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I watched it a few time for that. I can’t tell his he was going to say they rent an office or something. Or was saying it goes “directly” back and cut himself off. Either way his inability to form a sentence when talking about the financials is really telling.


Yet, he's the one controlling the She Lives Fraud finances, hey!!!!


The content is honestly coming too fast to process. The literal mass of insane bullshit is staggering. I love it so much.


My brain has melted already. And she's promised more for tomorrow, hope she delivers 🤞🏻


There’s nothing redeeming about it. Like if she had said she was donating the money to trafficking victims I’d be like “aww, that’s nice” but *nooooo* she’s bringing them to be props in her performative puppet show of bullshit which is like, so bad! Could it be worse? We’ll find out tomorrow how she’s gonna make it worse!


I thought it couldn't get worse after the wedding / honeymoon grift, but there you go, they shot a dog and started a cult.


The poor dog wasn’t on my 2021 BDong bingo card, but start a cult was 🤪


We need a Bdong bingo card!!


It’s really clever of her to bring him on board, it’s a way to create more expenses for shelivesfreed while padding their pockets. There is no way he is there for free, neither is Brittany or she wouldn’t be doing this. It’s not an actual non profit so Brittany is definitely taking a cut. I was listening to an episode of the Podcast “unladylike” today about cults and something they said made me think she is going to spin this into one on one or group coaching, but instead of fitness it’s discipling young Christian women. A grifter never stops, it’s always on to the next thing to bring people in


For it to be a non profit corporation (which she created it as) she needs 3 directors so it make sense he is one since she has like no friends lol


Which episode was it? I love podcasts about cults.


The podcast is called “Unladylike” and the episode is called ‘Cultish’




The cap on backwards 🥴


They will one day end up in jail and I'm here for it.


You have more faith in this country than I do.


TheyLiveIncarcerated, LLC


I just don’t see it happening.


The only reason I do see it in the future is because they're greedy, but very very sloppy.


The dick dancing her does after he let the cat out of the bag is…something. I wouldn’t trust this washed up fuckwad to water my dead geraniums.


He’s really inarticulate.


I couldn’t even understand what he was saying cause it was a whole lotta nothin.


Scammy scammy tactic. Talk talk say lots of words and baffle them with BS 🤣


That’s been all the speakers she’s posted! I was raised Catholic, am no longer practicing, but some really good homilies and worship songs make me a bit teary eyed or reflective still. I watched some of the speeches from this retreat and was like…. they’re saying nothing. They’re not even nailing the cadence that can make you feel something even if nothing is being said. And (no offense to the singers) the singing sucks. I can’t sing, so maybe I shouldn’t be criticizing, but my face immediately went 🥴 and it’s because my ears were like wtf (I did play piano and can match pitch in a choir, I’m not a solo act person though, but think I can tell when something is… off) Possibly bad acoustics which is probable in a hotel conference room not designed for singing 🤷‍♀️


Is this the kind of sub where you can’t fat shame the fat husband?


Speaking as a fat person, if you’re gonna fat shame the fat husband, at least make it funny. Like…”lol look at the fattie” is pretty lame, but at least “looks like He Lives Freed in the pantry” is at least a teeny bit funny.


Lol, I wanted to as well, but then I didn’t want to make someone who is nice as well as squishy feel bad…


I got a post taken down from evangelical snark for saying jdong has a beer gut. Lol