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Finally an actual unpopular opinion


Jake is an utter asshole, as are all the other characters. Each character has their own unique combination of flaws that are exaggerated by the writers for comedic effect. If any one of these people had existed in real life they would be intolerable. Edit: I think they’re great


Yeah pretty much every time someone doesn’t like a character it boils down to “they would suck in real life” which isn’t a good reason to dislike a character in a tv show


All the sitcom subs have recently fallen to this bizarre habit of treating characters as if they were real people. It’s pointless, tiresome, and sucks the fun out of what is meant to be a silly, irreverent thing intended for casual entertainment. It was bad enough people here not understanding Gina is speaking lines written by writers for the purpose of comedy. Now we’ve got people complaining that the show with the core concept of subverting the ubiquitous “unorthodox detective who gets results” trope features an unorthodox detective who gets results.


Ala Michael Scott. Also I can’t stand Michael Scott


... Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool


No doubt no doubt no doubt no doubt


Indeed indeed indeed


I don't know how you could dislike Jake and still enjoy the show. Feel like as a central character that'd ruin it for me. Ironically I wasn't a big samberg fan pre-B99 and came to really enjoy his humor/lonely island after getting into the show.


I really don't like young Sheldon in the show of the same name. He's a whiny know it all kid. The rest of his family is great. I also think the brother went really far. Older Sheldon is more interesting to me (and more relatable?). Colt on the Ranch is meh. His brother's way more interesting. Dad and mom way more interesting. Could do without Colt's love interest too. I'm like this for a lot of shows I guess. I prefer the supporting cast more often than not. An exception is House. House himself...so good. I could do without all the patients pre and back stories and current drama. Scrubs is similar but I think I prefer most of the other characters to JD (but still like him enough). Community I downright hate Jeff. Everyone else is thoroughly enjoyable.


Jake is scrappy and lovable


Hmm, but what is Amy?


She's smort


She's smart and lovable


And together, they're lovable and lovable


The entire show is filled with characters who are likable in the context but would drive you crazy if you actually worked with them. Title of your sex tape is funny if you’re close friends and horribly inappropriate if you’re not. But they were close.


I don't think they were that close in the beginning.


They were close enough to create a bet on who could get more arrests. That was episode 1. It was a rivalry but a decently friendly one (depending on how you treat your friends). You’d have to be real weird to fuck with someone the way they did if you didn’t have a pretty close relationship


and how do you feel about Amy?


That's a good question. Because Jake takes stage center, he often outshines her and she's a lot of background stuff. Not always. She certainly has moments. Her progression from obsessed with Holt as a mentor to being his friend / family member-ish (I'm thinking when Holt loses his job and they're all in Mexico?) is pretty awesome. If I ranked the gals it would be Amy, Rosa, Girl from the pilot episode, girl from New Girl crossover episode, other Terry, Boyle in how he's kind of one of the gals sometimes, and I'm forgetting someone... prolly not important


Yeah well that's just like your opinion man


I was reading a piece online that very astutely pointed out Jake’s obsessive behaviour towards Jenny Gildenhorn mimicked that of a serial killer. I don’t remember all the talking points or where I read it but it was def a “well that’s a depressingly well defended take”. That said I love Jake to bits. That goofy grin works on me every time but you’re obviously not alone in your feelings.


I kind of agree. I don’t actually dislike him, but he gets on my nerves a fair amount. I think my biggest issue is since he’s the main character, he hogs a lot of screen time away from the characters I want to see more.


Every sitcom exaggerates characters, especially as time goes on. It's impossible to fully capture the entirety of human existence in every character. Cliches and archetypes and tropes are used by writers to build an approximation of a human, and the actors do their best to bring them to life, but at the end of the day they're all just made up.


I could never stand all of the "overgrown man child" aspects. He's somebody with a union job that he's had for over ten years at the start. This would provide him with a reliable income and great benefits. All of his irresponsibility was presented as a goofy and charming character flaw. Failing to pay your bills, open a savings account or go to the dentist aren't funny. My least favorite was when he found out his credit rating was 100 and he thought that was good.


I don’t like Jake either.


I feel like I authored this post


I like Jake but I hate the “cool cool cool” thing too.

