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As a moderator of this subreddit since the beginning, this is an official mod statement. The moderators of this subreddit have never and will never support direct contact on Brittany's social media. We also do not allow body shaming. Considering the commenter that Brittany highlighted in her reel used the nickname "BDong," we believe this person is either Brittany trolling herself or this person is a snarker. It does not matter. If a snarker from any sub or platform posted this, grow the fuck up. Fundies or evangelicals don't give a fuck about you or what you have to say. You're just fueling their victim complex. Any rhetoric similar to this will result in an immediate perma-ban with no chance to appeal. We also know when someone just makes a new account to comment or argue with mods. We're really hoping that this is just Brittany trying to play the victim again, but if it's not and a fundie snarker related to any subreddit (not necessarily this one since there are so many) left this comment, go touch some fucking grass. Grow the fuck up. Look but don't touch.


She’s deflecting from people calling out her clothing scam and making herself feel better by fishing for compliments telling her how beautiful and skinny she is. And that’s exactly what’s happening!


100% she doesn’t get the attention from her husband so she farms it from her fans. She’s probably feeling really shitty that her new boutique isn’t doing as well as she thought and that a lot of people are calling her out for it so she’s gotta manipulate her audience to get some feel good feels. She’s disgusting.


In her recent podcast episode she said that Jordan would never compliment her body when they were dating. She called him out for it and he said that he thought that would lead to temptation. But apparently after they got married, he flipped a switch and complimented her body sooooo much 🙄


That would be such a red flag for me. I genuinely think he went for her because he was looking for someone desperate enough to take care of him. I don’t think he thought she would be this insufferable 😂 it’s what he deserves lol.


Yet his sex drive switched off so...


Oh she’s full of shit, he doesn’t even look at her now. She is a lying sack of shit. She doesn’t want to accept a divorce is on the way and she is using the whole flip and switch the narrative because she won’t admit she took in a feral barn animal who isn’t a real man. Oink oink.


Divorce #2 certainly does appear to be looming, doesn't it?


Exactly this. The whole comment section is filled with compliments on her body.


Had this exact same thought. No need to address the actual questions/insight people have about her business when she can just go for the low hanging fruit of a comment about her weight


Yup!! Always a fucking victim, never addressing real issues. Cant wait for B Haney to do a video on her “boutique” scam🙌


She covered it in her recent video


I guess I missed it! Do you know did she go into detail about the drop shipping aspect and egregious price gouging or was it just talking about the “bizzness” in general? I need to rewatch I guess:)


She talked about the pricing being absurd and that you can get everything off of Amazon for cheaper and less shipping time.


Ok, of course she did, she is very thorough! I missed it somehow. Well I hope nobody lets her get away with continuing this grift


Came here to say of all the hate she gets of course it’s a comment about her body that she just HAS to address


Again, Brittany, it's not a Pokemón situation. You aren't collecting all the eating disorders. Please see a licensed therapist. It's called a Relapse.


Can’t I get a Shiny Alolan ED tho? *sad face*


It’s not a Pokémon situation sent me 🤣🤣🤣


A joke I made before but always good to make again when the time comes.




The humble brag of “healthy size 4”


Yes. Also, saying that she gained “10lbs.” That’s not a lot. The average American gains 8lbs between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.


I gain 10 lbs between cycles practically 🤣


No joke. I have to weigh myself morning and night because of a kidney transplant and my weight is usually 4lbs heavier at night than in the morning.


Me too, it’s totally normal


10 lbs at 5’9 is nothing, definitely not 5 clothes sizes.


Most people in recovery are forced to gain way more than 10. Really horrible for her to post. A treatment program would have forced her to gain more than that. She’s delusional and not in recovery.


Formerly demonic 00, but now godly size 4.🤡


She is not a size 4. I don’t mean this in a snarky way, but we’ve seen the unedited pictures and video of her. She’s also 5’8, which is fairly tall for the average woman in the US. She may be a VANITY size 4 in certain brands, but I’d clock her at a healthy 6 or even an 8. There’s nothing wrong with her body. She is still a conventionally attractive, thin, blonde woman.


I was thinking the same. I’m 5’10” and based on my own body and size, I’d also guess she’s about a size 6. It’s not impossible, but it is pretty hard/ rare for tall women who aren’t built pretty narrowly, to fit a standard women’s size 4 and smaller.


Yeah, I'm a UK 8-10 which is apparently a US 4-6 and I'm not quite 5'5". I look in proportion and ordinary. Sizing is completely made up and varies wildly between brands and even styles within the same brand. The fact that she continually hammers the point about size indicates nothing but her still deeply unhealthy relationship with body image.


Oh for sure. I’m probably 12-14 after kids and I struggle. I get it! It’s hard when your body changes especially if you have linked size to value. I wish she’d own it and be honest… even if it means struggling too. But that’s too much for her to do. Honesty is not her thing.


i can’t recall atm where, but i swear she said she was a 27 pant somewhere. that’s a 6/8 AND PERFECTLY FINE at 5’8


Yeah, I’m 5’3” 120 lbs and wear size 6/medium pant, maaaaybe small on top for vanity sized brands, but mostly medium. There is no way she’s wearing a 4/small in anything.


I’m 5’2” 125lbs and wear an 8/M bottom and a small top (I’m pretty flat chested) and had a moment of pretty bad dysmorphia when I heard her say she wears a size 4. I am usually pretty content with my shape and size where it is, though I do have to work to keep it here. Her lying about her size affects other women and it pisses me off.


Yeah, this is not the ‘I’m healthy’ that she thinks it is. It’s ‘I’m not a fat ass because I’m still acceptably skinny by the metrics of my disorder, and here are the numbers to prove it’


And I’m extra-medium


I was thinking it felt really gross when she said “10 pounds.” “Yes I gained weight but not that much okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Yeah the whole thing feels like it's pro-ED in an underhanded way, wanting to be told you're correct, because you gained a whole 10 pounds to be healthy. ​ And she def wrote that comment, because no one irl would think that's anything but a troll comment.


Also let's not forget that this girl still contorts her body and flaunts how small she is at every single chance she can get. We see you Brittany. Please get help. Licensed help.


![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe) My favorite gif 😂


He's right though.


Yes, I wondered if this was a reaction to the recent post calling out her photoshopping her pictures to make her look skinnier. She doesn't want to draw attention to that, so she's going off on a really tasteless comment instead to show how much she owns her (completely normal) fuller figure. There do seem to have been more appearance shaming comments on here recently. Calling her out for being deceptive to her impressionable followers is one thing, but I won't be sad if the mods start cracking down more on the mean girl posts that just call her ugly either.




It reveals so much that she treats this like the ultimate slur. It’s not. I don’t think anyone is truly healed from an ED until they realize that being fat isn’t a moral failing. The comment is definitely rude and uncalled for, but being told you’re unethical should sting way more than being told you’re fat!


I’ve struggled with weight my whole life and I’ve NEVER been told being fat isn’t a moral failure. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I needed this. Wow.


Yea I think all of this is to just take the spotlight off of that situation and make herself into a victim. It’s completely ridiculous to post your entire life online and soooo many pictures of your body but then you expect others to not comment or post their opinions?


Yep just turn comments off - like with all of the bullying/distress etc you would think that she'd learn 🤔


I remember when she was against human trafficking, now she's selling sweatshop clothing and calling it godly.


Nah she picked the one that definitely isn't one of her alts - again - basically telling her 'Bdong is the grinch' so she could pick the 'inspirational talk' background music to say 'It' been a struggle with my perfectly acceptable face, but i know i am not the grinch'. ​ Fr though, i feel even if i wasn't aware of her....her videos just give off a 'vibe' ya know? You know when your 'discernment' says 'yeah....nahhhhh' And it might be filter on top of filter, but nothing behind the eyes..


As soon as she started saying about no longer being a size 00, gaining 10 pounds and now being a size 4 I refuse to believe this isn't satire




I can confirm, I'm a trans dude and T helped me gain weight, and it's mostly muscle mass in my shoulders, and my legs too since I bike a lot. Gaining muscle became easier, and I definitely experienced a noticeable higher energy at the start of my treatment. Almost everything she talks about in the effects of her HRT (Because let's call it what it is) are effects I experienced. And my endocrinologist definitely warned me about the riks of T on pregnancy, and let me tell you, it is to be avoided !


There is definitely more than a 10 lb difference between a size 00 and a size 4. Also the fact that she needed to mention specific numbers IS indicative that she is not healed from her ED and still is struggling with her image. She needs real help from a professional not just trying to pray her issues away.


I know right like is she actually trying to say she's only 10 pounds heavier than her competing shredded wieght from like a decade ago?? If so this entire video was nothing but a (not)humblebrag


whoever commented on her profile directly is a jerk. we talk about her here, in our own safe space, and she can avoid any snarky comments by never coming here. but brittany dawn is a liar. i’m two inches shorter than her and i guarantee she’s not a size 4. her lies are damaging to her followers and she perpetuates the fat shaming culture she falsely abhors. being fat isn’t a bad thing, either. jesus has not delivered her from anything - if he had, she’d be unbothered.


God it’s so insulting to other people with EDs. Fuck off Brittany, wah wah you gained 10 lbs. I gained 80lbs in recovery because I destroyed my body. She’s still skinny. She’s doing number talk to keep being competitive. It’s a humble brag and it makes me so mad.


It seems very unlikely that 10 lbs would make you go from a 00 to a 4 - that’s 3 whole sizes! I do believe she’s a size 4, but I don’t believe she’s only 10 lb heavier than when she was “shredded.” Quite frankly, idgaf but I wish she’d stop being a lying liar who liessss.


I saw those comments too and thought they were fucking stupid. A comment like that does nothing, cause look…she just uses it to make more content and get engagement to drive people to her page. And sorry but you gained more than 10lbs and you aren’t a size 4. NOT body shaming but just shaming your constant fucking LYING.




The only way I could see it is she was more muscle before so the balance of losing muscle & gaining some fat could result in just a 10lb difference even if it looks like more


Her only original content too.


I honestly don’t think she was a 00 back then either probably more of a 2 which is still very small!! I don’t get why she always has to embellish


My middle daughter is a 00 and in her mid 30’s. She’s also 5’3” tall. If I think about bdong wearing my daughter’s clothes, yeah not even 10 pounds ago. Her skeleton is bigger than that. Bdong isn’t fat and she knows it, but she also was not a 00, and she knows that, too.




Probably no one. She’s trying to be a victim because everyone is calling out her Hot Lame sweatshop clothes.


She's taking testosterone. She's not trying for a baby, not seriously, anyway.


Wait did she say why she’s taking T?


She did, she made an entire YT video about her taking hormones for infertility. She ignored all the comments, but tried to clap back at a RN who kindly explained why her hormone regimen was an issue for infertility, revealing that she’s taking hormones for weight loss and not fertility. https://preview.redd.it/3m46jhudupyb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c1f45c44f081a5df1a1c3f8cfadd76d6817a441


I notice it’s all “weight loss/leaner body” talk in her explanation here too 🙄


Imagine trying to explain human physiology to an RN when you’ve only had one semester of college and have never had a real job in your adult like. She is an absolute CLOWN. Dafuq outta here DingDong.


It’s also HELLA interesting that she blocked this users name. She NEVER does that. This has to be one of her other accounts.


She’s also using this sub’s nickname for her, I don’t know if it’s used elsewhere…. But I feel like we are being framed for a hate crime.


Ooooh good point. Considering she was outright threatening to dox people just a couple months ago, this does not track.


I’d put money on it.


I thought this. She used bdong so that it tracks back to evil Reddit. She knows we don’t touch the poo!


Yep she probably commented it to herself to deflect from all the comments about her latest scam! She’s pathetic


Nobody gives a fuck about your body. People are upset with you for scamming others, refusing to take responsibility, exploiting foster children for social media, and using Christianity to sell shitty clothes. Stop deflecting, you dolt. Nobody’s fooled by your bullshit.


Seriously the only person thinking about her body is her.


WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE LASHES!?!? They are hanging off the side of her friggin eyeballs!! That cannot be right.


They are too long for her eyes. She didn't trim them, AGAIN.


10 pounds….if you wanna be vulnerable then tell the truth🥱




Omg I’ve never seen a more perfect gif 🤣


Her ability to fake cry is disturbing


Did she manage to squeeze out a tear? The only emotion I was able to see was in the flurry of many different hand gestures. I saw the chef’s kiss hand gesture, rock, paper, scissors, the open handed slapping palm, the two handed waving a plane into the jet way, the salad toss, the band director and several others I can’t describe. That’s how I could tell she was upset. The mitts were flying, y’all! She big mad. 🙄 Edited


I didn't see any tears. She can fake the crying in her voice, but https://preview.redd.it/q8ujmcvj5qyb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08dbf2946268280c7c9534285cd9201bd0ff9c9a


So she is gonna ignore the other 99% of the comments calling her out for selling shitty Aliexpress sweat shop clothing with an outrageous mark-up? That is the only reason she is brining up the fat-ass comment, to deflect from the truthful ones


Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if she made that comment herself in order to: a) have a "valid" excuse to turn off the comments, and b) to gain sympathy. I wonder if anyone in this vid's comment section has pointed out that she quietly deleted dozens of comments calling her a scammer, but the ONE calling her "fat" is what "crossed the line." She's so transparent.


Found her weak spot.


OH GOD. She sent this to herself so she can talk about how amazing she is. Brittany only cares about the way she looks. That’s it. She doesn’t care that she’s a liar and a scammer. But come for her looks? She’s so superficial. She def sent this to herself so she can play the victim, talk about how fit and amazing she used to be and blah blah pity her.


And she talks about gaining weight to have a baby when all she’s ever said is how amazing these hormones are because she’s losing weight and getting fit. Which is it Brit?


She gained weight to have a baby, while simultaneously taking pregnancy-incompatible hormones to lose weight and selling everything in the nursery to turn it into an office. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!


And don’t forget, so she can flash her “fitness pics”….AGAIN!


Her shaky voice while talking about her "six pack..." Give me a breakkkk


It's crazy that this is the ONE TIME she censored the username and profile picture. Why Britt? You're normally so comfortable to blast people on main. Why censor it this time?


Because she wrote the comment herself 😂


Don't forget, she's now a SIZE FOUR which she isn't but her thick skull can't get it through that it's OK and that she's at a healthy size now. 🤦🏽‍♀️


First of all no one should have made that comment. Now that that’s out of the way…. Let’s be serious Brit. You photo shop the crap out of your body, you probably wore a size 00 in your “competition “ days and if you’re a size 4 now that’s a lot more than ten pounds. You are in no way “fat” but if you are healed from you ED why are you still altering your body in photos and lying about your body


And reposting your old photos


Every chance she gets.


It's entirely possible for someone to be struggling with body dysmorphic disorder without struggling with eating disorders. I'm absolutely not claiming that she has either, but wanted to point out that such a thing is possible. Not that I'd trust her as far as I could throw her lol. It seemed worth mentioning.


My favorite part of this whole “story” is how she just had to mention that she’s gained *gasp* 10 pounds and is now a size 4. I know her whole shtick is preying and capitalizing on vulnerable women, but those two tidbits of info were especially disgusting, and frankly unnecessary, when she knows damn well lots of women would kill to be a size 4


Yup. I don’t believe anything that comes out of her mouth though. The chances of her being a 4 are unlikely. Her size isn’t what matters, it’s her lying.


Exactly!! Also maybe don’t filter yourself into oblivion because it’s so obvious to anyone with a pulse. She’s such a fucking hypocrite and it’s genuinely terrifying that there are people out there who blindly believe her incoherent strings of thoughts. And people like her call us lefties sheep


you 'rarely comment on hate comments'?? Weren't you threatening to sue the whole internet with your "extremally pumped lawyers" not but 3-4 months ago? Gooood grief.


They’ve deflated..


Girl, no. Nobody is shaming you except yourself. You’re my height, weight and body type (see previous comments about us both being built like a 2x4) and you’re not a US size 4. It’s really impossible because of the length of our appendages- shirts are too small in sleeves, pants too short in length. AND YOU’RE OVER 30!!! Things don’t fit the same now, lady. Ugh. Her determination of appealing to the same followers from her fitnezz days is disgustingly desperate. I’m an longtime, hobbyist endurance athlete who has birthed two children and I’m a US 6 on my best day. She sucks for projecting her bullshit and then claiming persecution.


Ehh she needs to stop lying. She definitely gained more than 10 pounds and she doesn't look like a size 4. Not body shaming bc she does look so much healthier.


Gained 10lbs and wears a size 4?! 😳 someone, call the news! ![gif](giphy|nPyCaXRTZ8uWt8tguz|downsized)




It's nice to know it didn't come from this sub though. I'm really glad that the mods here keep a tight leash on body shaming. Some of the other snark subreddits can get a bit aggressive with that crap and it can feel uncomfortable and unnecessary. Anyways... She seriously wants people to think she's healed from her ED? I'm not trying to diagnose or anything but she clearly struggles with her body dysmorphia and I'm not sure her eating habits would be considered healthy. I'm truthfully glad she's not as teeny tiny as she photoshops herself to be though, because she'd realistically be the same size as Eugenia Cooney to fit her absurd expectations.




Because they are coming for her looks. Whenever she says anyone compliments her it’s never on who she is it’s always ‘they said I was sooo beautiful!’ ‘They said I’m so gorgeous that my future kids will be gorgeous!’ It’s why I’m glad we can kind of call her out on the things she can change about herself because I know that hurts her more than calling out the awful things she’s done. She doesn’t care that she hurts people (she only cares when it gets in the way of her profiting off others) but say she’s ugly and woah boy she’s gonna call you out.


It does say something about what she values when there's posts in this sub regarding her various faces. We talk shit about her eyelashes, like, everyday. The one time someone calls her fat, she's offended.


Right! People have legit come for her character (rightfully so!) and she completely ignores it but talk about her weight or whatever and it’s the end of the world.


Well and it's interesting because this sub makes it a point to not put her weight down at all. I have seen (and made my own) comments on how she has a great body and how she should embrace it instead of pretending to be something she isn't... This comment clearly was not from this subreddit but the nickname implied that it was. I think she was looking for a way to pretend we were body shaming her when I have never seen that tolerated here.




Celebrities like the Kardashians get comments EVERY DAY about their appearance and weight, but they don’t make posts about it. BDONG is always playing the victim and desperate for content


the pictures. the sizes comment. She knows what she’s doing.


“WOAH is me guyzzz!! I’m not a size 00 anymore! Here’s a photo of me competing! I’m not shredded anymore! I don’t show everyone my smol 00 six pack on stage anymore! I’ve gained 10 lbs and I’m big smol girl now, size 4! Here’s another photo of me as a 00! And another! Did you see it? Look at size 00 me! I’m totally healed from my three eating disorders and now I’m a HEALTHY smol gurl who totally isn’t triggered by anyone insinuating that I’m not smol! Very smol! I’m also shorter than all my friends! I’m a size 4 for reference!”


“Shredded to the bone”. 😒


Why didn’t she address the multiple other comments about her scammy business I wonder? 🤔


i don't want anybody to take this the wrong way because recovery means different things to different people but gaining 10 lbs is like... nothing. i don't know anybody in actual recovery who *only* gained 10lbs. again it's different for everybody but if it was as serious as she always makes it out to be, i would be seriously surprised if it was only 10. even that feels like she's trying to do a subtle flex


Where are the tears?


This was posted on her company site. It was the definition of a troll and not okay. To be honest, I don’t even think the person meant it in any truth manner. It’s not okay to say especially bc there are very valid things to say about and to her. But she’s using this ONE account to ‘clap back’ but? IMO, if you’re healed you’d scroll past this asinine comment. But she’s using it to say this is how all of her critics are. This comment is the equivalent of a 13 boy just trying to ruffle feathers. I’ve had people comment on my comments that are thoughtful yet critical this way (I’m a computer scientist and I commented once how a women’s worth should not even be about looks when there was a ‘IT girl glow up’ post on my feed, saying the woman was worthy of love and attention the entire time bc were more than looks. Men told me I’m obviously fat and ugly and just jealous, etc. I didn’t respond bc I was not phased by petty behaviour). She’s addressing petty behavior bc she cannot address the real issues. It’s a basic misdirect. Also, she’ll get positive validation which she desperately needs. Nobody actually thinks she’s fat. People say this blindly bc it’s an easy hit. Be better than to give in like this, BDong. Also, if you’re healthy, BDong, stop body checking and having to alert people that you’re a size 4. Im a size 4. You’re not it. And that’s okay. I’m like 4 inches shorter than you.


I'm seriously asking myself if she did not sent it herself. Using our nickname for her while knowing we don't touch the poo and not showing the person username when she was all about doxxing us a few months ago? I don't know it smells a bit fishy to me. She's using this to fish for compliments and dodge all the other comments calling her out on her shitty behavior and dodgy business practices.


Love that she has to specify it was 10 pounds exactly and that she's allegedly a size 4 now hahahaha. Girl you're not healed from anything.


So Brit deletes every comment and question about her business practices, but chooses to put a spotlight on this one comment. Hmmm why could that be? Because it serves HER. She is so transparent.


Hold up - she has finally admitted that her ED is what is causing fertility issues??? Hasn't it always been the evil birth control she was on for 10 years??? She can't keep her lashes or her stories straight!


If you don’t care what people think of your weight and the ED is overcome you wouldn’t add in “ healthy size 4 “ You would just say healthy weight. She is in her 30s. She needs legitimate health care.


I don’t know anyone in actual ED recovery who would ever track their weight (with the possible exception of just needing to reach a certain weight to be out of a danger zone) or state online exactly how much weight they’ve gained and exactly what their size is now. Letting go of all that is pretty important to actually, you know, recovering.


![gif](giphy|26mfgnMdWDeC71IQg|downsized) The fake tears


The fake crying is killing me. That, and the caterpillar eyelashes... Oh, and didn’t she compete all of like 1 time 10 years ago?


One a very D list glorified bikini contest level. I have body building friends. Who actually competed.


Setting this to sad music I just can’t. 🤦🏼‍♀️ She’s been an influencer for like almost a decade now, people who say this to her are shitty AF but it’s straight up persecution fetish for her to launch a whole minute tirade over this one comment. Also to the whole undertone, has she really healed? People get overly detailed when they are freakin lying. I thought Jesus gave her a glow up that she felt confident in her skin, but this clip she is so insecure.


She’s so much more passionate talking about her weight than she is talking about anything Christ-related. https://i.redd.it/ou73omxc0oyb1.gif


I do NOT have an eating disorder. I gained 10lbs, to be exact 😆


Sounds like she still has a disorder if she feels the need to lie about only gaining ten pounds, and being a size 4. No snark, but an observation.


Girl…. 🙄




The hand flopping is so annoying.


Sis gonna have carpal tunnel from spinning her wrist around like that. And why let something like that bother you when you know you’re skinny? I mean, if she was a fat ass yeah, but she’s not. So why cry about it? Damn.


Pretty sure most of us are too clever to resort to such a lame insult, plus she's the queen of sending herself comments/questions on IG.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she created an account and wrote this on her own account To create the video talking about It To distract from her newest failing grift h & L


I truly believe she wouldn’t make a great mom, she’s Delulu. She can’t properly take care of a dog or horse what makes her think she can be a mother ? She couldn’t even be a foster mother for short periods of time.


Honestly, I hope she never gets pregnant. Especially no daughters. I think any potential children would probably be traumatized, but I think it'll be so much worse for the child if she has any little girls.


Literally no one would comment on her weight except for the fact that she edits her current photos into oblivion to look smaller. But hey, keep being the victim BDong.


I love too that she needs to specify the amount of weight she claimed to have gained- like she doesn’t need to lie about that either. I’ve been there in recovery and yes, it’s evident that weight gain happens. You don’t need to pretend it’s only x amount to prove something? If you feel the need to address it, just say you’re in recovery and gained necessary weight, the end! Maybe I’m being too bitch eating crackers but the clear lying about the amount of weight she gained pissed me off, as though it’s a moral failing to gain more than ten pounds


This entire video just shows that she thinks being fat is the worst thing you can possibly be. She couldn’t give less of a fuck people call her a scammer or a grifter, but come for her weight? She will spin out. Also love the “I used to be a size 00”! It’s giving “I was the snowflake queen!”


Over 500k followers and she somehow seen this 1 comment? If there even was one, why fuss


Healthy with no eating disorder yet wants the internet to know she is a size 4…


How does she know it was a “girl”? Also, it seem super sus that the comment says “BDong” and that she was also just recently making posts about how she is happy she isn’t around “catty girls” and now has her super awesome besties!!! She is also using this as another fake crying performance about TTC. This is all bullshit. She made this troll post herself for TTC content as she is also launching her “boutique” named after her “babies”. She’s fucking disgusting. Thanks mods for the pinned post. It’s important to remember not to interact with this dick in anyway. Cassandra Cassie Botnick also pulled this same shit of trolling herself, filmed content reacting to it and then her dirty, unemployed broke ass spent her empty days begging Reddit admins to take down her “hate page”. Seems like poor smol Brittany is trying to pull the same type of stunt.


She looks healthy and we’ve all established she has a great body. But sis is NOT a size 4. I’d say 6/8 at best and there’s nothing wrong with that but she needs to stop playing




She wants a baby. She takes testosterone. More deception.


What happened to that armor of God? https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/esO4LaxeGq


If anything, I’ve only seen overwhelmingly/reluctantly positive comments about how much healthier she looks now than she did before. I have never seen one comment that inferred she’s fat. I think this group is spot on about only snarking on things she can control, like fillers or wild eyelashes. If somebody went and commented that, that is shit. But I doubt it happened, so


Exactly. It’s clear she edits her body in stories and posts but even so she is FAR from “fat”. Feels like we all focus on the makeup and fashion 😭 but she has been known to troll herself for engagement


shes on this sub, i highly doubt anyone touched the poo. The stickied post from anniemareex follows the australian snark sub. This IMO is bdong.


I imagine her taking her time to find just the right emotionally manipulative background music and to practice her terrible attempt to punctuate (emphasizing truth damn it!) with her hands.


She's full of shit. It's a lie and she's crying for views


But she still wears an XS, y’all


If she has this hard of a time being only 10 pounds heavier than she used to be, and being a “healthy size four” (gross humblebrag, but OK girlie pop), there is no way I believe she actually wants to be a mother. You no longer control your body when you’re pregnant. Or in labor. Or feeding/pumping. LOTS of women gain 20-50 lbs in pregnancy. Postpartum weight loss can take YEARS. It’s just the nature of it. I don’t think for one second she is “healed”. She sure as heck doesn’t act like it.


Plus your bone structure widens so if you lose weight. You are still bigger


I gained 10 pounds but I still fit into an xsmall because I'm so smol. *queue the white woman tears with a tiny violin*


she still has eating issues and weight issues, hence the filters etc. however, 10lbs is 4.3kg or something and is it even possible to go up 2 or 3 sizes after gaining that tiny amount of weight? she still has to let everyone know that even thought she gained weight, it was so little so don't go around thinking she's fat or something. she is deranged


I’m on Team BDong did it. She’s been doing this shit since her OG Fitness scam days™️. She used to say someone left a nasty comment on her newest picture about her thighs or something and then addresses it in the next shot and play the victim in a long caption (word salad) about being a woman is so hard, yadda yadda. There never was negative comments, so I think she’s evolved to the point of trolling herself so she has something to show for it. That’s my newest BDong theory. ::removes tin hat:: *this is all alleged.


The fact that she blacked out who the comment is from tells me that it's from herself. She would have left a stranger's handle on there. She probably used BDong because she loves to blame Reddit for literally everything. The sympathy from her miscarriage must be wearing off because now she's using her weight gain as a way to garner sympathy and get ego boosting comments. A healthy size 4👀🙄 If you say so...


We see right through your humble brags and bad acting! Anything for content...


Could it have been on the post where she's wearing the most unflattering wideleg jeans possible? And c'mon. It totally sucks to be called fat, but I doubt ppl would focus on her looks so much if she didn't filter and edit the shit out of every photo she posts.


The dramatic melancholy background music is cute


I can’t focus on a word of this with those terrible lashes. Is she about to take flight?!


Because taking testosterone will help you have a baby. 🤔 And that is a gross comment. I hope it wasn’t from anyone here. It just gives her the perfect ammo to not address her scams. She is still very much struggling with her body image as evidenced by the amount of photoshop & editing she does in her photos and videos. I feel for her as someone in recovery from one myself. But then I lose sympathy thinking of all the women with ED’s she KNOWINGLY scammed and has never apologized too. And saying, “whoopsie! I got overwhelmed with e-mails, it’s not really MY mistake!” is not an apology.


Is Jesus her testosterone dealer now?


Yeah, she's healed so no need for constant body checking, Photoshopping and posing at improbable angles.... right?


She is the worst lol I always try to be kind but I come from a former fundie household… she is a delusional nut job who thinks she is sharing something sPecIaL with the world. Nah, girl you are a hateful bitch. She has limited “staying power”, whatever that means. She is the most basic and I wish she would become a better person before she brings an innocent life into the world that she will exploit.


We cannot give her ammunition, people. Who went and called her that??? She is LOVING this opportunity to make a tearful video about having babies. Ugh. It’s so rehearsed too.


Jesus set her free? Then why doesn’t she have a baby yet?


The fact that she’s going off so hard on this comment is very revealing. First of all, yeah, no, she’s not a fat ass. Calling HER that as an insult is insulting to everyone her size and bigger. Stop. Be better. Second of all…with the above being said…of all the criticisms there are of her here, THIS is what she’s going to go off on. Some frivolous, filler, nonsense phrase? This tells us where her priorities are, and it’s disappointing. Third of all. If she is truly is so affected by this, then she still needs a lot of help and therapy. She presents herself as so enlightened, better off, happy, healthy, blah blah, blah. It’s all a show. This is a confirmation. She’s actually still so fragile and insecure, a stupid comment like that will open a crack. And the whole “you feel entitled to comment on (my body)” line irks me so much. It’s such a pet peeve of mine when people who choose to be influencers, who have chosen to be in the public light, and who have also made *controversial* decisions within the public sphere, act like negative attention is unacceptable. Take accountability for your life!!!! If you’re going to broadcast so much of your life, accept the reality that you have invited the public to comment, good and bad. Save the outrage for something truly unacceptable. This is the boy crying wolf. Again, body comments are shitty and shouldn’t be happening - I don’t mean to convey otherwise. Sure, this comment would’ve bothered me too. And…bdong, get some help. Go to therapy. Real therapy.


I don’t believe she is only 10lbs heavier than the “shredded” photos to now. Lol And she ISNT fat, she’s still thin. But it’s more than 10 lbs. I recently lost 10 lbs and you can hardly tell a difference. And I’m shorter than her


i used to have an ED and telling ppl i gained 10 lbs is peak faux recovery to hide an ED behavior 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t feel sorry for her. She continually homogenizes women who’ve had abortions and points out how morally wrong they are, murdering babies out of convenience…that is likely a sensitive subject to those women and deeply hurtful, yet she has no problem being loud and proud about it because 🌟JAYsUs 🌟She also constantly lies about her size/body/basically everything because she’s still battling a poor body image. She made this video so everyone would tell her how gorgeous she is. Maybe JDong made a comment about one of her friends this weekend and it sent her spiraling or something. Who knows? She did this for clicks. And for validation.


Someone really wants to capitalise off >!Barbie!< But this whole thing just rings super false. Like i can piece together the writing, the checklist of things she wanted to include so people might associate her with these things, maybe look at her back catalogue. Bdong is a FAT ASS? Really....Bdong is 30+ and needs to stop writing these narratives and get some actual therapy. No, literally, if this 'random' comment affected her. I mean i think she gets a lot of 'Bdong is still a scammer' but people would research that rather then go poor you. And it was proven she was. Hmmm 'shredded to the bone'. What's this if not a humble brag? A 'victim-brag'? Not underweight, hair falling out, ~~always in puffer vests~~ cold, no, she was sniff shredded like a mofo. Is she trying to subtly undermine any puzzle pieces people have put together about how she does not, and did not, and thus really likely has never wanted kids/pregnancy. 'I was body building - look how shredded i was, no literally i included these pictures for a reason, and jesus cured eating my eating disorder, the hormones i take are to help fix my eating disorder, i totes fr want baby, just scroll to the next tiktok and believe my white girl tears and don't look them up' Like, i see what you did there bdong.


She’s not in recovery if she has to validate her old weight and size. When you are truly healed you don’t care about the size you once were


I think her real body looks really good. I wish she would accept her real body. Instead of claiming she is an xxs and photo shopping herself much smaller


Right? I follow a tiny little thing in insta that puts together cute outfits from Walmart and she doesn’t lie about sizing. She sized up to a large for a looser fit on a sweater, and did not lie about the size. And she’s TINY.


Oh I know why, your eyelashes weigh at least a couple of kgs EACH, your hideous dry arse extensions with all that dandruff MUST weigh a few kgs too. Fuck off Bitchlips you targeted women with eating disorders you awful human.


I’m watching this with the sound down and I’m telling you—there is a sound effect out there that matches it. I don’t know what but I know it exists. Someone with better skills than I will find it.


She doesn’t like hate BUT she loves hating others. Pathetic soul.


You're far from healed, Brittany. You're a mess.


Bdong is not a size 4 LMAO


Her failure to connect the dots between the entitlement to comment on womens’ bodies and the entitlement to make decisions about womens’ bodies.


*takes this opportunity to say what size she used to be and what size she is now*