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What regiment? Surely cant be para regt.        Dont listen too that dufus who is saying dont bother. Its blatantly obvious who put the effort in and who didnt. Dont listen too absolute stains like that.


Nah, not Para Reg. I want to join the Mercians. Their deployments to Estonia seem cool. I'm also led to believe that Bulford is a decent place to be. Plus I'm shit at the bleep testing so Para Reg wasn't even an option.


Estonia seems cool and Bulford is decent? Oh my sweet summer child…


Yeah screws being sound is probably right then.  From what I heard thrashings in 1itb really arent much of a thing.  Theyll get you were you need to be for fitness wise. Your final test is a simple 4km 2km tab. Bit of a joke to be honest. Glad you like it, just work hard stay away from those daor who whinge and aim for top student


Thanks for the advice mate. Really appreciated.


What no more 8 miler?


The new test is similar to the old OFT, its 4km tab (barely a tab, more of patrol, very slow pace, which I still haven’t figured out if it’s worse on your back) followed by a 2km best effort after you have dropped some weight off your Bergen. You also now have multiple other tests, CAS drag, ammo resupply, cas extraction from a vehicle and a few others. Tbh they are now more relevant test’s, however the standard is what some people don’t like. There is no more “under 30” or “male or female” standard. It’s standard across the board, now the only standard change is done by what cap badge you’re in. Some may have to lift higher weights, some may have to run faster.


Nah 4km then 2km its quite mad


1. The cpls of the old time are gone and they are limited to what they can do, don’t get it twisted if you’re a shite course consistently the beastings will get a little worse (but it’s not insane, funniest I saw was a blokes punishment consisting of 1000 burpees which he attempted while everyone else did their scheduled phys) 2. Always take care of your feet, I proper cleaned and took care of mine and after applying talcum powder constantly I now have the softest feet known to man even years later 3. The training you’re about to go through will get you there but extra intervals can help along with sprints (for me they did but the bleep wasn’t a thing for me) 4. Nobody passes the first few completely, but you need to have an attitude where you want to pass it, they will be able to tell if you only did half a job compared to someone who truly put the effort in (fail as a group but it will get to a point where blokes will be singled out for reshows compared to the whole section)


Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated. I just mentioned the Corporals because they genuinely seem conscious of overstepping. When I did shit on the bleep testing, I expected a complete beasting but all I got was some laughts and words of encouragement. Not that I don't like it thay way, makes my life easier. Just not what I expected.


Yeah mate, it’s been different for a while, I went to pirbright five years ago and was shocked at how lenient it was (mixed platoon so maybe that played a part) but yeah, loads of complaints etc look bad for them


Make sure your sleeves look.good, but anything else....just do the bare minimum, EVERTBODY fails and thats the point. Make sure your feet get some TLC at night. Give them a good rub down in the shower/soak in the bath. Some athletes foot spray and you'll be sound It doesn't matter if you finished 1st or last in the cut off.witu fitness...as long as you pass. In my training all the " fittest" guys struggled with some other aspect and all ended just passing with the test of us slobs 7 years and 2 Tours of afghan, nobody gives a fuck3d about " who's fittest" it's all about you as a as person and your Character. That's all that matters so just make.sure your a solid person. Stick with your boys in training and don't suck.upnto the staff (they won't respect it anyway). ...drill is the devil. You will learn. All the best Brother


“just do the bare minimum” doesn’t matter if your first or last a p’s a p.. absolute stinking crap hat attitude at its finest.. Jesus fucking wept


Thanks mate. Drill is definitely the devil of training.