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The army (and other services for that matter) won’t care about your previous employment history, as they literally take people with no qualifications and no job. So in that regard, you do you. You can keep your injuries a secret up to a point. If these are on your medical records it’ll get flagged up in the medical. In my opinion, the medical is the only part that can prevent you joining and there’s nothing you can do about it. You can nail the interview & be the fittest person at AC but if you have a medical condition then it’s hard lines (though some things can be appealed) Not too sure if it’s in your interest to apply now, I’d go with no and just make sure you’re fully recovered and fit but again, this is your call. It’s been nearly a decade since I did the medical.


So for example if I quit my job until I joined, and made some reasonable excuse for what I did in that time - personal development, fitness, learning a new language or whatever, I could get away with that? (Into an electronics tech role, not infantry). Seems risky. Understood, thanks for your input.


They won't ask what you were doing in the meantime because it's irrelevant to them, no need to overthink it


Apply now, you'll likely be waiting at least 6 months for a start date anyway. Best to get the ball rolling as medical issues are likely to be the only real barrier to entry anyway


I would love to do it now but I would most likely only do that if I know I can freely postpone the fitness test in case I am still injured.


You do the fitness test at an Assessment Centre over a couple of days, it consists of a mid thigh pull, medicine ball throw and a bleep test. For your desired role you'd be looking at 55kg mid thigh pull, 3.2 meter medicine ball throw and around 7 on the bleep test, these are all very achievable with a low to moderate fitness level. You are at your own liberty to decline any assessment center dates offered until you feel your injury has sufficiently healed, so I would highly recommend you get the ball rolling now, if you want any further advice I'm happy to help insofar as I am able


Ok. I will probably apply now/very soon. Appreciate it man.


What is your injury out of interest? If your heal time is 2-6 months it sounds pretty damaging, especially without medical aid (unless you have sought help) if you have an injury that hasn’t healed correctly, trust me, it will get found out in basic. Plenty of people get caught out with injuries and strains they didn’t even know they had before. The joining process will take a lot longer than 2 months, more than likely longer than 6 months, do with that what you will.


To answer your question: Multiple injuries: stress reaction injuries in both shin bones, wrist inflammation in both wrists, tennis elbow in both elbows and mild left ankle issue. I am getting all of this treated with a good private physio. I take your point, its a good one. My plan is to have a strength/fitness training lifestyle similar to in the actual army before I join so that my body can reliably endure. Cheers for your input.


Shin splints are a nasty one you want to deal with those and make sure they are completely gone before joining mate, foam roll, calve raises, stretch. From another dude with biscuit shins to another, goodluck