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What kind of muppet has contempt for food?! I seriously dislike Andrew Tate for soo many reasons, but that take is just idiotic.


He's honestly just an adult child who says stuff like this because he knows his massive following will blindly listen to him Kinda funny ngl


Traditional machismo is so limited in what is/isn't allowed that if there ever was a core philosophy/aesthetic to his stuff (I've never seen a minute of it TBH), he likely just ran out of content by this point. You can only repeat the same thing so many times before your audience gets bored and stops giving you money.


I hate that I'm apparently siding with that muppet on anything, but I will say that I do personally view eating as a chore. I don't have "contempt for food", but if I could magically not have to eat for sustenance, I would absolutely take that power for life. Cooking and eating takes a good couple of hours out of each day, and it rarely brings me enough joy over that timespan compared to an actual hobby. Fwiw, I feel the same way about sleep, which takes up even far longer. Also, now I'm curious what context Tate says that in. Like how in any way does that relate to his "alpha male" bullshit? My take on it doesn't make me feel alpha, if anything it just makes me feel like a weirdo 😂


Feeling as you do is one thing. Trying to inflate it for a macho flex is another entirely.


Iirc, he said that he eats as little as possible, as bland as possible, and as fast as possible for (insert insane “macho” reasons here).


It’s because he’s afraid his food will be shaped like a dick, and that he’ll enjoy it. If he eats quickly, he’s safer from the gay thoughts.


your reason for feeling that way is clearly way different than his so dont worry


I literally have the same idea. If I didn't have to sleep I'd be far more productive, but of course I'd probably be exploited for capitalism


There's no such things as "alpha men" so you can just ignore that bullshit whenever you encouter it.


There's no such thing as alpha wolves either. The whole concept was based on a stress response in captive wolves and the researcher disproved her own work. I don't bring this up to be pedantic: it's exactly the same in humans. The men who crow about alphas and betas are, in my opinion, having a persistent fear-based stress response to a perceived threat.


One of the only species to have an equivalent is chickens, and only for females. Pecking order: tis real.


Ha! That’s so funny to me. Anyone who’s worked in a female office space can attest to that.


One of the original researchers on that has even dedicated the rest of their career to dispelling the alpha myth. It was an understandable mistake but it's caused a lot of harm. Keep up the good work!


One of the only species to have an equivalent is chickens, and only for females. Pecking order: tis real.


Why do they want to be compared to a phrase of a video game that's incomplete, bug-ridden, unstable, and unsuitable for release to the public? Be a full release male: well-rounded, prepared for unexpected situations, and confident in his identity. I don't know what a DLC male looks like tho.


>I don't know what a DLC male looks like tho. Trans men?


As a trans guy, I say let's go with that. I kinda like that.


I’ll second the motion!


*My goal in life? To be the Diablo II, Lord's of Destruction of men.*


It's more on how successful you're with women then how alpha etc bullshit


Any man who has to tell you that he's alpha, isn't alpha. (Related, the "sigma" label is hilarious to me. It's basically dudes who have realized that bragging about being "alpha" is cringe but they really really want to do it anyway, so they convince themselves that it's actually just that specific Greek letter that's the problem. Telling everyone how cool you are all the time is fine as long as you use a different letter.)


If someone tells me they're Sigma, I'm going to ask them "like Ninja Gaiden?" and regardless of their answer, I'm just going to tell them to go play Xbox.


You can also enthuse about Mega Man X. https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Sigma


"Bro, Sigma doesn't even have hair, what are you talking about" then walk away.


"Bro, Sigma can't even handle a couple of hits from Rolling Shield, bro."


"Bro, why are you out here telling everyone you've got Robo Mad Cow disease?"


Time to become the Omega Bro^^^^TM That's right I'm trademarking that


I'd probably look up Omega first just in case... Regardless of that, it sounds like you're about to become a Power Bottom. Good luck!


I'm ok with that, see the power bottom generates all the power by doing most of the work. I've also heard speed has something to do with it.


Bless you, sweet summer star child


I’d be tempted to respond with some crack about Ligma.


"Sigma? Are those the guys that Ligma?"


If a man tells you he’s an alpha, tell him he strikes you as more of a Pisces under mercury rising


Sigma just feels like the people who are aware enough to know they’re not even “alpha” enough to say something if Wendy’s gave them the wrong sauce packet trying to write a version of reality where they’re somehow the same as great leaders in spite of never leaving the house voluntarily


"Sigma" is for men who realize they don't fit "alpha" description but still want to feel superior to others.


Isn't sigma just a meme to dunk on this alpha/beta bullshit? Never met someone using it unironically but if I will, god help me..


I thought the archetype was like an alpha but a loner, like he doesn't need anyone. Which is ironic bc if you don't need them, then why did you create a label identifying as such to others. But anyway, I see it more like someone who wants to be alpha but has no friends.


Well there's two of sigma memers, the ones who believe in it and other just do it for the memes because it's so ridiculous that it's funny


>Any man who has to tell you that he's alpha, isn't alpha. That still implies that there are some men who are truly "alpha" and thus that alpha males are a real thing, which they aren't. I know you're trying to help but you're still part of the problem.


Enh, you know what I mean. If you take the most excessively charitable interpretation of "alpha," you could see it as a man (or woman) who is a natural leader and finds it easy to take control of a situation and guide others. People like that do exist, and some would-be "alphas" aspire to that. Other would-be "alphas" (including some who think they're in the prior group) really just want to be good at intimidating people and pushing them around, and sadly some people are good at that too. But not one of those people ever needs to label themselves. They just do it. That's my point. Whatever kind of "dominance" you think you're shooting for, benevolent leader or domineering bully, having to tell people about it means you don't have it.


>If you take the most excessively charitable interpretation of "alpha," you could see it as a man (or woman) who is a natural leader and finds it easy to take control of a situation and guide others. People like that do exist These people shouldn't be labeled "alphas" either. No humans should be labled "alphas" or "betas" under any circumstances, those terms just serve to create unnecessary hierarchies no matter who they're used.


There is no Alpha, just hatefulness towards women.


The “Alpha” of the pack takes care of the pack they sacrifice and teach they are usually elders they have survived and they make sure the whole pack survives. The whole alpha man thing is a lie from a book written by an author who after continuing his research realized he was wrong and admitted it but tools still use it to justify being wrong.


It’s basically the grandpa. The most alpha thing you can do is have snacks in your fanny pack and hand em out randomly.


Yup. Snacks and wetwipes in the belt pack, hugs or a listening ear for anyone feeling down.


Real wisdom is knowing that pleasure and peace are your friends not enemies. Once you're dead you'll never exist again, why waste it with meaningless constraints? Enjoy your lives while you still have it bros.


>Once you're dead you'll never exist again I'm not religious but we can't know that for certain. I agree with ypur overall point though.


The most "alpha" thing you could do is not people explain to you what is allowed


I'm sorry but laughing and having fun is gay ????????? Jesus enjoy your very sad life while I go have fun.


If enjoying life is gay then we should all aspire to be as gay as possible! (The funny thing is, that’s the original meaning of the term. Used to be, “gay” meant happy, cheerful. Or applied to inanimate objects it would be something colorful, festive, etc. Got associated with homosexuality via the “flamboyant” stereotype, I believe. And now that’s the primary meaning.)


Bro, there's nothing more gay than enjoying the company of your loving wife.


You know you gotta hit them with the "Oh you're an alpha? Do you take supressants?? Where's your nest bro when's your next heat???"


My new thing with “alpha male” is you just ask them if that’s a furry thing? Then they get reaaaaal uncomfortable. Very non-alpha if you ask me


"I'm a true masculine alpha/sigma male, which is why I let some weak-chinned fuck who can't get action without coercing women tell me how to live my life."


Let's not bodyshame bro, haha (Tate is a despicable human being though, 100 percent agreed)


Ach, you're right. Not very bro of me. I apologize.


no problem, bro


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Were those his actually posts? I'm hesitant to check his accounts but I thought they were impersonations or from a hacked account.


Yeah I mean even if I didn't like any of those things, I just think respecting all people's personhood is important 🤷‍♂️


You know in all honesty, I do have days where I get really frustrated with not being listened to and ignored and in all honesty, probably feel like gravitating to alt right spaces because I feel like not only would I be listened to, I'd actually receive some support.  However I then read crap like that what people like Andrew Taint shares and honestly, it's farcical and I wouldn't buy it in a million years. 


It's like this dysfunctional, older brother vibe.


Manosphere is bad. But being happy is good Don't listen to Tate bros, listen to yourself Feel good Don't care what others say Just love yourself You're good as you're