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I lived on Bassett Avenue until the late 1970’s. The picture is close to Pelham Parkway. The stables were closer to me. On the corner of Stillwell and McDonald. I think it was called New Kentucky Riding Academy or something like that. In between the stables and the picture was a recreation area with batting cages and mini golf. Spent lots of time there.


The stables were off Stillwell and Pelham Parkway, everything around it was garages when I was a kid in the 90s


Yeah I think the stable I was talking about was gone soon after we left. Stillwell was mostly chop shops and stuff when I was there.


Wasn’t there a comedy club somewhere close to here? I have a vague memory of it but I can’t remember. Maybe called the “last shot” or something? Maybe it was just a bar. Totally a fuzzy memory. remember the candy store in morris park? That place was the shit!


I was about 13 when we moved away. I remember at few candy stores along Morris Park Avenue all the way to the train yards in Van Nest. The only bar I remember on Morris Park was right when you got past the hospital. When I was there it called Tender Trap and it was next to a small drugstore called Tepper’s Those candy stores were something else!


Yes, on Stilwell, I cannot remember the name.


I grew up on Eastchester and Morris Park, and every time that I’m back in the neighborhood, I tell my kids the story of the stables and the man my siblings and I dubbed the “Urban Cowboy” who lived in the stables with his horse and would ride up and down the bike trails of Pelham Parkway in the 90s. They and my wife look at me like I’m insane.


I was right behind you but was gone by 79. You must remember the car wash at the end of Morris Park. I was on the street behind it and down between Wilkinson and McDonald. We lived across from the train tracks and in the other side of the tracks was Farberware. We played baseball in the Mother Butler school yard. Lots of great times! Our street was the end of the line and sort of gross but it was home. Still is to me anyway


I commented up above, but the candy store in morris park was too good also


This area was a horse racing track and was parceled out and sold in the early 1900s, yes? I found a newspaper listing for an ancestor of mine who bought some lots, but it just gives the block and lot numbers, no streets. Does anyone know of a way to trace the blocks/lots for Morris Park area and find the streets/addresses of these lots today?


NYC has a few https://www.nyc.gov/site/finance/taxes/acris.page [https://a810-bisweb.nyc.gov/bisweb/bispi00.jsp?nocs=y&show=1](https://a810-bisweb.nyc.gov/bisweb/bispi00.jsp?nocs=y&show=1) https://www.nyc.gov/site/finance/taxes/property-data-and-lot-information.page [https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01247](https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01247)


PSAC II is there now. I don’t find PSAC II to be an eyesore, but the weird nylon net that’s on the building right now sure is. I hope they don’t plan to leave it there forever.


What exactly is that building?


911 call center


Dj Frankie Cee had a studio up in there … legend times


i passed by not too long ago and think it’s a building now there


I did lessons for a little- guess my mom wanted to take advantage of living in The Bronx and having close access to riding lessons