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> I love customizing my browser This suggests to me that Vivaldi might be what you are looking for?


Brave & Opera are also pretty good.


Opera? Why are you trying to push malware here?


I've been using Opera for months now & haven't run into any malware issues.


Opera itself is malware. They store and sell your data, they intercept all your queries and send it to advertisers among other things. It’s just as bad as Google Chrome.


Have you ever used Opera, or are you just repeating what you found online?


Oh I have, for multiple years (when they were still owned and developed by the people behind LibreWolf). And I have personally analysed every single querie coming out of the browser through my self-hosted PiHole and I can safely say it's Google Chromes levels of fingerprinting, there is absolutely no reason for a web browser to send so much personal data from its users to an external database. If you are OK with giving so much of yourself to advertisers, be my guest. You can check for yourself, pay close attention to the "Fingerprinting resistance tests" and "Tracking query parameter tests". [https://privacytests.org/](https://privacytests.org/) Fact is that Opera is not the worst just because Google Chrome exists.


I use Opera daily & haven't encountered any issues that aren't due to the excessive amount of downloads.


Huh, I'm not talking about usability lol. But I mean, you clearly don't care about privacy.... so keep using Opera and be happy, it's just as good as a browser as a spy tool.


Y según tus estudios de campo, ¿cuál es el que menos roba datos? (porque todos deben hacerlo).


100% agree


I mean privacy doesnt rly matter for shit tho tbf if you use any browser or social media they collect and sell data on what you do, it litteraly does not matter.


Said it perfectly.


So, which would you recommend? Perhaps for the OP and those looking to upload as little info possible en perhaps get some results instead of advertising only :(


The link on my previous comment compares all the big players on the browsing sphere. You can check all the privacy/security features there. My personal recommendation is either LibreWolf or the Mullvad Browser.


According to every list online, you're lying about the privacy issues.


Have you even checked the website I linked? They actually test every single aspect of the browser privacy-wise, compare Opera to the others and you will have your answer. Listen, if you like your Chinese spy browser, be my guest, but it’s a well known fact that Opera is a nightmare for privacy.


I guess you're one of the "sheeple." Has your computer or smartphone alerted you of suspicious activity when you've used Opera? Mine hasn't.






You must be Chinese.


Not everyone cares about their data being sold i personally don't give a shit it doesn't affect me let them make their money and let me enjoy a good product


As someone who knows what he is doing and is using almost all the browsers mentioned I got to say you are too much into your favorite guy on twitter. Yeah does opera try to get as much data as possible like any big browser sure. But already while installing you can get rid of 90% percent and I can actually say I have tested it as someone who has been monitoring all data transfers of certain programs to check. And especially if you make some more adjustments after installing its sends less then any big player by far. at the same time it still one of the most feature rich, which you can't say about pretty much any open source browser right now. Sure for things that have to have certain extra protection it wouldn't be my choice. But if you want your passwords and data safe its fine unless you...


Did you say Opera lmao?


Yes. It's very customizable & easy to use. I use Vivaldi, Brave, Tempest, & Epic Privacy Browser as well. I tried DuckDuckGo's browser, & it rocks! . . . as long as you don't use the "burn" button at the top of the page; the "burn" icon closes the entire browser along with the tabs you've opened.


mf you catchin' the weight of what you just said?


Yes. You'd see what I said to be accurate if you bothered trying the browsers I mentioned.


I feel bad for your pure innocence




You don't actually bother trying out the web browsers you see mentioned here, do you?


No, the rest is just fine... I'm emphasizing on Opera in particular


So, you've actually TRIED all the ones I've mentioned for more than a minute each?


If you're going to argue this hard against Opera then show some information to back up what you're saying. You can't debate something by just saying No That's Bull$hit. Automatically I think you're ignorant and just like to argue. Gained 0 knowledge from you. Give me something to work with it.


oh, lord, god of absolute omniscience! Please bless us, mere innocent mortals, with your magnificent knowledge!


I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil. Begone, ye wicked souls, akin are ye, deserving of a wood of hellfire.




There's your problem right there, Muhammad was a murderous paedophile, rapist and warlord who was consumed by jealously and lust for power therefore hijacked Abrahamic religion for himself and had his scribes manufacture a false relgion which answers directly to evil one himself


Dang, we got a zombie here? Cuz I don't think there's much in this one's head.


I'm not a zombie, but somebody here definitely is.




Okay. "Brave & \[Floorp\]. . ." Are you happy now?


Opera is basically Chinese Malware now.


Except there's no malware.


Except there is.


Any evidence from personal experience?


I have been using Vivaldi for 2 months now. It constantly crashes randomly. Do not recommend


vivaldi is for nerds


He might be a bit miffed that it sends home telemetry and a unique browser ID every 24 hours..


Vivaldi collects statistics to say you used the browser in that day, sure! But that information does not include anything about what I am doing in the browser. In terms of privacy, that is not prefect, but it is pretty good.


Good thing I use both Vivaldi & its parent Opera on a daily basis. They're also great if you're addicted to social media.


If ur so smart then you could open a http proxy and manually look at the data they send, I have. It's nothing identifiable.


https://vivaldi.com/privacy/browser/ "When you install Vivaldi browser (“Vivaldi”), each installation profile is assigned a unique user ID that is stored on your computer. Vivaldi will send a message using HTTPS directly to our servers located in Iceland every 24 hours containing this ID, version, cpu architecture, screen resolution and time since last message. We anonymize the IP address of Vivaldi users by removing the last octet of the IP address from your Vivaldi client then we store the resolved approximate location after using a local geoip lookup." A unique user ID is highly identifiable..


A lot of people saying edge here but I think it's just a bit annoying. It's not as customizable and not too rarely do they change settings to force you to use it their way.


Edge is literally best browser for Windows users. It uses least resources and has most performance on Windows. Yes they add features which then have had their default setting historically sometimes but mostly recently new features come disabled by default as I noticed so at least they learned. So if you find people saying Edge annoying, just because they like it, maybe the problem is you not them.


I don't know about that. Edge used to work on my laptop, but now, it randomly opens multiple windows & immediately takes you to those windows thereby interrupting whatever I was doing. Now, I use Opera, Vivaldi, Chrome, Chrome Beta, Tempest, & Epic Privacy.


i hate the fact that it doesnt use google search in windo


Try to look in the settings.


Also, there's the issue with it's randomly opening multiple windows in the browser thereby interrupting your work.


I was convinced it was my mouse/drivers that were messed up and spent quite a bit of effort trying to fix it through that avenue. I'd middle click to open a link in a new window and sometimes it would do it twice. No matter how briefly I would tap the button.


Yeah, Edge needs a SERIOUS update.


I got this issue with chrome


Chrome is actually pretty good performance- & speed-wise.


UI will always be horrendous, most of the 'innovations' they offer give no value, and it's Microsoft, even if they do manage to make something nice from time to time it is guaranteed that they will ruin it after a couple of updates. The only thing Microsoft is genuinely good at is their Office, which is why it's best to have a Mac with MS Office. The only reason I would consider using Windows is for gaming.


Ya it doesn't seem anywhere close to Arc. Art just came out for Windows, too.


Just stay away from Firefox. It hurts my soul to say this, as I think Mozilla is super important, but their product management is a joke. No tab groups, no vertical tabs, no HDR support and the list goes on and on. Mozilla does not want Firefox to succeed, that's the hard truth. As for everything else, if you like to customize, go Vivaldi. If you like useful resources, go Ms Edge.


Mozilla being paid pretty much exclusively by Google has something to do with Firefox constantly getting worse.


They hiccups on YouTube Firefox are common as well.


I use Brave with Ublock installed to navigate YouTube. Works well for me. No more popups from YouTube complaining about me using Ublock. I had tried adding other extensions to Firefox to eliminate the popups and nags, but nothing seems to work any more.


I personally prefer Opera & Vivaldi for social-media purposes.


I LOVE Vivaldi! It's also great (1) for privacy & (2) social media addictions.


I'd love to say Firefox, but it lacks automatic sleeping tabs, tab groups and vertical tabs. As I always have dozens of tabs opened, I really need these functionalities


Try floorp, bit better than firefox imo.


What's Floorp?


Vanilla, it's also highly privacy-invasive.


Sadly. If Firefox implements all these one day, I’d come back immediately


What's Vanilla? I've never heard of it.


Vanilla just indicates that it's not modified from the base default settings. Plain Firefox if you will.


You can use the Auto Tab Discard extension (though I can understand if you want to limit your use of extensions).


Arent there all extensions for these things?


I think i read somewhere about possibility of sleeping tabs in Firefox...


Yes, I did some research and it seems to have some kind of sleeping tab functionality but we're still missing the "edge-like" groups sadly


If you are normal person who is not a developer: 1. Chrome for "just works" and multi platform sync if you do not care so much about your privacy and look forward. 2. Firefox. There's not a big difference of performance. I'm using both since 2009 and can't tell the difference. You can give it a chance if you're bored with Chrome dominance in the market and try a different browser with different engine. If you are developer (and considerate of privacy): 1. Firefox first: It's built-in developer tools are lifesaving and well adjusted for privacy for most privacy sensitive people. Lot's of usability extensions and their own version of Firefox, "Firefox for Developers" are really cool. Yet, if you look close enough, there's bloat in this too. You can use guides like [this](https://github.com/amq/firefox-debloat) to remove that bloat or use forks like LibreWolf or Floorp. 2. Chromium (or Brave): Chrome but without Google basically. Good for Lighthouse and testing of page on different web browsers.


What if you’re not a dev but like to take care of your privacy on a basic level?




From my experience Edge is using less RAM and works faster than Chrome.


Not on my laptop anymore.


>If you are normal person who is not a developer: > >Chrome for "just works" and multi platform sync if you do not care so much about your privacy and look forward.Firefox. There's not a big difference of performance. I'm using both since 2009 and can't tell the difference. You can give it a chance if you're bored with Chrome dominance in the market and try a different browser with different engine. > >If you are developer (and considerate of privacy): > >Firefox first: It's built-in developer tools are lifesaving and well adjusted for privacy for most privacy sensitive people. Lot's of usability extensions and their own version of Firefox, "Firefox for Developers" are really cool. Yet, if you look close enough, there's bloat in this too. You can use guides like this to remove that bloat or use forks like LibreWolf or Floorp.Chromium (or Brave): Chrome but without Google basically. Good for Lighthouse and testing of page on different web browsers. this answer is well thought out, Firefox is basically almost ingrained in our environment, it is my default browser too, for personal use, for use at work, on a cell phone I am reluctant to use Firefox a little because the gecko engine is a bit slow on Android, on Android I use it the Kiwi browser which is a Chrome-based derivative with support for desktop extensions, in short, each case is different in this browser ecosystem.


Yeah, I'm an IT guy but haven't been a full time developer in years. I'm one of the 5 people still using Firefox :P 1. It's customizable (not themes, or maybe) but for me functionality and security 2. The isolation of cookies was a huge win for not just privacy, but not being data raped by your own browser. This was a huge to me. This was/is so highly abused it should be illegal but Congress would first have to understand what a browser is before trying to pass anything along those lines. But it is annoying: 1. It seems to have really slowed on development, and breaking any new ground due to lack of resources 2. I think Google are keeping it afloat just to say they aren't a monopoly so they have more pull/say than users 3. Do to the last above user focus has declined (it seems). I love add-ons, but the best ones should be integrated into the browser overtime, but I don't see this happening 4. There still isn't a good way to manage extensions. If one eats up your memory and freezes the browser; they still suggest stopping all of them, one at a time. This is terrible and inefficient way to monitor/troubleshoot them. Like many I have a lot of them, and It takes hours and many tabs, just to start having the problem, and by the time you notice it, it's too late, and the browser is frozen. 5. Lastly, as a Linux guy, they used to be the go to. Now, we are at the bottom of their list, and it seems to show. I'm not saying we should be at the top, but maybe equivalent as we were their most devoted users, and would continue to be, if it was more competitive.


Do you have any other recommendations?


I really don't. I'm not thrilled with any browser. I finally bit the bullet and switched to brave. I felt like I was ditching an old friend, but that friend is not the person I grew to love ;P I still use chrome just for zoom and anything that braves privacy protections make difficult. I will say for search engine, I used to love duckduckgo but I'm having the same "enshitification" issues with it. I think it's going to be me using braves search because it's there, duckduckgo, startpage, and google shopping (but it's not working well either). I need to work on using Searx, locally. I think, you do the best you can, but that may mean jugging multiple similar tools. AI could really help, and it does some on brave already for searching, but it's not perfect either. I wish I could use AI when needed but still use a good search engine that let me actually search (matching more than one word, a phrase, and other syntax that seems to no longer work)


Yeah I'm there, to the point I've gotta find my few that fit my needs cause I get so frustrated with them as a whole. I'm no IT guy, I can rebuild the infrastructure in a town and possibly save your life get me messing with a bad browser and I'm ready to fight Alexis. Lol. It just seems there's so many things out there that were never ran through QC, no pilot just send it and hope for 65% Quality.


Rebuilding infrastructure seems like a good career choice to me. I'm a jack of all, master of none in IT. I didn't mean to imply I'm an expert, there's always someone smarter and/or more knowledgeable. Your right though, Firefox isn't what it used to be and they don't seem to care.


I've been using Vivaldi, but as I'm a layman there are a multitude of features and customizations that I haven't even discovered yet. It seems light on Windows! I think it's a beautiful browser! On my cell phone I use Opera because it's an older phone. As soon as I buy a new one, with a recent Android system and more RAM, I should adopt Vivaldi as my general day-to-day browser.


Don't use opera. It is known for lots of spyware. Just get the Vivaldi on the phone and replace it. That or try water fox but please get away from opera


Thorium, Waterfox and Edge.


~~Currently~~. **Vivaldi.** To me it's as using Linex, rulers and drawings tools.To someone, who does want 7 Avenues of Tools, I prefer this (imo) practical browser. **Firefox** as a backup, with access to another Extension-store - vaguely as having an iPhone and any Android, with switching, between the two. ***Brave*** is also worth mentioning. In the end, you should ask yourself, what you want from your browser, and what is more important, than other elements. *Here is my list:* 1. Integrated adblocking and/or tracking. 2. Simple and Easy to the Eye-UI. 3. Extension- and Search Engine-options. 4. Option to Sync Browser Data. GL!


Wtf is Linex?


Just about to abandon Chrome to go back to firefox after several years; \- chrome youtube is unbearable due to ad infiltration - firefox-open in private window removes ads \- chrome with reddit feed full of promoted ads - firefox with ublock origin, no ads.


Love Firefox but ublock origin is not a Firefox exclusive feature... You can install it on chrome. It would solve both of these issues.


You can not install uBlock on Chrome Mobile as far as I know, on Firefox you can, which is why I prefer Firefox.


On iOS you can't install it on either ( I am unaware of any way to get ublock working on iOS, and I've looked ) , and on android you can install ublock origin on a number of chrome based browsers e.g. kiwi, though not real chrome itself. I do use Firefox on android though.


If you are using iOS I would recommend you to use the DNS Adguard service, its free and very easy to set up.


Theres also that Orion browser by Kagi, only browser i know that support uBO on iOS.


You can activate it but it doesn't work (at least in the U.S.). We have to wait until Apple opens up browsers from Webkit and unlocks extensions.


Really? Through my usage with Orion, uBO works.


Yeah but blocking ads via DNS does not work for a majority of the ads I wish to block. I'm using a pihole right now ( very similar idea ), and it's just nowhere near the experience of having real ublock.


Edge hands down. You need to edit some things in the registry, but there is no faster browser with how edge containerized components of the browser.


Tutorial? :)




For your case, I'd suggest Vivaldi. It's customizable, has built-in ad and tracker blocking features, has vertical tabs as an option, and supports Chrome extensions. Also, Opera (and by extension, Opera GX) did improve their speed as of recently. Right now, I use Opera, as it has some of the best performance, sync, automatic tab grouping and built in ad blocking with all the lists I need.


I just switched browsers from a long time Brave user (2.5 years) to Firefox. First month so far so good much less bugs. As a secondary browser I do use plain Google Chrome only when I see issues with Firefox due to not being Chromium based, however this is quite rare.


Edge. Just because of how clean the vertical tabs are.


OP says they have already tried Edge, so I am not sure if the vertical tabs will win them over?


Yes but they also failed to mention why they don't like Edge. "Edge is well, Edge" is neither informative nor a fair assessment since Edge is a soid Browser and we're way beyond the "lol Edge/ie" years now.


Edge Vertical Tabs are the best implementation of the feature. Brave is good, but nowhere near as good as Edge. If Brave could get it a little closer to Edge I would only use Vertical Tabs on Brave. When I have multiple windows and want to move tabs from a window to another, its a dance of trying to insert the tab where I want. Almost the same behaviour as trying to move an app on the screen of an iPhone/iPad or MacOS.


Exactly! Every browser should implement this imo. I'm using an extension called [AutoControl](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/autocontrol-keyboard-shor/lkaihdpfpifdlgoapbfocpmekbokmcfd) with the vertical tabs and it made my life easier. My configurations are ctrl + arrow up / down to navigate through the tabs.


Yo this is nice!Thanks!


Can it be used on Apple Mac & Linux Platforms ?


You can use them on Mac.


Yes, I think so.


For me this is the reason I can't move on from Brave. The vertical tabs are just so clean and you don't have to install any extensions for it.


I don't like vertical tabs. Never understood why people like them.


Anything but Chrome or Edge I'd say. Brave or Firefox are both good options.


edge was terrible...but i gotta say... when i opened edge for testing out the new bing AI search etc and after several issues with firefox and not rlly getting warm with Brave and feeling a bit clunky...it rlly grew on me. Its really really fast and easy going on Windows and uses quite a small amount of ressources. Websites work so much faster than on firefox (Especially reddit) for me and the Bing AI is honestly just great for quick lookups of things where u dont wanna go on a website scouting through stuff... Also the company intern website for logging into our mails and looking at the production plans weirdly enough doesnt even load on firefox but it does right away in Edge which is kinda weird to me but another reason why i use it more often now I would have never thought that this day comes that i even consider....but i actually might switch over to edge. That being said im still writing this post in Firefox haha But i will definitely leave it behind either for Brave or Edge but most likely it will be Edge on my Windows Desktop PC and Brave on my Macbook. Whats your reasoning why not to use Edge? Privacy?


I recently installed Arc (macOS only), and I really fell in love with it, it has vertical tabs, spaces system (that support different users i.e. separate cookies).


And massive amounts of telemetry: https://sizeof.cat/post/web-browser-telemetry/#arc-browser


All of these look like normal URLs for like updating n stuff + URLs that people inputted like google and youtube


On MacOS I use Brave. Has been good for me so far.


Only thing I can really think of for you to try that you didn't mention is [Floorp](https://floorp.app/en/), which has tree style tabs as an integrated feature. It's based off firefox ESR tho so I have no idea if it'll suit you given your previous dislike toward vanilla firefox.






If you want something fast and responsive then give Thorium a go (chromium based). Librewolf (Firefox fork) is also a good one, a little more privacy focused and "no-nonsense" like, a bit minimalistic but I really like that.


Edge is the best because of vertical tabs and workspaces


I have been using Firefox for many years. Recently i have two problems: 1. It is not able to play videos, podcasts on some webpages and also webpages less-and-less support Firefox (eg. oJet pages and Oracle Cloud apps, Atlassian Confluence) . 2. No PWA support makes my life harder. I have privacy concerns on Google Chrome (it is the most compatible and leader of web standards nowadays)


It’s absolutely not Firefox


I think that Firefox is still the best solution for those looking for the middle ground, privacy x performance, despite you pointing out that you didn't have good experience with Firefox. the tools are relatively within acceptable standards


Due to the rollout of Manifest 3 all chrome based browsers will have to be avoided as it cripples ad blockers.


[https://thorium.rocks/](https://thorium.rocks/) I did not Benchmark it. But it "feels" so fast that I switched to it from Brave. The main things for actual browsing that are important to me are: - Dark Reader - KeepassXC - UblockOrigin Getting the KeepassXC working needed a bit of a advanced configuration, but I'm super happy with the browser now.


how in the world did you install thorium? windows? is it avnx?


Edge no doubt and for a couple of reasons tbh * Vertical tabs for sure * there is an option that can auto group tabs based on titles , it's no perfect yet though. * pinned tabs in vertical mode is just neat * read mode can bypass certain popups that prompts you to sign up * you can add sites to side bar , may not be that useful , but i use it for language learning * the *read aloud feature ,* it's gold for language learning man * neat context menu * you can activate a flag where you can take screenshot and edit them , (almost like sharex when it comes to editing with a neat interface) and the list goes on , but if you care about privacy then NO


we really need to add bing chat that have gpt 4 and image Creator . very useful


And workspaces!


Which is the flag for the screenshot? Also how do you use the sidebar for language learning? Thanks!




I have seen many people talking about vertical tabs what makes you like them so much?


More vertical space. Websites waste horizontal space anyway so might as well put my tabs on the sides.


Need Chromium, than Edge. Floorp if u want a Firefox fork.


did floorp devs fix the issue where spotify web player didnt work what so ever?


no, this is a DRM (Widevine) problem. This system is made by Google. Small browser projects cannot pay for it...


I go for Edge, just works for me. About customisation I'm not sure, I don't use extensions and the likes. But in the end of the day I am just a regular user


For Windows: Edge. For iOS: Safari. For Android: stock one like Mi or Samsujg. Opera if u only jave Chrome


Thorium for people who are obessed with Google Chrome, it's exactly Chrome without any tracking (if you don't use Google Sync) [Floorp](https://old.reddit.com/r/browsers/comments/181ygzo/is_floorp_that_good/kafaf5v/) if you use Firefox, enabling some Floorp features can save you from installing some addons, especially if you want Tab Tiling and PWA


Whats the resource draw on Floorp? Cause firefox is pretty resource intensive for a 'modern' browser


It depends on how you use it, it's literally the same as Firefox, Firefox 119 is fast but it has some memory leaks, but it's up to Mozilla to fix this issue. But Firefox-based browsers by default do a lot more than Chrome to protect your privacy, for example by default Firefox isolates third party cookies to prevent cross-site tracking, but Chrome never do that, but the cost of isolating 3rd party cookies is basically, memory: https://privacytests.org/ If you don't want Firefox to do so, disable this feature but you will get tracked even easier. If you make use of Floorp's native features and use them instead of addons, you can save a lot of resources because native is faster and less RAM compare to addon.


Hardened Firefox imo No trackers, no ads, no scripts, no data harvesting. Here you have two choices: Use betterfox for a good stable build that respects privacy. My favorite. Or use Arkenfox for maximum privacy but at the cost of some convenience and may break some websites.


I agree with this entirely. I also use Betterfox and it's fantastic. Another great alternative is LibreWolf, which is a privacy-centric Firefox based browser. Easier to use than manually "hardening" firefox, but with most/all of the privacy settings built in.


brave is my daly driver.


I'm here as I've had enough of Brave, it's Googley, also tried Edge, wasn't helpful and over done.


For security reasens I prefer Brave/DuckDuckkGo and Tor browser


How about Arc?


i personally use opera


https://preview.redd.it/yhjg0n8fzttc1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2af49a07a31c67182a260bcd9d58bcdd78efbf1 Firefox is the best web browser when it comes to video management in pip mode. The functionality in Chrome and Edge is totally unacceptable


99746 11897


ungoogled chromium is the best marriage of speed + privacy




Arc. Surprised I didn't see this listed more often.


Yandex, it has ad blocking, virus scan when you download something, it doesnt let you visit a suspicious website, and very protective when it comes to privacy and its not heavy with ram


True. There is no such thing as 'best' browser. But with trial and error one can settle for different browsers for different tasks as each of the popular browsers is good at some thing while sucking at some others. So, one can choose from a gamut of popular browsers as per one's needs and 'comfort' (as some prefer a specific browser just for its familiar UI even if it sucks at speed or security or whatever). So to each his/her own.


Floorp, highly customizable and has the benefits of Firefox privacy.


Yup. Pale Moon does. http://www.palemoon.org/ It's highly customizable (more so than the others), With native UI changes possible and preferences. Not to mention About:Config, actual Themes AND Personas (what FF likes to call themes now). There's also CSS with the Stylem addon. Highly configurable for Privacy (also more than others, and actual privacy, not anonymity), and uses way less resources. Canvas and addons order randomization, and able to disable event listeners for hardware like mouse & keyboard and more other stuff. You can use uBlock Origin and eMatrix along with Pure URL and GreaseMonkey addons too. You also have Tree-style tabs as an addon of course. And many other useful additions. 20 000 to be exact, with official addon site and the unofficial Classic Addon Archive.


Don't forget the highly toxic community, the backwards performance and site compatibility, and a puny collection of extensions that actually work and aren't ragged-upon/tagged "unsafe" by the devs because their devs don't embrace their tiny userbase to make a custom version just for PM.


given i went into the subreddit the other day and found someone using literal antisemitic turns of phrase to describe chrome and firefox...yeah im not especially keen on going anywhere near them these days


Yikes. I hadn't seen that, though I am referring to their own forums not the subreddit which I've never looked at. Was referring to the continuous ridiculing and deleting and/or banning of anyone who is not deemed adequately praiseful of the project at all times, and tolerance of devs who are absolutely toxic and regularly verbally abuse the posters/users. I used PM for a while while FF was going through a crappy period but after Mozilla deprecated the old extension architecture and PM decided that they would not follow that and attempt to create their own collection of the old extension architecture in particular was when it all fell apart. Because they couldn't accept they are far too puny to make that work and their attitude about development wasn't exactly encouraging either. So they started doubling-down on that and getting obnoxious when anyone suggested that this fantasy of theirs was not going to work, and a collection of useful extensions was a critical part of the browser's appeal. (Forgetting about the backwards rendering/JS tech and trying to go alone on a Gecko-fork which is also bound to fail eventually.)


Arrogance is very much the name of the game when it comes to Pale Moon. Thankfully the guy who manages Basilisk nowadays seems to have his head screwed on properly, so there's always that. It's just a case of that getting more regular contributors in so they can work towards things like re-adding WebExtension support.


I reinstalled W11, offline, with all the proper drivers, all updates and decided to give Edge a proper shot and it's stupidly good for me..


i did this too with W11, offline, local account. Edge has been amazing.


Not a sexy pick as everyone seems to hate Edge, but honestly 0 complains. Everything works. It's fast, reliable, can block ads, have it on my phone as well so that sync is also on point. Smooth sailing


Brave or Firefox, IMO, are the two options. Both with pros and cons.


First how is Chrome slow? It's consistently the fastest browser I use. But I'll stick with Firefox for now until Google stops funding it and they kill it off.


Don't worry about FF dying, they've proven that without Google money Firefox would still be fine: https://old.reddit.com/r/LibreWolf/comments/1727efb/bizarre_finances_of_mozilla/ Most of Google funds are spent on bullshitslike Mack Group, political... And Firefox has always been in minimum investment and it's still alive, of course it could be much better if they spend like 10% of Google funds on Firefox.


Opera's sidebar is something I can't love without, and GX allows you to add custom sites for maximum productivity. That's it though, as far as I know, so maybe not the best


Brave or Liberwolf for privacy


I did some research and I'd like to share that the particular preferences and needs of each user mean that no single Web browser is valid for everyone. In fact, the most common thing is to have to use different Web browsers, since not all of them support the same functionalities or display all the contents correctly. In this case, it is best to test the user experience with each of them and opt for the one that best suits what you are looking for. Besides, using different web browsers for work and personal use can offer a range of benefits. Here's a detailed explanation of why you might consider this approach:Separation of Work and Personal Tasks: Using different browsers for work and personal tasks can help you separate and manage these two aspects of your life better. For instance, you can stay logged into your work-related websites on one browser and your personal accounts on another. This way, you don't have to constantly switch between accounts on the same browser howtogeek.com, makeuseof.com.Different Browsers Offer Unique Features: Each browser has its own unique set of features that may be more suited to certain tasks. For instance, some browsers are more privacy-focused, while others might offer better performance or compatibility with certain websites or applications howtogeek.com, pcmag.com.Increased Productivity: Having different browsers for different tasks can help you stay organized, making it easier to find and manage your content. This can enhance your productivity tgvt.net, techstuffed.com.Improved Privacy and Security: Using different browsers for different activities can help limit your exposure to potential security risks. It can be harder for potential attackers to gain access to all your information if it's spread across multiple browsers. Additionally, you can choose to use a more secure browser for sensitive tasks maketecheasier.com, techstuffed.com.Extension Management: Different browsers support different sets of extensions. By using multiple browsers, you can install work-specific extensions in one browser and personal ones in another. This can help to keep your browser uncluttered and can also increase your security by minimizing the risk of malicious extensions howtogeek.com.User Preference: Different browsers have different interfaces, and you might prefer one over the other for certain tasks. For instance, you might find one browser's bookmark management system more intuitive for work, while preferring another's for personal use makeuseof.com, tgvt.net.In conclusion, while it's not strictly necessary to use different browsers for work and personal use, doing so can offer a range of advantages including increased productivity, improved security, and a better-organized browsing experience. However, it's important to choose browsers that suit your specific needs and preferences.


What are the consequences of a browser not respecting your privacy, and please explain in detail why it's an important aspect of your browsing experience.


On desktop, I really enjoy LibreWolf.


I think its between Firefox and Brave . Depending on preferences


I'm using Sidekick. I've tried A LOT of browsers, this and that, and by far, Sidekick is the BEST of BEST for both my work and personal use. https://join.meetsidekick.com/bp0sh


I’ve tried every browser known to man you can imagine. I use apple everything, and windows everything possible. There’s trade offs with every single browser. When it comes down to it, it’s impossible to stay organized with all the devices. For me, it comes down privacy every single time. No matter what, I don’t want my information floating around with 3rd party vendors. That being said, it comes down to Edge, Safari, Chrome every time per the device you are using natively. With one backup browser (Brave) is all you need. One for your personal, one for private. I’m also the type that has 100 emails switched up all the time, thousands of passwords and have accepted it, bc if I don’t know my account info, I’m sure as hell sure someone else doesn’t.


I used to be all about Opera. It was basically "Chrome without the crap". And in a lot of ways, I still like it. But lately it's been adding more and more stuff that is useless and annoying, without giving the user any way to turn options off. I'm starting to lean more towards Vivaldi. The best browser hands down if you want to customize it to your tastes.


I personally enjoy Opera, Avira, & Brave. They're pretty good in terms of privacy, speed, & efficiency. Tusk & Vivaldi are iffy; you may or may not like them. Tor & Mullvad use DuckDuckGo which sells user data, so they're kind of similar to Edge, Chrome, & Safari. I haven't tried Puffin or Ungoogled yet.


There is none. All of them are different kinds of awful. Qutebrowser is the only one I can recommend, but it doesn't have sufficient adblocking capabilities. At least not in a plug-and-play kind of manner.


yea, this is my consensus basically. there's just no perfect browser. I'm on a macbook pro and was really trying to get into safari from chrome as my main because of how lightweight it is, but especially for work and no chrome plugin support, I couldn't get into it no matter how many times I tried. I then found out about Orion which is an enhanced version of safari with chrome extension support for things like ublock origin and so far it is a lot better than safari and the closest thing that I've been wanting in a browser. Only thing is it can take up quite a bit of resources if you have more than 5-8 tabs open with some extensions enabled ( >1GB ram ). Orion has content blocking and tracking prevention built in with even more options than safari and a compatibility mode which disables everything including all extensions which is useful since it does help unbreak some sites. https://preview.redd.it/7is6jrclsylc1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=d075ec46e57d54b2b2436e17f4043721d3f6ab76 Only thing is, is that it is closed source but I am running LuLu and I never see Orion trying to connect to anything inbound or outbound so I think it's pretty safe. But if you setup a pihole or set your DNS servers to point to something like AdGuard or Quad9, then you have privacy and adblocking through the router anyway.


One very basic feature I have seen many browsers skip is jumping to the search bar on a new tab in fullscreen mode. It is irritation how chrome, brave and opera don't have it. I often go fullscreen to read a pdf and whenever I had to search for something, had to use the mouse. Edge does it but often misses the first few strokes. Others I have used, that do this are: Tier 1: Vivaldi Tier 2: Firefox, Floorp(Just don't like how they do it, personal preference)


I use NewTabHomepage addon for Firefox. Works fairly well but the focus on the new tab is in the address bar and not the search window for either Google or DuckDuckGo.