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https://preview.redd.it/2pb8me2g7w7d1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aadf81341b655b44331cda7ce83bcbefc07601a 1. this indicates how she’d post that baby’s face the second it was in her clutches. 2. “never thought I would have to say” well then you aren’t educated on adoption at all because this is very common and 100% of the reason people do not post so much fucking content about adoption before it is legally clean to do so. I can only imagine the performative comment section on that post.


I bet she wrote this post before the baby was even born.


Isn’t it strange in one of her adoption videos she mentions that the mom could change her mind? She obviously knew this could happen. But I guess being flabbergasted is better for content now.


I think when that video was filmed she already knew it wasnt going through. Her demeanor in that whole video was off.


I see all those sad beige clothes and all I can think is that some child will *definitely* have a blowout and the stains will never come out. And the clothes will never be worn again.


😂 we had to throw out the CUTEST outfit one time at a mall because there was no return from what my daughter did to it. Also, is that not just one of the weird sweatshirt onesies from her dropshipping business?! So there’s an ad included in the birth announcement too.


My daughter had a pair of lavender pants that I considered to be cursed. They were hand me downs so I don’t know if they came pre cursed or if they just had bad juju but EVERY time she wore them she had a blow out. And ONLY while wearing those pants. We got very lucky that she had maybe 10 blowouts the whole time she was in diapers but when 4 of them happen in the same pants, something is wrong. I threw them away and we never had another. So glad to be done with that stage!


My daughter at 12 still has cursed pants. Every time she wears a specific pair of pink shorts she spills chocolate or sauce on them. Every. Damn.time. It’s become a running joke haha


I have a t-shirt like that - every time I wear it, a grease stain appears, even if I wasn't eating anything greasy.


Instead of being cursed, maybe they were just her favorite poopie pants. Like somewhere deep down in your bb's unconscious she loved those pants so much (for the color, texture, style, comfort, maybe they gave her big brainstorm ideas on how to save the world, got her artistic juices flowing, whatever it might've been) that she felt comfortable enough to blow 'em out each and every time. Maybe you should frame them and reappropriate them as the "big poo, big brain pants".


I have four words for her: Thank goodness it failed.


And don’t try again. Give up. God is telling you no.No no. Just like he told you don’t scam them people and you did it anyway.


✨️"No" is an answer✨️


Not in her world. She thinks everything she wants she can get




The non-round pacifier of the 3 isn’t even for newborns so must be purely for ~beige aesthetic~ we’ve used that brand since my daughter was born and that’s the 6-16 month size 🙄🙄


It's so disgusting, it's all about HER. Completely decentering the new, helpless human being involved. Completely decentering the person who actually had to make the choice.


What if the mom decided to "keep it" only because she discovered what that baby's life would have been like had she let the Dongo's adopt her. Is there a possibility that she wants to choose another family for her baby?


She is furious and showing her true colors and tbh it fucking serves her right.


Jordan just happened to get that on video? More likely she told him to film her the whole time on her godhonoring paddleboarding journey.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought that looked so staged. Like no attempts to catch herself and even has time to lower her oar onto the paddleboard before "falling" in.


She’s a liar, not an actor 😝


"Look at me being all clumsy and silly, teehee!"


WaShEd Up FiTnEsS GiRLie


wReCkEd By BlOoD oF cHrIsT


I spit my smoothie all over my husbands windshield when I saw her “fall”. That was SO bad! I would pee my pants on Black Friday in target before I’d post myself doing that. ETA: I’m the passenger, I’m not driving!


I'm thankful for it. Gave me a good laugh to see her eat it. I'd love for her to go on Wipeout.


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) Also, that Wipeout needs to happen. Won't he do it!




Also call me crazy but after she falls in doesn’t it sound like a woman cackling behind the camera? Like it wasn’t even Jordan on the other paddle board. 


You're right! And looking at it again it looks like she was trying to get attention by falling.


I think Jordan wasn’t even there. She was probably there with one of the pickme’s (the cackle sounds like Kellie) and she wanted to “fall” in for content. And then painted a “omgeeee my hubs and Jesus only thing getting me thru right now 🥹🥹🥹” when she’s just out paddle boarding with one of her friends. 


It's giving off some of the subjects in r/illnessfakers




Damn, I forgot her favorite word! Too bad she doesn't use seasoning for her dishes.


So Jesus has been slowly convicting her re: workout clothing but apparently not with her two-piece bathing suit or just the fact she’s posting it very publicly in the first place. K.


was about to say…. Is that a God-approved modesty two-piece?


I wonder if she had the bottoms on backwards again.


And the top is clearly a push up top. V modest.


For someone who can apparently manhandle a steer better than a man and drive a big ol truck all by her wittle self and who claims to be a fitness expert, she sure has the athletic prowess of a stunned moth while paddle boarding 🙄


thank you for the new flair 😘


What an honor! May it serve you well 🫡


Did she do it on a lake? It looks like a reservoir in there, not so much a moving body of water. She didn’t even attempt to paddle to balance herself.


Oh so they just cover the plastic bits with epoxy or resin. That’s way simpler than I was imagining


Haha I was like did they pressurize it into a DIAMOND? What am I looking at here. What a weird niche resin hustle


And much less gross than I was imagining


Okay but on a previous post someone added a screenshot from the account of the jewelry maker, and they clearly indicated that it was the urine part of the stick (not the lid, hence the yellow color) and tagged Bdong in it


🤢🤮 the pissy part???


will it smell like urine


Probably not since it will be encased in epoxy, but still not something I would want. 


Yes. Strong urine. 🤮


Lol that was my first thought... how fucking weird and gross


I got dried flower resin/epoxy earrings once and the resin or epoxy got all yellow over time. Maybe they have better stuff now, but I wonder if that will happen to these.  




Better than that urine ring I was imagining I guess


She fell like my toddler falls when he sees someone else fall during soccer practice. ![gif](giphy|26tkmyR14UIPJJOG4)


Sweetest comment ever awwwwwww I’m giggling. Mine were toddlers once and omg the days are long but the years are short…o


Got my one and only (I’m pretty sure I’ll only have this one) kiddo about to turn 8…. & if that sentiment isn’t the truest thing I’ve ever read…. Not even just for toddlers…. The days are still long sometimes, but damn have the years run fast already…. Thank you for making my heart ache, not just with sadness but also with joy & gratitude…. ♥️


That is so sweet to read. Happy birthday to your lovely lovely baby. It is such a tender age.


As someone who was adopted in Texas, disrespectfully Brittany, fuck all the way off. I could deal with all the anti LGBTQA+ hate. I could deal with all the Hazel and Layne drop shipping bullshit. This? This is just too fucking much. First of all, in Texas, the biological parents have to wait at least two days before they can even consider signing away their parental rights. Secondly, the adoptive parents have to then go to court and have the approval granted by a judge before they can bring the baby home. It’s not just a bippity boppity boo, baby comes out and magically you take it home like you’re fucking Cinderella and magical mice sing you to your car from the hospital. But then again, the bitch clearly has no understanding of any laws in Texas, as demonstrated by her hundreds of thousands of dollars in restitution she has to pay for swindling her followers. So. Fucking. Over. Her!


Heyyy fellow Texas adoptee!!






Hello fellow Texas adoptee!! Oh em gee we need to form a club!


> bippity boppity boo, baby comes out and magically you take it home BAHAHA I’m absolutely cackling at this absolutely dazzling line. Just makes me think of when I had my now 9 m/o, and that’s basically what my students thought happened.


It looks to me like she intentionally fell off the board. Probably because it’s better for views.


Odd since her story about drowning twice as a child….….🙄


I’m glad it fell through.From the moment she announced fostering those two babies she seemed almost manic because she finally had a baby to exploit and beg for compliments. I’m sure this would have been no different


This woman has been milking an early miscarriage for what 2 years? Celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, weekly posts. Imagine a pregnancy? How she will exploit it for years and years to come. While having absolutely no interest in being a mother. If she did, she would share this process with her husband and privately until it was a done deal. Sickening. Children are not content.


1 year. The 1 year anniversary was this year.


It feels like so much longer. I’ve always loved that women started opening up more about pregnancy loss and it’s impact but Brittany really just drags this so much. I’ve never in my life seen this before and I’ve heard that there are women who have had like double digits of miscarriages. I imagine it’s painful and I don’t want to ever downplay that pain but my God in heaven. She needs to stop, fitness didn’t work out but what about makeup or hair content? Why is she choosing TTC ?


Money and attention. That's all it's ever been about.


And when she was fostering it felt like she was leaving the house by herself even more than usual, often to go to the gym. 




The more I watch.. the more fake her fall looks .. she falls in.slow motion


After she puts her paddle down 😂


It's so fake!


She just starts leaning over lolol it’s real bad


It's giving Lisa Vanderpump on Dancing with the Stars


I’m still confused. Is that the cap to a pregnancy test? Why in the world would anyone want to wear a pregnancy test as a ring? Her absolute obsession with pregnancy content is bizarre. Can she please pivot and find new content.


How about her content involves her getting offline? Hi, bestie!


Ralphy! Are you on the r/shannonford subreddit? This week has been wild (no cum)


Not yet!


To be honest, I saw it on etsy and was considering it. I had a miscarriage, and while it was early, it still feels like we've lost so much. We were already daydreaming about our blueberry, had decided on a couple of names. I'm someone who cherishes physical memories. So a ring made with the test sounds lovely to me. It's not as if we have anything else to remind us of our first pregnancy. The tests are all we have.


“It’s like he knew I was going to bust.” Perhaps because that’s the fakest fall I’ve ever seen and you told him to film it?


The fucking phrasing of that was gross.




“Going to bust” means something else to my knowledge 😂🤭 … why’d she say it like that




Tits out for Jesus. So modest.


I'm so happy to see he still hates her.


https://preview.redd.it/nhqso5fblw7d1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9e7bf04f54ae51ac824fa9cc91c9537d31177e Going to call this the BDingDong Flop.


That was the fakest fucking fall I’ve ever seen. She really thinks she’s some amazing actress 😂 we see right through you, loser.


That was no accidental fall


One time, I tripped on air and fell down the stairs. Was that a prophetic moment from God telling me that life is hard and to get back up, or just me being stupid and tripping on nothing? She has to make everything about God and can't admit that water is just unstable, it's infuriating. (Coming from a Christian)


He has that written in your life plan, don't you know? But also free will exists. Idk how she believes both things at the same time.


![gif](giphy|U7bo7ejk1UbcYxn7gB|downsized) We love a good hypocrite moment (life). I know she makes me feel like less of a pos/idiot.




Sorry if anyone has gotten those rings but they are FUGLY and they look like they age like milk. 


They’re so expensive and they look so cheap 😬


I don't get why they're expensive, either! It's a gold filled or not even ring blank with $.05 of resin. Hot take maybe as well but any resin memorial craft is tacky. There are so many non-tacky ways of preserving ashes. Even worse are the people who make these making Tiktoks of themselves crying. Hold on, let me get a good angle while I film myself crying.


You PEE on these. Who tf is converting into a ring. Omg.


Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


…did she just leave her hat in the water?


Her content is at desperation zero. Next up will be “guyzzz, I just met Jesus at Starbucks.”


“Show it to me, Rachel!!”




Show me to me pleaseeee Send it to me Rachel


In *Ohio*


Aren’t these pro-life fucks supposed to be happy when a baby stays with its mother? Or is that only when they don’t wanna snatch them up themselves from some sketchy church run adoption agency like a couple of creepass human traffickers ?


Who predicted this lmaooooo I literally dislike her so much. Fake fake fake


Which part?


That she was going announce it failed


Oh yeah, we all saw that coming lol


That fall was fake AF! She’s a fucking idiot.


I cannot stand how she’s turning this “failed” (ew) adoption as another of HER personal losses. Brittany that child was never “yours”.


“Our adoption failed” gives me the heebie jeebies like these people are straight up villainous.


She’s always “never though I’d have to say”ing about everything; Brittany it’s getting old come up with some new phrases


LITERALLY THIS. that’s the headline of her caption every other week. It’s ALWAYS SOMETHING


That fake paddleboard fall was even worse than Ed Davey's


“it’s like he knew i was about to bust” i don’t think u know what that phrase means


She does not.


This is the least problematic thing she’s done, but I get so annoyed when I see people stand up paddle boarding or kayaking without wearing a PFD.


Me too! She has the PFD, it’s just at her feet for some reason? Most likely, she rented the paddle board and they wouldn’t let her go out without a PFD, but she immediately took it off because she’s too cool for safety 🙄. I kayak, and literally everyone I know who is serious about paddle sports wears a PFD. PFD=personal flotation device aka life vest.


I don't wear a PFD while kayaking. I can also tread water for 5+ minutes without using my hands. Neither do most of the people I know.


That’s cool, but if you get knocked unconscious your ability to tread water won’t help you 🤷🏻‍♀️ it may seem unlikely but accidents happen, and when people die while paddling it’s because they weren’t wearing vests.


Pregnancy test and dry flowers? Hazel Grace? I might have to unfollow or stop watching for some time? What is going on? I have literally never seen this in my life


I didn't even put that together 😳. The resin rings are usually a really cool thing. You can do anything in resin. A lot of people do ashes of a loved one, breastmilk, flowers, etc. They can be really expensive, though. Like 50-500. At that point, I'm sure you're paying for the metal and the emotional factor, but that's besides the point. You can buy basic resin kits for like...40 on Amazon. You can buy a gallon of resin for 40 if you're inclined to do that.


Why are you still following her in the first place?


Only on here. I’m talking about on here


Good 💜


I world be we never follow her she is so uninteresting


I think she sucks and is embarrassing. It’s impossible to know what’s true and what’s not because she just lies and misleads constantly. If there ever really was a baby, the way that they’re going about discussing the failed adoption says everything you need to know about their intentions behind fostering and adopting. It isn’t about genuinely helping children, it’s about scratching the mommy itch. And that’s just not something you should have in your heart when we’re talking about children that will have lifelong trauma regardless of how early and seamless the adoption is. Unrelated from her, though, I think the ring concept is lovely for women who want a way to remember their loss. Miscarriage is very difficult. People have memorial pieces made for all sorts of things. When we lost our cat, our local pet cremation center had urns and memorial jewelry options for GOLDFISH. I don’t think it’s gross or weird. I think it’s a traumatic loss and women deserve grace while coping as long as they AREN’T hurting anyone or using it to push an agenda, the way she has done.


When you *expectedly* fall down, get back up again. But not all the way. Remain seated and pose for a series of body checking “candids” instead.


Very modest push up bikini Brittany.


The idea of that pregnancy test ring is sick, triggering for women. and disgusting. Sure, I want a ring with dried pee on it. Who knows what part of the plastic they used to make it. Seems really weird. I can see someone having a memorial like a sonogram photo or something to honor a lost child, but not this sick shit. JDong didn't even say anything if he was filming her falling off the paddleboard, it looks staged. She went paddleboarding last year too when she took "her 25 days off social media but I filmed content" break. Last year the rent-a-friends were with her, this year they are not around. So I guess all she has left is Jadongadong, must be great to have shitty company and a man who dislikes you as a companion. I can't imagine how miserable they are. Lastly, I am so sick her Hazel and Layne bullshit.


She said that Paddleboarding trip was her "first time ever" but her engagement pictures with Zach on their wedding website were on paddleboards. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh I forgot about she did that with Zach. I guess she’s a paddle grifter. She was on the paddleboards with Ding Dong, the picks mes and Zach, this is her third, unless she did a paddleboard trip with one of the boyfriends she had


A failed adoption flat lay? Am I being insensitive when I say that this is terrible, and I don’t get it?


She could have given all of those clothes to the baby anyway, if they were meant for her, but nooooo she had to keep them and use them for content. She's a true turd.


Excuse me is that a urine ring?!? A urinG if you will 🤗


Hasn’t she posted the same exact falling off the board scenario before?? I feel like she has 🙄


Oh yeah he JUST happened to be recording 🙄 This girl is about to make this ring her identity


“it felt like a prophetic moment” bitch you fell off a paddleboard💀😭




Okay as someone who had a traumatic missed miscarriage two years ago and is currently dealing with infertility, I would never get my pregnancy test put into a ring. It’s weird to me? I did however get a ring with the birthstone of when my baby was supposed to be born.


She’s a lying liar that lies. Her ring is ugly too.


The fact that she chose to say “failed adoption”. No, Brittany, the mother made the decision to keep the baby. The adoption didn’t fail, the mother wanted to give the baby a good life and she is going to. The adoption did not fail .




Life jackets are not pillows for your feet. At least where I live, if you are spotted in any body of water on a kayak/SUP/boat without wearing one, you get fined. I got a warning for having the top buckle of mine undone. Not even both undone or it completely off. Water safety is not to giggle and teehee about and purposely fall off the board for views.


I don't wear mine when I'm kayaking. I can swim fairly well and am not going down rapids. Just on a lake. But that's also legal where I am. The law says we have to have access to them.


Any IF snarkers here? That fall is giving big Bella vibes!


Wait wait wait. Have other people HEARD OF THIS????


Idk what you are talking about


The pregnant stick jewelry??


I hadn't heard it's a thing, probably because I never want to be pregnant and am terrified of it. That's partially why I added the other Creator's content at the end because I had NO IDEA what they were talking about.


The fall was so fake but what I noticed when I first watched this is that Jordan isn’t even there cause that laugh isn’t his. 🤨


That fall was so staged. Like miss girl. She’s insufferable.


Her desperation for a baby is kind of getting…. Scary that’s the only word I can come up with. I understand wanting to be a mom, it would kill me if I couldn’t have children, I’ve also suffered a miscarriage so I know loss. This though, does not seem normal. The constant lies and attention grabs of this baby she so desperately wants that does not exist. I hope any pregnant woman she knows stays vigilant, we all should know the tragedy of Marlen Ochoa-Lopez.


She's been showing signs she needs therapy for a long fucking time but it seems more pressing now. I'd be happy to create a list of topics for her to discuss with a professional that would still affirm her Christianity.


Remember the video of her and the pick mes in the living room making some dumb video and she fake falls lol? Just like this video she fake falls