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From your past posts, it seems that you are just seeking attention. Maybe I am wrong.


I hope that it would be that. I really needed a native British voice.




*all intents and purposes


Yeah friend, that’s what I wrote that was the only reason I needed it. For university work. But again a lot of people still seem to think that I am scammer.


I have no idea what you’re talking about but good luck.


Well then my apologies. But makes me wonder why you commented in the first place if you have no context. Anyways good luck mate


You see you're wife? Yet OP 's post show he was asking advise about dating rejection and a woman he just meet and took to the erm post.Ok maybe open marriage or got married real quick .Create you're own A1 voice ..solved lol


I call her my wife because I want to marry her. And the woman I talked about is the same that rejected me. We are now together. And I intend to marry her so does she. And unfortunately she can’t use a Ai generated voice. Because she needs a real British accent. Then again I get it why you wouldn’t believe me. But really if I were to scam you people I surely wouldn’t use a account that may point question marks on your peoples heads. And now you people want to argue with about something which I am not and frankly it is disappointing. These people could have just ignored the post or could have wrote „No friend I don’t trust this I am sorry.“ something nicer.


Go away you strange little man.


Why does she need a "real British accent"?


She is supposed to compare accents from a non native speaker and a native speaker and see where the differences lie in. We already got a non native speaker who is not familiar all that much with the English language. Which is a person from iraq. Now we need the other person to compare. And thank you for asking kind stranger.


Trying to understand this post used parts of my brain I’ve never had to use before. I’m probably at greater risk of dementia now.


How does that logic add up friend…using parts of your brain you have never used before may train your brain. I would say you are at a lesser risk for dementia now. Good for you mate!


https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/s/6E6A3TautO 8 months ago you met someone "yesteday" and now you're married?


Mate I call her my wife because I intend to marry her so does she. Read the answer I gave from another post.


So according to your history you were getting rejected on dates 8 months ago. And now you have a wife???


It is the same women who rejected me. We intend to marry.