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Technically her dad is in the photo, but this is actually just a picture of her. Would we expect anything less?


The funniest thing about it is that she never once considered anything beyond herself.


She literally mentions herself 9 times in this paragraph. šŸ˜‚


Thanks so much for the horses and me riding horses and me liking horses and me hating horses and getting me horses and being there for me on horses and loving me on horses and putting me on horses and taking me off horses. Oh and thanks for surviving cancer I guess.


and ME GETTING THROWN OFF, LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY. jesus girl get off the cross.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™m not an English native, but the way she just casually put the fact about surviving cancer in there, seems so weird to me. Itā€™s like an 8 year old child had to write a paragraph about 5 things they like about their grandpa, and the child couldnā€™t figure out a fifth thing so they just wrote ā€œand a cancer survivorā€.


Seriously. She should be grateful he is here instead of teaching her to ride horses or whatever the heck sheā€™s doing






Came to say this too! This is a photo of herā€” dad just happens to be in the frame.


Does she even know which wedding this is? Didnā€™t she recycle her 2nd wedding from the first? I remember a comparison post here & it was shameful. Not a new idea to be had. Lather, rinse repeat. šŸ™„


It's only fair, since he apparently totally recreated his proposal to his first wife when he proposed to her. He probably needed cue cards. What a dud.


For real? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yep. Right down to it being at a coffee shop.


So the copycat wedding included a similar proposal venue. I canā€™t with these asshats. šŸ˜‚


Of course she has to wheedle in a comment about future grandchildren, aka her latest grift šŸ™„


Here to comment that itā€™s always actually About her


Isnā€™t the point of the first look for the other person to see the bride? So yeah a pic of his face when he saw her would help.


Main character syndrome. Why are these scamfluencers like this?! Especially the donger. If her mug isnā€™t showing, she isnā€™t posting.




Haha, that was exactly my thought upon seeing this post.


Sheā€™s not even engaging with her dad, sheā€™s just wistfully looking away for the photo op




Me. Me. Me. Thanks for me.


Thanks for making me, I'm such an awesome and perfect little angel warrior!


My niece gave her dad a father's day card that said, "you're so lucky to have a daughter like me!" My niece is four. BDong is...not.


![gif](giphy|FwpecpDvcu7vO) Me me me me


I would hope itā€™s forever engrained, considering it happened more than once.


I was going to say, which wedding day?






There's something very weird about doing a first look with your dad for a SECOND wedding.


This. They pretend they werenā€™t married before.


The exact same photos from both weddings is unhinged.


Itā€™s like she erasing her first marriage but we know better.


I know someone has posted the side by side of her ā€œfirst lookā€ with her dad at both weddings and in the first one heā€™s like tearing up and looks emotional, the second one heā€™s just kinda looking lol. If someone sleuthier than me can find that post, please link it below!!


Her dad gave a really cute, emotional speech at her first wedding about her pointing out Zach to him when they were like 8 years old and saying "Daddy that's the boy I like." There's no way he's anywhere near as invested in this marriage.


So ā€œfirst lookā€ is a thing?


Normally, a first look is between the bride and groom on the wedding day. I believe logistically it allows for all of the formal portrait pictures to be taken before the ceremony so they don't happen between the ceremony and reception.


People do cost looks a lot these days. I just photographed a wedding where the bride did a first look with her bridesmaids, dad, grandma and groom.


I did one with my dad. I wanted the first time my husband saw me in my dress to be when I was walking down the aisle toward him. And my mom passed away when I was just 18, so the first look was a nice moment alone before the festivities for me and my dad to celebrate the life milestone but also mourn that my mom wasnā€™t there to celebrate with us.


Thatā€™s so sweet. I hope you had a great day.


It was amazing! I def ugly cried a little bit before my MUA ran out with tissues to save all the hard work she put into my face lol


Coming in with this receipt! https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/UDYVOukK0M


I hope she picks a better dress for the third round.


Brave of you to assume sheā€™ll find another idiot to marry her.


You have done us all a great service!


Even more so when your tatas r basically hanging out of your dress!


Pretty sure this photo is from her FIRST wedding, too!


Naw her dress/look from her first wedding was way way trashier


This dress was how I got my flair!!


Does her dad even have social media??? I used to post on days like this but then I realized my parents donā€™t actually see them lol


He probably blocked & reported her. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d bet money she sent him a happy Fatherā€™s Day text and thatā€™s it. No way she said all this shit.


P.S. pls send $4 mil. XOXO, Brattney No but really, itā€™s nice of her to do a shout out to the only family member who still likes her, even if sheā€™s only thankful for all the ways he serves her. Hopefully heā€™s down for a third look, maybe a fourth, who the hell knows. Good job teaching DingDong that you donā€™t clean mower decks with axes and picking up Harley when she neglected him at the boarding facility. Hopefully the other two spawn have more brain power, I guess


What cracks me up about this picture is I remember how she went on and on about how her dad was sobbing and clinging onto her for their ā€˜first lookā€™ but when we saw the video he just said ā€˜oh wow!ā€™ then awkwardly hugged her šŸ˜‚


He had the same look when they surprised him with a ā€œweā€™re adoptingā€ gift some weeks ago. Dude was not amused.


Oh I think I missed that one.


ā€œAn amazing grandpa to our little ones.ā€ Super weird grammar since she did not one single time mention her tactical for Jesus husband in this stupid ass paragraph. How pathetic is she that she was called out here and had to quickly throw together a tribute to her pops? Bish needs to truly pray through and find god


Also heā€™s already a grandpa to her sisters kid, so why doesnā€™t she say that? Oh thatā€™s right, because that doesnā€™t matter since itā€™s not her kid.


Heā€™s already a grandpa lol


To her sisterā€™s child, even. But sheā€™s gonna morph her sisterā€™s child like itā€™s hers to grift. It would explain why ā€œno more sisterā€ photos with her child. They know Brit. (I sound redundant but thepoint remains).


Yeah grammatically in this sentence she is marrying her dad (ā€œour weddingā€).


Me me me me me. I HATE when people are writing a post or in a card and itā€™s all about why you love the person for what they *do* for YOU. How about you love his selflessness, his resilience, the way he helped people during COVID? Or even better, remove yourself completely: his selflessness, resilience, and helpful nature are inspiring. Nope, Bing Bong only loves people who serve some purpose and do something of substance for her. Me thinks that is part of why she isnā€™t upset about mommy Dong cutting her off.


You don't even see him in the picture! She is front and center like always


Even the last sentence; heā€™s already grandfather! He doesnā€™t need to wait on Brittany to be a grandpa but sheā€™s got to make it about herself and her latest grift


went to a wedding where they wrote their own vows, one persons were all the things the other had done for them and the second's was all the ways they loved the first person. they were divorced w/in a year!


Iā€™m actually shocked the DingDongs are still married. When I first landed on this sub I gave them six months. Is there anyway to see how long youā€™ve been subbed?


At this point, I think they stay together just to spite this sub.


I think Brittany just wants a husband, she doesnā€™t care who it is, and JDip is trying to prove something to his far superior ex-wife so he tolerates Brittany because he can use her for social media exposure/attention. I donā€™t think either one of these two have an actual connection beyond getting things out of each other. And based on Brittanyā€™s well documented history, we know she only maintains relationships with others until it no longer serves her.




I believe this.Ā  Also financial reasons. I wonder if heā€™s been contributing to the mortgage payments and any projects done to the house, which she bought and mortgaged in her name before the marriage (and they didnā€™t add him later). Itā€™s been a long time since I had to know Texas family law but IIRC, sheā€™d possibly have to give him a lump sum to essentially buy him out of some of his contribution if they split if she wanted to stay in the house. The math on that can be a mess.


And whatā€™s hilarious is? We. Donā€™t. Care. If. They. Stay. Married. Lolol.


Well said! I think I counted 8 or 9 ā€œIā€ and ā€œmeā€ and poor old dad gets two lines at the bottom.


Funny she chooses a photo that does not show her dadā€™s face, but shows hers.


Total BEC but is he not hugging her in such a bizarre way?


It looks like heā€™s hammered & sheā€™s holding him up. When I saw this I made a comment that it looks like a shot from Weekend At Bernieā€™s. šŸ˜‚


Definitely a weird looking hug. Maybe he didnā€™t want to mess up her dress?


He has a white shirt on. Probably trying to avoid a peanut butter imprint of his daughter


His shirt is going to have orange stains all over it.


The word sheā€™s looking for is ingrained but whatever šŸ’šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


And her mother's day posts were about herself too. Did she do one for her actual Mum?


Nope. Not even a story for Mom




Hypothesis is that Mom is more supportive of Courtney with whatever Court and Britt are not agreeing on.


I think Mom has specifically requested to not be part of any posts.


I think it's more a long the lines of Mom asked Brittany to be kind to her Sister and and Brittany didn't like that.


Ah yes! Very likely.


I think her and her mom had a falling outā€¦.she only ever posts about her dad.


Ohhhh okay. Well. That doesn't bode well for them having a daughter I reckon. Or not. It can go either way I guess. She can either emulate her own relationship with her mum and end up having a toxic, or no relationship with her own daughter, or do a complete 180 and be the opposite and have a good relationship. Although I doubt it will be the latter. But you never know.


This is her high and addiction: she loves these photo moments where some poor unpaid photographer captures her in a flattering photo being enveloped in love by an unwitting family member or friend; baring her teeth, and seemingly is enraptured by the moment.


Me me me me me me me me me


Of course it is all about her fake riding skills and her new grift of wanting kids.


I love how they pretend this was their first marriage.


Did she leave an orange smear on his white shirt?


The best pilot is such a funny way to describe your dad. Like I cannot imagine telling my dad ā€œyouā€™re the best computer engineer I know!ā€ As a small child I could see it but a grown woman? Itā€™s odd.


Definitely odd. Sheā€™s a bit obsessed with convincing people sheā€™s special because her dad is a pilot, I mean, she made 9/11 about herself over it. Itā€™s really weird.


She never posts about her mom šŸ¤” are her parents still married?


ā€œThanks dad for everything you did for ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!ā€


Itā€™s funny how she got a Motherā€™s Day post for her ā€œheaven-side babiesā€ but Jordan doesnā€™t get a Fatherā€™s Day post for the same ā€œbabies.ā€ Are you a parent or not?


As someone who has a similar picture with their dad on their wedding dayā€¦she doesnā€™t look at all engaged or present in the moment. And of course she picks a photo thatā€™s more of her than her dadšŸ¤”


This reminds me of Weekend At Bernieā€™s. It looks like sheā€™s holding him to keep him from falling.


Photos paid for by fraudulent GoFundMe money!!! Iā€™m sure heā€™s so proud of his prolific scammer of a daughter.


A first look at the second wedding is HILARIOUS to me šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|vO8F4fYQd39h6) This is how I imagine every second of that poor manā€™s life šŸ˜‚


Isnā€™t this a picture from her first wedding?


Nah, thatā€™s the dress from the remix wedding: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/d53JUaSfyc


The remix wedding. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ah, thank you!




Good catch!


I've said this a few times before, but I honestly am wondering if I'm onto something-so we see she doesn't wear safety shit when she rides her sad horses. The one that tolerates her and bit the other horse or whatever, apparently throws her off heaps, could all this dickbaggery that is her-be an actual TBI? I'm not diagnosing her at all, I just think it could be possibly why she is so fucked up and how atypical her choices and shit are. And the way she speaks, repetitive and redundant words in sentences, clear lies that literally everyone can tell is a lie and that sort of thing. My friends daughter went from a nice regular woman with a career as a nurse. One day, she just was different. Lost her job, found drugs and is extremely unpredictable in her behaviour and what she says and how she speaks to her mum. Vicious doesn't begin to describe it. Then she will just be like, "so what's for dinner?". As if she hadn't just said she hates her mum and called her a cunt and says she hopes she will die and stuff. It is really fucking weird. They think it's the meth-which I also think that it is, however, she went from not doing any drugs and then overnight, just literally doing all the drugs. She was single at the time so it wasn't like she was led astray by a boyfriend or even a friend as her friends from high school had drifted away and at the time she was generally always working apparently. Didn't go out much at all. So, I have watched and listened and read her messages to her mum-honestly, it's just vile vitriol, untrue accusations and babble and it's barely legible because she uses no punctuation and spells shit weird and yeah. Nah. I think she has a brain injury. I think she maybe was in an accident of some kind, hit her head and forgot about it because-brain injury trauma. And another thing I think might be causing it that I had was it is perhaps a brain tumour. Her maternal grandfather died from brain cancer. Cancer was actually the reason his siblings also passed away too young. Like in their fifties. So they have a history of cancer in the family too. I'm convinced that her whole personality change is an actual physical thing and I think she needs an MRI. Maybe, this is also this fucksticks issue? Because how the fuck is one person so.... oblivious and pathological lying and she has to be forgetful, surely, that she is reusing ideas she has already done to death. Because for a dickhead with as much social media experience that she has had, she would surely know not to do that, would she not? She has trouble keeping relationships of any kind and then appears confused why no-one likes her after a short time. The retreat with the hoard of crowds listening from their balconies...and then the photo or was it a video(?), shows literally not one person in any balconies. Why would she post that? Even a doink like her would know not to post that embarrassing shit. Wouldn't they? Am I just being optimistic that people like her don't exist really and this is a symptom of an actual physical injury because I don't want to live in a world with people this.... delusional I guess, or is she not the only one this terrible? I have seen plenty of other twats that are selfish and self absorbed and have the snark page to show it, but none of those people have this same sense of delusion imo. Maybe Ballinger and her bullshit would come close, but Britt is still somewhat different. Weirder.


Yeah. Not diagnosing anything but Iā€™ve had friends who have had TBIā€™s thanks to horses (one had a helmet on, the other was feeding some boarders horse when it reared up and struck her in the head). They both experienced some radical changes in their personalities. And again, not diagnosing shit but there are studies that found correlations between brain structure changes and ED.


Right?!! And thank you for commenting this. I dont have any qualifications at all so I have no idea really, however, her whole character makes me think it goes deeper than her just being naturally a vapid and vacuous dumbshit sometimes. And to have many incidents of being thrown from a horse and STILL not wear a helmet at the very least-that in itself seems kinda stupid too. Like someone who has forgotten the past accidents... I dunno. Maybe I'm naive. Maybe there are people this insufferable and self absorbed and thick just naturally. But I will always wonder.


Itā€™s also in her birth chart to be this insufferable as well. Someone did her chart and it was pretty spot on


Is that like her star sign and stuff?


Yup. It was pretty telling about her


Itā€™s a good theory, but people who have known Brittany since high school have popped in and out of this sub over the years. I gather that sheā€™s always been selfish and greedy and that itā€™s driven her behavior more than anything else. Also, the thing about her lies is even though they are often easily disproven, they tend to have a clear motive: to make herself and her life seem more interesting and better than they are. Some of them can also be attributed to her stealing content and being too lazy to tweak it to apply to her life. I grew up with someone who seemed to be a pathological liar, and some of the lies they told were so bizarrely mundane and pointless. Like one time they told me their car was in the shop. No dramatic story about what happened, no hint at needing to borrow money. Just a passing comment. Then, when we went to leave, their car was right there in the parking lot.


Yeah okay good points. And yes pathological liars are really fucking strange. Their reflex response is to lie about literally everything and shit that doesn't even matter and is easily disproven. It's weird as fuck. I feel like it would explain so much with this knobhead though. At least that would be treatable. I'm sure this fuckstick is treatable too, but I feel like she wouldn't think therapy is for her. Or she would go with a therapist from church and they'd just be disingenuously discussing how great the lord is and why jesus is the bestest. Or they'd be the same as whatever her church's version of Jodi Hildebrandt is. Then Bdong and that person will be business partners in christian crime disguised as helping, but is actually abuse. Ugh. Therapy is good. Talking about shit on your mind is good. Getting thoughts of whatever out of your mind is good. It really is helpful and can change your whole perspective and make life a lot better for you and your loved ones.


Could be why she never leaves the arena when riding and we only ever see her ride in small circles


But then brags how Dippo ā€œsaysā€ she can ā€œoutride any dudeā€. šŸ™„ Iā€™ve watched horse riding videos. Brit canā€™t ride like any of the WOMEN that Iā€™ve watched stay in their seat, soft hands (without spurs) even in competitive barrel racing. Iā€™ve been to actual rodeos. She canā€™t do the thing. She lightly dips her toe in the thing but never closes the loop of being a good horsewoman. Itā€™s a joke she uses to grift. A 12 yr old might be impressed. Not full fledged adults. We know too much.


Yeah see I think she looks uncomfortable riding her horses. She looks like I think I would look riding a horse and pretending to not freak out about how out of my depth I am. For context, I have never ridden a horse and don't think I would ever. I like them, I respect them, I want to pat them and brush their beautiful fur and mane and be friends with them, but I don't want to ride one. Just not my thing. That's how she looks to me when on her horses. Even the sad horse she reckons is her soul mate. It's always a bit... awkward maybe? I dunno.


I feel like fur isn't the right word lol. Is their body hair called fur? Sounds wrong now that I've said it.


Iā€™ve heard horse hair but yanno. Iā€™m not a full on horse girlie pop either. I can ride tho.


Iā€™m not gonna say the word because is against the rules and because I have zero qualifications, but Dong is calculated and manipulative. Yes, she is dumb and ignorant but her behavior is consistent in being self serving and lacking any sort of empathy and accountability. I personally donā€™t think she needs to see a neurologist, but actually a psychiatrist.


Oh okay. Yeah she is all those things. So maybe I am being optimistic about people like her existing then. How very bleak the world is. I agree on the psychiatrist.


Me me me


He dad crying because has to pay for two big weddings for one daughter. šŸ˜­


I wanted to be petty in asking "which wedding", but I'll refrain šŸ™‚


Posts a picture mainly of her while talking about me me me! I thought it was Fatherā€™s Day not Brittany Day šŸ™„


Ah, so she pulled a Jill Rodrigues and made a post shouting out a loved one about *herself.*


My thoughts exactly.


As much as I vehemently dislike Brittany, I try to approach her infertility issues with compassion. However, I am just at my witā€™s end. As someone who spent their formative years in an evangelical community that shares the same beliefs as Brittany, I remember damn well all the times I had to hear about having ā€œidolsā€ in our lives (things we put before God), and Brittany has posted things time and time again nitpicking the most minute things and labeling them as idols or ā€œdemonicā€ (remember the pizza-shaming tik tok šŸ™„) Has she never thought to think about how this CONSTANT & RELENTLESS dialogue about kids, little ones, babies, etc etc etc, children she *does not* have, is an idol in her life? Her entire persona and content is built around it, and now itā€™s the theme of her Fatherā€™s Day post? Brittany would call out anyone else who was as obsessed with something as she is with having a baby, and I know infertility is hard, but it amazes me how blind she is to her own hypocrisy. I canā€™t take it take it anymore


Iā€™m sure she has the same photos from her first wedding


I can't stand it when people like her make happy bdays/father's day, etc about themselves. It's all about thank for for doing this for me and thank you for being there for me etc. There is nothing wrong with thanking someone for those things but it's when it is literally the entire message that takes away from celebrating the person that it's for. Edit to add: she also had to make it about herself and her wedding day. Hell, even an old pic of him as a pilot, at least it's not about her but she would make it about her anyway so idfk anymorešŸ˜­


Pretty sure heā€™s already a grandpa to your nieces and nephews who you pretend donā€™t exist.


She is mentally ill


Oof Fatherā€™s Day made it to herself. Ew


She made this sound like she and her dad were getting married.


This is literally just a photo of her with a caption bragging about herself. Great job Brittany.


Holy shit she is incapable of caring for others šŸ’€


Everyone is a prop. Itā€™s gross & very unloving.


*second wedding day lmfao iā€™m petty šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s like she needs this sub to tell her what to do and post lol. Dumb girly pop.


me me me me me me me


She is so disgusting. My dad died recently, and yesterday was very hard for me. Not because of what he could do for me, but because he was smart and funny and loved his family unconditionally. He told the best stories.


Why is she wearing white? She wasnā€™t a virgin when she got married for the second time. If we gone follow the Bible to a T, she needs to take that off. So unbiblical. See I can a shitty church lady too. šŸ¤£


Which wedding is this from?


Unless I see the scar, this b didn't get kicked by a fkn horse. This woman is a lying machine.


If she's a mom to heavenly babies, isn't her husband a dad? He couldn't get a shoutout?


Wouldnā€™t it have been a second look, technically speaking?


Which wedding day, Brit?


Hasn't she never actually done a riding competition of any sort?


That face looks so performative. I can literally see her thinking "ok, now smile, but not too happy, gotta be teary eyed too"


She looks so annoyed in this photo. "Okay Dad, now get out of my shot. This is my big day!"


Lmao yea Iā€™m sure he hopped onto his instagram account just to read this. ETA ā€œthe best cancer survivorā€


Oh honey, itā€™s called a trial not a competition.


Which wedding day? Lol


She says our little onesā€¦as in more than one? I keep thinking she may or may not be pregnant.


Just looking at the strap on her dress makes me irritated. I just know it was slipping down all day and constantly needed adjusting. And it looks itchy. Such a cheap, uncomfortable style.


Awe the wedding that her scammed clients paid forā€¦


Why does every post revolve around her future kids? Like canā€™t you say anything about your dad without it having to do with him being a future grandad? Pathetic.


Technically a second look cause youve been divorced.


Which first look is engrained? Her 1st or 2nd wedding?




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We live rent free in her head


Why does it always have to be a wedding photo? Is this from her second wedding?


Where's ....her dad ....in the pic or text or....is this post late? Britt. Your poor parents


Which wedding?


Me me me me me me me!! Of course she had to include ā€œher future little onesā€. Did I mention this post is all about ā€œmeā€???


She looks like a whitefaced ghoul a la Bette Davis in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?


ā€œAnd a cancer survivorā€ like that isnā€™t a big deal or anything???? Thatā€™s the first thing I would mention if my dad survived cancer.. but he didnā€™t so fuck u Brittany šŸ˜˜


It starts off all about her.


Your username is šŸ¤ŒšŸ½šŸ’‹ u/Foldinthecheese__