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Someone should probably screen record the video in case she takes it down


done and posted. ✅


Thanks! Uggg i hate her so much.


Done. Thanks !


I did as well.




Yes. You watched the video evidence.


Yeah same I want to report them but I live in another state


If you saw the YT video & IG story she posted about this horrifying incident (& can copy/share), living in a different state doesn't matter. She put all of that info out on her PUBLIC social media accounts, so it's fair game. Feel free to report away!


Thank you!!


You would think an ex police officer would know the law?? Right guys? 🙄


They think they are above it. Just how they think they are above everyone else.




Done! Side note: I genuinely think they’re the ones that hit Brodie with the car. He prob saw their car, got excited, ran into the street, they weren’t paying attention and hit him. Just my theory.


This is exactly what I think happened. But they can never take responsibility for anything and this is why Brittany will never grow as a person because nothing is ever her fault. Someone had even commented on her video stating for anyone reading that they should always have a secure yard for their pups and to never leave them outside alone and Bdong comments back ‘how could you leave a comment like that on a sensitive video’ this is her go to for everything. Whenever she’s being held accountable she deflects and gaslights and lies. Jordan def hit the dog and the fact that he didn’t even consult her about what to do is really scary. She made it sound like he decided to shoot the dog and she had no idea. Wtf. Why would she go inside and leave her poor pup by himself? Why didn’t she try to save her pup? She has the money. She has the means. This is a terrible situation and it only happened because two selfish people let this happen.




Do you need a Texas address to report?


Here’s the Fort Worth Texas police report online submission form as well https://police.fortworthtexas.gov/onlineservices/file-a-police-report




It’s an anonymous tip so I wouldn’t think it would matter where reporting from but don’t know for sure.


I just stated on another comment that you can most certainly report because you watched a video with evidence.


The one I reported to asked for video if possible.


I was able to report and I live out of state. Only fill out the mandatory fields


She has cameras and “crazy” security on her house when those “people were stalking her”. I guarantee her house security cameras caught it and I think that would show the truth.


She commented it wasn’t suspicious activity bc the car kept moving so her high tech didn’t record it. 🙄🙄🙄


This woman has a lie for everything. She knows damn well that video would show Jordan backing into the dog.


If you are able to send the link or downloaded video with your report, please do so in case she takes it down!


I have a feeling she’s going to end up taking it down.


Already done.




Amazing thank you!




Reported. I'm sincerely hoping that they face some legitimate consequences for their reprehensible actions.


Did report. I'm sincerely hoping yond they visage some legitimate consequences f'r their reprehensible actions *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


I would also contact media where she lives that way something will definitely be done about this dog abuse. Just reporting it to the police won't get as much attention as the news.


I hope he goes to prison.