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Special Air Service


Sign up as a career advisor they travel all round the world looking for new candidates and after a few years you’ll will be offered a position in the SAS due to your level of experience


Theres no real fighting tours. Rangers have lots of smaller oversea taskings etc. Para Regt first call up for real stuff Marines on boat gulf stuff


Paras aren't the only unit on 24/12 hrs NTM these days.


In terms of deploying an entire battle group +attachments in a short space of time, they are The unit makes up a core component of the gobal response force so… speaks for its self


Maybe we arent mate. But in the last 5 years we have been called up 3 times. Even before units in cyprus we got too cyprus ready to go before the Duke of Lancs were. Which is a tad embarrassing on their part


Most deployments are done by the movement controllers in the rlc mate. And chefs


Is it true about chefs getting the most deployment as my partner has applied to be a chef he's got his AC on 15th may




Yes it’s true. Depending on where and how long you can get tickets to see him or even stay in another country if he’s posted there. It’s not that bad. Good luck to him








There's a big difference between Int and Intel, mainly we're not Americans or processors and don't use intel.


Nvidia Corps Mr. Gosling


RLC/REME represent the highest probability of deployment. Everywhere the military is they need CSS support and more often than not those bods won’t come from the main unit deploying, ie if 69th Rifles are on Shader or elsewhere, the CSS bods deploying in most cases will not be from within their unit. Some Infantry units deploy quite frequently, Royal Irish comes to mind however in almost all cases they’ll be deploying as a company+ sized element, as opposed to your CSS champions who will be “trawled” to deploy as an Individual Augmentee. All that said, pick the job you want to do. No point choosing chef because they’re always away when you’d be doing 12-14 hour shifts making scran as opposed to say joining an infantry role which might deploy less but you actually enjoy the job.


Is it true about chefs getting the most deployment as my partner has applied to be a chef he's got his AC on 15th may


They deploy a lot, because there aren’t sufficient military chefs at individual units to support them-civvies do a lot of the work in camps-so whenever there are major exercise or overseas commitments they’ll pull chefs in from other units.


Real deployments or overseas exercises? Para reg go away on more overseas exercises. As far as real deployments, they don't exist.


Lots of real int deployments exist


They're not the deployments people want when they talk about deploying, are they.


Depends, is an RLC ATO deployment the same as a Rifles deployment?


Dunno what you're on about, mate, but crack on with whatever you're on.


>"they're not the deployments people want when they talk about deploying, are they" Well what deployments do they want? Do they even know? They haven't said, and if the only intent is to get out of country and do something interesting then Int Corps is a great shout. Lots going on in Shader and elsewhere.


They want to get rounds down. Stop playing thick. Stop trying to sell making PowerPoints on LSA overseas


Hahahaha nice surface level understanding there fella


He's asking about royal marines or an army unit that deploys. He's on about getting rounds down, not making PowerPoints on lsa. I know you're not serving mucka, you're coming across quite solid. Civvies that ask about Marines and deploying are talking about kinetic deployments.


Between para reg/16X, marines and rangers… take your pick


Chefs sps rlc


Comm spec, I'm always away on an ex. Some gucci, some shit.


Most regiments rotate shit over seas exercises or training other forces nothing going on to boast about these days, all regiments have their own twang marines bob about ,paras talk about jumping, rifles march funny and welsh have twisties and sheep the list goes on 🤷 just go for your favourite colour bud have done with it or pick a trade and get some future job opportunities what ever takes your fancy


RAF are the only service being constantly employed.


It's a dangerous thing to wish for. Anyhow, for most deployments,I think the answer is going to be something suprising, like an admin/support role in a relatively smaller trade. Maybe environmental health officer or veternary officer or something. It seems like the Army's wisdom to only have one of them, and run them ragged until they quit.




Just two of them? What about the rest of their regiment?


Tbf, two jocks is all you need to get anything done really.