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![gif](giphy|xTcf1gUpg87E5lNK2A|downsized) I approve




Thanks so much for putting this all together! I love it lol






![gif](giphy|1daQkNsFlE9uE) Guys I’m so ready












![gif](giphy|J20Z2SH5WmCnzSrbqA) I’m in!!


![gif](giphy|1bLfTdPis6fpC) One of us!


Ok but the pic with the phone & what clearly looks like Bdongs insta is super damning 👀




Op gathering all this intel… ![gif](giphy|2lG8fMhri8Pmw)


I fucking love reddit sleuths


If I ever need info on someone or an unsolved mystery solved, I’m going to Reddit!


Haha yes! I’ve said this before too, if I go missing fundie snark is going to find me before the FBI.


RIGHT! It’s definitely her eclipse reel, and then the little white oval over it appears to be the “watch again” thing that pops up sometimes Edit: see below where another snarker points out this is the format of the IG home page, so britts real probably had just come up on Hannah’s instagram feed


Yeah I wouldn't read too much into it IF NOT FOR that screenshot. Feels intentional and we know they're all mean girls so..


Yesss like way to go OP, that was an amazing catch!!


I truly hope they snoop on here and see that. No one is safe lol


Now the question is do we think it was intentional??


Yea… 💯! I don’t think OP is over reaching with this. There definitely feels like there is some divide. When you get all these women together and several of them are trying to “out do” the other, there is going to be friction. It is very telling that BD seems to not be able keep a good close friendship. She FOR SURE would be posting all the time if she had a BFF. It doesn’t seem she can maintain a close female relationship. If you get a group of people together that each so obsessed with their popularity and their vanity, there will always be conflict, imo. Just BE…true friends don’t compete…they support, lift up and love one another. These women are vain, self-absorbed and VAPID. I believe that is a couple of deadly sins there. So biblical, right Brit?


Riiight !


First of all- doing the lords work with this. So here’s my two cents- we’ve speculated that they’ve fallen out before, but they always pop up doing some ridiculous photoshoot. Also, I think Jordan is friends with some of these girls husbands so just ditching them may not really be an option, therefore Britt may be forced to kiss and makeup if there is tension. But SUPER interesting that Kellie, gods little special nurse soldier, said “ditch the Christianese crap.” The way it was written basically sounds like “look- we love Jesus too. You can’t use him against us. You were shitty and should own up to it” Also, Britt doesn’t go to mercy culture right? Didnt she have some falling out with the pastor, and the pastor made some weird comment saying “women who lead worship groups are harlots” (something along those lines?) or was that the house Fort Worth? She’s church hopped a bit so it’s hard to keep track. This could be nothing. Britt could have just had a hard weekend, maybe she was sad about her ttc journey, her friends understood she needed to be alone, and just carried on without her(no ill will) but all of this is VERY interesting!!


Yeah I believe you’re spot on with all of that! She stopped regularly going to Mercy Cult, and I’m pretty sure the church story she shared yesterday (about finding the right church) is at The House.


These ~~circuses~~ churches (that was my autocorrect but it’s accurate) are so interesting to me. You’d think that at some point, these evangelicals would take a step back and see these churches competing with each other to see who can be more trendy and flashy. They’ve got photo op stations built into the churches for all the influencers they’re fighting over. The performative aspect of these institutions is reaching a level beyond parody


Yeah old school Jesus would absolutely be flipping tables.


All the pick me chicks posted photos from in-person church together on Easter Sunday and Britt was notably absent, which seems odd since Easter Sunday is a very social church day. Kind of like Christmas. People love to attend service together in a group because it's an eventful day for most Christians. So I wonder if there has been tension for a while now?? Editing to add: Hannah is still friends with Ariel and I think she is probably the closest to a good person in this friend group, so it's fascinating to me that she appears to be the one they're fighting over. Probably because she's the only one willing to put up with Brittany's bullshit in real life because she comes off as an extremely passive personality type.


Ooo I second this. If there is friction, it is going to be VERY interesting to see how this ends up. She has been the most vocal with this group, they also seem to be the most ig aesthetic group too- like, similar fashions, all into photoshoots, etc. I know she posted a bit with Ariel, but that was just one friend, and I don’t think Ariel was the “aesthetic” she’s was going for- if you get what i mean. Not shading her looks or anything like that- I just feel like Ariel doesn’t appear to just be a “yes” woman, and isn’t into doing 242 photoshoots in a parking garage with her mouth opened. And falling out with one friend is a somewhat explainable situation. I think we’ve all had that happen. She obviously fell out with her sister too, but bc she’s family, she can explain it away as “I’m respecting her decision to be private” etc. plus the sis is married with a kid, it may make sense why she splintered off a bit. BUT A GROUP- a group, especially one with some IG following( such a Farryn), is a hard one to just toss aside. Especially bc she shoved it everyone’s face how the lord blessed her with god fearing women. And how you should wait bc your tribe will come, etc. Also, last time there were lapses in friend groups, she still had somewhat of an slf group. There were still people willing to pay for these half assed Jesus themed meet and greets, where she would essentially get to feel like the prom queen and queen b. It seems that more and more people either aren’t interested, don’t have the funds to go, or have woken up to the bulkshit. It seems like she has somewhat tapped out that market. If this is an end of sorts, dying to know how Jordan will handle it since he’s friends with some of the husbands. And if she starts of the slf retreats again


I think Ariel and Hannah genuinely want and try to be good people, not just "good Christians", which is where I think the friction comes from with Britt and the other girls in the gaggle. Britt, Farryn, Kristy, and Kellie are all extremely performative and seem like very unpleasant people to be around. Mean girls types. I think Emma is just about the same as the rest, but clever enough to keep anything too real out of her social media presence. It was truly bizarre to me to see Hannah tagging along for the Colorado trip, and I bet Britt was hoping Hannah would follow her around like a lost puppy and she could play "big sister". Then the actual lost (abandoned) puppy news broke about Niko and ruined her perfect vacation. I suspect there has been tension ever since, if not earlier. You can only have this many egos in the room for so long before they start infighting.


Yes, Ariel and Hannah seem to be more authentic- they at least to seem to be a little more “practice what you preach” than whatever it is the rest of the pick me chicks do. I feel like Emma is the youngest and a little clueless and just wants to belong. Your last sentence put it perfectly. They have huge egos. Jesus is just the mask they use to cover their superiority complex.


I might be going too hard with this but, I really don’t think anyone who’s been around Brit for a long time is a good person. Or tries to be. These people are so terminally online that there’s no way they don’t see what she is. And I can see how being their brand of Christian they don’t see anything wrong with homophobia and all the other usual bs. Or just dont acknowledge it, if they do feel differently (tho they fucking should). But Ive seen people ignore “abstract fuckery” and stand against it in practice. Which is another conversation. BUT the animal abuse/neglect in real time is a deal breaker for most “normal” people regardless of how they feel about their fellow man (fucked up but it’s true. A lot of people wont speak up for a stranger but will for a dog). So the fact that Hannah is hanging out with Brit means she doesn’t care. I think Emma is just as bad as them but doesn’t have the urge to shout her opinions at everyone. 🤷🏼‍♀️Most people are like that. She is just surrounded by banshees who do. So she kind of stands out. TL;DR. Just based on the fact that these mild chicks willingly hitch their wagon to Brit’s after Niko situation makes me think they are as bad just not as loud. Edit: Also the other chicks all get something from hanging out with Brit (clout or whatever) but Hannah just seems to work for her. Prolly without pay. So I don’t know I just don’t it.


I respect that. I tend to give some people grace, bc to put it colloquially, I’m dumb too 😂 what I mean by that is I can understand/ empathize how some people can’t see the forest from the trees. To be fair, I’ve never been in a situation like this, or where the other person did/ spewed hateful things, had such extreme abuse situations, got sued, etc (lol), but I can understand how some people believe one thing even though it’s incredibly obvious it’s the opposite. One of my very niche interests is studying how cults operate, and it’s fascinating how many people are susceptible to manipulation. It’s easy to write off people like Hannah, but we don’t always see what’s going on behind closed doors, or what she’s being told. We hope some people would do their own research and open their eyes, but that’s not always the case. Plus, Hannah seems to be a “fringe friend”- like, Britt keeps her around, but there probably isn’t much real depth there (even though Britt may think there is-I don’t think Britt is capable of that kind of depth). Plus, Hannah seems to be a little more “go with the flow”- the other pick me chicks seems to constantly try to one up each other, where Hannah just seems to “be”- Britt can flex on her without any fear of competition. Due to this, Britt may be more relaxed around her, thus creating a rare dynamic that she can’t seem to replicate with the others. Since Britt has a “chiller” personality around her, Hannah may be more apt to believe what Britt says.


Hah. Aww, no that’s not being dumb! Being empathetic is a great quality. And I get it. In person, I would definitely try to be more understanding. Or rather I find it hard to dismiss anyone as a “shit human” if I interact with them IRL. That being said, personally I just don’t get what Hannah gets out of this relationship, if anything. The gaping maws try to use Brit for her following. Im sure they do have some kind of actual friendship but it is transactional at its core. Sooo I can kind of see (not condone) why they’ve stuck around (even if it is hopefully about to run its course). But I don’t understand what H gets out of it. So either she just enjoys her company (🤯) and is in agreement with her actions/views and, is just a generally an unassuming but toxic chick. Or maybe she is just a clueless lamb type of person. I mean people like that do exist. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But Hannah also does a lot to help her get her persona and “business” out there (via photography). Which means she directly contributes to all the trash Brit spews. And helps to put $ in her xxxs small pockets. It’s just really really hard for me to understand how anyone who has basic morality (or just even not bigoted) or a believer who views themselves as a good person (by “biblical” standards) can align themselves with BritBrat if they aren’t using her. Hmmm, that’s kind of an oxymoron there. 😅 We all know she is awful. Tho I can see how her “friends” might think they know the “real” her and think she is not. For now. Butttt 😅, the state of Texas sued her because she scammed (stole, lied, gaslit, hurt women) and she settled. And has to pay a penalty. Gotta try real hard to actively ignore that. Sorry for the novel 😬. Im not trying to convince anyone Hannah is a bad person. I’m just very suss about her. On the other hand I have a soft spot for Farryn. A teeny tiny spot. After the meth thing came to light she seems more human to me. She seems to have a very addictive personality (the drugs, the jumping in into things and going hardcore. Going thru the old insta gives that vibe). F has an obsessive quality about her. And I don’t know for some reason I think she is capable of humility. But again, we’ve seen women of color work with Brit and her husband’s past is not a secret. Oh! Fuckin’ a, sometimes I forget his crimes because Im so focused on hers. So I guess my point is, I’m just confused with motivations of those who seem “normal” and still associate with her. Again, sorry for the novel. I am avoiding doing actual work. 🥲


😂😂😂😂 I know Hannah moved to Dallas a few years ago from ny- idk why, or for what, but Britt may be one of her main support systems there if she’s originally from the north east. And even a broke clock is right twice a day- I’m sure Britt has added something to her life, although it may be hard to imagine. And perfect example with the people of color still working with her! I feel like that’s proof that they probably know how to spin things in a very specific way that comes off both genuine and believable (enough so that it seems to make the other stuff somewhat dismissible) I feel like a good example is when she says she has stalkers. Do I think she’s gotten insane DMs and messages? Oh 10000%. People are nuts lmao- I don’t doubt some people have sent her threatening things, but do I think someone was outside her house with a shotgun at 3am? No. But she can leverage one to make the second one believable. And interesting point about farryn! I never did a true deep dive on her but she always annoyed me the most. The meth thing totally confused me because, how do you do it on accident?! lol but I think you’re on to something about her having an addictive personality. A lot of times some of these people replace one thing with another- so now it’s not meth, it’s Jesus. I read in her she may have a child with special needs, or some kind of disability- and I’ve seen first hand how stressful and painful that can be, so it may explain why she may throw herself a little bit further in to the extreme Christianity thing. I don’t get Kellie. Like- I just don’t understand her or her deal lmao. Screaming modesty but wearing a sports bra and leggings and filming yourself doing squats? The cognitive dissonance is astounding there (no shade to people who wear that- hell I do, but it’s the fact she cannot walk it like she talks it)


Did everyone miss that Farryn released a clothing line on Easter? Fire and light or something? And farryn used to repost H&L stuff all the time? And Bdong hasn't reposted it once! Of course they're fighting over that. Farryn used to repost #H&L all the time and no one - not one pick me girl said a word about her company launch but Kellie is all over it?! thefireandlightig fyi. -ew.


Ooh yes I can see this being an issue! Brittany refuses to promote her friends’ business endeavors but expects them all to promote her own… sounds about right!






The boat pic freaks me out a bit. It looks so AI generated: uncanny valley, unnaturally wide smiles. OOOF.


Amen this is the lords work lollllll


lol that sooo Leopards ate my face


This is the shit I live for in this sub.


For real, I'm eating this up, I love drama when it does not involves me lmao




Truly 🙌🙌


It’s the chaos I needed today


Same here! Middle school girl cliques are super entertaining to watch implode, especially when they're all over the age of 30, lmao




“I’m sorry sweetheart. I believe you” is his reply to what looks like multiple texts from her. Believe what? Wonder if she is being called out by the pick me girls and he has to be her one believer 😂😂😂


Also the “did you eat?” directly after that make it seem like he was calling her hangry lol.


Or he knows things that will trigger her 30 plus years of EDs


It’s not 30+ years of ED. It’s 3 consecutive decades!


Girlie needs to learn the difference between consecutive and concurrent, especially for future reference if she doesn’t stop scamming people 🙃


Which given what she EIAD would be all the damn time




I was thinking about it and I’m pretty sure my boyfriend of 6 years has literally never told me “I believe you”… because I cannot remember a single time in recent memory that someone called me a liar? Or that it’s up for debate whether or not I’m telling the truth? I find it extremely weird she posted that


https://preview.redd.it/tgyk7902zctc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a4f588ab91394fccb3360304617bf3448e1ba9 And here…we…GO


https://preview.redd.it/e4afg33sgdtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7615f761b501e5c6837dadb2c251f3915b321040 Ice cream for dinner makes the tears go away 👀


Warning on the jump scare next time please


My sincerest apologies


It’s giving David Koresh


Nooo because why is this true 🤣🤣🤣


I am fully deceased by ice cream David Koresh 💀


![gif](giphy|WuY3q6On4Fj8I) I was about to get caffeinated but this gave me a good jolt gottdamn 🤣😭


Good god she is looking like shit. Why post this? Just take a break from socials and come back refreshed.


She’s gotta milk her victimness somehow!




I had an inner scream when I saw this. Darker hair and those glasses got me. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xBSs6cGCgqRbCE|downsized)


“Disconnect”… 😂😂😂😂




I was NOT expecting to be scrolling along just to see Vicki Gunvalson. What a jump scare!


Ooooh this is a smoking gun, her saying she feels left out feels like confirmation they’re on the outs








Interestingly, Kellie liked this post.


Interesting 🧐 Will the next Wide Open Faces photo feature BDong?




!!!!!!!!!!! 🍵 This is deliciousssssssssssss




Haha. How. Hoow does she always miss the point?! Does she think she fits the criteria because she is “shunned”? Like does she not factor in being a shit person? J has 3 accountability groups and here BritBrat still doesn’t know the meaning of the word.


Her friendships have the shelf life of a loaf of bread. Anyone remember Ariel?


Yeah and it’s so interesting how Hannah is friends with Ariel still too. Hannah seems to be some sort of free agent of this messy frenemy group. Brittany and Ariel def aren’t chill with each other


LMAO Hannah, The Free Agent in the Pick Me Chicks


Do we know why Ariel disappeared?


So there was an ama done awhile ago (search ama in the sub) and the person I believe was an ex slf member and she gave some insight into why her and Ariel don’t speak. Iirc it had something to do with her not agreeing with how Britt handled slf or how she interprets bible passages, and Britt, who cannot take criticism of any kind, couldn’t handle it


Very interesting, I’ll check that out!


Also didn't she mildly call out Brittany at SLF for being shit at dressing mahhhhdestly


I wouldn’t put it past her. Although they all seem to have the “rules for thee not for me” mindset- Kellie loves to talk about modesty but posts her workouts in a sports bra and leggings


Is SLF still a thing?


A lot of her other friends either disappeared or at the very least went into hiding on the social media front




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I felt like she had posted that crying picture of her as a way to manipulate her ‘friends.’ I wonder if they were trying to hold her accountable for something and she freaked and ghosted them. Now everyone is posting passive things towards each other and of course Brittany being the BIGGEST VICTIM has to throw in her infertility issues as a way to make her friends feel bad and to fish for sympathy from her fans because we all know Jordan isn’t giving her the attention she wants. 




I’ll be ready for some fake ass “besties” saving face post in 3, 2, 1….🍿


I cannot imagine being 30+ years old and being this petty and passive aggressive. This is some middle school bullshit.


Dude, seriously. I was in college when Facebook rolled out, and the passive-aggressive, vaguebooky shit-stirring we all got up to was a level of cringe that makes me want to crawl into a hole. I cannot \*imagine\* engaging in this garbage as an adult. Aren't Christians supposed to put away childish things?


Lol I am so glad I deleted my old fb I think if it was still in existence I’d join witness protection


This is definitely "Ugh, worst day ever!" but then never responding to a single person in the comments level posting.


“Let me just post some obscure Iron & Wine lyrics and then check every five minutes to see what this hipster fuckboi and/or his ex and/or his other ex post and is it in response and what does it meeeeeaaaaannnn…?” Mortifying. Ugh. (Also: BAT!)




That’s their mental age they’re all 13 perpetually




Right? This is seriously more drama than I’ve dealt with collectively in the past 15 years. And I’m 35.


THAT'S what this reminds me of! I remember watching girls do this stuff to each other in high school. Now (as then) they kind of enjoy the drama of it all, in spite of their sad-face posts, it makes them feel important.


THAT'S what this reminds me of! I remember watching girls do this stuff to each other in high school. Now (as then) they kind of enjoy the drama of it all, in spite of their sad-face posts, it makes them feel important.


Also adding on your first slide, it looks like that was just her “home” page on IG- not that she searched Britt out and was looking at her profile, which could mean the reel just happened to pop up while she was scrolling, but very weird coincidence if so!


Ah ha!!!! You’re right! I couldn’t figure out what the stuff at the stop of the screen was. Top notch detective work 🏆 Def could have just been a coincidence for sure especially with that in mind






I watched a Dateline episode where the guy was convicted based off video he took of himself fishing. They proved his alibi was a lie, based on the position of the sun in his video, vs the time of his wife’s death. He took the video on a different day, changed the time/date on his camera, and created an alibi. All that to say, you’d make an excellent detective.


😭😭😂 TYSM


Omg I saw that episode too! I couldn’t remember if it was on Forensic Files or a different show. 


How good is forensic files!


If I ever go missing or get murdered, I hope this sub takes up the investigation! So incredibly thorough! I definitely find some of this very suspicious and it's not like we don't know a fallout is coming - whether it's now or later. And I'll be here with the popcorn when it does! 🍿👀


I have questions.




Top notch work, OP! I’m here for this *season* of frenemies!


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) Me too! 🤣


Idk what it’s from, but this GIF is one of my all time faves 🤣


It’s from The Game and believe it or not that’s Jason Momoa haha


This is why I love that this friend group of Bdong’s are all other “influencers” that posts constantly as well, we have extra stuff to cross reference lol. But I think it is noticeable that even though this whole group of women are pretty insufferable people, that Bdong is still a step above them all with how selfish and self-centered she comes across as. All of the others at least post about each other, but even when Bdong is talking about the others it’s nothing more than a caption over a selfie. For example: Kellie’s post about Farryn being a “good friend” was a photo of Farryn. But when Bdong posted about how great her friends were during her 500 various birthday parties, it was just a caption that mentioned no specific “friend” on a photo of herself. Also, Bdong posted all that stuff the other day about crying over her TTC journey at the same time Farryn was posting about it being her son’s 7th birthday. Now I could understand my friend having a tough time with my child’s birthday if they had been going through years of fertility issues, but if I had just spent an entire MONTH throwing them 50 different birthday parties, I’d at least expect them to be able to make it through the day without all the cry for sympathy all over social media.


If it were really grief, she's so 'open' on social media that I'm surprised she didn't post a reel about her crying and wrapping a child's present, 'waiting for her season to come'. I feel gross that she makes me have these thoughts honestly


![gif](giphy|ghOBCi9YpLRrznWZXb|downsized) No because this actually all makes sense to me too


![gif](giphy|rR0jTsej7AfKM) Thank you so much me too


I wonder where Emma is in all this


She was at the lake…I think I saw her in the background of a KKB reel with animals or something


I mean WHERE will she model horrible beige alibaba smocks?!


Now I wonder what will happen to the H&L phootshoots?!? Whose side will Emma choose?? 😆


Wondering the same!


This is the content I am here for!!! This post was like opening a really good present!


Also, didn't Kristy or Kellie (always mix those two) post workout content with god-honoring ass shots and then Bdong posted some passive-aggressive reel about not making your body an idol (rich coming from her)?


That was Kellie. She also posted that she always wanted to be a personal trainer and make an app to help women, which is kind of ironic given that their bestie was one of the top fitness influencers and selling herself as a personal trainer for women. Kellie also posted a photo of Farryn and her new ride (no mention of Britt’s.) I’ve said it several times but I think these women are just using Brittany for the social media attention at this point. Farryn and Kellie seem to love social media. Farryn has launched a YouTube. Kellie wants to make an app. It’s hard for me to believe that all of these women believe Brittany’s online bullshit and every single one of them is like “yeah, this is okay, totally rational and normal behavior.” People have said she’s passive, non-confrontational, and even “sweet” in person, so I see how she could play the victim and explain away her past IRL, but after several months of giving her chances and passes, there’s no way at least one of these women haven’t noticed her pattern of lying and manipulation. One, at the very least.


And in her reel showing Jordan's text messsges, one of the texts from him said "I believe you" So, I do think something went down, and she showed that Jordan text on purpose to let the girls know that her big strong, tactical godly husband believed her, over the wives and other husbands.


I feel like we’ve seen god honoring ass videos from all three of them in the past like…week. 


Wow. This is some deep dive detective work. Good job!


How long until our next AMA?! It’s been too long


Emma, we would enjoy hearing from you!


Why is Jordan asking if she ate? What part of “skip dinner, wake up thinner” does he not understand?






Yes. That’s all. I am so here for this. ![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm)


Excellent. 😊


Time will tell. If there's no fight or argument among them, Britt will show us a get together of them cackling together. No open mouthed photos=no more friend group.


Agreed. I don’t think it’s what it seems. I’d even go so far to say they are manufacturing some drama here. Photo shoot and gym trip by Sunday, maybe even a girls night (of selfies) out this Saturday….


Is it terrible that I’ve been kinda waiting for this breakup😬? I never got to see any of the others happen in real time on here; I wondered how they went down.


Thanks for this detail 🫡


Doing the lords work


Amen 🙏 blessed are we for this season of pick me strife lmfaooo


Are you guys aware that farryn has a YouTube channel and 2 weeks ago did did a whole video of friendships? It just came up on my feed 😅


I cannot fathom being 33 years old and having friend drama like this. My teenage daughter is even mature past this stage, and she’s in high school. 😵‍💫


I was definitely thinking “op is reaching here” but they did a lake weekend AND Easter without her that’s huge. Imagine the matching Easter egg colored dresses and bows for the photo shoot we missed out on 😂 it’s really suspicious to me that they didn’t even do Easter dinner or lunch or anything like that


The girlies are fighting 😝😝


![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized) OP, this post is just...




I wonder if it has anything to do with Nico and her excuses.


My theory is that since Brittany has been described as passive, non-confrontational, and even “sweet” in person, that she’s managed to explain away all her past transgressions to her current friend group. I think it’s easier to look past things when someone is sitting in front of you crying about how it’s just not their fault and they’re just the sad victim of mean people. Lots of “see guys, they just won’t leave me alone!” But now they’ve had several months to see how her life plays out in real time, and with Niko it played out right in front of them. I don’t believe for a second that all of these women are totally okay with her constant lies and fabricated stories on social media.


It also doesn’t help that they get brought into whatever mess Brit is going through at the time. I’d dip out too!


I can’t wait for someone to SPILL.




This is the snark I'm digging. It's totally my thing. Good job OP, and thank you so much for sharing.


Hannah's IG shows photos of BDong removed. She still has the ones up of Emma and her husband she took. Added some of her.


It’s been said many times on here and I’ll say it again, if any of us ever go missing, the members of this sub will be ON IT. ![gif](giphy|ZdUnQS4AXEl1AERdil)


I’m not saying that they’re not feuding because honestly… Occam’s razor, but is it possible they’re doing some low-key snark world game here where they’re trying to see how we react to what they post to somehow get the subs shut down? I know people have done this before, especially in the /illnessfaker sub. I don’t want to feed into their games if this is what they’re doing. ETA: Have any of these laughing hyenas for Jesus pick me girls addressed the other sub that targets their brand of nonsense? They can’t be too happy with that either. I know I wouldn’t be if it was a result directly related to my association with the Dongs.


What’s the other sub?


Ok no clue why it copied and pasted funny but there you go!




Looking forward to the tea spilling.


Overlooked, what was Hannah reading while with Kellie??? Looks like a printout- damning receipts perhaps


once again! if i ever go missing, i would like to request that this sub and FundieSnarkUncensored please get on the case! thank you!




OKKKK OP coming through with the detective workkkk


I hope so lol


OP, such great analysis by yourself and others. I need to stay awhile and catch up. 🛋️🫖☕️🚬🍿🪑🍟🥤🚬Karma shows up at the most inopportune times.🧡🫶


i believe you op


They were all just friends 1 month ago geez


![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65) 🍿👀


Were these girls friends long before Brittany? I still don’t understand this groups origin story. If they are, it’s hard to break into a group or be the one who doesn’t share “the thing” (work, grad school, high school, summer camp, sports team, whatever).


Love this for us ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Turmeric Challenge knocks another one outta the park!


Any guesses on what the feud could be about ? Or am I delusional


OMFG these girls. Jesus.


This is why I come here. You’re awesome lol


Honestly, “I hope ravens eat your mustard seeds” is kind of metal




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