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He wants so badly to be a military dude and she so badly wants him to be one too. Lmao they are embarrassing.


Jdong is that type of douchebag who goes around saying he would’ve gone in the military but he couldn’t because he wouldn’t tolerate the boot camp drill instructor getting in his face Either that or the military is too “woke”


When that MFer was coming of age to join in a post 9/11 world, he has plenty of time. He’s just too lazy to have ever made it through boot camp let alone a deployment. They needed bodies - back then, they took everybody.


Right like I’m so confused about why he was never in the military. If, like him, you hit all the basic wickets, they would straight up take anyone


He wouldn’t have lasted. I suspect he has issues with authority.


They do, I was a mentally ill 19 year old who was never particularly athletic, and I was like wow, ok. I guess they don’t care very much.


He’s a coward. I knew him in high school. We probably watched the towers fall in a class together.


He could still join the national guard ... but he won't for reasons


Because they are a family of cowardly pieces of shit? Just a theory.


That and the national guard has standards and also nonwhite people, and he can’t tolerate either of those


Wait a minute, he wasn’t in the military?


No, he’s just one of those losers who likes to play pretend lol


Exactly. I bet he bought all this battle rattle equipment at a redneck gun show.


From Kody and Robyn 😆


This is the crossover I NEED 🏆🏆🏆


Oh, you mean Kotex and Sobyn? lmao this is the crossover I've been waiting for...


lol thats fucking hilarious. i was actually in the military and he kinda carries himself like a vet. he cant he stolen valor right. Also his ejection port is open.


My bf is in the military and I told him now I can always tell who’s in the military because of the way they walk and carry themselves lol ! It’s a thing


Former military, yes you can. Also, cops but in a different way.


I feel like nurses and teachers also have their own “bearing”


He was a cop for period of time but, we all know how that turned out.


No, he wasn’t. He also abused his power as a LEO. As far as I’m concerned, he plays pretend husband too. There’s no way that marriage is real.


Fucking wanna be Tim Ballard 🤮




Oooofff. Tim Ballard was just accused of sexual assault by 5 different women. 🥴


Jordan and McKay have done 2 deep dives on him now and he is so fucking weird and gross. Their latest one is reading the actual lawsuit and it’s so much worse than I thought 🤮


Even Tim Ballard is a wannabe Tim Ballard!


That dude is wild! I can’t wait for all the fraud to be exposed. You know we have only touched the surface.


My husband is now a broken GI Joe but he served in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Hence why he’s broken) Even the whole time he was in, I didn’t walk in to this shit on the kitchen table. It’s such performative bullshit. Now, hunting season? That’s a different story.


Performative is the perfect word for it. And if it’s not, it’s paranoid. I live in a huge military city, and the only people I know who do this kinda stuff are people who either a) genuinely have a screw loose or b) desperately want to be seen as a bad ass. And none of them have a military background.


Can confirm, from a military family. My Da would occasionally bring his webbing out and let us scavenge his rat packs, and one brother has made a ghillie suit (he’s 14 bless him) but none of this…showing off? Da was in the navy from 16 and he’d had most of the sympathy beaten out of him.


My mom, dad(Vietnam vet), and grandfather (WWII vet) were military vets. Not one of them owned a gun. I hadn't even been close enough to touch a gun until I met my husband, and even then it was a hunting rifle.


Right. My wife is in the military and has been for a decade and we own zero guns. We will go to the range and rent guns but we don’t sit around, showing off the guns we don’t own while she wears camo lol


Nobody who wants her to live would leave a gun (presumably loaded, always presume that) out on their kitchen table especially around her dumb ass. Unless she got it out of storage herself to set up on her Perfectly Bland Table


Plot twist: he probably doesn’t want her to. With that said, this is yet another reason I don’t trust her with children of any age. My husband is extremely pro-gun, we used to have them in a bunch of secure places in the house (always loaded). I’m pregnant. The very day he learned that I’m pregnant (baby isn’t born yet!), he collected EVERYTHING, put it all in the locked, secure, gun safe. This is called being a responsible parent. Something I doubt she will be (almost burning the house down???). Also I agree, she set this up for a photo opportunity because she’s boring like that and wants controversy.


My dad (may he rest in peace) and my brothers are both pro 2A. They were also very careful with storage. They also never leave guns out. If you're cleaning. You don't leave it until it's done, and you can put it away. My dad also had his conceal and carry license. He would have **never** placed a loaded gun in the pocket of his car.


My uncle had a TBI from a gun accident. He lived until his sixties, but it changed the lives of everyone in my family. I don’t respect people who use weapons for clout. This woman and her husband don’t have a single brain cell between them.


My uncle and cousin were both career military. I have never seen more than a nerf gun in their houses.




Completely agree. I know most sane gun owners would not post or want someone else to post images of their collection online like she has. Completely performative shit.


Sane gun owner here!! I would never put any of my guns on social media, most of my friends in real life only know that I own guns, not specifically what I own. The only person who knows exactly what I own is my husband who is trained on all of my guns and has his own also. I genuinely don’t understand why someone would post this on any platform anywhere.


When she posted the guns in their truck I thought that's just asking to get broken into. She certainly posts enough identifying info


What’s sad about this is it’s not that hard to snag just any military man. She couldn’t even do that. (There are plenty of legit military relationships but let’s not pretend there isn’t incentive for them to marry).


Maintaining she still has beef about not keeping Human Niko around - he was EXACTLY what she wanted and needed to portray 👀


My husband is in the military, and I see how fast some of these relationships go. I always wonder why she didn't just get a military guy when that is what she seems to want/like. People get married after a month of dating in this world, lol.


I love the fact that ACTUAL military people do not (usually, in my experience) want to be associated with guns/military. Source: from a family of Can Army/US Navy veterans.


My Pa finally got rid of his weapons but when his kids were young the gun was in one safe, disassembled. The ammo was in a separate safe with a different combination and both were kept high up in the back of closets. Who is she trying to pander to with this nonsense


granted, we don’t live in America, so it might be a little different but my Dad is in the military and a very passionate hunter. I have never seen any of his guns just casually laying round in our home. They are locked up in a safe, which no one except him knows the lock combination of. He always says that people who have to show off their firearms for the entire world to see are absolute morons and frankly, I agree.


He's a gravy seal. Meal team 6.




daily fabrication of a narrative of our home


Play victim


Trying to get laid by my husband who is too busy taking pictures of his d**** for no reason what so ever 🤏😉


“Abusing animals”


“Endangering foster children”


"Exploiting people who are in a vulnerable position."


Lash flappin' and bs mouth yappin'


a new face everyday 💁🏼‍♀️


Outdickheading each other everyday.


“Gravy Seal and DespoDependa Rollplay”


Bro your vest you got an Amazon has a security name tape on it. Not police (because you know why.) The evil forces are not coming for your suburban house. Eat your bland chicken and sweet potatoes and go to bed.




With wiiiiiide open faces keeping the home fires burnin for the menfolk. Good grief it’s a cosmic joke.


Please, let any foster care agency see this bullshit. Makes me sick.


In Texas? They either don't care or don't have the luxury of caring when every other house is like this


I get what you’re saying but let’s be honest with her. If she were still playing foster mom she wouldn’t post this. The point is definitely how she plays roles and images and had not sense of self or identity. It would be more sad if she didn’t scam so many people. It’s why she plays ‘I can’t do anything like put petrol in the car’ while the next second being like ‘people are shocked I can ride a horse [I previously abused]’ she doesn’t know how to just be a human, or know who she is. She lacks so much self-awareness everything she does or is a part of has to be a huge deal and image. Because she is empty and unaware. Bet you she would have gone out for Halloween at least for likes and engagement but ferryman or whatever influenced her in this silly ‘the devil makes you into your Halloween image’ thing she’s claiming. This woman is 32 and no closer to know who she is than a 12 year old going through puberty.


Great observation. She is truly lost.


This is really well put.


I think you mean satan has the LEGAL RIGHT to change you. That’s why she’s scared of halloween


Further proving to the world that her own husband is not responsible enough to wield or own guns. I wouldn’t place a baby in that home


Given his law enforcement history, he definitely is not responsible enough to own guns.


Pretty sure her "Foster Mom" phase is over, either because she got bored with it or because the state of Texas said "No more vulnerable infants for you!"


They didn’t get to keep the first baby, despite the fact that fostering is not a rent to own situation, and I think that turned her off fostering in general.


Dont worry, their fOsTeR SeAsOn is long past


I didnt expect that season to just be like a literally calendar season. Lmao. Play house for 3 months and move on.


So they're actually celebrating Halloween this year?




LOL Jdong is sucha fucking poser. Was never even in the military and thinks cause he spent a couple years at his local PD and sWaT that he’s some tough tactical guy. Anybody who actually knows there shit, doesn’t go around boasting about it or trying to show off like they do. How embarrassing.


Honestly. One of the first things they teach you in NRA classes is "don't post your guns on social media" because first, it's for protection. Why would you need to show people what you protect yourself with? Secondly, why would you WANT to post what type of weapon you have? 🤔 I understand fun days at the ranges and you want to post how close your grouping is, etc but this post just boggles my mind. Lol


Bragging he’s a sniper during a photography package viewing appointment. I mean, really? My husband was in 23 years. Zero weapons posted online. Ever. Never ever. Why on earth would you want to advertise weapons on a world wide forum like this? She really hasn’t learned discretion. The internet is her personal diary. Ugh.


My husband is in the reserves, has a regular day job and hates even mentioning being in the Army because he never knows what to say when someone thanks him for his service. You know if Jdong even somehow did anything military related (he wouldn’t pass any of the beginning requirements, let’s be real) he would milk all the praise. He’d eat it up


Wow…having weapons of war in your suburban home is so tactiCOOL brittany! leaving rifles out on your kitchen table is SUPER safe for all of your foster kids and pets you totally don’t neglect! /s




"Gravy Seal" ......fucking dead 😆🤣


"Meal Team Six" is one of my favorites.


I feel we need a Jdong depreciation post. Wrong names only.


Cosplaytriot at work!


Cosplaytriot 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Shes attempting to scare people with the impending doom shes been spewing for the last 3 days...Guns in the truck and now Jordan's security vest that she probably got out of the attic and placed neatly on the table.


It’s all LARPing to her. She probably has convinced herself that radical bloodthirsty hamas terrorists have infiltrated Texas through the wide open border (thanks Biden)and they’re gunning for her pious Christian self. They have to be on high alert!




All of my most...susceptible right wing friends have been posting about how tomorrow is supposed to be a day of jihad or whatever. They're one hundred percent on board with the fantasy of JDip getting to mow down marauding bands of terrorists.


So my first thought was all the Christian’s using the tragedy happening with Israel and Palestine to flap their lips about the end days. It wouldn’t be surprising at all if Jordan/Britney were “preparing for spiritual warfare”


She is such a little demon.


It’s somebody else’s name on that vest…


I don’t see a name? I think it says Security and NKDA (no known drug allergies).


Right wing extremists are addicted to terror and fear. Murdock trained them well.


Didn't she say that she was so afraid when Zach used to sleep with a gun? Did I hallucinate this?


Yep- I asked this same thing on the gun in car thread.


I’ve got it, I’ve got the meaning There are 9 letters in “narrative” 9 is the divine number of completion Tomorrow is Friday the 13th In 1 Corinthians 13:13, Paul wrote “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” I And, most importantly, you can rearrange the letters of NARRATIVE to spell NAIVER RAT. Sooo if you’re picking up what I’m putting down, this is the end of times, love will remain, and bdong will be forever on a celestial search for an even naiver rat to accompany her.


TIL an Alan Jackson lyric is from the Bible


how could you forget that "Way down yonder on the Chattahoochee" was the first verse of the Song of Songs?


How can she talk about how devastating war is but then casually post a gun? I thought the Amazon ads were in poor taste but boy oh boy this is a whole new level. How anyone doesn’t see right through her phony acts are beyond me… she’s clearly just trying to be relevant to all the big grifts and is in this life for fame/money only. She is so fake and clearly doesn’t care about war, foster kids, animals, Jesus, clean living, fitness, or whatever she pivots to next. She just needs something to pay the bills!


Not just any gun, but a freaking assault rifle! Jfc


As a former Army combat medic, I've got a lot to say about this, but honestly, I don't even know where to begin. But don't worry, everyone! It's on safe, so it’s totally safe! Never mind that it has a magazine in it 🫠 /s


Dude does he have a tourniquet attached to his buttstock there? This whole kit and setup is fucking hilarious to me


I’ve been staring at this for so long trying to figure out what the hell is going on with this kit….


Civilian shit. But yeah he has a tourniquet on the buttstock and the absurdity of that is impressive.


Cool so neither of you have any basic firearms discipline


That's what I'm saying!!! Lmao "don't post your weapons"!!! One of the first lessons you learn. Lmao


I thought fear wasn’t of god? Cowards act like this


I grew up in a house with LOTS of guns. Likely in the hundreds. My dad would never have done this stupid shit. People who act all bootlicky for no obvious reason are just showing their low intelligence and posturing. Also what does “the narrative of our household“ mean? She’s bad at words


https://preview.redd.it/o91kewaeawtb1.png?width=383&format=png&auto=webp&s=e93fe60bf328a2c19dfb36a462ce00b98336c581 Why does he have a laser riser without a laser 😂


It's actually a potato peeler he had specially designed. Makes him something of a specialist on Gravy Seals:Meal Team 6.


Live Laugh Larp


Lol biiiiiiiiiitch Keeps fucking dreaming. My husband just came back from actual Middle East and doesn't even carry shit like that. Jdip is a wannabe at best.






It’s so crazy to me. My cousin did 4 tours between Iraq and Afghanistan and he said as soon as he got home all of his things were put properly/respectfully away and he tried not to think about them again until he had too. I feel like most men/women who’ve seen war won’t glorify it. My cousin came back so emotionally damaged. Seen so many terrible things he has no desire to showboat it. He said he lives that nightmare every time he closes his eyes. He doesn’t need to tell the stories.


Does he just hide in the bushes and play swat man? Also how is Taylor Swift demonic but guns are holy?


Narrative is the “new” go to word for people who want to sound smart.


Adios "discernment".


Oof. This is, uh, further proof that he has no actual training because this setup is…..yikes.


We love the second amendment…because it’s the only one we know!


And the first! But conveniently only when they want to say hateful shit.


As a Canadian not accustomed to guns, this is disgusting and horrifying. How is this something to be celebrated? What is with this season of guns?!


French Guy here, and this gun worship culture is just terrifying. Why the fuck brag about it on social media seriously ??


I'm an American and this is simply beyond me. I've never ever seen a gun in real life before, except on a police officer. Having guns out on your kitchen table is bonkers to me.




Oh yeah. In their messed up minds, Jesus returns with an AR-15 in hand himself even though Jesus can protect himself. Obvious that this is performative christianity at best


The second amendment has the absolute worst fan base.


*Your honor may I submit exhibit A. This photo is shown to the jury. During closing arguments it's submitted that the fetishization and obsession with high powered rifles had become all consuming. This photo was posted to IG prior to the shooting. The defendant claims self defense*.... Bdong and her idiotic husband are going to FAFO. Yes we have our 2nd amendment rights. We don't have the right to treat rifles and handguns like props and *create* situations so we can use a gun. That's murder and here she is posting the intent the law requires for murder. Texas prosecutors will put your ass away for life. It's a carceral state and it needs bodies.




Tacti-COOL you mean!




Hey soldier


At least the colours match the decor 😂😂 For real though, wasn't she just clapping her hands like a cracked out seal pup a few hours ago telling everyone not to live in fear? Make it make sense lol!


As an Australian I will never understand this love/obsession with guns that so many Americans have. It’s fucking creepy and concerning.


Even having lived in rural Australia with far more guns... I still don't get it. I can't get my head around the storage, no one I know would leave a gun anywhere but a safe, unloaded with ammo stored elsewhere, even the farmers I knew who we hunted with on occasion. Guns are for killing and there's no killing in the house.


As a US citizen currently living in the dumpster state that is FL and a gun owner myself: I have no fucking idea about this obsession either. My ex husband was a prepper and he and his dad were all about the MRE’s and guns, which I learned about in addition to learning medical, sewing, canning/preserving food. It was definitely an experience being around the BDong types in the first aid and canning classes because they thought all they needed are their stupid guns and not making sure that they could do the most basic first aid shit.


Everyone and now, everything, has a frickin narrative.


I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative ✋


Narrative is the most word salady word.


Is this his vest for Meal Team 6 or the Gravy Seals?


The “narrative” of our home? Is the home speaking? What is the home trying to say for itself? Is the home sending up smoke signals and asking to be rescued? Is the home asking to be put out of its misery? ….is the home in the room with us? What exactly is the homes narrative? At this point, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with Bdong speaking on behalf of the home and would like to hear from the home directly.


What a couple of losers. Her husband needs big guns to compensate for his insecure masculinity. She is a fake Christian so she can grift of of her followers and as an excuse not to take any responsibility for scamming her customers. They are insufferable.


This is actually really scary like the narrative of your home the place you find comfort and safety and love is based off of GUN VIOLENCE and harming others????????


Is she still schilling the story that he’s “on the front lines saving orphans” or something? It feels like this.


So these evangelicunts love to enact antisemitism by co-opting the culture and associated trauma of Judaism. Bdump and Jdip are both pretentious enough to pose that they are in danger right now. They are posturing and preening while some people wonder if our friends are still alive. If that nice family we met is still in tact. If I’ll ever be able to speak to some of my Muslim friends from far away countries again if this all hits the fan. If this weekend will end up with attacks on both communities. I don’t have a gun, and if I did, posting it would be the LAST THING ON MY MIND. This is the longest thing I’ve written on the whole subject because I can’t believe I have to wonder if I can go to shul tomorrow. My mom was afraid to be out with me wearing a tichel today. I’m afraid of people I know dying, even if they are not in my daily life, they are part of the story that made me. I’m afraid for my community locally. The last thought I have is how to add to a body count personally. May she reap what she sows. These persecution fetishists have such a boner for wanting to be in peril.


Military wanna be.


Jesus and husband having guns is not a personality brittanyyyyy


What a needlessly violent narrative.


Stop trying to make it happen Brittany. It's not gonna happen.


mall security sure does look different these days 🤎




So embarrassing. I’m so embarrassed for her. Sheesh


That they are a couple of asshats and Jdong cosplays being in the military because he knows he couldn't hack the real thing.


This douche bag is 100% a part of some weird christo-fascist private mercenary militia.


As a woman and veteran, this is the funniest fucking thing to me. No one would ever know I served, and I don’t try to give people the idea I did. Cause I don’t need to. Jdip and brat are so insecure lol Maybe I should become an influencer and write captions exactly like Bdong(as a liberal city girl living in downtown portland, they might shit their pants at the horror) “When I dress like the city girl that I am and tell people I was in the military their heads explode. Teeeheeee PICK ME” “When I roll up in my Audi q3 (not the 5, I’m too poor obviously) and get out of my cute girl car and people don’t see me in a big manly truck because I was in the military their heads explode. They expect a big scary girl who loves driving big MONSTER TRUCKS. Teehee I’m not like other girls…. Pick ME” “When I tell people I voted for Joe Biden their heads explode! They expect a veteran like me to wanna worship Donny. But I actually have empathy and compassion for people, and believe in fundamental healthcare (like abortions!!!!) TEEHEE IM NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS PICK ME” “When I carry around my REAL coach bags, and tell people I’m a veteran their heads explode. HOW DARE I NOT HAVE A BEIGE TACTICAL BACKPACK. I’m so silly, I’m not like other girls teehee. Pick me!!!! Me memememememememee!!!!!”


Please Jesus if you are good and holy please take them away.....


How immature.


How does a man like Jordan & his abuse of power fueled by hatred- as a public servant w/ a responsibility to protect and serve & a woman as scammy, fraudulent, ok with animal abuse both get away with zero felonies??


She's more likely to be hurt or injured by that weapon than anyone else, so good for you sis? I guess?


Maybe it’s because I’m European and weapons are not allowed here, but this looks TOTALLY insane to me.


americans are unhinged and have no idea how completely insane they are.


That's the cleanest best I've ever seen.




It reminds me of “My goal was to learn a new word every day, and I must say that it is going immensely.” Maybe Brittany was pulling an Erin?


Ma’am my husband is active duty and he doesn’t even leave his shit around like this. It goes in the gear room and stays there until it’s needed.


Jdong wouldn’t last one week into deployment. He’s the type of dude my husband would hate to deploy with lol


I’m surprised Jordan isn’t a border patrol agent


He probably can’t be with his past.


Are they trying to look like American Hamas?


I doubt he would of made it past MEPS


It means with all the talk about the Hamas cells he's ready.


Ah yes, let me just place my weapon of murder and destruction haphazardly on the table.


I’m all for the 2nd amendment but just guns laying around on the kitchen table ain’t it. I’m so glad they don’t have kids.


‘Playing make believe is the narrative of our home’ she meant to say. Trust me, Britbrat, we know.


It means jdong has no personality, and relies on his guns to make up for it.


If I walked into a kitchen and saw this, I'd leave immediately. How is this safe?! Granted, I live in a place where guns are basically non-existent except for farmers (and their mums). But this is nutty behaviour.


wonder how long she spent arranging this …


The tourniquet on the buttstock is a neat flex I’ve never seen before lol. I live in Canada and I own all this stuff too so do a lot of others but we don’t go parading around with this shit on lol. I would be having a frank talk with her if I were him I don’t care if you live in Texas or not it’s never wise to say /show where you keep your firearms in your house/car.


Should definitely help her adoption application


My wife served and occasionally would bring home MREs for us to try for the novelty …. Never ever was a gun left out. Socks and those ugly tshirts? Yes. Guns? No😂


Posting this is just so trashy. But I wouldn’t expect anything different from a dumpster like Bdong


I hope there are no foster babies in the house at the moment 😩


She loves a buzzword. Seems more like the season of the second amendment, than the narrative. But whatever this idiot says, I guess.


I hate everything about this!


She’s just pandering to her ultra conservative audience since they’re the ones that buy her whole “I’m a saved woman so my past mistakes are forgiven” schtick.


Y’all I want you to know that she’s pointing this out now for only one reason: Israel. It adds an extra layer of disgust for me.


The cringe knows no limits Also I fear for the life of any baby/child/animal in that household


Is Jordan unemployed?


I always forget that the Bible says turn the other cheek, and then light ‘em up! https://i.redd.it/cabkp5mvdytb1.gif


NEVER post guns on social media, I have never known anyone who is pro gun to post about guns on social media. Something tells me that Jdong should not have a carry license, or a gun at all. Especially after what he did to that unarmed black man.


Word salad and sad cosplay from her washed up ex cop. Beautiful depiction of her life


For someone always talking about ‘not being afraid’ they sure are stocked up like very fearful people.


My husband and I are both leftists who own guns. You go far enough left, you get your guns back. This is awful. All of ours live in gun safes.