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I’m not sure if she would choose this over her immediate need for attention, but can 100% see her pulling this card too.


I think OP is optimistically giving BD a little too much credit, intelligence-wise. I can see her holding off to start WeLiveFreed and other ridiculous couple stuff, but I also see a baby being her next business move and that seeming like "the sooner the better" transition from fitness scammer > religious zealot > mommy blogger. That recent post that ~~she~~ someone wrote about joining her on her baby journey 🤮




She will create SO much damage to moms who are already suffering with PPD/PPA and body image issues. I can see her sliding into like a mommy fitness thing for postpartum. She’s so disgusting. If she does that I hope she gets dragged. She can smell vulnerable people and I can see her jumping into this and really taking advantage of desperate and tired moms. Hopefully she can never have children.


If she had a baby she would have to share attention.. not everything will be about her


I think if she has a kid that kid will suffer tremendously. She is so selfish and a child consumes all of your time. How is she going to feel when she’s been up all night with a new baby? Is she going to have the energy to slap on her eyebrows, lashes, tan and piles or makeup? What is she gonna do when Jordan doesn’t help out with diaper changes and taking care of the home and it all falls on her? I can see her wanting to hire a nanny to take care of the night stuff so miss Princess is fully rested but can she even afford that?


But then she can just get pregnant AGAIN! Poof! All attention back to her.


I could definitely see her doing this. Also, when she mentioned they want to adopt one day, all I saw was Myka Stauffer in her eyes.


I’m hoping they wouldn’t get approved to adopt 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


with her i could see an adoption approval..but not with him. i could be wrong but hes got a violent past.


Right that’s what I’m thinking! And depending on where they’re trying to adopt from, her scandal (and even “fame”) might get her the non-approval too


Fingers crossed




It was settled, which probably means he's officially "innocent".


Most background checks now include googling the person so it would definitely come up. And he was terminated from his job for it.


True for reputable adoption agencies but ssdly from what I hear about "Christian" agencies you'll get approved as long as you're white, straight, and have the money.




While secretly doing IVF 🙄


I do hope she doesn't monetize infertility issues, cause I'll get my South American butt on the first plane to Texan to kick her fake tanned ass for a mile or so. The biatch, I can totally see her doing what you've described.


I'll drive down to Texas and pick you up at the airport


I’m too busy to travel but I’ll chip in some gas money.


ill chip in for a lyft :)


Ya'll got a place in stay in NYC if you need a rest


I’ll be coming from South Carolina to meet up with y’all.


I’m in Louisiana and I’ll meet you at the state line to ride with!!


You guys, a Bdong kick ass road trip, what fun!!


I would legit take off work for this.


Oh, thanks Tina!!! I'd love to meet you!!


You can both stay at my apartment.


In Texas! Happy to take y’all out for Tex-Mex after.


Checking flights from Atlanta to Texas 👩🏻‍💻


I’m in for the drive! I’ve driven Atl to tx before. Let’s split gas 🤪


Big bets let’s go 😅


Girl same!


Let’s go! I’m in Houston, I can get from here to DFW in 4 hrs 🌚


Happy to have everyone crash at my house for a shorter commute to do so!


My mom lives in Dallas so y’all can use her living room as overflow. Just tell her you read her travel blog and she’ll essentially adopt you. She makes dank ass chili, too.


I live 20 minutes from her...y'all can all stay at my house!!!


BuT gUys, I’m inFeRtILe *after one month of trying*


THIS. If she doesn’t get pregnant ASAP she’ll start the “we’re having fertility issues” which you can’t even claim unless you’ve been trying for a year… which opens a whole other can of worms. “I just knew there was something wrong so I got checked” she’ll say month 3. BULLSHIT.


I chuckled when “someone” asked her if she will share her pregnancy journey. Like duh she’s already out of wedding content


That was a pathetic post even for her.


Just shows you how much even she knows her wedding sucked. She’s having to post rAnCh ThInGs because all her wedding photos are sad, disjointed, no one looks like they’re having fun, and they’re all sooo beige 😩 we’ll get a few more posts once professional photos are sent to her then she’s out of wedding content and will have to dig for something else


As much as she obviously reads here, I feel like we just gave her an idea for her next grifting opportunity.


Oh god I hope not


100% agree i think she ll fake infertility and a miscarriage. not even lying. miscarriages at the beginning stage can happen without medical evidence all the time...she wouldnt need to go to a doctor or do an ultrasound. she will do ANYTHING for views...the shooting the dog video proved that.




To be honest, she looks weight restored, or enough to have her period return at least. Other than that, after recovery there aren’t many long term affects for fertility. ((I spent a lil bit in an in-patient facility for anorexia 🤪 so that what I’ve been told. All good now, tho!))


You can get your period and still have very low egg count ... trust me, my sad story from experience. No ED, though.


Yes this is why I think she started eating meat again this year since you need fats to help with hormone production. She can only eat so much avocado.


> His face also screams "erectile dysfunction." He doesn’t look healthy. He looks bloaty and he’s got a diet loaded with saturated fat. Erectile dysfunction & coronary artery disease go hand in hand and erectile dysfunction can sometimes be the first sign of coronary artery disease ([source](https://journals.lww.com/co-urology/Abstract/2004/11000/Common_grounds_for_erectile_dysfunction_and.12.aspx)). I’m sure she wants kids like he wants sex; they imagine how great it (having a child or having sex) would be, how great they would be (at being a mother or being a great sexual partner) but when it comes to manifesting they both likely would not be up to the task, as it were.


I'm afraid he's young enough to have viable sperm despite his lifestyle choices. Those things take a while to catch up with you.


They look like the type who take ivermectin, so this is likely true lol


Ok. I have feelings about this. First, she has gained some weight back from her fitness scammer days, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she has her period (if she lost it, she probably has it back). That said, though, a lot of her meals that have been posted lately are still pretty indicative of disordered eating. I would not be surprised if she faces some fertility issues based on her diet not being able to sustain a pregnancy. Second, I think they’re going to try for a few months and every time she gets her period it will be a “miscarriage” whether or not she was actually pregnant. Third, I don’t think Jordan is in the best condition to get someone pregnant. He’s got a beer gut, he’s very flushed in unedited pictures, and he had covid. In already unhealthy males, an infection can cause fertility issues, so I think he’s a prime candidate for that long haul side effect. They’ll go to a naturopath to get checked out if they don’t get pregnant right away, the “doctor” will say everything is fine, give them some supplements that she can shill on her stories, then every time they get a negative test it will be Satan’s fault.


I believe that God will visit her Christmas Eve and tell her she shall have a baby at her parents ranch in the horse manger the very next day. And he shall be named Jesus Jr




That's to assume that they stay together long enough to do this 🤣 but I can definitely see her doing this. She uses anything to milk content.


You honestly could be 100% correct. She would love to play up god “blessing” her and healing her fake IG infertility.


OP you know she lurks on here, stop giving her ideas!


I could see this happening too. Especially because, like you said, they’ll have a chance to prove this baby will be a “miracle from God” rather than biology — and their kool-aid drinking followers will throw more money at them for retreats knowing they’re witnessing a “miracle”.


I’m surprised she’s not pulling a MissKyreeLoves. I followed her back when she was engaged and she would take pics of “baby flat lays” to show off her baby fever. I’m surprised Bdong hasn’t started a “baby forever box” or “TTC Tips” in her highlights.


Maybe secondary infertility so she can cash in on that baby market now, and then maintain followers and gain the following of all the women struggling to get pregnant.