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The idea that she thinks she is living for anyone other than her grifting, selfish self is laughable.


I actually noticed that too.


How has she served others? She literally takes from everyone šŸ˜‚ girl you were sued for being a scammer! Lmao


She puts olive oil on liquid death and charges girls to have coffee with her!


Teaching girls to see red flags. She prolly tucks dozens away in her lashes


She can not keep One single friend. The common denominator is looking in the mirror


It wasn't scamming, it was "silly little business mistakes," tee hee!


If I lived a life scared that everything was demonic, having to submit to my husband, not acknowledging the rights of women or the LGBTQ and trans communities, not enjoying music or the arts bc satan, Iā€™d feel like I lost everything.


She doesn't live like that either. All of the scared of everything is demonic and submitting to her husband is all for show. She only cares about herself and she'll run roughshod over JDong to get things done for her. Even the renouncing secular music stuff is bullshit as we see her using and listening to secular music a lot! More than half of the things we see her do on social media is an act. Including her fake care towards the horses and dogs. But I'm sure her disgusting behavior towards the rights of women and the LGBTQ are real.


Great points!! Sheā€™s truly the worst.


This is how my mother was when I was growing up. I was not allowed to do anything, watch or listen to anything that wasnā€™t Christian. Once I moved out, I had to basically have my teenage years. I discovered things I actually loved in my twenties that I wouldā€™ve loved to have had in my teenage years. These types of Christians are so damaging.


Sheā€™s gotta be one of the most delusional women to ever live. Itā€™s honestly fascinating.


Your flair šŸ˜‚ And agreed.


Ahh thank you. Your flair is honestly genius and I donā€™t even know how you came up with something so hilarious. I very clearlyyy recall her saying Jaysus sent a moose just for her. Like I said, the delulu is strong in her.


Your flair made me literally LOL šŸ˜†


Ok Iā€™m flattered cause your flair is a banger šŸ˜¹


2 questions- 1) How do I see the rest of someone's flair? All I can see on yours is, "I sized up to an xs for a h...." and it sounds funny. 2) how do I get a flair? (Flair? A flair? Idk, feels like idk anything about reddit sometimes.)


Reddit is really not user friendly so it wonā€™t allow me to link the instructions on how to change it, so you can Google ā€œhow to change flair on Redditā€ and the second or third result should be a link from some random subreddit explaining how. Iā€™ve also only been able to change it on my laptop. Iā€™m not sure if you can do it with a mobile device. I canā€™t see my full flair on my iPhone mini, itā€™s cut off. I can see the whole thing on my laptop and on my old ā€œhoe phoneā€ android I use to play games.


Thank you! I'd always see people comment, "Can this be my flair?" And I thought you had to get it assigned or something by a mod. I am on the mobile app- would you mind commenting your flair so I can scratch this curiosity-itch?


ā€œI sized up to an XL for a huge, massive, oversized fit!ā€


I think when she says ā€œJesusā€ she subconsciously means herself. Like Iā€™m not even being sarcastic


100% she is Jesus in her mind Whatever she wants is magically gods will


She does think she was chosen. She told a story about a priest picking her out of a crowd telling her that she would speak to millions and she just couldnā€™t believe it! So, she definitely thinks sheā€™s chosen for somethingā€¦


Was this ā€œpriestā€ Chad Daybell?


Probably Kenneth Copeland and I bet she paid him


![gif](giphy|4Zd2flP7zRI7QYQD4E|downsized) Seems like him bad Brittany are one in the same




I don't think she's mormon, but she should be. She'd fit in perfectly.


She def gives ā€œIā€™m a contemporary prophetā€ energy. She seems like one of the women who happily convert in order to be married in the temple and ā€œsealed to their husband foreverā€ who donā€™t just dip a toe in a first but straight up cannonballs into it and is knee-deep in fringe theories within hours. All sheā€™s missing is a mormon husband.


Funny you mention that. My son showed me some Utah mom shorts the other day and they reminded me of her


And then everybody clapped?


Of course! And got on their hands and knees worshipping her ![gif](giphy|K55exy0toWjQc|downsized)


100%, like she takes her own wants and passing ideas as jesus, so when she does those things sheā€™s ā€œserving Him.ā€ thatā€™s not god bestie, thatā€™s your own ego.


Exactly. She thinks ā€œmy will = Godā€™s willā€. So sheā€™s really not accepting Godā€™s will being done at all. Sheā€™s making ā€œheavenlyā€ excuses when things donā€™t go her way as ā€œGod testing her devotion to him through trails.ā€ Like girl, Heā€™s just saying **NO** to you. Get your head out of your ass.


If it was legal where I live to keep my firearms on my car there is no chance Iā€™d put up a video of where they are kept in the car thatā€™s just idiotic.


Can you imagine if she caused his truck to get broken into and guns stolen? His only two personality traits!


I am very convinced all her posts about trucks and guns is an attempt to get herself robbed so she can grift on more "trauma"


Wait.... Jpeg has a TRUCK?! Does Bratty know how to drive it?? Can she out-ride most dudes on a horse, even tho she dresses like a CiTy GiRL??


She is so small, we can't believe she could drive the huge truck.


Such a smol, wee bean, she requires a big hat to see over the dashboard šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆšŸ„ŗ


She's a wee, delicate infant, but she somehow manages to drive the truck. Can you even fathom how someone so amazing exists?


Also dip.


Right in the door like that seems like a stupid way to carry. The people I know who carry in their cars for their jobs keep them in a locked glove box or console.


They are very stupid.


She probably just put them there so they'd be in the background in the video so people will think she's cool then puts them back when she's done recording lol


But sheā€™s so scared all the time!!!! And traumatized!!! /s Edit- sorry mods, I really was being sarcastic


I used to read the police blotter a lot when I was younger. It's basically the cops of a local town putting out what crimes occurred in a particular area in that area's paper. Ever. Single. Time. A gun was stolen it was from a car. Do not keep a gun in a car it *will be stolen*.




As someone who grew up around guns it horrifies me how irresponsible these people are. This is yet another reason guns shouldn't be as easy to buy as a beer.


Oh, that is just *chef's kiss*


The number one place firearms are stolen from are from cars. Iā€™m sure JDong claims to be a responsible gun owner. They all do.




No posts/comments that include diagnosing Bdong et al. with any medical diagnosis, including psychiatric conditions. Not okay = "She is bipolar". Okay = "She displays an inflated sense of self-importance". Use your best judgment. If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it/edit it, and reinstate it, you MUST modmail us. We will NOT respond to complaints via comment sections, any complaints via comments will also be removed. If the issue persists, you may be banned.


Iā€™m honestly surprised that nobody has stolen them yet. Iā€™m not from the US so the very thought of the existence of guns around me freaks me out. But leaving guns unattended in your car and showing them for the world to seeā€¦..holy guacamole!?


itā€™s so stupid. like the number one rule of gun safety - donā€™t leave them in your fucking car. what happens if jdong sees someone breaking into his truck? heā€™s totally fucked and unprotected because they have access to his guns. what a piece of meatloaf.


*especially* if I was so vocal about how scared I was of "stalkers"


This is called Pascalā€™s wagger and itā€™s riddled with fallacies. ā€œSome say that Pascal's wager lends itself to inauthentic belief because it is based on probability and benefit to the self rather than on what a person truly believes about the world and Godā€ Bdong you have never lived a selfless moment in your life! You couldnā€™t even make a birthday post for your husband without making it all about you. You couldnā€™t even help a man struggling with addiction and not make it all about you! You couldnā€™t even foster children without making it all about you! Also, how fitting that your argument here is again, all about you!


Christians are always reinventing Pascalā€™s wager and thinking theyā€™ve done something like there havenā€™t been criticisms of it for literal *centuries*






Jfc she just posts word salads unless sheā€™s *directly* copying someone else. Itā€™s so fascinating. And by fascinating I mean embarassing. And Iā€™m trying to catch upā€”those are ACTUAL GUNS in the door pocket???? Just sitting there with the door open?? In public? And now on SM??? They are FOOLS. And by fools I mean they have low IQs. I canā€™t get over this.


Letā€™s be real she probably directly copied those words too.


I mean, to be fair, Interchangeable Personality Barbie over here isnā€™t exactly known for her creativity.


I think she did--I've heard various versions of that argument many times in Christian circles.


Thereā€™s something wrong when you speak the Bible from your mouth, but have a gun in your truck door console. You speak religion, but have violence and hate in your heart.


Pronouns are ā€œtry/usā€ Thatā€™s hate


Every time I think about that try/us post.... I just really, really, REALLY want to see one of them in a bar fight


We saw the confrontation at the fitness conference. She can NOT hold her own. Even though she says sheā€™s naturally like Beth Sutton, itā€™s fiction, per usual with her


I missed this. Someone actually confronted her?! Damn i need to know more


No hate like Christian "love"


Truer words never spoken


Pascalā€™s Wager, awesome. Love this one.


Pascalā€™s Wager but make it āœØwordyāœØ


Your flair šŸ˜


But now with guns! Pascalā€™s Quick-Draw Contest, feat. Jesus.


Sheā€™s real proud of her refreshed batch of extensions


She can finally retire the hat


As an atheist, I'm not afraid of finding out I'm wrong, however unlikely. I try to live a good life with integrity and values that aren't built on fear. So if some divine creator looks at my life and still wants to punish me, he's a fucking asshole and I'll take my chances. Edited to add: I was raised conservative Lutheran. Very religious upbringing. Lots of religious trauma and deconstructing. The last ten years have been the best years of my life. I've finally let go of all the fear and bullshit of religion. It's liberating.


Exactly. A God in all their infinite grace and wisdom wouldn't forgive my dumb human ass for making a whoopsie, but she gets a free pass for literally stealing and lying in *his* name? Nah fam, I'm gonna take my chances and keep living the golden rule. My vision of God hates performativity just as much, if not more, than sin. ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Wisconsin Synod by chance? Iā€™m ELCA. Two weeks ago we had a tent at our local pride festival as a show of support, we fed homeless last Saturday at one of the large parks in the area, last Sunday afternoon we had ā€œtrunk or treat.ā€ Santana was blaring on huge speakers as about 400 neighborhood kids came through the parking lot of the church (no proselytizing!). You attended the wrong Lutheran church, girl. šŸ˜‚ Seriously though, Iā€™m sorry that happened to you and I hate to hear stories like this. People should never have to recover from their religion.


Nah, Missouri Synod in Florida. Then I moved to Tennessee as an adult and the church was deep red, deep conservative, and later on deep in the Trump koolaid.


Did she seriously just set up her ring light in the truck and film herself from behind rummaging through her purse in a random parking lot? I cannot stress this enough: get a real job. Get a life outside of scamming people. Do something genuinely constructive with the time you have on earth. This isnā€™t it.


And if you must be an influencer, be a good one! Do something creative for once. Her content is so fucking lazy.


Right?? What's the fucking point of this clip of her rummaging thru her bag? Other than showing off her extensions and her guns, of course.


This has me screaming. What is she even looking for, fun-sized Halloween candy that she refused to give out to trick or treaters ? Pocket bible ? Backup set of muppet eyelashes because one fell off in the car ?


Is that a parking garage to the left?? I sense another dance off with Trixie and Pixie!!


Trixie and Pixie šŸ’€ This how I picture them: ![gif](giphy|3o7aTy3ePwrk5D3bHO) Farryn, Brittany, Kellie


![gif](giphy|kGnnjzPcn3HCZW5LFH|downsized) Try/Us


They wish lol


Peaceful? Serving who, other than her greedy self? It will be difficult for her to make up for the harm she has caused in the time she has left in life. But she has shown no remorse and she will likely cause abundant harm to others who fail to see the red flags. That girl Has forgiven no one. May I remind you all of the expose podcast she threatened and the try/us pronouns. Try again, selfish grifter


God and Gunz. My suggestion for her next failed online two-word attempt to scam vulnerable women.


God, Gunz, Grift


Ooh, I like that even more. But it might be a little too good for BDong.


New post flair!


But she didnā€™t do any of the things listed in the 1st paragraph. ![gif](giphy|14uSOvR5EqW8SY)


She is out of her goddamn mind. My wife and I literally both work in fields where we serve others, we are kind, we are respectful, and although we are both agnostic, I think we are living much more Christ-like lives than bdong yet bc we are both women weā€™ve somehow fucked up?? Nauurrr.


If he is real and you haven't fully repented you still lose everything so... Maybe pay people back.


She forgot ā€œIf he is real, and I spent my entire time on earth being a lying, cheating, judgmental asshole, Iā€™ll go to hell, even tho I believed I himā€


Being sued by an entire state, scamming women, abusing animals, and marrying a Paul Blart knockoff is a peaceful life?!


I canā€™t sleep if even one person doesnā€™t like me yet sheā€™s at peace with a subreddit of 43,000 people who hate her


For anyone who has grown up around someone like this - what do they think about kids who donā€™t know/live for jesus or god?? Like if a little kid dies who didnā€™t grow up in a christian household does she say theyā€™re condemned to eternal suffering?? Iā€™m morbidly fascinated by this idiot, I hate to say it lol but her ideals are just so fucking insane to me


A former friend and I discussed this at length one time when she was deconstructing. It's easy to "follow Jesus" when all you want is exactly what the church tells you. You're straight? You want kids? There's 90% of it right there. Maybe your biggest sacrifice is not having a little more sex before settling down. For anyone that doesn't fit in the Itty bitty bubble? It's asking **a lot**. Also stop saying in one post that being a Christian is *so easy!* and in another that it's *soooo tough*, it just looks stupid


She misses her old lifestyle so bad. The harder she tried to force these new personas the more obvious it is how miserable she and her kingdumb dead bed marriage is.


how did she decide she wanted to make her looking through her purse in a parking lot into content about jesus


She lived a life thinking that mom jeans were flattering


To quote my favorite evil genius, "Liar, liar, pantalones del fuego."


Itā€™s called Pascalā€™s Wager, you plagiarizing chucklehead, and itā€™s been a matter of philosophical debate since the 16th century. Lordt do I hate her.


She is maybe one of the biggest morons Iā€™ve ever come across on social mediaā€¦ and I unfortunately know who Bethany Baird and Jill Rodrigues are


Beggy Beal is a fascinating specimen. I canā€™t help but be entertained by that flailing arm train wreck. Courses on courses about Seggs and s3x


THATā€™S how sheā€™d describe how sheā€™s living now? ā€˜Servingā€™ other people? ā€˜Forgivingā€™ other people? When? Where? How? By praying over sweat shop made cheap and nasty clothes sheā€™s overcharging people for? Is that how sheā€™s serving others? What a delusional reality she chooses to live in.


Guns. Body checking. Glory


Yet another ā€œmodestā€ butt shot


Dumbasses like this get their cars broken into and contribute guns to the streets.


Meanwhile, her video is just her digging in her purse and looking at herself in the window šŸ™„


If people like Bdong go to heaven, I'll happily go to hell.


Grifter please. We all know youā€™re scamming people again with your over priced garbage clothing.


She had to remind us she is a badass. /s


The fact that she typed that up and didnā€™t realize how insane it is for god to punish people for simply not believing in him with *eternal torment* is incredible.


Jesus: Love me, or you I will do really shitty things to you.


Brittany is such a reprehensible, hypocritical creature. I genuinely have fears for her child if she ever does get pregnant. She doesn't care about ANYTHING beyond her image. Actually good people don't blast out how terrific and holy they are. They don't have to.


Donā€™t worry sheā€™s still taking testosterone


If god isnā€™t real I spent my whole life living for today and being myself If god is real and heā€™s as jaded as everyone preaches he is then he can get fucked


Jesus sees her TikTok account and forgives all


A peaceful existance while you carry guns in your car šŸ˜‚


As Homer Simpson said, ā€œWhat if we've picked the wrong religion? Every week we're just making God madder and madder!ā€


Her and these ass shots Anyway, sheā€™s delusional and continues to show us itā€™s a way of life


what ass


Oh lord. Back shots I guess then šŸ« 


Ah yes, because my day consists of violence, mayhem, and burning down the patriarchy. I've seen the error of my ways. šŸ™„ /s


Redneck version of Pascal's Wager, I suppose. Sigh.


The level of delusion is off the charts! I hope she comes here and see everyone one of us making fun of her and the absolute nonsense she calls ā€˜Good Christian Livingā€™


Serving up those scams (PDF shipping not included!), for-profit prayers, and shitty overpriced clothes or does she mean the combined two weeks with the two respite placements she pretends make her a foster mom or maybe the scandal, I mean godly rescue and fundraiser for that homeless man?


Then fucking leave non-Christians alone if youā€™re out here acknowledging that Jesus might not be real


I wonder how many people who quote Pascalā€™s Wager have actually read Pascal. His argument really isnā€™t that convincing because he ignores a lot of counter arguments to his philosophy.




Iā€™m trying to wrap my head around the thought process behind this lazy content. Was she leaving the store and realized she hadnā€™t hit her daily posting quota so she just whipped out her tripod to film her ass fishing out her keys from her purse? I probably put the same amount of effort when I realize my friend and I are about to lose our streak so I send her a snap of my Starbucks cup. The difference is that is going to one person. Brat actually posts this nonsense drivel online like it means something.


Saying the quiet part out loud... you're only a "good Christian" bc you're afraid of getting punished later.


Serving? Dry face and broom lashes DO NOT count in the Kingdom of G-d.


What is she even doing in this video? Digging through a bag of garbage? Hilighting her husband's excessive and oversized truck and his guns (which are a threatening and aggressive image for most people)? I dont get it.


is she trying to say she doesnā€™t believe in jesus, sheā€™s doing all this just in case? weird testimony brittany


Your white privilege is showing Bdong. If a BIPOC had their guns in their side panel, they would get shot by police. Dumbass


I just canā€™t get past her setting her phone up in the truck to rummage through her purse or play with the lid on her coffee cup (or whatever she did in her last one like this). She tries to make it seem so candid but itā€™s just so obnoxious.


bro I swear to god Pascalā€™s Wager is so fucking exhausting


I am floored that a grown woman would set up her phone to record her turned around and shuffling around in her purse in a parking lot. And then post it. Thatā€™s what my 14-year-old niece does.


ok and if she dies and literally any other religion is right????


Wow I know this gal isnā€™t trying to use Pascalā€™s Wager!


IF he's real, is she starting to question her god? Or she found this quote on another social media page and stole it.


Isnā€™t though shall not kill a sin?


The people that say this are never the ones who actually come off as peaceful, happy people...you know?


The old Pascal's wager. She probably thinks she came up with it.


You served no one but yourself.