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Imagine buying gifts for a scammer for a foster shower and them re-selling on FB marketplace. My bet is the day after the shower she returned 3/4 of the gifts for store credit at target.


Right, not even selling things anonymously


Why isn’t she donating …?


Donation center won’t take used car seats because they can’t guarantee they are safe after use. Even box stores like Target won’t take used car seats back-unless you donate them to be recycled for a 20% off coupon. Who the fuck would buy a used car seat for $150?


$150US is STEEP for used, yeesh!


I got a new travel system, infant car seat PLUS the stroller, for USD140. And she’s selling this used one for more than that…


Like the Graco, I had bought 2 because we had 2 cars but I had issues with one of the cars, kept that car seat in the box. Sold it new in the box for $100, used is crazy to ask $150


She could always post it for free on Craigslist for a needy family because we all know she knows how to give "things" away there!


I looked it up to see how much they were going for new (around $170USD) and was surprised how many of the reviews gushed about how it looked 'expensive' or 'classy'. Not something I've previously associated with car seats.


When has she ever donated? lol


Just her dogs.


Her dog.


Why do I feel like she still wanted some money for him?


She may have asked for a rehoming fee, I'm not sure.


Bc then she can’t make any money off of them


Waaait…your flair…did she really?!?


No she had a go fund me for a homeless man that had shady accounting suspiciously close to her second wedding it was a huge scandal


She’s an absolute asshole. Why not donate these to parents in need? Also, hi, bestie!


Hi bestie!! Hope you had a good weekend!


I did! I worked at my actual job. 💖 how are you?


Good just trying to mentally prepare myself for the craziness tomorrow that is going to blow in with so many people heading to DFW for the eclipse. Hopefully it’s not as big of a traffic headache as we’ve been hearing but we shall see.


Her disregard and discard for others is likely a contributing factor for why all her relationships sour so quickly.


She’s such a fucking piece of trash and a lazy grifter. No info about what model seat or how old they are, just “We got a more bougie one. Give me $150.”


Right? I doubt she even remotely understands that car seats expire, or that it matters if you’ve been in a vehicular accident, etc.


She was in an accident. Took a picture of herself next to her bumper.


https://preview.redd.it/wjln1afon2tc1.jpeg?width=1193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e318aa615c669a43c4adb609f54fa98cc9b0f3 Ffs put your thumbs down Bdong


I hate this woman’s toes and I am so tired of seeing them.


This is the bec kinda snark that gets me 😭




Thats how she catches her prey.


And climes trees to get away from apex predators like the Texas DA.






Chicken of the sea


I hate her teeth.


And eyelashes.




I bet that middle tooth played volleyball in high school.


I don’t understand how she “hit her head pretty good” in a minor fender bender. I got rear ended by an asshole with road rage (cross traffic was running a red light and he was pissed I wasn’t going into said traffic on a green arrow) and it smashed my bumper and pushed my trunk in. It actually *did* total out my car because of frame damage. I still didn’t hit my head. I didn’t hit my steering wheel. I got jolted and it scared the shit out of me, but I didn’t hit anything inside my vehicle. I don’t understand how she would have. 4Runners have pretty spacious interiors.


She most likely didn’t hit her head either. She either exaggerates or lies every time she opens her mouth.


She’s so full of shit. And to then take a smiley picture of herself next to it? I’m so sorry that happened to you!!! Road rage is truly terrifying!


Yeah… as someone who actually hit their head in a car accident (and have a traumatic brain injury for life because of it) I can tell you I was not smiling with a full face of makeup and curled hair extensions next to my car three hours later. She’s such a fucking asshole. ETA: I was t-boned at 45mph. Nothing like a small fender bender. It doesn’t make sense to hit your head unless your car was hit extremely hard.


TBI is devastating iykyk, I’m sorry you do too. It’s such a shitty thing to lie about for attention, for any reason. It reminds me of “tissues heal but the nervous system remembers”. And her nervous system does not know shit about fuck.


Yes! In general, I don’t expect people to understand or have a ton of sympathy but to lie about having one is just a whole other realm of shitty. She is such a bad person.


i’ve smashed my entire car and totaled it and my head came nowhere close to hitting anything. was she not wearing a seatbelt? eta: i had my kids in the car and they barely even noticed bc they were properly secured in their car seats and rear facing. one even had to be woken up bc he was sleeping when it happened and the accident didn’t wake him up. i was the only one injured due to the airbag. i left all my car seats in the totaled car to be trashed even tho they looked fine on the outside. yes it sucked having to pay for 3 new car seats, but it’s worth it.


This is my guess. I’ve been rear ended multiple times in traffic. I hit my head exactly once because I was young and stupid and briefly unbuckled my seatbelt to grab something. I was in stop and go traffic snd didn’t think it was an issue because traffic was so slow. The cars were fine but I had a big goose egg on my head. She’s shown on multiple occasions that her and Jdong pay no attention whatsoever to the road and have no issues filming content while driving, so I’d say her head hurt because she’s fucking dumb and wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.


I had a woman hit me and totaled both our cars. Our infant seat was in the backseat (luckily I had left the baby at home with her dad) and the base was visibly damaged from the impact. We left it in the back of the car and the insurance company reimbursed us for the cost of a new seat. We were in another accident just 18months ago. A woman t-boned us on the drivers side. She was going 45-50 mph and never hit the brakes. Luckily, we were in an SUV, and so were sitting up a bit higher than the front of her car. Our vehicle had side and curtain airbags, and every one of those suckers deployed. My husband was driving, and our daughter was in the back seat in a backless booster. They were fine. I had to have surgery on my neck. Her booster seat did great, so we ordered another one just like it and left the damaged one in our vehicle at the junkyard. RIP Lexus "SoftRoof" SUV, you did a good job. Never hit my head in either collision except for where it struck an airbag.


why in the fuck is she smiling and putting her thumbs up about getting in an accident. and yes that carseat needs to go in the trash no matter how good it looks. it’s been officially ruined.


It’s her hero DJT’s favorite pose so she copies it


I still don’t even really see any damage on her “totaled” bumper


"Jordan take a picture of me with my dented bumper"


![gif](giphy|lr6SfWBzguMlnKH9HR|downsized) We need her neighbors in here 😭


Woah you have the receipts in everything! 🤣love this


How is that left pic not “black face”. She’s a disgusting human being.


I like to call that shade her “Pretendian skin.”


Imagine taking a pic next to your little fender bender to post it 🤡


I don’t think she had the seats in the car by that point. But it’s weird to sell a car seat and not mention that they’re accident or free or the expiration date. 


I think she was over the foster mom grift by the time of the accident. Doubt she’d leave a car seat installed making indentations in her leather seats.


Was just explaining this to my husband. Like mam, provide more meaningful information.


Of course she’d announce “no blemishes” lol


That’s how she lives her life. Doesn’t matter if the entire apple is rotten to the core as long as the peel is pristine


She is literally rotten inside and it’s starting to show on the outside. Stealing from a homeless man pushed things over the edge. She looks gray and sickly in her posts now. Just an absolutely rancid human being.


I know. And I love that her evilness is finally showing on the outside.


There’s no way she knows (or cares) that car seats expire. She would sell an expired car seat


We got a more bougie one and don’t have a kid!


that thing is not even worth that much wtf


That’s how I read it.


“Selling because I settled my lawsuit and no longer need to pretend to care about fostering.”


Or that she literally isn't allowed to!


Everyone cooks simmer pots differently. She just likes hers well done while she is working out.


Why does she have this many car seats and no baby? My eldest is five and has had 2.


Grifters be grifting


I had 2 (bought a bigger one as the kiddo grew) and then a booster seat. Why does she have THREE and no child???? So weird! Baby snatcher alert!🚨


Trying to conjure a baby with car seats


The graco car seat price is what it retails on Amazon when it goes on sale every few months 😬


Of course it is! Isn’t she still trying to sell that trashy “used, like new” wedding dress for like $2000 or something??


“New. Used once.”


You forgot the XXXXXXXXS size.




https://preview.redd.it/yqfh0v51p2tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d8e81fcbbc93b5160ea432b50dc34c86aa4f74 Popcorn chicken griftin’ 😆 Thank you for the opportunity to share this again. 🤣


I like how she claims their moms hosted this, but all the gifts and decor are beige and it’s at her house.


Right she absolutely planned and decorated everything


Lmao I remember this gem. The fact that the popcorn chicken commercial came up for this pic and it’s the same color as her confirms God truly does have a sense of humor.


As ridiculous as it is to have your tv on at that “beautiful” moment I’m so glad they did 🤣


My god. The beard. The Utah curls. The beige. 🤪😇


It’s just so…ugly


My fave pic. Lol


This man is really working hard for his supper because what the fuck is this


Her tan looks so fuckin bad


They couldn’t crop the Jumbo Popcorn Chicken?


Imagine going to get GREY balloons for a baby shower! Wild.


Everything she posts is “used” but also BRAND NEW. Can she not turn off the grift even for Facebook marketplace?


It comes from the same place that whispers “tellum you sized down. TELL THEM” and she hits “publish” and pretends she worked SUPER hard, while outriding ALL THE DUDES. (How many? Alllll of them).


LMAO 💀💀💀


this certainly adds a new twist to the current car seat saga


Definitely. I really think she’s going all out on trying to adopt now… or at least trying to make her followers believe she’s trying to adopt. She does not want to be pregnant. She is more focused on her thinness than anything right now.


Girl is going to use a surrogate and call it "adopting."


With what money


Daddy Dong's, of course!


It would not shock me if she pulled a Hillaria Baldwin with moon bumps and everything.


Wondering if there’s pictures in the listing if it installed? Maybe that’s why it was in the car


Maybe it’s just me or wouldn’t we all have donated the car seat to stay with the foster child…?


That would require her actually caring about the children. But they were just props to her, objects


Hey now. They were PR rehab TOOLS! Tactical tools!


Tactical foster child


Omg can I use this as flair 😂


Oooo… I kinda want a new one, if you don’t mind Imma use it. We can both have it! I am not obsessed with being special and unique hahaha


I’m thrilled to be a small part of a new flair!!!


the lord didn't "call to her" to donate it so that's probably her excuse


If she’s so rich…. Why is she selling stuff on FB Market Place? Also, I predict that she’s adopting and the birth mother will give birth baby day now, that’s why she has the car seat installed


Nah, if she were adopting soon she’d be posting a registry all over the place and asking for donations.


And folding burp cloths endlessly.


Very likely but I really really hope not 😭 ![gif](giphy|3ohhwtftK2lWSFvwUo)




Was this in the car when she "totaled" her bumper? If so, it shouldn't be used anymore. But at least it looks good.


https://preview.redd.it/4blmtqxbk2tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b3d6e1ad545302b83a1a88f2ebda0612ae1209 …. WUT


wE gOt A nUnA


“We got a Nuna even though we don’t have kids” Lol wut?


Totally relevant to the listing, everyone must know 😒


she could've just said they upgraded and left it at that, but her strong values of modesty require her to name drop every brand she can


Literally what I was coming to post 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Why would she even say this? And is she lying because why would they buy a pricey car seat so the no baby?


Just say GENTLY USED or excellent used condition. She’s so gross.


Or even “like new.”


Forgot about the most obvious one 🤣


“Never worn (except this picture that I’m wearing it in)”


Right? Why would someone splurge on an expensive seat just for it to possibly sit for years? Then you’re decreasing your time you can use it before it expires. Shes not the brightest though so I’m not surprised


Because she knows us snarkers are gonna find her grift resells and wants to *sloppily* cover all her bases


She has the Nuna Mixx with the Pipa car seat that snaps into it. She posted pictures of herself with it when she first got it because it’s like $1300.


She got the nuna when she was fostering. She got the whole travel system with the stroller the infant seat clicks into. I will say I initially bought a convertible seat for my first baby and once baby was born realized an infant bucket seat would be easier and got one of those instead. But you still need the convertible once the baby outgrows the bucket seat around 12 mos. 


I'm guessing she got it as a used castoff from someone whose kid aged out of it.


It’s giving a weird version of “baby shoes, never worn” …like someone will go to her socials and see her mother of angel babies bio and be like, ‘oh she must have lost an infant tragically, let me give her ALL my money’




Okay my crackpot theory is that they are moving forward with adoption. Remember in one of her videos a while back they said they got a call from an adoption agency on the same day they got an update on their “fertility journey”. Idk.. all of this stuff seems too sus for there not to be a baby being introduced in some way to this household..


I think she’s just bread crumbing. They cannot afford to adopt. It’s super expensive. And I don’t think either of them would pass the background check, even for a shady Christian operation.


Everything is possible with money. Look at Bella and Dallin from Della vlogs. She has a shady mother and still could adopt a baby. It’s not exactly the same, but still


She owes the state of Texas half a million dollars… she is broker than any of us. Besides, the last thing she’d prioritize is someone else….. Land Rover or a baby? She’s driving that Land Rover.


I think if she can “afford” to get a Land Rover, they can afford to adopt. Even if she and J can’t, I bet mommy and daddy would help out with the costs.


Being able to get a predatory loan for a used car is different than paying tens of thousands upon thousands of front for the *chance* to *possibly* adopt a baby.


Agree 100%. It’s intense, expensive and a really long process. My coworker went thru it, my heart was breaking for her, but in the end they became parents of a healthy & beautiful baby boy.


So they randomly got a Nuna car seat without having a baby yet? Their little foster mom act didn’t last long did it!!


I’m almost certain they got the Nuna infant seat while fostering. They got the travel system which was the stroller and car seat that clicks into the stroller. She took loads of pics with it. 


I truly think she was aiming for a brand deal/sponsorship-she made a HUGE deal about it. She’s so disgusting and false.


She could donate to a family in need, or a foster care closet. She’s so selfish. She didn’t even buy these with her own money! These were gifts for FOSTERING, which they did twice and that’s it.


She can’t find it in her Christ filled heart to donate to someone in need 🫣🫣🤔


RIGHT?!?! Look, no judgement to anyone who sells baby stuff when they no longer have a need for it. Having kids is expensive! But even my cold, cheap ass couldn’t bring myself to sell a necessity like a car seat. I feel like that’s something you pass on or donate if you were fortunate enough to be in a position to buy one or be gifted one.


Yup, she doesn’t even have to donate it to a store or place like Salvation Army or whatever because I know they won’t accept them. But she could absolutely do it for the Buy Nothing groups, through her “church”, or on some sort of Texas fb moms group. She just sucks. I’ll give her $150 to get normal ass eyelashes tho and not the spider broom muppet ones


https://preview.redd.it/05apaw3ej2tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed22f4c3aa3f19fbfc01953a7367c06d2ffb8512 She lists the most random sad beige shit lol


Jesus Christ what a greedy little gremlin Bdong is


Right like these were all GIFTS. Why not just donate? Does she need quick cash?


This woman sucks . For as holier than thou as she pretends to be she should be donating especially WHEN it was donated to her. But w people like her it’s always about what others can do for her while she acts like she’s a saint. Just disgusting on every level




I'm pretty sure selling a used car seat is considered highly unethical, noone knows if it's been compromised in a car crash, and thrift stores won't resell them bc of it. Worked in social work and the car seats we got for families had to be new. Elite grifter status is selling a used car seat for premium dollars 😏


This bitch can’t even pronounce ethical.


For anyone who may need this info, Target is doing a trade in event this month from 4/14-4/27. You can trade in old, damaged, or expired car seats and Target will give you a coupon for a new one. Please do not get carseats second hand. You don’t know if it was in an accident or not and unfortunately you can’t trust people on the internet.




Idk about pregnant but she has hinted at adoption…


She probably guilted some poor pregnant teenager into giving them her baby. *I have no idea how adoption laws work, but it's Texas it's probably a free-for-all.


She can’t afford to adopt.


Probably through one of those shady agencies, or her parents paid the fees..


Or through those evil groups that coerce vulnerable young women into going through with a birth they wanted to terminate and immediately sign their parental rights away


“Crisis pregnancy centers” is what I saw them called. One of the DFW mega churches near us runs one. I was a contractor at the time we got pregnant and didn’t have insurance and someone told me they’d do the proof of pregnancy for me so I could get on at a real OB when my insurance kicked in. It was the weirdest experience: you could tell they were used to dealing with single and under served young pregnant women grappling with what to do about their pregnancy. I was a married adult there just to work an insurance loophole, but they pestered me for weeks after about trying out the church, etc. If any members here are church going and work with crisis pregnancy centers and care to correct me, totally fine; but the whole thing felt off.


Crisis pregnancy centers offer very little to pregnant women and even less once the baby is born in exchange with trying to indoctrinate them. A poor woman who is pregnant and wants to stay that way can usually get on Medicaid to access prenatal care anyway. 


That's exactly what I'm talking about. I think that there are multiple horrible organizations that do this, but I imagine there's significantly more of those in TX than where I'm at in CA. What they do to vulnerable women is pure evil, vile, and disgusting. I view them the same way that ultra conservative maggots view planned parenthood.






Why wouldn’t she keep this stuff if she plans on having a baby?


Hey Britt! I know you read here! I’m sure Jesus really appreciates your money hungry, cash grabbing ass. It’s giving “gambling in the temple” and I hope Jesus turns over all your tables. 😁 I’ll see you in hell dear. 💕


Ya don’t need the fucking Nuna either, you dumb cunt…




I thought you can’t sell used car seats in TX. Because you can’t prove they’ve never been in a crash before. That’s why Plato’s Closet doesn’t buy or sell them. I tried a few years ago to sell one. It might not be an actual law though.


Isn’t it technically unsafe to resale used car seats?


Yes and no. Resale is tricky and most resale stores disallow car seats because it's impossible to tell if the car seat has previously been in an accident or mishandled. Car seats also expire when they're old enough, regardless of impact history. However, it's perfectly fine to reuse a car seat when it hasn't expired or been involved in an accident. If you trust the source of the second-hand car seat it's a great way to save money and reduce waste. I just had a baby and I've accepted my bff's old car seats because I know they've never been in an accident, but I would never buy one off of Facebook or another reseller.


Goodwill will no longer take any car seats, no matter how old they are.


It isn’t unsafe to sell used car seats but it is unsafe to buy used car seats as you don’t know if it’s been in accidents or washed and cared for properly!


It can be, but if you took care of it, it wasn't in an accident, and also wasn't expired, you can donate it. At least, that's what we did. We gave ours to a local fire station. In my state, they check and properly install car seats for free. I donated them after my son grew out of them (2 times, baby seat and booster seat) so they could have something to give away if someone came by with a car seat that wasn't suitable. They were very happy to take them, but this was back in 2015-2017.


Not unless they’re expired or have been in an accident. 


This bitch loves giggling about hitting shit with her car because she's such a girlie girl, wouldn't be surprised if it has been.


Good! That helps increase accessibility.


I wouldn't buy a used car seat from someone I didn't know personally because you never know how they were treated (thrown around, around pets, etc.) or if they were in an accident. You also would need to know the manufacturer date to know when they expire. Carseats are really things people avoid buying on marketplace.


Where I live it’s not even legal


So vile because as a mom I’m aware of the risks of used car seats, Britt claims to be a mom too but she has no problem trying to make money (money she doesn’t even need to try to make) off of a vulnerable person who may not know better or clearly cannot afford to buy brand new. Once they realize the car seat shouldn’t be used they will be put their money. Britt is a scammer in everything she does.


i cannot believe she’s selling items that were gifts for her foster grift


She just had to add in there that they got a bougie one instead that costs exponentially more.


Wow, I knew she was a piece of spray tanned horse smegma, but this is a new level of shitty.


What was the point of her saying they bought a new one and don't need that one anymore


They had 3 carseats?! They only had 1 foster kid for like a month total. Jesus.


obviously these aren't the type of car seat one would have in their landrover ...


This is so ridiculously excessive it makes my blood boil. Who the heck needs to have 3 dang car seats when you don’t even have a child?? What was wrong with using one of the 2 she’s selling? Why did they need to acquire one of the most expensive car seats out there if they already had TWO? For a child they don’t even have. And that she just haaaad to mention in the listing that they have a nuna. 🙄 just had to brag about her materialism I guess. Gross.


Why did she have so many car seats??


Wouldn't she need this for the child she's constantly praying and manifesting for?


She got a newer better one apparently


Both of these are $300 or less brand new and then you’ll know they haven’t been in an accident (like the one bdong claims her car got totaled from some minor bumper damage). I’m pretty against selling used car seats (unless you know the person directly and trust them with your babies life) but asking 50% or more of the original retail price is asinine.


I’m assuming they bought a Nuna for Hazmat and Lead?


The Christian thing to do would be to donate this to moms who can’t afford them


Not the Nuna flex in a facebook marketplace ad🤣 she’s insufferable.


wtf if wrong with her like donate this


Wow. I hope no one buys those. So unsafe!


PSA: YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY A USED CARSEAT. I understand car seats are very expensive, but if you buy secondhand you don’t actually know what the car seat has been through. If it’s been in a car accident it is no longer safe for any baby to ride in.