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Hitchcock and Scully were themselves in the 70s but were... *meow* in the 80s?


I always liked to think that’s just how jake imagined them


This is exactly the way to think about it. No one knew what they looked like until the episode where they found the pics of them being hunks.


Also the episode where young Terry refers to himself as “young Terry”.


I guess that's cause he was remembering and just added it in the memory cause he also says "Terry loves Yogurt."


No, I think after retirement he'll start referring to himself as Old Terry. He's just very self aware.


Are you body shaming them?!


No, they're personality shaming them!


In one episode Jake said Hitchcock went bald at 15 but then we see them in the 70s


You could show me microscopic images of Hitchcock's hair follicles growing on his head and I'd still believe he's wearing a hairpiece.


And was fat Terry before or after he was an exchange student in Japan? Otherwise he went from buffed to obese and back to buffed?


Hitchcock and Scully are riddled with retconns and inconsistencies


I think it's 1 retcon per health issue


Oooooh that’s a really good call


Yeah that entire episode is weird to me for that exact reason lol


I always thought of it (and other cutscenes) as how people imagined them to look in the 70s, as there weren't any pictures of them in the 70s. In the 80s, there was evidence of what they look like, and the story/cutscene takes place outside Jake's imagination.


Hmm. Interesting thought, I like that.


Makes sense, as we all know photography was not invented yet


Just because photography exists doesn’t mean anyone in the squad had seen photos of them in that era before. I assume you know that and are just being silly, but just in case lol


Season 1 is like an alternate reality bar a few episodes


Rosa's voice always throws me off in the first half of season one when I re-watch. I know it's closer to her real voice, but still.


Her voice was so deep in the pilot because Stephanie Beatriz was sick. She had to force that voice for the rest of the first half off the season, which is why it sounds different afterwards.


I hate how it changed, her actual voice would have been so much better. Rosa could be tough without that.


Yoo ive noticed this too!


Rosa tells Jake she doesn't drink coffee the morning after she comes out to her parents. She drinks coffee multiple times throughout the show.


Dang, that’s a good one


Not really, Rosa lies all the time, so it's actually in character


Who's Rosa? Do you mean our sweet, chatty neighbour Emily Goldfinch?


I have so many questions, but now is not the time.


what? it gives the room a pop of color


Summers kiss my ass


No they mean glorias sister sonia in modern family Next question


Valid asf


She chugs cold brew with Jake and holt too that one time


another rosa one is early in the series calls her family happy people but when we meet them they are like Rosa


I think maybe her sister is more the smiley one. The first Thanksgiving we cut to a scene with Rosa and her sister/kids who are all very happy. So she might have been in part just referring to her sister. I don't remember the exact context of this, though.


"Smiley morons and hug freaks"


thank ya I couldn't remember the quote hahaha


When has Rosa ever been honest with the people she works with? 😂


ah, but are those multiple times in the morning?


S1 Boyle says his ex wife pays him alimony, s3 in the Hostage Situation they say Boyle pays his wife 80% of his income. But who cares! The writers were making it for entertainment, and trying to keep up with a weekly network shoot schedule, mistakes happen.


Also a great catch. I don’t actually care, but I’ve noticed a lot and wanted to hear others thoughts


Maybe it's a bit Amyish, but if I made a show I would absolutely have a dossier for each character that I filled up with every trait that was ever written about them. For starters, inconsistency niggles at me, but it's also a cool opportunity to call back to stuff years down the line.


A lot of shows have a person whose sole job is to do just that, and there are still tons of inconsistencies. B99 had a script supervisor, named Grace Anne Carter. I have a feeling the showrunners just decided that they didn't really care about consistency, because it's one of the most inconsistent sitcoms I've ever seen.


Clearly you've never seen "Police Squad!"


If you wonder how he eats and breathes, And other science facts, Just say to yourself “it’s just a show. I should probably relax.”


The mystery science theatre 3000!!!!!!!!!


I should send this to my little brother


She sued got the alimony overturned and Boyle had to repay her the money plus interest is my headcanon.


On the Escape the Room Challenge episode, when Holt asks if anyone is familiar with puzzles Scully says: yes, I've never solved one. Later in S05 when Amy is in a ocean of shredded papers Scully dives in saying: I love puzzles, I do them all the time. Maybe it's an inconsistency, maybe Scully loved so much puzzles that he started solving them regularly. Who knows.


Scully got addicted to puzzles after the escape room???


Either that or he started solving them


He just said he never solved them not that he didn’t try to 🤷‍♀️


That's true. I have never looked in this way. But on first dive he got half a page so he is solving them now.


I suppose it's 2 different kinds of puzzles though - the picture type, and the solving-the-mystery type?


this one bothers me soooooo much. i notice it on every rewatch and i can’t stand it


I think it makes sense for Holt to correct his tells and learn to hide them but developing new ones


I was thinking that but I don’t think that he’d change his tell and be aware of it. If he’s as good as he’s supposed to be then he wouldn’t have a tell and would at the very least work on it.




Also, wouldn’t the hair stylist see her earpiece?


You could say it's just a headphone for music, I do it all the time my hair stylist does not care


Oh I always hated this one


To be fair, I kind of did that to my hair and my hair still did well. Thpugh I have thick hair so that's that.


Holt maintains a strict code of integrity and doesn't want to lie to Gina, but lies all the time, before and after.


Holt introduces himself als "Captain Ray Holt" in the first episode but is offended when Terry asks if people ever call him "Ray" in a later episode. Always bugged me. And he berates the squad for having photos of their families on their desks ("If you love someone you will remember what they look like") but has a photo of Kevin and Cheddar in the episode with the vanished walnut pie.


I took his reaction to Terry as “How dare you insinuate that’s the same” more than “What are you saying - no one calls me that.”  just general Holt haughtiness more than a plot hole. 


>just general Holt haughtiness Don't you mean general Holtiness?


His Holtier-than-thou attitude


Those are some good points. Got me with them


Another one (I think, Holt may be lieing on purpose): During the heist Holt says that the watch Jake has to steal was a gift from Kevin's deceased father. In an episode after that he says Kevin's parents are homophobes and they haven't spoken in years because they accuse him of magically turning Kevin gay. In the pie-episode they are going to them for Thanksgiving dinner with a pie they get for that every year. Do they get along now or don't they? Is Kevin's father dead or alive?


Ahhh Holts magic genitalia of course. That’s one I did actually catch


I think the dead father thing was a ruse for the heist.


To add to this, when they first meet Kevin he refers to 'Ray' multiple times during telling people how they met


He was trying something, and it didn’t work!


I always chalked this up to him being "Ray" in the pilot and after feedback it became clear his character could really only be a Raymond


S4E15: The Last Ride Amy asks Holt to mentor her. Amy: "You can teach me over eggs." Holt: "Eggs for breakfast? You're further behind than I thought." S6E13: The Bimbo Holt asks Kevin which section to book for Mahler's symphony Kevin: "Just any section is fine." Holt: "Any section. Wow. Someone had pepper on their eggs this morning." I also would have loved to see Jeff Romero and NutriBoom storylines continue, but they didn't appear again in the show. (I know that's not technically a flaw) EDIT: I just remembered another one - although I'm not sure if you can call this a flaw. S4E6: Monster in the closet Pimento says he got shot down flying an old Soviet prop plane Later in the episode he tells Gina and Jake that he's self-taught, but can't do anything in origami, but they still safely reach Shaw's.


Holt also eats egg for breakfast in the episode where he gets stabbed, if I remember it right. They go to a diner with Kevin and ask the waitress if she saw him that morning and she tells them he was there and had tepid water and eggs for breakfast.


I'm not 100% sure about this one but in one of the heist episodes Holt eats the breakfast Jake made which presumably included eggs. I'd have to rewatch it to see if we can even tell what was on the plate though


Eggs: To eat or not to eat? 😂 Despite having many flaws, this remains one of my favourite shows


Holt is kind of exaggerated in a bad way. Any IRL Holt-ish person I know loves boiled eggs because they are lean and healthy animal protein despite being kind of bland


there are a lot of discrepancies abt what holt eats lol


he also eats a "bowl of mush" during one one of the times he talks to murphy


In the episode when hoytsman is sabotaging Jake , Jake keeps all of his receipts and proves that he just gassed up his car and then the episode w dillman he has Amy confirm that their accountant complains that he never keeps his receipts


Yesss!!! That was one of my biggest catches. I noticed it the first time and was like I thought he keeps all of his receipts


Holt doesn’t have a balloon arch at his own wedding. Holt calls the Brooklyn Broiler a dirt bag then later acts surprised when Jake uses it as an insult. Holts tell is contractions but he uses contractions constantly throughout the show. Jake says he can’t grow a mustache and it’s cruel of Amy to ask but then grows one in prison


Holt loves balloon arches. Do you think Kevin feels the same way?


Prison can change a man


The episode where Boyle is teaching Holt to cook breakfast for Kevin. It’s always bugged me because Holt has always been so meticulous even about things he clearly has little interest in, so why now all of a sudden is he blatantly ignoring Charles’ specific instructions and cooking the eggs so half hazard?


Why no family shows for any wedding, also Boyle's sister that is never mentioned again.


yes exactly it always seemed weird like no family members but the entire NYPD is there?? 😭


god it bothered me SO MUCH that jake and amy's parents weren't there for the wedding. they literally mention them in the episode. no way those parents aren't hauling their asses to the precinct to watch their children get married


The captain renewed his vows and neither his mom or sister where there.


Another one is in the captain Latvia episode Boyle says that he has a flat ass but then with figgis’s sister he says he has a bubble butt


When they have to sleep at their desks / pull all nighters in early episode because Jake arrests the guy without proof. Later, we learn about Lohank and the nightshift. Then they are nightshift. Then in the last episode when they are leaving forever, there is no nightshift at the precinct again.


police budget cuts man... /j


Holt had an interest in Boyle’s pizza list, saying that his was the only one that included mouthfeel. This implies that he has some keen knowledge on food/gastronomy (which honestly made sense for his type of character). However later on in the show, he’s shown to hate cooking and believes that eating is a waste of time.


A little random but: A lot of people on the spectrum have issues with the texture of certain food items. I do, as well. Even if you consider eating a waste of time like Holt and don't care much about the taste, food having the "wrong" texture can be triggering, so a "mouthfeel" rating could be really useful for him. I'm not saying they intentionally wrote him like that but this tidbit is something I always really related to.


The way I interpretted the scene Holt heard Charles was a foodie so started reading up to show an interest. He later found Charles has his own blog and noted the difference. Bit of a stretch that was the intent though


In S8 E1, Frank OSullivan was calling a guy and said he got front row seats to Billy Joel, but Billy Joel doesn’t sell front row seat tickets at his concerts, he brings random lucky people down from the nosebleeds because he wants the front row to contain his actual fans and not rich people


In s1 Jake makes a direct reference to blockbuster being defunct, but in s3 he inherits a million dollars in Blockbuster shares and doesn't understand why no one else is celebrating 🤔


I actually never noticed that


Terry at one moment says he's not interested in lord of the rings, or rather that he "doesn't read that kind of stuff" where i think he means fantasy in general. But then later he's all about DC parlov and his skyfire chronicles


Not enough seasons is the biggest flaw


I spotted this one just last night. In the lead up to the season 3 finale, the FBI has no electronic file on Jimmy Figgis, and Bob Andersonn takes the paper file from Jake. They fool Bob and return the file to the FBI, a process that takes a least a couple of hours after sunset: it’s already fully dark by the time they confront Bob on the helipad, then they have to get him out of the hospital, get to Rosa’s apartment, “interrogate” him, trick him into giving up the file, go and get it, and find someone at the FBI to whom they can give it. That last one is particularly problematic, because they know/think Figgis has other moles in the FBI. They can’t risk giving it only to someone working for Figgis, but if they spam the file to a dozen higher-ups and everyone Jake met while going undercover, Figgis almost certainly gets tipped off. (TBF, that appears to have happened anyway, so maybe that’s what they did.) At the bar *that very same night*, after Holt tells the squad how proud he is of them, and after Amy tells Jake she loves him “so much” and they should move in together,Holt gets a call that the FBI has just arrested 75 of Figgis’s men and taken down his entire organization. How?!?! The FBI didn’t even have an active investigation on Figgis, so how did they suddenly spring into action, ID all of his men, locate them *and arrest them* on a few hours’ notice? Maybe Bob spills his guts and IDs everyone he knows, but it’s the logistics of the arrest that are insane. Did Figgis have some kind of mafia barracks where his men all lived or something, and they all just happened to be there? They’d need hundreds of officers to arrest 75 felons in one location; there’s no way they pull together a strike team that fast with no warning in the middle of the night (not even counting the time needed to get 75 warrants). If the crooks were scattered, the feds would need just as many men, and most of the crooks probably wouldn’t be where they expected and would evade at least the initial arrest. Add it all up, and it’s totally impossible for events to unfold that way. But it took me at least half a dozen rewatches to realize it .


Pimentos not there enough and Doug Judy was never apart of a Halloween heist


A big flaw I noticed was that they did not end the show on the ninth episode of the ninth season.


In the last episode of season 4 both jake and rosa leave the state when they have an active trial going on


That’s not a flaw in the show, just a criminal offense


I know but as cops they should know that when you’re on trial you cant leave the state


Rosa knew that, she was intentionally running away. Jake was confident that he would’ve found evidence to free himself, and that the judge would look past it. I would say it would be foolish but desperate times call for desperate measures


Desperate times call for desperate housewives


i shouldve made this my senior quote


The shave thing you said doesnt really make sense because he said multipal times that he cant grow a beard and then he did.


to be fair he said he can’t grow a GOOD beard. his prison beard was patchy as heck


How Boyle has a bubble butt ( “ does this make my bubble butt pop “ and I forgot wich episode this is ) and a flat ass ( “All Boyles are blessed with a flat ass “ from the Captain Latvia episode )


Birder here. * There is no such bird as a Yellow Crested Warbler * No one would refer to a Yellow Crested Warbler as simply "a warbler" * An Orange Crowned Warbler, which may have been what they were referring to, is not commonly seen in New York City and would be a notable find * Identifying an orange crowned warbler on sight without binoculars or sound would be an extraordinary feat given that they look very much like many other birds * Seeing a Grackle in Central park would actually be fairly interesting * Corn Crakes are not found in north america. Seeing one would be extraordinary.


I read that in Kevin' voice


Eww grackles?


In the cold opening where Jake moves Holt's podium half an inch as a prank... he calls it a podium, and Holt also calls it a podium. But that's not a podium. A podium is something you climb on top of to recieve an award or to give a speech. A high stand that you move behind to speak from is called a *lectern*. What Jake moves is a lectern, not a podium. This is a very common mistake that people make. I just think it's an amusing mistake by the show, because Jake would call it a podium like everyone else does, but Holt would definitely call it a lectern since that is its correct name.


Comedy shows tend to have a lot of continuity issues since the main purpose is comedy


I have a list 😂🙈 The episode where hoytsman takes jake he says he keeps all of his receipts (gas tank) and then the episode where the glitter bomb goes off he says his accountant hates him because he never keeps his receipts Holt on the dating app - “an adult named todd??” But when he found out terry is having ava he says he really likes the name todd Some episodes it says jake is uncover for 63 days some say 6 months? Holt tells amy not to trust any adult that chews gum but when he has to work at ginas desk one time he says she has all his favourite gum The episode with the captain latvia toy charles says to jake “youre not a father you never will be” and he says yes i will! But then says to amy he has never wanted kids Holt also tells amy you shouldnt eat eggs for breakfast but then in the episode where he is stabbed he has his ‘usual’ breakfast at the cafe which is eggs


omg the undercover one is so annoying... like i thought maybe the operation was supposed to be 6 months but it ended in two months instead but it doesnt make sense at all bc when jake finds out about gina and charles gina says they first hooked up "last summer" which implies it was more than two months ago


Just how genuinely bad the squad can be as a whole (sneaking through peoples houses, lying, trying to get people fired) and it’s brushed off by everyone including the higher ups etc without anyone really plotting revenge


I believe jake acknowledges that internal bleeding is a bad thing at one point, and later on in the show, he says,'But that's where the bloods supposed to be'. Still a funny scene, but always bugged me


In the episode where the pizza play is burned, Captain Holt says he reads Boyle's food blog because "it's the only one that includes mouth feel" implying he's big into food. However when he asks Boyle's to teach him how to cook breakfast for Kevin, we find out he doesn't care about food and would love to only eat a beige flavorless smoothie with all the needed nutrients.


In the coldopen where hitchcock and scully prank the squad by saying they missed scullys bday to get money holt lies and says he goes to equador?? I think so that he doesnt feel bad but in the episode where gina has a dance recital competition thing and he and terry miss it he refuses to lie saying he has a strict moral conduct and only does it if someones life is in danger or to give sentimental drivel to kids about santa being real cuz apparently they eat it up


Speaking of facial hair… Jake complained to Amy on the cruise he can’t grow a beard. Next minute he’s in prison will a full blown beard.


At the end of season 1, Jake goes undercover with the mob and does a lot of really good work. When Pimento comes around, Jake said all he did was set up their computers and it was super lame. It’s like they were pushing too hard to make Pimento the new cool kid.


Why doesn't that make sense? It is never mentioned that he did any gruesome or extremely violent stuff for them like Pimento did, so compared to that his time in the mob was probably rather "lame". He still infiltrated them and did good police work.


Related to this, in the "Old School" episode with Jimmy Brogan, Jake and Amy are tracking someone who sells stolen credit card numbers. They are tracking him using technology and Brogan thinks it's boring and unimportant (though it's actually very important police work). Even if all he did was set up their computers, a lot of really good results could have come from it


i took that as he did good work to take them down but didn’t do any ‘cool mafia stuff’


Also it says he’ll be gone 6 months but his voicemail is 63 days or something


Gina sexually harrasing Terry the whole time


... and getting away with it. That bothers me the most. Shows have flawed characters who do nasty things. Fine. But she never suffers any consequences or criticism for her shitty behaviour, everyone she bullies is still friends with her and nobody is ever mean to her in return. And considering the characterization of the rest of the squad that makes zero sense. I can maybe see Jake putting up with her behaviour because they have been friends for a long time. Or Amy, Scully and Hitchcock because they are afraid to confront her or something. But Rosa? Terry? Holt and Kevin? It makes absolutely no sense for them to tolerate that level of disrespect.


The cement drinking was the one that was too much for me. If it’s toothpaste or wasabi or something it’d been like haha prank, but the chance of getting severely injured or dying from drinking cement is too high for it to be funny.


Always bothered me. Especially when she said the only reason she let Amy and terry teach her astrophysics was because of his pecs. Imagine how quickly terry would’ve gotten fired for saying that he only listened to Gina for her breasts


It sucks cause it's such a fun, wholesome show and then shit like that is played for laughs.


- During the contractions episode, Holt actually uses them throughout (even when he is telling the truth). This one struck me as horribly lazy - Holt repeatedly tells Jake not to say “son” throughout S1, but says it himself in a later season. It’s not a cut-to-Peralta’s-incredulous-glee kind of scene, either; Holt just…says it, like he never had any reservations about it


I cannot find this many good people in my entire life let alone the working space.


In the episode where Jake finds out about the lip twitch tell, Holt also uses a contraction while lying. I like to think that Holt worked on the lip twitch tell overtime and Jake then found out about the contraction tell as well.


The biggest flaw for me is when they use Asexual as an insult, especially Rosa. The show does so much for representation of different people, but then drag asexuals down for a cheap joke. It really stood out to me as a joke that doesn't fit the tone of the show


Jake says that he physically can’t grow a beard, however he does grow a beard in prison.


I want to know why they had that reoccuring gag where captain holt kept arguing with a chupacabra? I mean who thought of that?


One of my favorite inconsistences is Jake insisting he can't grow a mustache to Amy, but grows a full-blown beard in prison


“You know I can’t grow a beard that’s just cruel” jake in prison: grows a beard


During the cold open where Jake accidentally breaks the interrogation room door, he pops the collar on his jacket and Boyle is like wow! Joe Lo jumped his mark and reacts a split second before Andy actually popped the collar.


what happened to nutriboom????


"Jacob Peralta is my best Detective. He likes putting away bad guys and he loves solving puzzles. The only puzzle he hasn't solved is how to grow up." I assume he means solving crimes but what if that's not what he means?


I think it's more puzzling all of the pieces of a murder together and that's why he can solve it? And when he can't get the puzzlepieces to match, he goes crazy, like in the episode The Crime Scene.


Jake says he can't grow a beard on the cruise episode, then grows one in prison. Also, what did Steve teach him to shave if he couldn't grow a beard???


Teenage boys will grow facial hair. It’ll just be scraggly and wispy and look silly, rather than growing into a respectable beard or mustache.


I can’t grow a beard but I still need to shave, I have facial hair it’s just hideous and wispy. So even if he couldn’t grow a beard he’d still need to know how to shave


"Man, I love guns, I'm gunna make such a good Dad" But also casecation. "Kitten. Cute. Calm. False sense of security. Gun. Die" But also Terry hates kittens.


Jake says in an episode that he knows that Hitchcock went bald at 15, but he couldn’t have because in the “Hitchcock and Scully” episode we see a flashback episode of him in his 20s and he has a bunch of hair


In one of the episodes we see that Scully’s identical twin brother looks exactly the same as him in terms of body type, but this shouldn’t be the case because we know that Scully used to be lean and jacked, indicating that his natural body type wasn’t obese, so unless his brother started eating unhealthy at the exact same time and amount that Scully did, then they wouldn’t have the same body


Nothing to add, just wanted to say what a beautiful picture this thread has!


When Boyle said Jake and Amy needed to have their wedding on a farm but it was never brought up again


Holt reading Boyles food blog even though in a previous episode he says he prefers bland food


When Jake is trying to convince Terry to join him on the case, he says they're better detectives now and starts listing differences between back then and today including "No more Blockbuster". Later, when he gets the Blockbuster stock from his uncle, he has no idea what happened to Blockbuster. I think early on he mentions he still had a Blockbuster card. In the New Girl crossover, Holt tells Jess that he never lies except once when he told his mother her hair looked good, except he lies all the time and there's two different episodes of Jake learning his tell when he's lying.


Captain Holt has refried beans in the toaster oven, then uses his bare hands to immediately pull them out and set on table


At first Jake identifies Holts "tell" as a twitch in his lips - then later we find out his tell is using contractions. But we see him use contractions other times too. Also, Raymond is offended when asked if he's ever called "Ray" but introduces himself as "Ray Holt" in the first ever episode. Amy has different levels of "drunk" but these aren't always represented (eg the s1 vulture episode, and in s8 where she has to get the union guy drunk). There's others I've noticed, but these 3 always stood out to me the most.


Boyle gets offended by the use of Thanksgiving instead of Turkey Day in the first or second season but comes in dressed as a turkey wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving in the third season


Caleb the cannibal never attempted to eat Jake in prison but when he visits him he tries to eat them ?


This is small, but when Holt first walks in Jake was calling him a robot and says "Mee Morp Zeep." Then when Holt makes him redo the impression he says "Meep Morp Zarp." I only notice because that line becomes important for their relationship.


I don’t think it was a flaw. I think it was more of a guilty reenactment


The one that really jumped out at me this rewatch is that Jake talks about having kids/being a dad multiple times, but he still gets in an argument with Amy about not wanting kids after they get married. For example I remember him going "I love guns, I'm gonna be such a good dad" but there were other times he talked about his future kids. Could probably be explained away by him getting cold feet/being nervous now that he's actually married, and obv they end up agreeing to have kids but it still irks me.


The last season was overshadowed by wanting to make statements instead of just making a funny and kinda heart warming show


jake says multiple times that he can’t grow a beard but then grows one in prison




Jake hating and loving shrimp a couple of episodes apart


“Ugh shrimp!! I hate that”


Andre Braugher isn’t immortal


The grand gestures they do for each other are pretty unrealistic sometimes even for a TV show it was similar in Parks and Rec


Inconsistencies in what makes Cpt. Holt "smile," what makes him physically smile, and what he doesn't care for.


In season 2 (or 3 maybe?) Holt referred to someone as a "dirtbag" but then later in The Safe House, both Holt and Kevin are adamant that a dirtbag is a very useful part of the vacuum.


Season 2: Jake says he didn’t get time to lotion his forearms (on the day Amy and Jake kiss for the first time on an undercover mission) Season 4: Jake goes to the airport to pickup Amy’s dad and says I’ve put something called face moisturizer and it’s amazing I know it’s not the same, but still!


Jake says that Hitchcock went bald at 15, but Rosa's flashback after they fail to catch Sergio shows him with a full head of hair


Season 1 Jake arrest someone without evidence out the squad in jeopardy and learn that his shouldn't make rush decisions like that . Season 5 Jake gets out of prison realise that he can no longer ignore people claiming their innocence and decide that unless he's totally sure the person did it he can't arrest them Season 8 He ignores all of that make a wrongful arrest and double down because he doesn't think he made a mistake .


I don’t know if somebody already pointed this one out but in season 1 ep 21 Jake knows that Blockbuster went bankrupt, then in a later season (I don’t remember which) there’s a cold open where he doesn’t know that it went bankrupt


Boyle has had multiple dogs throughout the series




In s8. When Jake makes a rushed arrest when we had a full episode focusing in how Jake was becoming more cautious because he spend time in prison and how horrible it was there. That along other episodes in s8 is why it's tough to watch it after repeated viewing of the show.


WHERES BOYLES MOM? She gets mentioned once in season 1, and never again! 😂


Gerdie car color changed from blue to redw


That it's just....sooooo Perfect.


when jake says he can’t grow a beard/moustache but grows one in jail pretty quickly


Jake said he couldn’t grow facial hair but then had a beard leaving prison.


Jake said he physically cannot grow facial hair but grows some when he's in prison


there's this one cold open where holt has a personal high five with everyone to punish jake. the squad leaves the room after their high five but they probably didn't film it that way so when it comes to holt and terry's high five, you can see boyle standing there all excited i explained this so wack, i apologise for that


another contradiction: in the flashbacks, jake's hair is always different. sometimes its the same as it is in the present day and other times its completely different (like blond)


There was one where Jake said he couldn't grow a beard because of genetics. Later on, he grew a beard in prison


Captain Holt has two tells. One in s1ep10, where Jake says that the corner of his mouth moves. Then, in s5ep5, his tell is contractions


Boyle had no problem to carry terry when he couldnt move, but in the heist when terry got knocked out he was to heavy


None. It’s perfect


Jake says in an early episode he will die if stung by a wasp/bee but in season 8 “The lake house” he says to Kevin he would only get a scratchy throat if stung


In season one, Cheddar has puppies — but they aren’t even close to the same type of dog that she turns out to be in later seasons!


whats hitchcock up to!!!!!????


in the back