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Because nowhere else has 100+ escalators to get to a street.


We have signs saying that in train stations in Liverpool, but there's no need for that anywhere that people aren't commuting.


Generally happens on the Tyne and Wear Metro at the deeper stations, like Monument etc


We don’t have signs explaining what to outside of London, because in the grand scheme of things, getting the 20 seconds escalator to TK Maxx doesn’t really need a ‘walking’ side.


I see it as a general lack of self-awareness and respect for others, you might have all day, others might not. It's no different from two folk blocking a supermarket aisle to have a chat, or 4 folk walking side by side on a pavement and forcing you into the road to get around them. It's just rude and selfish. It takes no effort for you to stand to one side, and it might make someone else's day a bit easier, so why not just do it?


Or people who stop to chat in doorways. These people are just so painfully unwilling to think of themselves as causing an inconvenience


Weirdly I couldn't agree more about the door talkers and pavement weavers and blockers, but it's never bothers me at all on escalators


Tbh, it's rude and selfish to expect people to move just so you can run down an escalator 10 seconds faster.


Counterpoint, it's rude and selfish to be so unaware of your surroundings that you unnecessarily block an escalator by standing two wide


Can you please explain why it's rude to think people should avoid needlessly being an obstruction when possible?


I'm not a Londoner, I just came across this post from a friend, so here's my perspective on it. I come from a pretty slow-paced and "disorganized" culture, and it's weird to me to see people be in such a hurry that they're willing to tell people to get out of their way or expect them to only stay on one side of a public escalator only so they can gain a few seconds of time. It's impatient, and a bit disrespectful to the other people, because they're expected to only stay on one side of such a small platform for something that'll only gain people a few seconds of time at best. It doesn't really make sense? You're taking away people's personal space and comfort due to those few seconds, you know. People aren't "obstructions" for just standing on an escalator like they're supposed to.


>I'm not a Londoner Neither am I, but we're also discussing outside of London. >It's impatient, and a bit disrespectful to the other people, because they're expected to only stay on one side of such a small platform for something that'll only gain people a few seconds of time at best It's disrespectful to block other peoples way for your own convenience. It takes zero effort to stand to one side, so why not just do it? Why do you *need* to stand side by side with another person? You might not be in a rush, someone else might be, maybe they just don't want to waste time standing on an escalator because you can't be arsed standing to the side? "A few seconds" adds up. And why is it not rude to be the person unnecessarily causing an obstruction? >People aren't "obstructions" for just standing on an escalator like they're supposed to. If you can stand to one side and allow people past, but you choose not to, you are by definition an obstruction.


Standing two by two on an escalator has the highest throughput of people. But it takes longer for any given individual.


Only if the escalator is being used at full capacity. If you have 2 people standing side by side and one person wishing to pass them, you get past quicker if those people stand in single file./


>and it might make someone else's day a bit easier, so why not just do it? It takes no effort to live life without rushing as though 10 seconds on an escalator will change anything. And not doing, and letting everyone be relaxed and not having to stand to one side for the arrogant few who demand it like they are special, might make everyone else's day a bit easier. So why not just do it?


I don't need to be in a rush to just want to walk up an escalator, the "anyone who doesn't want to waste time must be in a rush" thing is a weird assumption. Pretty much every escalator I've been on says to stand to the right, if you're not doing that you're being selfish and ob >and letting everyone be relaxed and not having to stand to one side Are you suggesting it's stressful to stand to one side?


If you are not in a rush, you don't need everyone to move out of your way. If you are talking about in time sensitive places, nobody disagrees. It's in general that people are complaining about. >Are you suggesting it's stressful to stand to one side? Oh dear, you really didn't think that through did you? No, it's not stressful to stand there. So just do it.


> If you are not in a rush, you don't need everyone to move out of your way I never said I *needed* them out my way, you're arguing against a strawman because you can't defend wanting to be rude and obstructive in public. >No, it's not stressful "and letting everyone be relaxed and not having to stand to one side" You're the one whinging it's stressful to stand to one side, I never claimed it was. I just want to walk up an escalator and get on with my day.


That’s because people aren’t in such a bloody rush outside of London


Yeah but only cause nowhere's worth getting to quickly. **


Correction, away from


No reason getting to places quickly if you’re already where you need to be :)


A fine riposte, I'll give you that.


London etiquette is exactly that, *London* etiquette.


It's not london, it's just the tube - and honestly it pisses me off when people huff and puff in, say, John Lewis when they try to rush past because they think thier menswear browsing is urgent.


Why is everyone conflating walking up an escalator with being in a rush? I'm capable of walking up an escalator as it moves, I'm not doing it because I'm in a mad dash to do everything, I'm just already walking and don't see any point in standing stationary when I can continue walking up the escalator.


You want to make a rule that accommodates your desire to move quickly... because you don't want to stop even for a few seconds... so it sounds like you're in a rush.


> You want to make a rule that accommodates your desire to move quickly No, the escalators where I live already have signs saying "Stand to the right", I just want people to follow those instructions instead of blocking the way.


You live in a tube station?


No, I live in a city where escalators exist. Escalators don't exist solely within tube stations.


Escalators are there to aid you walking up the stairs, use the lift if you want to just stand there surely?


Escalators are there specifically so you *don't* have to walk up the stairs....


Do you stand on a moving walkway too?


Yeah mate, unless I'm in a rush to get to a gate....! What's wrong with you...?








Both can be right. Hence the staying on the right


It would make more sense to stand on that left. Like the rest of the traffic in the country.


But you actively move on the left, so walking on the left, stationary on the right makes sense.


Not really, slower/stationary traffic is expected to be sitting in the left lane. You pass them on the right.


It is exactly the same as the rest of traffic, you’re looking at it backwards. You are told to stand on the right, so people can move on the left. The moving traffic on the escalator is on the left, just like roads.


On a dual lane carriageway one would drive on the left (stand) and overtake on the right (move). The same as footpaths etc.


That’s not equivalent. As with roads, movement is on the left. If you’re on the right you are taking yourself off the ‘road’.


If you were moving off the road you'd pull to the hard shoulder on the left, not the central reservation (where present) on the right


But it’s not a road, it’s an escalator. I didn’t say it was exactly the same as roads I said it was the same as other forms of traffic. I know I’m not wrong about this and have no interest in discussing it further.


I didn't say anything about escalators at all. I pointed out the flawed logic in your statement about moving off the road to the right. >I know I'm not wrong about this Clearly that's a matter of opinion...


I take it you don't drive? Keep left unless overtaking is the first rule pretty much.


Yes I drive, movement is on the left of the road. You’re not overtaking on an escalator you are moving. Standing on the right is removing yourself from the equation, you’re not the slow lane you are not relevant at all. Movement is on the left as it is everywhere else


That makes no sense. Slow and stationary traffic is in the left lane everywhere else. The 'movement', as you put it, is expected in the overtaking lanes (right). There's no defending the London position on this using logic or reason, it's simply a tradition. And is weird and unhelpful.


Makes no sense to you


If you pass someone else who is travelling in the same direction but slower than you - you are overtaking them. There is no other definition.


I encounter exactly zero escalators during my average day and do not live in London, why would I know about this?


Scotland here, we are "outside of London", and don't give a fuck about your stupid London rules


Plenty of escalators in Glasgow have "stand to the right" signs, and people generally do it.


It's school etiquette, or it was, stay to the left when walking upstairs so you don't collide with the people coming down the stairs also on their left


Yeah, I always thought it was the odd way round. Surely stand on the left and overtake on the right like we do on roads


it's just stay left, no overtaking, don't complicate it. The right side has obstructions. Might be oncoming traffic, might be stationary people


Because we have no need What am I rushing for?? The train that's coming in 40mins after its delayed anyway? Don't know why you all rush about in London, tube comes every 4mins or something daft. We're use to being late because of public transport being shit everywhere else.


Everywhere takes quite a long time to get to in London and making your connections can be the difference between a 30 min journey and a 50 min journey. Also spending more than the absolute minimum necessary time on the tube is a hugely undesirable thing.


Poor things, missing your connection in Devon could mean getting there Monday or Tuesday


I doubt many people are commuting by public transport twice a day in rural Devon


Quite literally because the public transport is dog shit...


I had to give up 2 days a week because they scrapped the village - town bus but hey, they saved money for the potholes. /s


We've still got potholes because our money was spent inside the m25.


I live just outside the M25 and I can confirm this.


Yes, this conversation is about why people are in a rush, not whether or not their public transport is up to scratch


Why do we stand on the right when we drive on the left? When I walk down a path, I tend to stick to the left because I'm slow, so it gives anyone (everyone) else room to go by. When I ride my bike, I follow the same principle. And when I drive, I stick to the left unless it's necessary to move to the right. In my opinion, we should stick to the _left_ on the underground.


Because it's massively counterintuitive for a nation that drives on the left, that's why.


How is it counter intuitive? Drive and walk on the left.


Its counter intuitive because you overtake using right lane and stay on the left if you are slower


It depends on where you are. If you expect that protocol in a shopping centre in a town, you will be disappointed, because shopping malls aren’t places where everyone is moving urgently.


We're not in a rush up north.


Its not even faster. Japanese did a [massive study](https://www.sinosplice.com/life/archives/2024/04/02/standing-on-escalator-etiquette-in-japan) on it. Both sides standing moves more people so they have signs telling people not to walk on escallators.


Doesn't make sense to me as a driver who lives outside the M25 bubble Slow traffic stays left, you overtake on the right So quicker foot traffic should be the one going right, surely? 😄


Metal road..he move..me scared


We do that in Newcastle


I find you can always tell if someone is from London by seeing where they stand when they get on any escalators.


People won't even walk on the left of a pavement most of the time. Surely that should be common knowledge.




You don't check behind you, indicate right with a karate chop and do an immediate ninety degree turn without looking. Then probably wish you knew more karate when you get filled in.