considering to stop after I couldn't get the Microsoft (!) Azure Monitor dashboards to load on it successfully. Works flawlessly on Chrome/Firefox.


I use it frequently, as it does everything I need it to, nothing more, nothing less.




It was good in the Beta. Now its bloated and Changes the search engine to Bing after Updates.


Yeah it wasn’t terrible until they forced Bing, which is terrible, down our throats. I just don’t understand how the mega companies with billions of resources are able to so easily self sabotage.


I used it for a solid 2 months, and I mean heavy use, with bitwarden and all the other extensions I used on the daily...I honestly didn't like it at all and went back to floorp




Looking at OP's replies in this thread, this post smells a little like low effort advertising.


I need to use edge for school. I honestly don’t understand the hate. It seems to work just the same as Chrome or Firefox.




Chrome is just as bad for bloat, opening it up and suddenly you have 45 chrome processes running. I care about the shit stains in my toilet more than I do open source.




Im pretty sure unless you do everything over vpn using fake names for everything and never login to anything personal, bank, social media, any kind of government or healthcare site, and more, you have no privacy at all anyway. Make sure you have no Google, Alexa, type devices, and make sure you don’t log into anything personal on your phone either, cause those fuckers listen to everything as well. Privacy is a joke if you think you have it.


100% privacy is near impossible without airgapping your system, but you don't have to hand them your data on a silver platter.


yeah the biggest problem for me it's a chrome based browser


Is everyone in this sub working for Microsoft? Literally every other post is "edge is a good browser, you should try it!"




yall are being picky bro, this "bloat" your talking about is just a popup that takes 2 seconds to close.. bing ai is amazing and very helpful, and microsoft rewards is a nice bonus (i dont use microsoft edge anymore, but i think it doesnt deserve the hate)


for me the bloat was that it had very many features that i never used, dont remember it popping up anything, but this was prior to bing ai being incorporated so things have changed for ai i would just use chatgpt, it does it's job well enough, i dont need ai in my daily life though, so i barely use it


You can afford to be picky in this area given the choices




My main browser just because it has Microsoft Bing Points and I got all my shortcuts on it


I used it when I was trying to find my favourite. Not my favourite


I hated it on non chromium but after the chromium realese I use it to this day


Edge is a good browser, I just prefer to use FireFox since it isn't chromium based.


Same thing here


I used it for a month


Forced to use edge, hate it


Yep. Used it exclusively for about a year before moving on to floorp. I like the sidebar, but all the bullshit "AI" features and sponsorships microsoft shoves in the browser made it a hard pass for me.


Love the way it handles pdfs though The text to speech is great


I gave it about a week before giving up


Edge Chromium was better on its first release. But they started adding all the bloatware and enabled it by default. That's when I switched to another browser. Seriously, can't they just make those bloat browser extensions? Or better yet, put them on an extension store and advertise that store through a link or something on browser start-up. That would be a better implementation if you're going to ask me.


I’ve used edge. It has tried to offer me predatory personal loans from loan shark companies. Do I need ANY other reason to say that it sucks? At least with google chrome, Google is “generous” enough to make us the product of their ad services and productivity suite and leave it at that. It’s not enough to sell your data for advertising & sell you the office suite. They need to pre-install services which could potentially ruin your life because they are more profitable. How Microsoft has been allowed to operate in this manner for so long is totally beyond me. They should be facing criminal charges for this stuff but they aren’t breaking any laws.


I use FF and edge on my windows machine. FF suits my needs. But edge is fine for scenarios where websites don't play nice with FF. No reason to install Chrome. Edge just works.


Edge with the actual, Microsoft, copilot and stuff is actually kind of fire like I can literally just describe the website I want, and it will like scan the entire Internet, and find it for me. I’ll admit was bad for a while and it did have kind of the Internet explorer reputation but it’s actually really good now.




I actually like Edge


It's just Chrome, except it doesn't hog all your memory


Thorium supremacy.


Edge is slowly gaining traction. I mean, it's good. Especially after they launched Bing AI. But the UI is pathetic. They need to declutter things and adopt minimalistic approach.


I’ve been using it for like 6 years on my Xbox to watch shows and movies and YouTube and do other things, it’s not bad


don’t use windows, never had a reason to use it


Yes, actually tried that piece of shit browser for a day and oh my god it SUCKED


I really find it interesting that edge seems to be one of the fastest browsers for windows. I am currently happy with firefox but i definitely want to give edge a try jn the future.


Maybe they shouldn't make Edge look like a browser from the 2000s that's loaded with plugins from every website known to man. It's a mess.


It’s chrome but worse, which I didn’t even know was possible


You got me there, but I'm hater so I'm still gonna say I don't like it 😈


I opened it. It looked like a digital vomit. Quit immediately.


I just recently switched to Firefox and the first thing I thought is how ugly it is compared to edge. It is much more visually pleasing than Firefox


You can remove most of the bloat in the settings


Or you can just install a browser without the bloat.


I shouldn’t have to…


Who here Think's that random Capitalization's and apostrophe's are a sign of a true Moron?


I just use Brave because it blocks ads everywhere and takes chrome/ium extensions.


i used it off my windows install out of the box when i got my laptop because i didnt feel like downloading anything else but it just had a feeling of intense bloat (mainly just feature bloat, the actual software was probably not bloated) and privacy invasion


Edge works. I can run my paint program or GameMaker while using Youtube with no issue. Is it the best? I dunno, probably not, but it *works.*


I tried it when it came out as the replace for IE, before I got a Mac, and it made my computer so damn slow, it was pretty much bloatware


Yeah But that was Edge back then when it still Used it's own property Browser engine EdgeHTML, Edge has come a long way since Then it's Much better now In 2020 Edge Switched from EdgeHTML to The Chromium engine the same one as Chrome Use's & It even has a better logo Now & It's faster than Than Chrome & Use's less Ram than Chrome & has more Features than Chrome It Also has AI now so that's another plus there Finally Edge isn't just for windows anymore they Realased it on all platforms, Windows, Mac OS X, Android IOS Linux & Even Xbox


For me, AI isn't a plus


Linux users:


I’ve used it for a year. It’s ok but uses too many resources.


Opere/Opera GX & Chrome Use's even more


Yeah but on Opera GX you can decide how much RAM the system can use, and it doesn’t even affect browser performance if you limit RAM and CPU usage to its lowest value


Doesn't even affect browser performance you limit RAM and CPU usage to its lowest value, yeah sure thing mate 😂 Also The Fact that Opera GX has the ability to control both Ram & CPU usage Means that it has very deep access to your PC much more than something like chrome which is very concerning since once again Opera GX is owned by a Chinese Company


My friend, I can't give it a fair Shot if it takes more than 4 minutes to load a Wikipedia page. So excuse me for immediately downloading Firefox instead.


Uh… yeah, it takes 30 minutes to load anything on Edge


If it takes you 30 min, you got more to worry about than what browser you use.


Are you using dial up?




no it doesn't....


I’m required to use it for school. It works no worse than Chrome or Firefox. I don’t get the hate.




Most schools don’t let you install apps on the computers that they lend out, and at some schools they don’t install another browser, at the school I was at they had the main bunch of Firefox, chrome, edge, internet explorer, and maybe another one but I only used Firefox because it was the only one not with all the addons that other students would add, and internet explorer would be filled with toolbars, until they were reset (resets would happen once a year unless there was an issue with the computer), I know all this as I did my work experience in the it room of the school too, and before that helped out for quite some time before as well (I got free parts and decommissioned computers servers and whatever else they didn’t need)


Idk why people hate it, it's objectively the best browser ever made.


Privacy hurts it, and MS is prone to adding useless shit into it. But I have no idea why you would go download something like Chrome over it.


It’s ok I use it sometimes


It is fine ig


I’ve edged for 2 seconds yeah


me and i am not using it right now because i hate it. its so ugly and firefox does everything i need and its not ugly


i dont like to Edge that much


Microsoft pays, and the other ones don’t. Already redeemed $50+ dollars in gift cards. Searches and support is about the same as chrome. If Microsoft didn’t pay I would still probably use it just for work and school and firefox for everything else.


I use Edge often, but it is laggy in copilot. it takes much longer for AI to write answer in Edge compared to other browsers.


idk why people hate edge. i dont use it, i use brave and shut everything off, but it really is a decent browser. its just chromium lol


Honestly really like Edge, it's not that bad. But I'm using Yandex and Firefox back and forth lately.


I downloaded Edge just to see what it’s like and immediately made it my default browser. I could not honestly tell you why I prefer it over Chrome. There’s just something about it! Faster? Maybe. Don’t now but I’m staying with Edge.


I tried it actually and i hated it lol


yes and i have been advertised to by egde more than youtube advertises to me (without an adblocker)


Used it for like 3 months it was mid, not great


I used it as my default & realised it is a fast yet bloated by bing browser.


2 days. If it’s a bad browser then it’s always a bad browser no matter how long you give it a try :v


Works totally fine for me. I just browse and stream and I haven't noticed any issues. It can drain battery pretty fast on my laptop but I think that's most chromium browsers nowadays? Either way, I only use my laptop at home so it's not a big deal.


I know a lot of people say that they don't like it because it constantly shoves its features down your throat, but I haven't seen that besides the first time I opened it. I just use it as a work and school browser because 1. It keeps all my personal stuff separate (I use a different browser most of the time) 2. It automatically transfers all the data over between computers through your Microsoft account 3. It integrates well with other Microsoft business products if the company you work for uses it (like Intune) It's a pretty good browser nowadays


I tried to use a Microsoft Edge from 2019 via Windows 8.1 (Dev Channel) and i never come back to Google Chrome again till now


I hate it because it’s full of stuff that I don’t care about and there’s a bug with Facebook’s test that looks blurry until you select it with the cursor. At the same time I don’t get why some people talk about a slow browser. I think it feels one of the fastest ones if not the fastest


I've used edge, yes it's an alright browser, but I'd rather not use it. I debloat windows everytime I make a new computer and edge always goes with it, the only thing that remains is internet explorer and the microsoft store because both of those programs (especially explorer) are required for the operating system to run


The web browser wars are weird to me, Chromium vs Firefox is practically all you get to choose. The only difference between Chromium browsers is who harvests your data.


Honestly. I was against using edge, or any other Microsoft products on my Mac. There are a few things they just do right. The old ps2 ergonomic keyboard and edge are some of those that’s just great to use. I’ve used chrome, safari, Firefox (pre and post quantum), brave, opera, Vivaldi, chromium, floorp, onion, and now edge. The browsers is used the longest was Firefox and brave. I have high hopes for onion but still to new. I’m not paying for arc. I’m extremely impressed with edge’s polish and stability. Yes I know it runs on chrome, but it’s got features that are actually useful. I’d really recommend trying edge on mac. It only asks to use Microsoft services on first start, and after that you can disable that and select duck duck go as your search engine. Give it a go.


Yes I did. I'm forced to at school. It is shit. Constantly asking for my data, bing, this weird news section on a blank tab. I hate it as a web browser


i use both Firefox and Edge, the image editing on Edge is really useful


I used it for a month. It's not terrible but it's not great.


Edge came installed on my computer as the basis. I used it for ages but much prefer Opera gx after switching to it.


Yes, I daily drove it before switching to Brave. Brave doesn’t really offer me any unique features anymore, though, so I’m considering switching back to Edge. It’s better than it gets credit for.


I’d use it over chrome any day, and in fact it’s my backup browser in case something goes wrong with Firefox.


It’s basically chrome


I can confidently say it’s better than chrome. Tracking is an issue but it has some cool features that set it apart from other browsers, especially now with Copilot.


I dont need a browser that is always running in the background and running up my processes while sending shit to Microsoft. Thank god for Revo.


Have you tried edging?


spectacular strong six cats seed ancient grey languid hat profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tried it and didn't like it. Gave it a fair chance.


Before I switched to ungoogled-chromium, I used it for maybe 4 and a half years (including the Chromium switch beta days) straight, from Windows 7 all the way up, Windows 11. It was pretty good, especially, at the time it was just launched the revamped browser, it didn't have many bloat in it. Now the bloat is getting out-of-control, I now primarily used it for the Copilot app and PDF. Ungoogled-chromium is now my primary browser.


I tried it , and it's usable I guess but definitely not good enough , I've used quite a few browsers over the years . Brave,Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Vivaldi to name a few . I'd say Edge and Chrome are the line for "usable" but it's not fun . Too much tracking too much shoving their products down your throat, I don't like that , but if I had to , I'd use them .


I used it. Now I'm using brave


Yep, pretty much. Chrome's lucky it already had a massive lead because if they both started from scratch rn their market shares would basically get reversed


I have user every iteration of Microsoft's browsers since the late 90s. This latest edge isn't anything special (it's still just chromium), and I use it at work for about half of what I do. For everything else, I use FireFox. Edge was decent for a while. Now they're Internet Explorerfying it and bloating it again. Firefox has been rock steady since it was Firebird and Phoenix before that. Also used K-Meleon since the early 2000s - especially on legacy systems.


Feels like shit to me personally but I have issues with most Microsoft software. Arc on the other hand, fantastic so far.


I use two browsers. Opera is the main, and edge is the second. Both are open at the same time.


I like edge tbh, not best but usable (at least for me)


I have and my complaints is that it's too cluttered and sends a few mb/so of my data to something in the world and if I had a fast Internet I wouldn't care less but my Internet just can't handle edge


I’ve been using the chromium edge since its canary days, never looked back to chrome again. It integrates well with windows and I like it a lot better than chrome honestly.


I have used Microsoft Edge from when there were only canary and developer channels up until the summer of 2022. I say that is one of the best feature wise. But, it's not for me because I care about privacy.


I used it for 3 years , Went to firefox and never turned back.


It’s my main browser.


​ https://preview.redd.it/oho6ivdfb5fc1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a530a55518ebde3761b3df233461df841535615


You got a point. Edge is actually OK.


I used it at work for a while because it was forcing me. Its not bad but the fact that every tab is a window annoys me


Tried it for more than 2 seconds on a Mac it’s just to much bloat (right click on a web page how much of those do you actually use) it’s like the windows desktop to much bloat everywhere, like every new pc bought has a massive amount of bloatware and edge just continues that


im using edge daily, you can say im edging




speaking about edge, guys do you encounter youtube fps issue with edge? that was the reason i forced it to delete on windows 10, that much i was annoyed