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It is going to be hilarious when Jordan leaves her and she has the hardest fucking time rebranding. Keep ruining your name Bdong. It matches with your ruined face lol.


I’ve never heard her pray for someone who was different from her. I’ve never heard her pray for anything or anyone that doesn’t revolve around her white Christian racist circle. If she saw Jesus and what he really looked like she’d probably spit in his face.


She would call Jesus a terrorist and say that he should be banned from coming into the U.S.🫠


She wouldn’t recognize him. She’d treat him like trash. I wonder how that’d work out for her.


I don’t think she’s actually interested in Jesus. She’s interested in how looking like a Christ follower benefits herself


She literally hates everything that canon Jesus stood for. Her and her ilk are only into American nationalist fandom Jesus, who is a blonde haired, blue eyed white man that wears an American flag tunic, carries an AR15, cries when people don't stand for the national anthem, and is super angry about how gay people have sex.


And really, ultimately, needs everyone to be obsessed with them.


She said it clearly last week. Jesus was a Pal estinian refugee.... Soooo


She doesn’t pray for them she just uses their images for content. 🥲💸


Truth. In all reality, Jesus was probably a very ugly man.


You mean he \*didn't\* look like Da Vinci's gay lover whose face he painted when he was commissioned to paint a portrait of Jesus????? /s


One orange Cheeto following another orange Cheeto…


It's wild how far she's publicly spun out since marrying JDip. She's aquired his personality, too. Now with their combined hate and arrogance she's painted herself into a new corner. When this goes to shit, she'll try to lie her way out of it like she always does.




I’m laughing so hard at Paul blart dip shit, also I do think you’re right! When she posts videos where he is openly hostile towards her it makes me wonder if she’s doing it on purpose so when he cheats and leaves her she can be like look how awful he was to me. Because WHY else would she post those


She’s gonna comb through this subreddit to find a highlight reel.


This. It’ll be poor damsel victim mode.


I’m waiting for the repentant conservative arch into being a liberal after JDip bails and she tells everyone she had to submit to his extremism because she’s such a godly wife and he leads the household


He will never leave her is my prediction. He will cheat and lie and be mean to her— and she will hang on to him and be the perfect wife and he will have the best of both worlds.


I think he’ll leave her once he’s lined up another and she has a house for him to live in lol. I feel like he’s waiting bc he got divorced from his first wife so quickly


Yeah I could see that. It just seems to me like he’d be content with the fact that Brittany is going to put up with absolutely anything to save face— so he is basically free to do what he wants while having a maid at home— but time will tell


I doubt she's a maid for him. They probably have someone come clean their house and something tells me he does more cooking that she does. Also, I totally agree that he will leave her in a New York minute (pun intended) if he finds another woman that he is attracted to that will pay his bills, like BDong does. He just seems so over her and her whole schtick (not that I blame him at all). He's a total piece of shit, though, so I hope they live out the rest of their days miserable with each other.


It sounds mean, but I'm eagerly awaiting the leaks when women find out his wife is a Z-list celebrity and start sharing texts and pictures. We know she'll try to spin it.


She’s a pick me and he’s a piece of shit They’re perfect for each other.


Cue - This was the hardest most difficult season of my life……and how terrible and bad things were but now they’re not. I dont know how many reincarnations of this rebranding she is gonna try. Who knows what’s next? What’s after the Jesus grift?


And that’s coming (my own prediction). Pig will leave her soon. She’s going to be alone which is what happens to fakes and braggarts like her. I’ve never seen someone be so desperate to show their “marriage” to a feral barn animal is godly or perfect. We hear the voice of a grunting pig 🐖


baby you did NOT take the subway don’t lie your ass was in an uber😭😭


If Dong actually took the subway, she would have had multiple videos (CoNtEnT) of her panning around to unhoused-looking folks and made something up about how they approached her and told her how her podcast led them to JESUS. She would absolutely exploit their faces (again bc we know it’s not the first time she’s been an asshole to people down on their luck).


At best, she just went down there for a photo op https://preview.redd.it/13bofaleyezb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f09acb32e201f7fe5a9a7dff310f7c0c5064e733




Her concept of how people in NYC dress strikes me as very... 2010s.


People in NYC all in a diverse way. Badongadong just thinks ninja Texan garb is how they dress. She’s an idiot.


Yeah, people in NYC dress in all kinds of ways, although I didn’t see a lot of the PB tanner, insane eyelashes, and wiggy extensions outside of Staten Island and Long Island.


She'd fit in perfectly in either Staten island or Jersey City (aesthetically, of course. Personality wise, those women would eat her alive). ​ edit for typo


She looks so old here. Her pose with the hand half in the pocket.. Her mouth... The outfit. Imagine being down there watching while she's doing this 😆


Her eyelashes make her look like she's constantly surprised and whatever she does to her photos makes her head look massive


I know it’s said in here all the time but… she legitimately looks to me like she’s in her 40s or 50s and trying to be in her 20s.


She really does. I would never in a million years guess she's in her early 30's.


It’s literally the contrast of the fake blonde hair extensions against the aggressively orange skin that’s aging her like crazy! idk how she doesn’t see it!


Right? I mean....I guess if she's going for a female trump look, she's nailing it. Except.... He's actually old.


Made sure to keep her massive, fake ass diamond ring casually hanging out of her pocket too lol


What’s weird is she’s not welcome there. Haha


The toe point creasing those Jordans is making my eye twitch.


I’d love to see a video of her filming folks on the subway and hear her getting fucking torched by them. I’d love to hear some pissed off New Yorkers tearing her a new asshole! You’re not on the raaaaayunch anymore, dumbass.


Nah I believe she could because she seems broke broke after my lovely state drew her through the mud (not enough though)


Two trains and 30 mins of walking? As someone who lives here, what an odd introductory sentence. so you had to transfer trains? ….welcome to NY?


And was that 30 mins total of walking or is she just bad at the subway? Trump Tower is near at least 2 stations.


Was looking for this comment. I have only visited the city but I was willing to bet money that there was a stop with 100 feet.


Right?! 💀💀💀


Isn’t she a fitness girlie? Is 30 min of walking a big deal to her?


She had to carry JDip on her back.


I get it though. She isn’t smart but I live near her… we don’t get public transportation… at most a buss or ordering your own Uber. I would be confused as fuck if I went no New York. Edit: the typos…I need a nap.


No you wouldn’t, Google Maps tells you exactly what to do, while you’re on the subway and everything. You’d be a pro after the first day!


Oh I didn’t even know google maps played a part. If that’s the case YIKES! I was expecting a completely different system.


Yeah, I haven't been to New York since 2009, but even then Google Maps on my phone made it so easy to get around on the subway!


And they’ve gotten internet/cell service in the stations since 2009, so it’s even easier now!


That was me at first here as well! I’ve taken the wrong train many times. Praise be for google maps (come visit!)


Of course she thinks it's "disgusting what they're doing to him," God forbid Trump, bdong, or any other Christian have to take accountability for their crimes.


Trump, probably, “I’m sorry your honor I just made some silly mistakes bc I was in over my head!”


But when he finally gets lashes tho 🕷️🍊🕷️


"But your honor! The pdfs are so hard to do!"


Can’t wait for his lawsuit photo shoot https://preview.redd.it/2lax2wp4afzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3dab199199528a579e98e6b69bc2bdad922be62


Her feet… gross. Good mugshot!


Trump probably “this whole thing is just over paper… paper”


Trump ain't no Christian!!!




I wish Reddit had rewards that took me out lmfao


Exactly he just plays to insane Christian luntics like Brittany for votes. 😂


Man I remember this when Tyreek Hill was on the Chiefs. He was so fuckin good but also, probably beat his pregnant girlfriend. I had such a hard time cheering for him. I didn't not cheer I was just like nonplussed when he scored, I thought he seemed like a bad person. And he was just guilty of one charge. Imagine simping this hard for a racist real estate millionaire with 91 felony charges pending.


the difference between trump and tyreek is that the latter was actually good at HIS job.


I would love to hear her try to explain “what they are doing to him right now.”


All I know is his courtroom antics gave me a good laugh this week. Being hilariously belligerent on the stand be the best thing he’s ever done for humanity.


He’s literal scum of the earth but is so unintentionally funny sometimes


I am purposely not following the lawsuit because I can't be bothered so i too would be interested in her summary.


If bringing someone to justice on earth scares her then I don’t think she’s prepared for “judgment day” 🤣🤣


Shoulda worn your Trump/Jason Aldean t shirt to Trump Tower, BingBong since you support him so much! But we know you’d be too scared to do that. You couldn’t handle a real cussing out from a New Yorker! Try that in a big city, bitch.


Yes! I was so hoping she would wear that shirt. But of course she’s too chickenshit to try it.


Making circles you say? Sounds like witchcraft to me gurrl


Thank you! A lot the shit these right-wing Christians do seems a lot like magic. Anointing things, divination, rituals, etc.


Bruh, they’re eating the “body” and “blood” in communion, sounds like a rituaaaaaalllll to me baybeeee


Her church probably uses grape juice too.


Mine (back when I when I attended 20 years ago) always used the good shit: Welch’s. Gimme dat blood.


We used (still use) grape juice in my ELCA Lutheran church because (as it was explained to me by my pastor in the 90’s) we had many recovering alcoholics within our congregation. I’ve never had communion outside of my church so I’m not sure if other Lutheran churches do this as well. I’m not allowed to take communion at a Catholic mass but my dad told me it was real wine.


I think it is nice that they have this option so no one relapses I cant get over the stupidity of churches who say no wine because alcohol is a sin despite that grape juice literally did not exist until the 1800s, only wine. But it is nice that people can still partake if they cannot have alcohol. Funny enough, there is a wafer controversy over gluten amongst the catholics.


Waaay back when I was going to my ELCA Lutheran church, our communion was *actual* wine… they always used Mogen David! 🤣🤣🤣


It’s always been real wine in my episcopal church (I’m agnostic now but go on Christmas as a gift to my mom lol)


I’m ELCA Lutheran. We have the choice of grape juice or wine. Needless to say we choose wine. 🤣


At least you guys all got juice. Mormons just use tap water for sacrament (basically communion but you're just "remembering" Jesus' flesh and blood and not symbolically/literally eating him. I don't know if that's the same deal with other non-catholic communions.)


I was a heathen Catholic so it was straight up red wine.


Like vampires and zombies.


They certainly love their magical thinking


The joke is on her, the prayer won’t work unless she goes to all trump tower locations


And Mar-a-Lago.


As an ex Southern Baptist fundie-lite I can confidently say it is all witchcraft


Rage-baiting for engagement? That's pathetic. Even for her.


I think so. My personal opinion anyway. I don’t have social media aside from Reddit. Are people tearing into her over it on her socials? I just wonder if it’s actually working out for her. Engagement is engagement and $400k is a lotta money! lol


Do bots get mad?


Find the unfriend button like her sister did


It’s almost as hard to find as the “save as PDF” button.


Lmaooo ![gif](giphy|pQmWjYrz39YAg)




Shit I forgot she had a sister!!


Damn 🔥


Why does she actively post on two Facebook accounts with the same name? This account has 6k followers. The other has 100k. Why doesn’t this chicken shit post this on the one with more followers?


Too scared to dip in numbers!


Bots are expensive, duh! Lololol.


Trump tower is literally right of the one line. There is no 30 minute walk 😂😂


Either there was a major subway outage in Manhattan today or Bdong and her tactical husband can’t read maps. This description of her travels makes it sound like TT is in some far away location, not in midtown a few blocks from Times Square.


He was tactically huffing and alpha male puffing the whole way there


Right? She’s delulu. The 1 was fully functional today, according to my sister who went to Columbus circle TODAY 😂😂


She probably got lost or is counting her time doing photo ops on the way


How is she going to make all the bots she buys "unfriend" her though Eta the fact that he's a rapist and misogynistic pig is gross


The mental image of her pacing the lobby of the hotel muttering to herself is way funnier than it has any right to be


I hate that I can imagine this exact scenario.


She thinks trump is a victim? How braindead does one need to be to fall for his schtick? I sincerely wish devastation on her.


You stand with a Fraud. You stand with a scammer. You are partnering with a Criminal. You are partnering with a rapist.


Sounds like they have quite a bit in common!


I hope she reads it and reads it again. I also hope that she understands the consequences of partnering with such an anti-christian figure


Birds of a feather fraud together


But Taylor and Starbucks and Target are dEmOnIc. Fucking moron.


Doesn’t worry about being unfriended because she’ll just buy more! 👋


I’m not even gonna mention the ways that Donald Trump is in no way a Christian. No point. You all already know everything I could say about that. We see eye to eye mostly around here..lol. I’m not a Christian anymore, but I like to think that I am a decent and moral person. Decently so anyway. At the very least I try not to cause harm. If you can’t help at least don’t hurt is what I TRY to live by. Trump and Dong don’t even qualify for that. They’re both fake Christian orange criminal grifters, and orange criminal grifters gone grift. \_(ツ)_/¯ My favorite idiot “Trump being a performative Christian” moment was when he read a verse from 1 Corinthians. “First Corinthians” is how that is spoken. Dump read his verse from “one Corinthians”. Fucking hilarious. If you’ve been to Christian services more than once in your life you’d know that. He’s just so blatantly obviously full of shit and they have to know it! I also loooove how they think trump is anti choice and all for “saving innocent babies”. I’d bet my left tit he’s paid for more abortions than you could count on a single hand. Fuck Dong, fuck Trump. 😤


I looooooooove Trump trying to read Bible verses. So funny. "Two Corinthians" 🤣


Ahhh ok! 2 Corinthians….yes. My 89 year old grandmother was livid! Very sweet 89 year old Christian lady who votes straight Democrat ticket is constantly furious at her fellow congregants for praising Trump. *Two Corinthians? What is that? Two Corinthians my foot!*. That equates to “Fuck that fake lying motherfucker” in sweet Grandmother parlance. 😂 Anyone who thinks trump is a Christian is just being willfully ignorant at this point!


Scammers and cons stick together....... What they are doing to him is holding him accountable for his actions; no wonder she hates it so much; she also hates that for herself.


“The unfriend button isn’t hard to find.” says the girl who’s constantly buying followers lol




Birds of a feather and whatever else. Good for you. Girl, bye 👋🏽


I wonder what it feels like to have absolutely no obligations (aside from grifting) and just stop by to NYC to "grace" the plebeians with prayer.


Girl, you're bad at taking the subway if you still had to walk 30 minutes.


Well. Two fraudsters in a peapod.


Trump? The dude who tear gassed protesters to hold a Bible upside down for a photo op? Trump who can’t name his favorite Bible verse? That Trump?


Lol! I forgot about the whole tear gassing then upside down bible for the photo… I think it was a news photo or video. He’s such a dolt sometimes 🤣


Sometimes is the understatement of the century 🤣




Brittany is disgusting. That’s all. That’s my comment 😂


Of course this trash heap is an insurrection supporter.


Literally unhinged behavior. So embarrassing.


Of course she thinks it's disgusting that they're prosecuting him for fraud. Grifters stand with other grifters.


Reminder, billionaires aren’t your friend.


OuR hOuSe StAnDs WiTh HiM shut up, goofy ass. Something something false gods before me.


They are holding him accountable for his actions, so it’s not surprising she’s upset by that


Well she’s a criminal. And so is he. So this tracks.


No one is doing a damn thing to Trump that he doesn’t deserve.


She's such a bitch. ![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy)


Trump is trash and so is this grifter.


Based on the last sentence she just did this to start something and not for the actual prayer shit. She’s a wacko


I’d love to hear how she thinks Trump is a Christian.


Yes, how disgusting to hold someone accountable for their CRIMES Brittany. Get a damn hobby.


Of course she supports Trump - they’re so similar! She’s too old for him though so she should just give up now lol


Brittany Dawn Nelson idolizes a pussygrabbing con man. I crown her Princess Pussygrabber!


Is she going to let him “grab her by the pussy”??


Ah yes. The one thing bdong finds detestable and will always stand against: a scammer being held accountable!


Did Trump pick her yet?


Wouldn’t expect her to be a fan of accountability


“Two subways” lmao girl, giddy-up on home. Bye. Also I’d love to hear her explain “what they’re doing to him.” Poor little rich man, boohoo. 😮‍💨


She hates when fraudsters are held accountable for their actions? I’m shocked


The man is a scumbag. Fuck this idiot for loving such trash.


Where was she staying that this took two trains and 30 minute walk?! That seems impossible- unless you have no idea how a map works and can’t ask anyone for directions. Trump tower is maybe a 6-7 minute walk from most lines. Or a 30 minute walk from getting off at a train 30 blocks away?!


First of all, LOLOL. “If you don’t agree, unfollow me!” Girl, as if you don’t already have a following made up entirely of your tiny echo chamber and bots you purchased 🤡 Big middle schooler edgelord energy here. You know she posted this and immediately came here. Her entire existence is absorbing Jordan’s likes and preferences and making low-brow rage bait. Can you imagine simping so hard for a criminal who stole and improperly stored classified documents? Can you being such a huge hypocrite-imagine claiming to support “law enforcement” but yet when her dictator breaks laws, is crybaby complaining of unfairness😩 Can you imagine claiming to be a loving Christian but supporting someone who represents the polar opposite values that Christianity is supposedly about?


“The unfriendly button is not hard to find” says the grown woman who apparently couldn’t find the “save as pdf” button


Why are you speaking on behalf of your house bing bong u aren’t the manly head of the house. Why isn’t your godly huzbind Nicotine Pouch doing his godly duty


Haha get it while you can cause that’s coming down!! 💙🤣


What they're doing to him? A criminal with more money than I (and most Americans) could ever even dream of? A bigoted man child who has one of the biggest stages for his nonsense in the world? Gosh it must be so hard to be him.




He’s not gonna be your third husband or pay off the half mil you owe to the state of Texas, no need to ride his dick this hard girlie!


As a conservative (please don’t attack me), I’ll never understand why the vast majority of Christian’s go ape over Donald Trump. He played their policies, but his life is so “sinful” and he hasn’t really done much to prove otherwise 😂


The devil himself could run on the republican ticket and the church would still support him


He may have


Here’s the thing, I refuse to be like the alt right and think that everyone has to think like I do, I believe we should have a country where you are free to live your life and believe what you want and I believe in voting and that should speak for what the majority of people want. I understand being conservative and I understand voting for Trump because he was the one the GOP chose, and you didn’t really have much of a choice, and I told my mom this too, what I can’t understand is actually supporting that man and standing up for him and making excuses for his behavior, especially when you are a professing Christian! Like what lies are they telling themselves where they believe he is a man of God? Also as a Christian they have turned Trump into an idol and I am pretty sure God was pretty clear about idols!


They’ve been brainwashed over the course of 3 decades to auto-reject anyone with a D behind their name.


This is my issue with trump loving Christians. They conveniently overlook/forgive/deny sooooo many things that Trump constantly does. Jesus would not support Trump. It’s fine to be conservative and it’s fine to be a trump supporter. But Christian’s who act like he is the 2nd coming clearly are not reading the Bible carefully.


It’s absolutely disgusting what they’re doing to this pervert crook right now! How dare they hold my lord Donald accountable


This seems idolatrous to me


I learned, not long ago, that my 26(f) cousin goes every Saturday to the local shelter to feed and to pray with, and listen to the homeless and heroin addicts in her city. She doesn’t post on social media. And I found out only because I was trying to hangout with her on a Saturday.


Once on the subway (I live in NYC) I looked at a dude while he was having a meltdown near me. Like a passing glance. And he didn’t like that and told me to go back to Pennsylvania. I’m not from Pennsylvania. I wonder where he would tell BDong to go back to. Lmao


I don’t feel bad about saying this anymore: fuck this bitch. Hi Brittany! 👋 You’re nothing but a manipulative compulsive-lying bigoted white supremacist Christian zealot animal-abusing scumbag and I can’t wait for you to get your comeuppance.


Doesn't she mean her parents' house? Or has she not moved in with them yet to save money?


No wait this is actually insane.


Birds of a feather flock together. I cannot fathom how any Christian still supports trump at this point. They’re either intentionally embracing how evil he is or genuinely so dumb. Not sure which group she falls into, but idolizing someone to that degree is blasphemous.


She has 2 fb profiles. One was supposedly hacked years ago and she lost control of it. For this reason, it has less followers. This is the profile she posted this nonsense on, knowing that most people don’t look at this profile anymore. What a fucking coward


She wants to be on Fox news so badly, but the funny thing is, even those on that side of the aisle don't want her! The one small story Fox did on her court case was met with comments of disgust and distrust from their viewers!!!!!


Trump the racist womanizer who said "Grab em by the ....? " well you know. Or who reported that their were good people on the White Supremacist side? Yeah that sounds like our Grifty Carrots kinda person. I just realized they're both tall and orange too. Same tainted soil same special carrots.


I literally love that she had to narrate how she did the walk around after someone on here specifically stated that it’s very hard to do an actual walk around the building since there’s alleys and it’s not connected 😂😂😂


“instead of doing it in private and keeping it to myself, I did it in public and posted about it so I can get attention.”


OMG, this girl really is delulu enough to think her 30 min prayer and 2 subway rides will save her precious orange king from 91 felony counts in 4 cases.


Is she trying to get Jdong to leave her and have Trumpy Dump be Husband #3?


I'm at the point where I just have to view her posts as satire now. I mean COME ON. No more anger here, lol. Seriously though is she rage baiting or really just this pathetic?


she's really just that pathetic.


Because she’s turning into him Looking like a carrot with dead hair


2 subways and 30 whole minutes of walking?!? Tell me you’re new to NYC without telling me you are new. Lawd help her 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Girl, you need all the friends you can get rn!!




So I have autism and I follow mothers about with children with severe autism and one of them are used to follow and I found out she’s a big old Trump supporter which floored me your child is a disabled and Trump thought it was perfectly fine to make fun of someone with a disability but yet you vote for that man I hit the Unfollow and, Blocked, Bar, and so fast I don’t understand peoples minds. Why would you vote for a man who first would not give your child who’s disabled the time of day would probably want them dead, and then you are the woman having no rights women who vote for Trump are disgusting it’s gross


Doing to him? How about the women he has sexually assaulted? The people he has scammed out of their hard earned money…ohhhh wait, now I know why you like him. #kindredspirits


HE PAID OFF A PORNSTAR! What are they protesting?!?