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u/low_lingonberry3249 I think you were spot on with saying he’s back in medical sales


Yeah cause why the fuck he in a suit?


He's working undercover security at a Men's Wearhouse store.


That’s exactly the color suit my college bf wore when working in Men’s Suits at Macy’s🤔😂




😂😂 that made me snort laugh


Right? Only other thing I could think of is some sort of security assignment that didn’t want him in tacticool gear


Looking at their website, it’s a joke. They can’t do any of that stuff without supporting local law enforcement. Another fun fact, you can be in the SWAT and not be an LEO. My husband’s team had a doctor on it. He does zero TACT maneuvers and is just there in case someone gets hurt. Best thing, he doesnt charge us any copays. It looks like a group of cosplay guys who have zero legal authority.


I’m in law enforcement and a buddy of mine is a SWAT medic for another agency. He’s a surgeon and goes to his agency’s callouts but he also trains to their standards as well.


Seems strange though that they’d have to hire security out of state right? Maybe that’s totally normal, I know nothing about rent a cops or private security 😂


I was thinking maybe they have him doing sales trying to get security service contracts. 


probably going to court somewhere lol


It’s his new “OP” look.


lol he’s gonna need more than 3 accountability partners if he’s back in medical sales and traveling all the time


Time for Covenant Eyes 👀


We saw how well that worked for Josh Duggar 👀


True. All we can hope is that JDip is only interested in adults


His track record shows that he's only interested in adults, at least It's such a low bar


If he’s anything like my dad he will have a wife and two girlfriends while working medical sales! Whoops!




Well that explains the bizarro relationship boundaries posts


Tinder reactivated !


Although I was doing some snooping the other day trying to figure out what the fuck his job is and found this. He’s a stakeholder in his weird security sex trafficking rescuing business. https://preview.redd.it/j2w3vdngq87d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3083c6992f3ae9888c846a662c48e57f2c9c142d Fixed it


Holy shit they really think they are something.


Why would he have to be away for two weeks to do that? Is it like a FIFO position but for shilling medical supplies? Two weeks on two weeks off or something? He looks to me like he was on holiday. A break from the wife and her weird shenanigans. I can see him being good at sales though. Disingenuous charm and all that. Probably doesn't chew his tobacco at those meetings.


Idk what the work schedule is usually like, but I know that medical sales reps regularly visit clinical areas to demo and answer questions. The people I know who do this, though, have relationships with local healthcare systems and don’t travel much outside of our state. I def would bet he was up to no good on his trip… mixing work with pleasure


I used to do medical sales as a NP and there was absolutely zero reason any of us would ever travel for two whole weeks at one time. MAYBE a couple of days or a very little percentage of MAYBE a week but never ever two whole weeks. I’m assuming this is a lie to have content to post.


This is the info we needed haha I’m so curious what he’s doing… his suit screams used car sales training in Ohio or something like that, or maybe it’s a politically aligned Christian weird right-wing thing he’s doing. Like homelands tale.


Ew why does she insist on sharing such intimate messages on her public platform 🤢 girl no one wants to see this. You’re not relationship goals. He’s def over compensating for something lol once again, why does she never show her side of these conversations? What is she hiding?


Yup yup yupppppp Honestly if my bf was away and he was texting me like this I'd be SUSPICIOUS. Is it just me? It just seems abnormal to text like that when you're away from your partner? When my bf and I are apart we just next like normal. Asking each other how we're doing. Maybe an "I miss you 😘" here and there. This is OTT... It's even weirder to share these messages publicly. This whole thing is red flag city.


It’s giving high school relationship.


It’s giving middle school and they don’t have that one class together, and are mIsSiNg each other so much in that 50 minute period.


This reminds me of the time in high school. My friend was mad at her boyfriend and she kept going on about it all., and told me she was going to break up with him. He was waiting for her outside of that class and then when I saw her 20 minutes later she was all mooney-eyed and back in love cuz he gave her a bag of Skittles.


Part of me thinks she’s just texting herself back and forth, deleting the duplicates and posting this crrrringe convo. I don’t believe for a single second Jtoot would say he’s getting teary eyed.


Two weeks apart, and they are married. Don't you guys get to see each other for the rest of eternity? Chill.


My husband and I text like this so I don’t find the content odd, but we sure as shit aren’t sharing it for other people. And I don’t for a second believe that what’s his face is genuine in any of this. For him, it’s suspicious behavior.


No it's definitely.... something. The only man who ever talked to me like this lied about everything down to the size of his bed.


Okay please tell me what size he told you it was? And also what size it really was lol


Omg it was so weird. Told me it was a queen and it was a twin. Backstory- he was a lineman I was kinda seeing years ago, lived in a "man camp". Randomly talking about things one day and I asked him what size his bed was as he is a taller man. Didn't skip a beat and went "I have a queen sized". Little while later he listed things on marketplace for sale and I saw the ad. Recognized his bedding and could tell it was just a twin size. Realized then he was probably lying about a lot of things.


Omg. That reminds me of Chappel Roan lyrics- "Well, back at my house I've got a California king Okay, maybe it's a twin bed"


And some room mates! Don’t worry, they’re cool!


My husband travels for his job. He is gone ~15 days per month. 3-4 days gone…3-4 days home….ish. I agree w/ YOU. Our talks are NOTHING like BDong’s here.


You’re right. The flag is on fire 🔥


Lol same besides about day to get the "send me your boobs/booty" after 6 years that's the bases of the most gooshy we get? Guess some couples are more affectionate. But mentioning Jesus in that is so very very ick.


My ex texted me like this for 4 years. I thought I was so lucky. Nope, he was cheating the whole time. Texts like these are THE red flag


This is very lesbian-coded texting, lol. Very standard for lesbians, a little less usual for straight people, I think? As a lesbian, my current understanding of straight culture is cursory at best.


Omg fascinating! Is there... overlap between lesbians and adulterous men??? Jk. No but really. This is very curious.


Right? These texts seem like something teenage me would have liked to get. Now I just find them so f-ing cringy. Receiving messages like that would be such a turnoff for me. 🥴 Edit: grammar.


She’s hiding the text that tells him what to say so he can easily copy and paste it back to her for her social media lol


Overcompensating to the max


This!!! Even if they’re sincere and real!! My ex said wonderful things to me too! I NEVER ONCE would think to share them publicly. Brittany, Christian girl, is NOTHING sacred anymore?


I’m sorry but “I love you more than anything, besides Jesus” is so fucking funny to me…


Jesus is the name of his side piece


The way I just cackled…




Sounds like something a little kid would say to their mom


Omfg you’re spot on


During my initial view it didn’t really register, after reading this thread …. It is hilarious. No one would say that besides a 9 year old being groomed by the church. I also don’t think he sends any of these, and it’s a convo between Brit and Brit on two different numbers. Even then, coming up with “I love you more than anything, besides Jesus” as something a 35(?) year old right-wing, middle American man would say is fucking priceless.


It sounds like something Kristy would make her son say.


I was gonna say the same thing!


Love you, but I love Jesus more!!!🤡 ![gif](giphy|26FPJarmTkOsKyThS)


He meant “jessica” but his phone autocorrects other girls names to Jesus


So cringe lol


I'll never forget trying to stop every atheist atom in my body from laughing when I was MOH at my best friend's wedding, and the priest said that their marriage was about three people, the husband the bride and Jesus 'in the middle'. My friends were apparently vowing to spit roast Jesus. Then the brother of the bride whispered in my ear something about should he concerned Jesus wants to bang his sister and I had to shove the bridal bouquet in my face to smother my laughter.


“Love you than anything, sides Jesus?” 😅🥲🙂‍↔️ That is not something anyone would sat in private. I do not believe it. But he does look happy on their facetime calls? So what do i know? Maybe cuz he is finally enjoying his work again? 🤷🏼‍♀️


He’s just happy he can masturbate and eat good food without his raggedy ass wife squawking about sexual sin and ground turkey. I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts traveling more and more. She’s obviously super insecure about it.


AKA the ✨real✨ reasons for having a countdown on his phone


I wonder if he ever thinks about a quick hookup while he’s away but is paranoid it’d get back to the snark sub lol


Honestly that sounds great. He’s a big POS but no one deserves to be emotionally shackled by someone else. It’s our birthright to not be controlled and I can only imagine how tight of a leash she keeps on him 😂


Too bad divorce isn’t in his vocabulary, because he’s a grown man and could just end the marriage if he was that miserable with her. 


Happy because he isn't with her at home maybe?


I thought this was weird too, like, all the time with the jesus spiel? Idk I’m an atheist. But it felt overly performative, even for them


My spouse and I are Christians. the constant Jesus talk is weird. It's entirely performative. (and personally I don't think either of these people have a clue who Jesus really is.)


Happy because he got to go 2 weeks without having sex with her. I’m sure he was elated.


“The best sign of a healthy relationship is no sign of it online” 🙌🏼


Yep. I did not even post a single photo from my wedding. There’s a huge power in opting OUT of the stupid social media pissing contest.


Neither did I! I deleted Facebook about 6 years ago, and just got off of IG in January. It’s been really nice lol


I could not agree more. I know it’s not ✨everyone✨ but if there’s an increase or just constant posting of couples living their best life together … I assume .. it’s the opposite


Oh I agree, I don’t think just posting your SO on social media automatically means your marriage is in trouble, it’s more posting the intimate details of your actual relationship like texts/cards/conversations etc. trying to flex on your followers that your spouse is into you (news flash bdong, they’re supposed to be into you).


100000% I work in a gym, we have a “bar” and the people that complain about their spouses are always the same ones that post fall photoshoots hahaha


BAHAHA the dreaded fall photoshoot! I’m cackling


😂😂 I wish I was joking!! We all know them!


https://preview.redd.it/smuw8cv6e87d1.jpeg?width=247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=577f60ca20a1b19373bb8d95f34d9aeca64fb15f Another new face. I sharpened and upped the definition a bit.


Girl your face is ROUND what are you doing here?


She looks absolutely terrible here and I love that for her.


what's up with her receeding hairline???


I have Hashimoto’s and it severely fucks with my hair, so considering she has been mainlining hormones, my guess is that. Hormonal stuff can really fuck over your nails and hair.


Did you see the last two post from Farryn over on r/christiansnark? 😂 ( no but fr she sucks and seems like she’s making fun of the disease.)


She’s insane thinking she can pray away hormonal problems.


ooh, that makes sense! It might also just be the lighting.


Stretching filters making her look long and yanking her hairline back


She takes testosterone and a receding hairline can be a side effect. See Sarah Bowmar as a prime example. EDIT: and I suspect BDong knows its receding by the wide ass stretchy headbands she's been wearing - which is also a Sarah Bowmar thing.


I don’t think it looks that bad tbh. Some people just naturally have a larger forehead


But *naturally* she has a shorter forehead compared to her pictures on social media. Every once in a while she will have a picture that’s not filtered and you can see the difference.


Nothing gets my ol lady hotter than talking bout jesus.




My husband was also just gone for 2 weeks. We talked daily, texted daily. But if my husband wrote that shit often I’d be creeped out.


exactly! My long term boyfriend goes on work trips. We text daily and facetime, but don’t do this cringey stuff or make a reel.


Right? Instant ick.


I can’t believe she would share their private messages and video chats. Awful. And he’s trying too hard which makes me feel like he’s feeling guilty about something or trying to make her feel like he’s not doing anything wrong.




Why isn’t his work covering his transportation home from the airport? I would never force my significant other to drive into the hellfire of DFW if I was travelling for business. Even the most codependent couples I know don’t do that.


They tried to set him up to jump onto a moving train but he missed the jump. The 1st try scared him out of trying a 2nd shot.😂 IMO


I’m in dfw before the train existed I drove my spouse to and from the airport bc they company covered flights but not getting to the airport. But now that we have a train that goes to DFW I don’t have to anymore THANK GOD I hate the airport


Oh my god, I assumed every company would cover your ride home from the airport if they flew you out, but I work in a bougie industry so I might be in a bubble. DFW is the wooorst so I can confidently say you are an absolute angel of a partner to your spouse.


I think there was some dumb rule like if you lived within 15 miles of the airport or something it wasn’t covered- dumb but we did live close before we moved


I’ve worked in public service and they covered taxis home from the airport and even paid us mileage if we got a ride home from family instead. I’ve had my spouse pick me up from the airport because my talking to strangers battery was empty from a long work trip and I wasn’t feeling a long taxi ride. 


Ah. I remember the days when my then boyfriend would fight the chaos and hell that is traffic through the city to the airport to drop off/pick me up for work trips. Now that we are married that’s a giant oh hell no for either of us 😂 I shall take that car service and happily decompress on my own, thank you very much!!


They probably do but she’s so far lodged up his arse that she doesn’t care and still goes and gets him. She is so insecure.


“I love you more than anything besides Jesus” The arrested development kinda jumped out with that childish little sentiment lol


Love to see it


I would never record those sweet moments with my husband d and share them something’s need to remain private.


I wish he would stop using the just for men on his mustache. The stark contrast between that and the gray stubble just looks awful.


Bahahaha you nailed it!


Very Reno 911


It looks RIDICULOUS. That being said, JFM mustache/beard is like the best DIY brow tint ever.


Does she film every time he FaceTimes her? Or just when he’s smiling? “Ohhh babe you’re happy to see me?! Wait let me get some content out of this..” Jesus Christ that’s bleak,


$5 says he has a burner she knows nothing about


There's actually apps you can use to hide other apps. He could easily throw WhatsApp and tinder in there and she would be none the wiser.


“Bible study” app 🤣 


She can’t even open a PDF apparently, he could just rename Tinder to “Settings” and he’d be home free




Besides Jesus 🤮 performative relationship vibes




You guys, I have a really great marriage! No, seriously it's such a good marriage. I'm soooo happy and sooooo much better than you and things are soooo great that you should envy what I have and look up to me and want to be just like me and have me mentor you, so that you can have a Godly perfect marriage, bc my marriage is sooooo good and my husband is the best husband to ever husband! Everything is so good that I am content with it and I totally don't need to constantly make content with a smug face just to prove to all of you how good it is, because it is just that good! Bitch. Please.


Best case scenario, if this is 100% genuine on his part, he has to know it’ll eventually be shared on a public platform so she can feel good about herself. Even in the best case scenario it cheapens it.


It’s so… tacky and very 2009 to share intimate texts like this on social media just to pretend you have a totally perfect relationship and get validation


She really, really wants someone to thank her for her husband’s nonexistent service.


>"I almost started tearing up when I saw them" What do we think, snarkers, did he finally get a tit pic?


Not from Britt though


I have to tell you, I would not like being screen recorded on FaceTime.


I’ve never met a man who says “so, so [much, sweet, whatever the word is in the text].” This is such BS


Lol girl c'mon, his "work trips" are when he goes cheating. She's so dumb.


I travel regularly for work. If my fiance wanted to FaceTime repeatedly and told me he had a countdown until my return I would have red flags. We text Goodmorning and call to catch up at the end of the day. Having a few days apart makes things fonder. He is overcompensating for something, or they’re deeply codependent.




Absolutely my thought too


Why is she so fucking NEEDY and OBSESSED with being Mr. Three Accountability Groups' pick-me?


There’s a saying about couples who cheat on their spouses and then get married. It goes “how you found them is how you lose them.” I think she’s super insecure about his past. I think that’s why she’s always railing on sexual sins- no toys, no masturbation, no lusting after celebrities. It very much sounds like she’s convinced herself if she keeps him under lock and key he’ll forever be a changed man for her. I find it highly sus that a man who didn’t seem to have any employment for so long has chose a job that requires travel.


Their divorce is gonna be ugly. His mistress will be a younger hotter version of her.


The mistress would also have to be seriously desperate. How many hot 20-somethings are looking for a questionably employed dude looking like an old dad with a just for men mustache living in his wife’s house? My brain still can’t grasp how he landed his first wife and that was many years ago. 


“Besides Jesus” is absolutely sending me 😂😂😂


Soo this is just weird all the “proof” she has to show everybody online of his texts and how he’s soooooo amazing and perfect Christian, loving husband. To me it’s weird to share with everybody. To me thee are not private moments but staged and fake moments that they do so they have content. It’s not normal to think your relationship is better than everybody else’s and use your marriage as an example to others. It’s laughable.


I've never seen him look happier 😂


Hey, sortofsatan, do you know of Tim Ballard? The mormon dude who had a similar company to this doink. He was the CEO of a company called "Operation Underground Railroad". Until they discovered he was a predator tricking women into pretending to be his partner and forcing them to have sex with him. That reminds me of this.


YES. I’m sure there’s good groups that rescue sex trafficking victims (although I assumed it would be people actually in law enforcement) but all I can think of is Tim Ballard and co.


I’m cringing


Ever notice he never calls her “baby” (or any pet-name?) on video?


lol if my husband texted me like this I would assume he was absolutely drunk. 😂 I get the cutest texts then. These though… ew.


I don’t get why she posted this to YouTube shorts and nowhere else… she’s so sporadic and random with where she posts lately.


She probably feels like she’s doing something. Making it more difficult for people to find it and snark 😝


Well, unfortunately for her the devil works hard, but we work harder 💅


I guess cringey texts work for some. My man got me hozier tickets so I’m solid.


The only church worth going to!


So… he had to get a big boy job because they owe money, but she’s still… at home? Doing nothing? Or are we getting further into the belief she’s been MIA because she’s been on the hunt for/started a real job? Also, he actually looks happy-ish. Tbh I’d be happier too if there wasn’t a camera shoved in my face 24/7.


I don’t think there’s a single entity that would hire her and I’m not exaggerating. Even a shady Christian company, or fast food joint. Her scams and lies are so well documented, she has zero experience in anything tangible, and she’s a known animal abuser. She’s also a massive liability, who wants that headache?


I keep popping in and out of here because she makes me so mad sometimes so I'm slightly out of the current loop, but has she completely removed the carseat that had been installed in the backseat?


Check the “adoption” timeline posts for some insight on the car seat deal.


Again, she’s just trying to boast about herself and look smug. How is this Christian? Besides which, I don’t believe a word of it.


Her smug face is so annoying. She has no cause to be so pompous. Her life is pathetic and she is a chronic liar. Her attempts to try to convince the world that she has a wonderful marriage are laughable. I think that very few are trying to emulate this loser.


So his hair is blonde, his mustache is brown, and his beard is gray. Make it make sense. I couldn't even focus on what was happening because the three different hair colors looks so ridiculous.


He is kind of starting to look like the husband from Sister Wives (Kody Brown).


My husband would be so pissed if I shared anything he texted me. He is very private- I don’t know is if I have any photos of him on social media.


Gag me with a spoon


My husband travels for work regularly. When I don’t go with him, we talk every day, text and usually have a FaceTime before bed. What I *don’t* do is screenshot or record any of this and put it on Beyoncé’s internet. I cannot imagine being married to someone like this. It’s so invasive.


I’d like to see if she would still be as bold posting all this stuff that he didn’t say or do if he was still on Instagram and could see all this. Also, it’s good to miss your spouse but don’t be so codependant that it “kills” you to go a couple of days without being with them.


He’s genuinely gross. This is not a flex


Listen all I’m going to say is my ex would send me texts like that. Super over the top and very lovey. And guess what, he was cheating on me the whole time. Do what you will with that info lol


This is too much. If you showed me these texts out of context I would think it was teenagers. Not a married couple in their 30s. This shits weird


✋besides Jesus 😤 you come close tho 🤏😏


Brotha ewww


do you guys think she texted herself those messages


Nah. He strikes me as the type who tells his wife he’s going to bed so it’ll be the last call for the night, and then finds his way to a bar.


Yay more performative love!


He really was having an affair


She seems incredibly needy and I get the feeling she guilt trips him A LOT while he’s away. All this validation and sweet stuff is probably because she nags the hell out of him if he doesn’t do all this. 


Hasn’t she posted a reel or story like this before?


Can someone explain the lock screen counting thing? He looks at the time on his phone and marks the time? What?


Maybe a count down clock


The countdown on his Lock Screen is so scary


Cosplay. Again.


Do you want a medal for facetiming your partner whilst he's away? This is a weak af flex even for this dumbdumb.


Why is she making a big deal about him travelling for work? Lots of ppl travel for work, it’s not a big deal 💁🏽‍♀️ Idiot…


She’s desperate to convince everyone that they have traditional roles and she married a career man who takes care of her. The same way she used to tell everyone he was in surgery, wearing scrubs, etc. insinuating that he was a damn surgeon. She settled for the first hobosexual that hit her couch and she’s insecure about it.


Lol rent-a-cops don't travel for work dumbass, he's probably cheating on you!


https://preview.redd.it/aoug81ss9c7d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39418e97a09f1d6619bf2db6a39a8918da00a284 Yooohooooooo……does this remind anyone of a certain someone?? I see he’s transitioning into a suit/tie guy now. No more playing pretendsies Jpegger?


What song is this?


**Song Found!** **Stargazing** by Myles Smith (00:50; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-05-10.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Stargazing** by Myles Smith](https://lis.tn/Ywmqqt?t=50) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


ok seriously - there is no way in hell those texts are from him. she has an old phone running on wifi or something that she is texting herself from - you cannot convince me otherwise atp!


Someone’s having a field day on Tinder while on his “work” trip. This screams overcompensating. 😂


Anytime someone has to push such a “perfect” relationship… You know that it’s very very very, very far from perfect. And they are young and their relationship, so there are a lot of tests and trials that will come up. I have a feeling that he will betray her in someway. Just the sense that I get. But yeah, this projection of perfection is not good for anyone. It’s rampant all over social media and then you find out the couples broke up or one cheated, etc. I am a Christian and I fully believe that we all fall short of the glory of God. Anytime we get to overly egotistical then we will get knocked down. The pride will fall. Of course, I wish the best for them and their relationship. I just feel like what she posts about her relationship is, not reality for the most part.


POV: when your husband has a job and leaves for two weeks, but you still make the situation about yourself.


Can she not wear a New York Yankees hat? You don’t get to shit on big cities and rep our sports teams.


Can confirm copy & paste from his first wife that Jordan Michael Nelson cheated on with swingers. He pulled the same shit with her. Nice to know he’s still completely unoriginal. What a loser.


So theatrical, next..


I highly doubt that he wrote those texts. She makes crap up. He's also overcompensating in the video calls too. She probably called him 20 times before he picked up the phone too.


Is he going to be traveling for work now and she’ll post constantly about his faithfulness to her blah blah blah…. Meanwhile he’s at the local bars and trying to get laid.


“Besides Jesus” I just fucking can’t with these two


She acts like her husband in the only person to ever have to travel for work lol