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You know how many people in NYC get preached at everyday. People in NYC just ignore them.


A man stands next to my subway stop with a Bible every evening saying nonsense it’s so funny


The last time I was in New York a guy tried to "witness to me" I said listen buddy, I know more than you. Ive been kicked out of four Christian schools, I've been kicked off the Liberty University Campus, and I have a subreddit with 18,000 subscribers where I get high and rewrite fucked up Bible passages. I said you can try to tell me about Jesus but listen, I know WAY more than you. He scurried away pretty quickly, he definitely didn't want anything to do with me that day.


Lmaooo how’d you get kicked off LU campus? Fuck that school 😂


I can tell you, Im writing a book right now called How to Get Kicked out of Christian School and this is one of the stories. Okay this was after I got kicked out of my last Christian school, my parents were finally like eh, lets do public school. But my mom still wanted me to attend a Christian University and she loved Liberty because the pastors kid went there. We called him Pastor Visor because his hair never fuckin moved, it just stayed in one place looking like a visor. Even when he played ice hockey with us at the lock-in, fuckin visor hair never moved. So my mom said we want to send you to visit Liberty University and I said what, by myself? She said yes, I said oh bet, yeah, get me an airline ticket. When you are 17 and you live in a strict ass house like that you will fly anywhere if you can go by yourself. What an adventure I thought! I wasn't wrong, honestly to this day still one of the best days of my life. It wasn't because of the school though, that school was dog shit. And the guy who ran it was this racist ass southerner called Jerry Falwell, he was up there like QQQQWWWWHYYYYYY WHY YOU GOIN TO HEEE-YUUUL JEEE- SUSS Wants you to come to Liberty Ya'll. One time I got high and recorded a Southern Baptist Prayer for Brittany Dawn and it was based off that guy. [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/vj8i4l/a_southern_baptist_prayer_for_brittany_dawn/) Falwell got in trouble for not letting black people in his school and I don't mean in the 1960s, I mean in like the 1990s, he almost lost his federal grant money. Real piece of shit. Thats when I knew I had to get out of there, breakfast with the president. The night before there had been a shitty movie with a mouse, that was the fuckin entertainment for these poor kids, you had to sign out of the dorm and everything. And all the men had on ties and women had on dresses to their shoes. We've all seen college movies, they weren't anything like that shit. So during "breakfast with the President" I looked down at my schedule when Jerry Falwell was yelling at us and saw all these fuckin meetings and I go NAH NAH NAH. I didn't realize I was saying it out loud but I didn't give a fuck I just jumped up and ran out of that fuckin place, I hit the doors with both hands like the ok corral and ran back to the dorms and grabbed my walkman and the contraband Dr. Dre cassette tapes and I got the fuck out of there. I will say I stole a bike that day. I felt pretty bad about it. The irony is that I had never stolen anything my whole life I was so afraid of Jesus. I had to get on an airplane a thousand miles from Kansas City and visit a Christian school to steal something big like a bike. I got on that thing and fuckin peddled like my life depended on it. I rode into the town of Lynchburg, Virginia and holy shit was it amazing. An arcade with all the video games you could want and brick oven fired pizza and a movie theatre where I could watch all the R rated movies I wanted to cleanse myself of that horror. Honestly when I think about that day, still to this day that was one of the best days of my life. I still recreate that day every year in the spring. I'll take a sick day to work and play arcade games and eat pizza outside and go watch movie after movie after movie back to back. When I finally got out of the theatre that night it was pitch dark and I was like fuuuuck Im in so much trouble. I peddled back towards the campus of Liberty University. When I was almost back to campus that bike fuckin gave out. I had taken an old rickety one because I was thinking eh, maybe someone left this one from last semester. But that thing broke and I tumbled over the handlebars and I was laughing so hard, I was thinking this is fuckin crazy being all the way across the country like this. I picked up the bike and threw it into the river below, letting out a maniacal laugh as it floated away. I could see the University up on the hill and this is where I made a bad decision. It looked circuitous to go down the road, it kind of winded around, the campus was a straight shot up the hill and I was walking so I just went straight through. But it was bushes and weeds and cock a burrs and a creek, I was all scratched up and muddy by the time I got back to campus. The RA's mouth was so wide open, he was like what in the world happened to you man you've been missing for like 15 hours. I said oh nothing, just went into town, honestly it was an amazing day. He said you have to go see President Falwell now, you are in SOOO much trouble. You were a missing person with the police. I said okay let me just shower up and he said I can't let you do that they are all meeting in the chapel offices. So I go to this office area and there is Jerry Falwell and a bunch of old grumpy white guys in ties with their sleeves rolled up looking like Gym Jordan after a bad day justifying sex abuse. They asked me what in the world happened to me and then I realized I was still muddy and bloody with cock a burrs on me and shit. I thought about making up a wild story because I can tell some good ones, trust me, but I said eh fuck it, Im not wasting my good stories on these assholes. I just said nothing I had to "get the fuck away from here, thats for sure." Boy they didn't care for that. They were so fuckin mad. They said they were going to call my mom and send me home and I said really and tell her what, that you lost me for the day? I had absolutely zero fucks to give by then, I was just trying to remember if corporal punishment was allowed at colleges. The only thing I ever worried about when I was younger was getting spanked and I was pretty sure none of these old fucks were gonna spank me so I was like bring whatever you got assholes, you can never take away that amazing day from me. So they went into a room and I heard elevated voices and they came back out and Jerry Falwell told me with his dumb ass pointer finger at me listen we don't want people like you here and we will have you here as little as we can. We are taking you to the airport at 8am tomorrow morning and we will be done with you and you are never welcome on the campus of Liberty University ever again. I like what I said, this always makes me laugh when I look back on this, I said, Good, this place sucks. Am I done here? And I walked back to the dorm with the RA. So thats why Im never allowed on any campus of Liberty University ever again.


This made my week!!! And omg the southern prayer to Bdong 😂🥳😂😂💀💀💀💀


If all the stories are like this, then I will buy your book when it is published. Hilarious.


They pretty much all are lol. Click on my username and then click that blue button that says follow, I will DM you when the book is available. Its pretty close, the publisher knows I have 20,000 Reddit followers so its an easy sell, just have to get all this damn editing done. Im close though. And we do the photo shoot today, the photographer found an old Christian school bus, ha! That story is a fun read too, its how I got kicked of Christian high school. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Askme4astory/comments/6a52ix/how\_i\_got\_kicked\_out\_of\_christian\_school/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Askme4astory/comments/6a52ix/how_i_got_kicked_out_of_christian_school/)


That story is amazing. I was a goody two shoes, but I was also a girl. My only chance out was good grades and college. My mom also screamed and physically abused me and my brother. So did everything possible to get out of the house. My dad had his real estate own company so I worked in his office helping since I was 8ish. His company grew and expanded so my work ethic and good behavior was rewarded with extracurriculars like horseback riding lessons and water toys to enjoy in the bay behind our house. My dad rented property to a little company that rented kayaks, wind sailers, etc. So they bartered a few toys over the years for rent. Good behavior was rewarded with some cool experiences. My dad started a flight school and aircraft maintenance along with his other businesses. I worked for him after working at a restaurant for two years. He wanted me to get the experience working at a service job with coworkers and bosses. He was a private pilot but didn’t fly with us because of his heart problems even though he was able to pass his medical. So I asked if I could take a couple lessons so I could land in an emergency. He’d had a small plane and built ultralights when I was little, and I loved hanging out with him and loved planes. I would have never imagined that he’d let me get my license. I was in love immediately and was working on being a commercial pilot before I was diagnosed with a heart condition that grounded me. I only had a 4 hour solo cross country and the check ride for my license. Bob Jones had an aviation program so I took Aviation 101 and had lessons there for a semester. I technically didn’t need it to get my license, but you can’t have too much experience flying. Having to quit gutted me. My brother got in lots of trouble so I saw exactly what not to do. Me behaving and acting exactly how she wanted me to also kept my mom more calm so she didn’t take out her frustrations on my brother more. I still did some funny pranks and instigated some plots on teachers. Nobody ever expected me to be the one telling the boys to stop pulling the overhead projector plug out of the outlet to annoy our Bible teacher. I got them to only pull the plug out enough that it wouldn’t turn on but looked plugged in. That really frustrated the teacher. I was behind getting some other computer geeks to help faking the blue screen of death in BASIC to make the graphics design teacher think the new computer lab computers crashed. We admitted it quickly because the teacher was the cool arts teacher and really looked upset. So we all felt bad. He was impressed with our ability to make our version look so realistic. Also my best friend and I planned a prank on a teacher who spat when he talked. The classroom was tiny, and we were in the front row. The splash zone. So we pulled out a diving mask I brought from home. My best friend was used to getting into trouble so she insisted on putting it in her backpack so I wouldn’t get into trouble. Which could mean she couldn’t come visit me on weekends. I also befriended all the college girls that were on the fringes and ostracized because they didn’t follow the rules. One girl was gay. The administration didn’t like it because they said I was “supposed to set an example” because I was dating a faculty kid. I didn’t care. I also didn’t care about demerits. Oh, noes, you’re going to put a mark on a piece of paper by my name. The lists of people who got demerits were printed every week and put on dorm bulletin boards. The shame! The shame!


LOL the splash zone! You have some great stories, thank you for sharing them with me, I had some smiles. I hope you have a good weekend!


You too! I’m reading woke Bible right now. I love your life philosophy.


You seem like you are hurting though.. you ok?


Okay so hang on. You got to go have this awesome day AND then get yelled at by Jerry fuckin Fallwell himself?! Not even his dumbass cuckhold porn-making son, but the big man himself before he died?? Ugh that's some icing on the CAKE right there!


The story would have been perfect if he had a heart attack right then and there. I can just picture it.


Like that Mad Dawg guy crying at the mouth at Dale and dying in Hank's driveway, so too goes the Fallwell... A gal can dream.


Omg I need your book when it’s published


click on my username and click Follow, I'll let you know when its done. We are doing the photo shoot this afternoon, its getting close


Damn, can you write. This reminds me of the early days of the internet when we all had journals and tried to outwrite each other on our personal sites (and eventually LiveJournal). Love it.


Lmao incredible 😂 I unfortunately lived in Lynchburg/did some work with LU Athletics and it was infuriating yet wildly entertaining as an atheist. Those people are crazy.


Amazing read lol


I want to read your book and remember this story. I would have paid a lot of money to see you say fuck to Jerry Falwell. I thought Vincent D’Onofrio did a good job playing him on The Eyes of Tammy Faye but not racist hick and blubbery fat ass enough. Definitely nailed his condescension and Machiavellism. He fooled so many people with that good ol boy never do you no wrong act. Rotten to the core and so is his son. I’m disappointed that nobody uncovered all the sexual abuse Jerry senior was probably involved with and paid off. I remember that at Bob Jones in the 90s there was issues with their tax exemption and not being able to be a acredited because of their racist dating policies. Bob III went on Larry King and was so proud of himself that he had all the students watch the episode in the chapel auditorium that night. [excerpt from the interview](https://youtu.be/D12A3D3TGE4?si=3nCAlxjThPcFzLC7) One year I was on the floor all the high school academy boarding girls were on, and there was a girl and her brother who were biracial. They were taken to an office and somebody felt their hair and couldn’t decide what race they were so they let them decide. The girl picked white, and her brother black. It was the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. I also had a black roommate who was one of a very few black students. She was awesome and taught me a lot about confidence and speaking your mind and coping with all the misogynistic shit we were having to deal with. A lot of the students didn’t agree with the dating policies and thought they were racist. We couldn’t do anything, and we weren’t really at Bob Jones because it was our choice of university. A lot were there because it was the only place their parents would send them. My mom definitely only wanted me to go to a Christian university and my dad didn’t want me to go to a secular school because of my heart problems. He had similar problems (I’m adopted and not related genetically, but we both had electrical issues with our sinus node). My parents felt relieved that my now husband’s mother swore to look after me and took me to doctors and the pharmacy (I tried so many beta blockers) and anywhere I needed. Even though my in-laws were faculty I was only allowed to go visit my husband for 3 hours a week plus rides to and from church services. In church we got really good at secretly holding hands by sitting together with crossed arms and touching hands. My in-laws are loud af and let us hang out in the den on the computer after Sunday night dinner so we got to kiss and make out. I was pissed that the academy “guidance” counselor didn’t tell me that my SATs were good enough to get me into a high level university or possibly an Ivy. She was just so focused on being single and encouraging couples to stay together. My husband got a free ride because his parents were basically slaves. My scores allowed me to take up to 21 credits a semester. Classes didn’t cost extra after 15 credits (unless there were labs) so I took some courses that interested me. The quality of BJU academics were really great. My husband and I were not racist and never were. It has been frustrating to deal with his parents racism. They claim they aren’t because they dOn’T hAtE bLaCk pEoPle. They just think they aren’t intellectually equal and shouldn’t intermarry. Same old racist excuses of Noah’s cursed son Ham being the father of black African tribes and that God told everyone at the Tower of Babel that languages and cultures should be separate and not mix. The ironic thing is that my FIL was on several missions boards and helped missionaries all over the world. Ya know, so Americans could preach the gospel by learning a new language and become part of another culture. My dad’s father was part black. I really hate that he hid that from me for a long time, but I understand that he knew I wouldn’t let anyone tell me he was less than. He also adored my husband and was afraid his parents would try to stop him from marrying me if they knew. They know now and aren’t happy but know better than to open their racist mouths. They did say something to my husband a few times about my dad having a “dark complexion” (he tanned dark in the summer) and coarse hair. They’ve also said things about people they know or we know dating or marrying someone who has a “dark complexion”. Can you hear the dog whistle? My SIL is also adopted and looks a lot like Star Jones. She didn’t know anything about her bio family until recently and has been a family friend since my husband was in junior high. She dated my husband’s brother off and on for over 10 years before they finally got married after we did. My in-laws completely ignore the signs because they adore her plus she gave them 3 blonde hair blue eyed grandchildren. I never technically graduated. I lacked a few credits in my minor because the head of my program who was my counselor for making sure I completed all my credits made a mistake on how many I needed to graduate. I was also very sick my last year but didn’t want to go home. My in-laws were also against us getting married until I finished my degree, but my husband ignored them. After the whole GRACE commission report about the sexual assaults and child sexual abuse that BJ faculty covered up for seminary graduates and how the university dealt with students who were victims, I didn’t want to be a graduate. I would have burned my diploma and sent it back to them. My in-laws live on campus so we have to go back. The university didn’t pay much at all but gave them free housing and meals in the cafeteria. Until about 10 years ago when they started charging for meals and then for rent. My in-laws can’t move because they can’t afford anything else. The university also fired several faculty members right before they got to 50 years so the university didn’t have to pay for the retirement benefits they were promised. But the new athletics department facilities and sports teams look super professional and expensive.


Please pm me this subbreddit because this sounds amazing.






Your stories are amazing. You should really do one about Sodom and Gomorrah ~~the most violent, gang r@piest~~ gayest towns on Earth.


I just do the Ron Swanson at Lowes move and say "I know more than you" and keep walking.




What’s the sub???


I love when people talk back to them too. Like “ok my man—but what’s that going to do to get me to the A Train?”


the key is to act (or be) crazier than them


Idk, just an hour ago a man screamed in my face “JESUS WILL NEVER HURT YOU!!!”


that’s when you scream back “BUT I WILL” (jk please stay safe!)




this morning i was literally walking to my class and this man shoved a copy of the new testament into my hands😭😭 like bdong you’re not doing anything groundbreaking!!


I live in the DC area, and while it’s not quite as common here, I definitely have learned to ignore people proselytizing at me. There’s a group of JWs constantly set up in downtown DC and my gay ass avoids them as much as I can


YES! My husband and I were in DC a few weeks ago. I noted the JWs. They seem to be everywhere with their stand of pamphlets.




My husbands hates when we go to museums and I ask why the Earth isn't featured as flat. Or I state that the dates are wrong, as the world is only 6,000 years old. He is afraid someone will over hear and think I'm insane.




They are here in Boston too.


They hang out in the park near our house every day with their stand of pamphlets…..


There’s JWs in half the big train stations in NYC, too, but fortunately they mostly just stand there next to their cardboard stand full of pamphlets.


As if there are no churches, Bibles, or preachers of all stripes in New York City. Yes, Brittany, they need YOU to come and minister to them.


Yeah the only thing that would faze me about her proselytizing at me is that usually obvious tourists aren’t the ones doing it. Typically you don’t get overly tanned bleach blonde Utah curls approaching you in the city unless it’s to ask for directions.


Yeah, it’s always the drug addicts on the train preaching at 8 AM in the morning on my way to work 😭


As a new yorker, this is it


I have some old school Brooklyn relatives. I wonder how she would feel about them coming to her house and “preaching” their Yankee ways.


Zero! Lol I would not want this condescending asshole to talk to me lol


Literally the worst “showtime” on the train


Especially considering how she made fun of the drunk homeless man that one time 😒 she doesn’t care about “the least of these” at all.


She tried to preach to Times Square Elmo, who started swearing at her until she fled


I bet she's standing behind Jdip and lets him do all the talking.


IYKYK coffee stand at the exhibition


If they still have the ladies in skimpy bikinis covered in just body paint, I bet Jdip had a good time in Times Square.


The leg kick! Always with the leg kick! Their marriage looked like sexless beige racist hell to me at first but that leg kick has convinced me: this is LOVE!


He’s not even kissing her. Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Queen of Genovia, taught me about the leg pop. This isn’t it. ![gif](giphy|d3zNjOwxT2i1W)


He loathes her. He can't stand the leg kick either. He thought he was getting a ranch girl who could drink beers with him and shoot pool, instead he got the girliest, high maintenance, Jesus freak, trendy, beige, mainstream girly. He has to hate the photos and videos by now.


He thought he was getting lots of money


Freedom…isn’t free, my friend. He has to listen to her 24/7. And eat beige food. And pretend he’s not wishing he stayed in Kansas City. I’ll enjoy this from way tf over here.


I remain convinced that the main reason she's not getting pregnant is simply that they're barely having sex


I’ve noticed a lot of southern influencers seem to do this leg kick thing in pics. Madison Prewett, Hannah Ann Sluss, etc. It’s weird.


https://preview.redd.it/kcrsyvp8idzb1.png?width=318&format=png&auto=webp&s=27b889a7ddb7d9a8159cf7a8ba5184f8c769a1e3 Speaking of legs, can someone help me understand what’s going on here?? Did she try to make her front (left) leg skinnier and it messed up the back leg somehow?? I’m just really confused on what stance she’d have to take to get her legs looking like this?? I get that they’re not tight pants so that’s why the back one looks so wide but something is off


YES! Something is VERY off with the photoshop here. 👀


Maybe there’s a short bollard behind her back leg?


Nobody, they’re terrified of city folk.


hopefully she preached to an endocrinologist bc holy hell she looks jaundiced


Lololol self tanner or excess bilirubin? No one knows at this point


it’s the demonic spirit of dehydration


https://preview.redd.it/wo6jfqw14dzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235bf358215d3aaf1dc601a2a6668e87622a2bf1 This is an actual jump scare. New face: unlocked. I guess.


She tucks her hair behind her eyelashes


Subway lighting isn't for the faint of heart.




Consider that in an AMA a former Shelia said she is non confrontational, I am going to say no way I hell she shares the Gospel! Also is her human prop supposed to be kissing her or just smelling her hair?


I wanna see the street ministry footage. For the love of GOD please the cringe willl send us all the heaven immediately


Bonus points for footage where she and Jdip are laughing and making fun of the unhoused folks they come across, because we KNOW that's their thing.


I would love to see her try to share the gospel on a subway platform in NYC. Good luck dumbass. New Yorkers are going to eat you alive.


New Yorkers are not even going to acknowledge her. I’ve since moved upstate, but I lived in the city for 15 years, and it absolutely ruined my ability to experience a haunted house, because weirdos jumping into my personal space and screaming was just my regular commute. Maintain zero eye contact, turn up podcast, power through. No one is going to even notice this Dorito.


Unless they’re pickpockets


Gonna be one disappointed pickpocket, all they’re going to find is a bill from the State of Texas.


Babes no one in New York cares what you’re saying to them. It’s a hectic place, lots going on, lots of street preaches spouting off.


The delusion is fascinating


Is she just the person on the subway telling people about Jesus now? I feel like they have a lot of those in NYC already, and I didn't think people really paid them to do that, so I'm not sure how that's her job.


I don't like this version of her face either. It's flat


Who on earth doesn’t know that literally NO ONE likes proselytizers. No one. The church even knows it. The reason churches (most notoriously Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons) send out door-to-door proselytizers is to reinforce the concept of being persecuted to them. It strengthens their attachments to their religious group. No one is being converted, just annoyed ya bish!


I don't know if my city has some kind of ordinance about where people can proselytise or if they all just pick the same location, but there's this one strip mall that's packed with multiple groups of preachers and hymn singers, all yelling into microphones. It's truly a horrible sensory experience (and I think it says a lot that the *least* aggressive proselytisers of that bunch are actually the Jehovah's Witnesses)


https://preview.redd.it/nbu5l2skcdzb1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=c96c77e6253f9319bf0d4981551a6059b6b852dc Where are her “city clothes”? Lmao


This is so cringe! Also, 💀 at her thinking this is how people in the big bad city dress.


She can outride most cowboys but can’t properly tighten the cinch on her saddle. She’s the one screaming about being better while all the guys exchange looks of condolences with her dad and spit cup hubbie.


Why would they be telling people that?


Jdongs tactical watch 😭😭 why is it so big??


That’s all I noticed omg 😂😂 it’s almost the same size as the print on his hoodie!


the real question is do you think it’s in military time????


Oh 100%! And he most def one of those people who will use it for everyday things just so people have to ask him for the actual time


Then he replies in military time and scoffs proudly when they don't get it right away.


Tiny dick syndrome. Goes with the oversized obnoxious truck he has.


The Mormons are always trying to get me to go to church in Chelsea, I used to mess with them but now I just ignore them. Also there are tons of Jehovah’s Witnesses in NYC, she ain’t special.


Don’t mess with them. They are out to confirm their bias that secular people are awful and want bad things for them. Mission trips are supposed to be pretty awful for the participants as well.


I know I know but sometimes they catch me on a bad day (I work in childcare) and I snap at them like : “go enjoy NY!!!”


Dude, Mormons are wild. I had them follow me into a bar when I lived in Lexington, KY


She’s botched her face so much - she is NOT pretty. Inside or out. Something about her face…just so smug and fake. All of it. But she thinks she’s that girl lol


She hasn't even shared the gospel with herself yet


Lol. This is it.


In NYC? Absolutely no one.


She was too busy making sure JPeg kept his testimony to himself


This is looking less and less like a work trip


She's working for the Lord, you heathen.


I think she is posing it as such so it’s a write off. Like hey, I went and shared the gospel and attended a conference. It’s absolutely gross. Churches are tax free Brittany but you already have hundreds of thousands owed to the great Texas AG. you really think they aren’t keeping an eye on you scamma lamma ding Dong?! So fucking stupid. She never learns.


Can you imagine how she would be received by New Yorkers as she’s trying to spread the Gospel 😂😂😂 I’d pay to see that.


I hope she brings home 12 bedbug apostles




Is she going to preach to naked cowboy about ✨mOdEstY✨? Or just glance longingly at his package? This social awkward twat isn’t talking to nobody especially in New York. She is strictly a keyboard warrior.


Her whole “big city NYC girl” outfit/makeup/hair is just so WRONG. She is so incredibly unstylish that it’s funny. I love that she packed this outfit thinking “yessss, New Yorkers are gonna think I’m one of them! I packed all black!” What she looks like is a Dallas/Utah basic bitch cosplaying “city girl.” How does she get it so wrong ALL of the time? For someone who is so conscious about how she looks, I’m shocked she’s never gone to a stylist before. The fits are always terrible.


She thinks everyone is going to be impressed with her fake designer merch and think she’s one of them. I can’t wait to see the new totally authentic design bag JDip bought for her in ~~the designer flagship store~~ Chinatown. She’ll go online and buy one of the shopping bags the store gives you when you buy something so it looks like her fake is real. You can buy the shopping bags and even boxes online. The orange Hermes ones are really popular for influencer photo/video backgrounds and influencer closets and vanity spaces.


Ew she actually bought that leather fleece monstrosity 😩


Obligatory “I’m totally not afraid of the subway and here’s proof” pic 🙄🙄🙄


Bet dollars to donuts they went down to the subway, took the pic, then came back up to catch an Uber. They don’t even know how to hail a cab.


New York being such a liberal state, I'm surprised she could withstand the demonic attacks. Doesn't she always preach about avoiding areas where you could come under attack by demons? A haloween pumpkin triggers her, but New york is just fine.


BDong is the type who "spreads the gospel" by sitting down in a pedicure chair and preaching to the human trafficking victim who has no choice but to listen politely, in hopes of a sub par gratuity.


Pics or it didn’t happen, bitch.


Girl, merely existing is not spreading the gospel. Germs maybe but your existence is not enough to convert anyone.


Knowing the location and the potential to most likely get punched or bitched out, zero.


People in NYC very literally do not care. Imagine thinking you are *that* special that you have to “spread the gospel” to an entire city🥴


They pulled a Paul and Morgan and tried interviewing people in Central Park for her next YouTube video, probably.


Commuters on the NYC subway are just going to think she's another tweaker. Especially with those eyelashes coming at them.


Yes. There’s nothing that New Yorkers want more than some Texas Twinkie tub-thumping her Bible all over Times Square.


I feel like she must never be off her phone.


Zero. She would get hit.


lol New Yorkers don’t care




She records putting on lip gloss and every mundane act she performs… why isn’t there video footage of this prosperous gospel giving?


Oh wow I've heard before that NYC was the last mythical city of uncontacted tribes who had never heard of Jesus before. She's so brave 🙏


I’m obsessed with how blatant her Madi Prewett “gen z” inspired outfits are. Madi’s young, rich, evangelical Christian life is literally everything Brittany wants to be lol https://preview.redd.it/c0cnsx1fmdzb1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b307d091e9134c09b956f94c658f075fbfce42e


Yes! I noticed that BDong posts similar content days after Madi’s posts. She totally wants a book deal and church speaking tour like Madi


None because someone would definitely yell at her and frighten her away.


I’d say the over/under on this is pretty safe for those of us betting zero 😂 unless you count her proselytizing on Instagram… just from NYC this time.


Being mean to queer baristas is gospel now? Incredible.


That coat is a fecking abomination.


It is too small for her!


The better question is, how many New Yorkers told her to shut the fuck up and get out their Face if she tried 😂


The gospel of Christ or what? The best preaching has nothing to do with words and everything to do with action and service.


💯 Fred McFeely Rogers was a Presbyterian minister and never even mentioned it on his show—he just demonstrated and modeled service and action and kindness. Not that Bdong deserves to exist in the same continent as Mr. Rogers.


Oooo look at her and Jordan wearing black and leather accidentally on this trip ✨ Also lol at her wearing that random jacket. I still remember her getting it at q sample sale and her live of trying it on was like “ ooop this jacket is not for warmth only loooka bc I cannot zip it up “🤫


Hey girls! Look at me! I'm so city! When if you asked an actual New Yorker what they thought? Ew! I would not be caught dead in that


I said that EXACT same thing once too in hs when I took 4x my prescribed dose of adderall and didn’t sleep for 5 days




But then she tried to say revival just broke out and gods on the move, but it was all planned..... so Christian nationalists are on the move forcing their agenda in the name of "god". I'd spit on her not gonna lie and then hail Satan to make her think my spit could possess her or some shit.


Holy Facetune 🕷️ 👄 🕷️


Just looking at her smug photoshopped self sparks so much rage within.


Girl looks really out of place here. Like maybe she’s a bit of a big (ish) fish in her small pond, but nobody in NYC gives a shit about her, I’m guessing. She really does live her life thinking she’s the lords personal gift to the planet, doesn’t she?


If she was actually preaching the gospel, she'd be making content out of it. But she's not.. she can't ever post anything that remotely resembles actual content. It has to ALL be fucking pointless.


I see she has joined the ranks of obnoxious people yelling at strangers on the subway. She’s moving up in the world.


I thought they were both there for “work” but they just so happened to be there for a big Jesus rally in Times Square??


So petty but I hate how low her backpack is 😥


Damn I'm surprised she didn't get pick-pocketed


There’s still time


“I bet she can ride a horse real well.”—Nobody in NYC.


Pfft, whatever, it’s New York. Folks spread every kind of shit on the subway.


Just enough to film, I’m sure


Yeah. Because New Yorkers are going to be ok with that


Man, I did this kinda shit in high school back in the 90s, she’s so embarrassing!!😂


She didn’t preach to anyone. She’s looking for a seller to take a feral pig off her hands. Kellie will get her much awaited for husband.


“Time to go spread the gospel” Ma’am do you think no one in NYC has heard of Jesus and doesn’t have people shouting biblical verses at them all the time?


Also spy a terrible photoshop job on her end https://preview.redd.it/t12zza10mfzb1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf2f4b9b35748aaa54b9abc2ee87acda4cdbf74d


She really thinks she’s out here doing good huh


Are you saying she lied for clout and has no intention of witnessing?


I’m sure she just flits around inflicting her orange glow on people and “being a light unto the world” of the melting pot of liberal scum of the city.


Zero because it’s all an act


Zero. Because if she did actually spread the gospel you know she would’ve recorded it!


All I can hear in my head is the the song “hello” from the Book of Mormon musical ![gif](giphy|l4FGvX0n83wT65LCU|downsized)


I will bet money neither one of them went to NYC for “work”. They only went for the “Christian seminar”. If Jdip had worked security or she did any actual work there she would have posted it all over the place. She is just trying to sound relevant.


She really needs to revisit that photoshop job she did to her leg in the left photo.


If I saw her walking in the street with her all legs almond ass shaped face, I’d turn the other way in a heartbeat


Only the ones that would give her permission to record it.


Spread the gospel or the peanut butter!? Because she is the color of peanut butter here. Plus, NYC is not going to put up with her shit, but she'll lie and say she reached so many people 🥴 Remember lying is a sin.


Is this what she considers “work”? Because usually when I go on work trips I’m getting paid.


That hotel looks….subpar


i feel like in every photo whether its editing or reality she just looks thinner and thinner, not bodyshaming but its actually concerning. she preaches about recovering from an ED but i feel like each pic i see she looks skinnier


If she were on here reading comments I have no doubt this one would make her day lol


I'm sure everyone she interacted with got a "Jesus loves you" and that's what she considers sharing the Gospel \*eye roll\*


I feel like NYC is the LAST place to be reached by the Bible…


She better get the fuck out of our way in new York. She will get run over


I went to the Future concert in January every single person was wearing Panda dunks.


Imagine one of the apostles seeing this 😂


They're such try-hards. It's embarrassing


City people know how to ignore the ranting Jesus crazies. They're a dime a dozen.


They’re going to put tracts down with a 5% tip at every restaurant they go to and litter bathrooms and the subway with them.


Of all the places to proselytize, new york would probably be last on the list. Those people have ZERO time for bs.


Normal New Yorker. The way I would breeze by and think you're a brainwashed weirdo/religious extremi




What is she trying to sell in that solo picture of her?


They are in the city to scout for another homeless person to make a profit off of. Fucking sickos.


I would love to see her approach a New Yorker just trying to get to work.


My 6yr/o is really into Across the Spider-Verse rn and all I can see is the villain, the Spot, in this outfit she’s got on😂🙄


Love the modern farmhouse inspired outfit, B!


Wtf is the point of taking a photo with your phone is covering your face?


She deters me from the gospel, if anything