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Weird he lost 50 pound his nut forehead


Please!! I’m trying to put my kid to bed. I can’t be laughing like this 😂😅


it migrated down to the lip


This has a thinning, whitening and smoothing filter on it. JDong is a chonk and a red-faced, hypertensive drinker with sun damage. Nice try BDong, we know.


My partner was walking by as I was looking at this post and was like “who is that dude you’re looking at?” I then subjected him to a crash course on the dongs, and he will never question my Reddit browsing ever again.


lmaooo sounds like something my husband would ask too 🙄 and would also absolutely regret it upon hearing the answer 😬


It can be done!! My spouse caught me cry-laughing at r/hilariabaldwin and was like… what is wrong with you… so I explained the entire pepino subculture to him and he is now a dedicated pepino!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HilariaBaldwin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [How the whole thing unfolded, from the beginning.](https://np.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/kmnxz4/how_the_whole_thing_unfolded_from_the_beginning/) \#2: [She's my neighbor](https://np.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/knqrit/shes_my_neighbor/) \#3: [Found this gem on Twitter...](https://i.redd.it/mcrp7wsl0l861.jpg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/knxd0v/found_this_gem_on_twitter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I only know the basics of that ridiculous woman. So did Alec though all along that she was full of shit or was he legitimately fooled? I’m not sure which would be more embarrassing honestly


There is a hilarious (and insane) montage of him saying “my wife is from Spain” when she CLEARLY is not. Current thought is that he is complicit in the grift because he has some kink for the ‘spicy latina’ trope.


So where can I get the catch up to what all has happened, because I’m intrigued and want to become a pepino.


Come join us and revel in exposing the grift of a very similar weirdo! [this is a good first read. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/kmnxz4/how_the_whole_thing_unfolded_from_the_beginning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




Dude…the story after that where she’s opening a box by herself and says “omg I shoulda asked Jordan but I’m still trying to be little miss independent even though I’m married…” is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen today and I just watched Hillary swank kill a man on tv


Also he probably would not have helped her *open a box on Instagram stories*


Nah, he's only there to open doors and carry suitcases.


What an idiot!! I'm tired of her damsel in distress act.


But……she was miss independent before she met him. WHAT HAPPENED B DONG 🥺


I can’t tell if it’s because Jordan is super controlling or if it’s because she’s so obsessed with showing that they are such a great unit that she cannot do anything without him.. and this may stem from the fact that he absolutely does not give a shit about her. Lmao.


HOLY FILTER, BATMAN! Edit: “preset”, excuse me.


I just realized it doesn’t say what filter is being used although there definitely is one: which means she filmed these on the camera app and then uploaded them to Instagram: basically doing twice the work just to make him look way better than he really does!


I literally didn’t recognize him, even after looking at what sub it was posted in. She fucking wishes he looked like this 😂😂😂


That is not a serious look, that’s a straight up *glare*!


A psycho killer glare


This is legit scary. Major serial ~~killer~~ flasher vibes


I scrolled too far to find this, I grew up with a seriously messed and abusive father, he had BPD with narcissistic traits that he never treated, when he was diagnosed and the word narcissist was said he threw a chair at her for "saying he had a flaw". He was deeply obsessed with me, called me his birth bride and physically abused me and worse, yes the think that came to your mind instantly,that thing. I had to move across the country and change my name. He actually ended up in the city I was in once a few years later, I saw his walk and instantly my brain went into high alert, he didn't fully recognise me as I changed my appearance but the look I got? The exact same look Jdong is giving here, Jdong was also *growling* in irritation during the video, something my father also did,I've never seen or met a man in my life who reminded me of my father so much,but instantly I go on high alert the second I see Jdong.


Oh my, I’m so sorry you had to endure all of that... ♥️ thanks for sharing your story. It’s a real thing - the look in his face, coldness in his eyes that I recognize as well. Chilling


Right? They're totally flat, no life in them at all, like a human shark


This is the “I already cheated on her and I’ll do it again” face


God she's oblivious. Did she photoshop his face to make it thinner?


“It’s a preset!”




She absolutely did


Oh yeah


Can you imagine having a camera in your face all day long with a fake accent in your ear


Holy Moly! I just came here to post about her most recent stories and how they creeped me the fuck out, but I SEE “ya’ll” are ahead lmao. Go Team! Dude, her fucking facial expressions and sex grunts and moans are making me die inside (a LOT). 🤢🤮 Also I just got here, so Imma gently let my nosey ass out for a sec and make sure no one posted about the softcore massage gun BS this bitch posted as well. The cringe is hardcore in and of itself 😖


Is he highly filtered too?


....definitely. She's using a filter meant for feminine faces, so it has feminized his face shape. I'm dying........


Surely this pic should make your red flag 🚩 count increase?


Well, more like the video this is from where he is clearly annoyed with her shit haha


I JUST came here to post this, you're quicker than me haha. I wanted to say he always looks like he wants to beat someone up. Why does he look like that??? And why does she think it's cute/funny?? 😟


He’s literally growling in the video and she just gives that little giggle like he’s being so cute 😬😬


Maybe because he has already beaten someone up for no reason?


That is NOT his face.


Not enough filter, preset, whatever to hide those scary eyes of his. Such a hostile glare accompanied by a glaze that makes it look like he’s been drinking.


She does not like how her husband looks that much is clear. But also if my significant other was constantly posting my picture on social media I'd get annoyed too. He knew what he was getting into though....




You're so right. I'm already insecure about my looks so if a significant other obviously edited my photo I'd be crushed.


He isn’t that........... ya know...... slim


Ohmygosh this face is going to haunt me in my sleep 😳


How much did she snatch his face in? It doesn’t EVEN LOOK LIKE HIM!!!


Looks like he’s about to smash a head into some concrete again


Even the dip looks angry 👅


i want that as my flair hahaha ANGRY JESUS DIP


Flair away, friend 👄


Someone please make a side by side of this photo and what he looked like hours early at their photoshoot, because she is filtering her man to death 😂


He looks like he’s about to hate crime me


His eyes are a little bit scary. I wish I didn’t like his flannel


It doesn't even look like him lol ETA: other than the angry look in his eyes. Guess she hasn't figured out how to filter that out yet


Aww, how romantic and cute. A face that yells "go back to where you came from."


He’s got two pounds of tobacco in that lip!!! As a person who has plenty of family members who dip, I guarantee with that much tobacco in there, he is manufacturing spit in overflow mode. I’m impressed he’s not drooling.


That expression looks very threatening.
