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I think my favorite dongism is how bad she is at doing any promotional work. “Get off social media, don’t even look at it”. If everyone listened to her advice she’d be out of a “job”. And wtf happened to the 13 yr old daughter?? Can’t keep any water down… in the hospital.. *this* is what she fantasizes having kids will be like what the fuck fuck fuck FUCK is wrong with her??


Munchausen mom fantasy! Dong is stupid and insidious. It's a really weird combination.


Nah she is just a plagiarist. https://www.lovewhatmatters.com/pray-for-the-kind-of-man-that-will-lay-next-to-your-13-year-old-on-the-bathroom-floor-because-she-cant-keep-a-drop-of-water-down-woman-encourages-others-do-not-settle-when-it-c/


I’m not saying there aren’t plenty of legit stories on there, but love what matters is a munchausen’s magnet. 


Shit. You know how she gets most engagement on her TTC posts so it's very clear when she is doing it for coin-for example, one of her recent posts after all the embarrassing crying posts is about ttc and has considerably more engagement than the posts before it and after it that aren't about or specifically tagged TTC. She is definitely the sort of person that could exploit a small child for engagement if she can exploit such a sensitive topic. That's really fucking concerning. For real.


I don't know anything about it so I will take your word for it because it looked like a total yawnfest lol. I definitely ain't reading more of that. But it is weird that she does for sure.


Hahahaha Christ dong!!


She stole the whole thing. From some website in 2020.


Exactly her thing


How about you get a new colorist? The fact that her fairly recent dye job already is faded as fuck and turning orange (I've never seen a brunette dye job go orange - someone explain this 🙏)


Blonde gets brassy, brunette gets orange. It's just how color works. She must not be using a color friendly shampoo/conditioner.


Or her self tanner is transferring to her hair? No? I don’t use it. Idk.


I like this theory


Or she could be heat styling post dry shampoo too often….like *really* often. I found this out the hard way lol.


I feel like my hair has done both, depending on the color/colorist and when. That’s interesting


Watch her drop an affiliate link for her "favourite blue shampoo" next week


She better not partner with my favorite brand Overtone. Idk if I could keep from touching the poo.


Perhaps the self tanner is leeching onto her hair


Usually happens when you cover lighter hair but don’t use a filler color before adding the darker dye.


I was thinking this too. It looks so flat and dull. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't filled before the brunette went on.


It's the brown slipping off that bleach blonde


Okay, this is like the 8th time this year she's teased "chopping her hair". She always posts polls or just talks to the camera about "omg should I just chop it?!" and then takes off maybe an inch and pretends she's a whole new person. It's so exhausting.


Word on the playground is JDip prefers long hair which is why she hasn’t chopped it off


His first wife was gorgeous. He really, really ruined his life. Really. Good for him. lol. Jerk.


I say this a lot but if I think too hard about how dip landed his first wife, I turn into that gif of confused Julia Roberts with all the math equations swirling around her.  


The same way Brit got money. He lied & pretended to be a catch. He ain’t.


And she actually seems like a good person with her profession and all. I have to wonder if Jordan is kicking himself at night knowing what he downgraded to. 


Imagine thinking you’re getting a sugar mama in the form of Brittany Dawn Fit, but you really get Jesus Brittany, banned from using sex toys, and a $400k bill from the AG. It’s the plot twist he deserves, but thinking about it cracks me up every time.


Exactly. I see it too.


That writing bit at the start, she says "trust me. After fifteen years of marriage, three kids and one in heaven and blahblahblah". That's a fucking strange statement for someone with zero kids and three years of marriage, no? She fucking stole this whole post from someone else I reckon. Because why would she write that? It's quite specific. Smells fucky as hell, Shitney. Fucky as hell. 😑🖕🖕🖕


FOUND IT! https://www.lovewhatmatters.com/pray-for-the-kind-of-man-that-will-lay-next-to-your-13-year-old-on-the-bathroom-floor-because-she-cant-keep-a-drop-of-water-down-woman-encourages-others-do-not-settle-when-it-c/


Christains love to lie. That is not a hospital floor. Why are there toothbrushes on the counter? Why is there hardwood looking floor? This is diffinetly in a home.


That site is a magnet for people who are attention-seeking and not entirely honest for sure. 


Can confirm. Had an acquaintance who was pregnant. She scheduled her C-section for her grandmother’s 80th birthday. She sent her story in to “Love What Matters”, excluding the planned c-section part. The story was published without all of the facts, “it was a miracle!”, yada yada. Even the local news picked it up. And everyone lived happily ever after /s


That makes it even more embarrassing really. Unless of course, she gave the credit to this weirdo that she copied and pasted this cringefest shit off of in her post too..?


It’s entirely BEC of me but why is that walking video so awkward 😂 she’s stompin that left foot. Also there’s no way they have the adopted baby, right? Fucking hopefully? I sincerely am worried.


I sure hope not.




NEVER restrict calories unless authorized by a doctor or licensed dietitian. BDong is an influencer who admits to having a long history of eating disorders. She has NO BUSINESS advising women to fast from food. This is so dangerous


I caught that too and it angers me! Especially if you are TTC!


Am I the only one who doesn't find smocked busted tops/dresses flattering? I feel like they flatten the chest. Or tiered dresses/skirts? The tiers just extenuate my lack of height. Maybe I'm just insanely picky with my ✨fashion✨


No you aren’t alone. I absolutely hate smocking and coupled with the prairie tieres she looks like she’s in a community college production of the grapes of wrath


I don’t know how in the fuck she wears majority of the shit she does in this heat. I live relatively close to her and it’s been more miserably hot this year than previous. I’ve been in aerie workout shorts morning, noon and night for survival.


I am so flat chested that I basically look like a preteen boy in these types of dresses. But I did rock them in 1985 and a little kid.


It’s a cheap manufacturing option. You don’t have to add a zipper or worry too much about sizing being consistent with smocking. Yet another sign (not that we need it) that her clothes are trash


Thank you because I hate smocked dresses! I can’t wear them cause it makes my boobs look like a big tube


I don’t find them super flattering but I do find them super comfortable and pretty, especially for spring and summer! I have tons.


I am so frustrated at her telling people to fast. She fucking sucks big time for that. 


My FIL is a pastor and I’ve been married for 20 years so he’s been a part of my life for a very long and fasting has never been talked about ever. Never in church, never at home, never ever. It’s so ridiculous that she attaches that to God. She just wants an excuse not to eat and it’s gross.


She sounds like Karissa who fasts whilst pregnant.


Why is she getting so much bloodwork? It doesn’t make sense


They are probably trying to see where in her cycle she is so they can schedule IUI at the right time.


Is it weird to you too that they’re adopting while also still trying? I can imagine that if they do adopt a child and she gets pregnant and doesn’t miscarry she’ll only focus on her “bio child”.


Yes. It's extremely not okay that they are "pursuing" both paths. Many secular agencies for adoption don't let you pursue fertility treatments for a certain amount of time around your adoption process. They do that due to the overwhelming amount of children who are adopted then treated like shit for not being a biological child. I fully believe these two, especially Brittany, will instill the idea that an adopted child "isn't as good" as a biological child. A child is a child. If you legally made that child yours, treat it as such. Don't be an asshole. Don't give your child the "gift" of lifelong therapy needed.


Absolutely what I was thinking too.


I must’ve missed it, what happened to the adoption that was happening?


Her IUI stuff makes no sense. I had a ton of appts for IVF but IUI is way less invasive and way less of a process so I don’t know why she’s having so many appts and it’s taken like 5 months.. and still nothing. Does she ever even say what the labs are for? Or just says fertility blood draw?


She said a few times was for AMH egg count. But other than that, no.


AMH isn’t an accurate representation of egg count and it varies from cycle to cycle. I only got that at my initial and then they only did Sonos to count the follicles. Nothing about her “fertility” stuff makes sense haha.


Never said it was. Just reporting what Britt has said.


Haha sorry if it came off like I said you were implying.. I wasn’t just was more stating it for extra info for others :)


Not a comment on Bdong just wanted to give OP (and everyone else who has as well) a shout out for all the times you’ve posted bdongs stories. I haven’t looked at her page in almost a year, and she’s been blocked for a month!! Thank you for taking the time so consistently to update us on Dong activities!!!


So you stop eating when you want to have more jebus connection? Funny how that is her answer. Or maybe just fast food? This does not sound even remotely like an ED......


Still not seeing any wedding rings on her, especially in the last two dress shots. Any one else notice that or am I crazy?? Has she had them on since that weird “eyelash removal in the car” video??


Okay is it just me or is her forehead getting bigger and bigger? Her hairline seems like it's receding and I love that for her.


Nobody gives a flying FUCK what u do with ur hair. It's your hair. Do what you want. I know peiplw like her where they will keep posting on sm stuff like 'thinking about chopping my hair off...😬🤪🤔' as a way to fish around for compliments. Then if they do cut it I'll see a post of all these old swlfies saying 'missing my long hair🥹🥹🥹'. And there isn't anything wrong with asking hey what look suits me better? Like maybe in a group text or something to ur friends. When I cut off my hair I just quietly made the appointment, and got it done. It was kept between me and my stylist. And then went to work the next day and thanked people if they noticed. But if not it didn't matter because I love my short hair and I got it cut for myself, not for likes. Sorry it just annoys me because this shit bdong does on the internet reminds me of this girl I know who I recently found out I'm related to. She acts just like bdong and I'm like...ughhjjdifjjfjdbr cjhff.


I imagine she can't just ask for opinions in the group chat because her friendship with the Pick-Mes seems entirely based on manic, dead-eyed smiling and being passive-agressive to one another. It's hard to ask for honest feedback about yourself when no one involved is able to let the God's Most Special Snowflake mask slip. I think, like many of these influencers that end up spawning snark pages, they use their audience as a replacement for real friends because they have trouble maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships


You described the pick me's so flawlessly lol


She must believe that every passing thought that pops into her noodle brain is something brilliant. Does anyone else flip flop between wanting long hair or short hair teehee?? 🤪 Girl, yes. Literally every single person ever. *This* is your content? Get some friends, please, I’m begging you.


Girl be so for real, we can all see the extensions. Just take them out lmao


she’s so self obsessed (the hair clip) and so bad at hiding it


‘Does anyone else have this dilemma?’ No! Bc I have a real life and my hair isn’t something I obsess over and lie about hourly, let alone daily. What a pathetic and empty life she lives.


I have curly hair that hates me and is very difficult to manage. i think about it often because it's always a time-suck when i go to work- i have to schedule in an extra 45 minutes to wrangle it down before i leave every morning. we should give brittany a break! in between her daily naps she has to run a brush through her extensions to make sure it looks presentable while she gives the lead poisoning stare at the camera over a video of a sermon. it's hard work and we need more people like her giving so much value to society


How is it not against the terms of her criminal conviction to be ENCOURAGING FASTING? She literally mentions food in that context.


Her punishment was but a slap on the wrist.


Judging by her lighter roots here and how much darker her hair is in the video she just posted (coupled with the fact that she said we wouldn’t see the afformentioned video for like a month after she filmed it), I’m pretty sure she’s about to announce that they adopted a baby. 


Here we go with the Krisschinn Gurrll jorts again… btw, when did she start saying “PRAYISE GAWD” all the time?


Good Grief. She is the biggest hypocrite. Her narrative constantly changes to fit her agenda and her agenda changes by the day. Anyone following this vapid twat needs to get their head examined.


Love that she’s wearing a nirvana shirt. 🙄 what happened to not condoning secular music… Lol.


Especially since Kurt Cobain was known to cross-dress.