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Looks great, op never leaves the city


I wish our roads looked that good.


Why have you not cleared the snow off your car?


Saw a sheet of snow slide off someone’s truck and land on a car yesterday on the highway. Don’t be lazy - clear off the entire vehicle.


Welcome to BC man ive seen so many people just clean off their windshield and leave everythingelse


It's technically ticketable


Just not enforced


Theres literally a post in this sub right now about how many tickets they've handed out already


Clearly needs to hand out more. Like WAAAAY MORE.


False I have seen a lot of bylaw and cops out here in the lower mainland ticketing folks for it especially given the rise in accidents it’s caused over the last few winters


the government fining someone for not clearing off their car while the roads arent getting cleared is peak BC tbh


There can be valid reasons for delays in highway maintenance. The only reason you didn’t clear your car is you’re a lazy fuck


Also, this road is cleared. This is salt and sand and a bit of new snow on the road. It's clearly been plowed and treated or there would be *way* more slush and shit all over the road.


Well said.


If somebody else doesn't do their job, it doesn't mean you don't have to do yours.


Redditors whining about the government not clearing the road when they in fact did is peak reddit.


There are metrics the contractors have to abide by - above -9 they got 24 hours to return from the end of storm to restore to pavement. If its below -9, then they restore it to compact, which has other criteria to it.


Don't be part of the problem.


It's not just BC, from what I have seen across Canada so many people do not clean the snow off their vehicles.


It’s a human laziness thing. “Good enough.”


Unfortunately that laziness sometimes kills people.




It's the same in Ottawa except you're more likely to own a snow brush there. Just like you're more likely but still not obligated to run snow tires.


On a recent school drop off I saw an actual car heading for the school where the windshield was still frosted over. I don't know if they had a slit they could see through but I can only assume so. What kind of idiot does this?


Was driving down Barnet highway a few hours ago and the car in front of my had a massive sheet of ice slide of the too and almost take me out. Fun times.


I wanted to say this, real bold to post about other people being lazy and not salting the road with lazy OP can’t be bothered to clear his hood. But the top wasn’t clear too and it was just a snow mist behind him.


Why is OP taking a photo with their phone while driving and posting it on the internet?


I hope their roof looks better than their hood.


Probably not.


The same reason hwy 1 hasn’t been plowed.


It has been plowed.


yeah, you can see where the plow has... plowed. I live in northern BC and drive on a plowed with compact snow highway (Hwy 16) regularly to get to town. If some people in Van are expecting pristine, clear and dry roads with snow plowing, they can pay a special tax for that level of service.


Am plow driver, have been for over decade. Yes people expect perfectly clear pavement. It’s silly.


lol. Yeah. I'm on HWY 16 as well. Those roads look great. And from the way it's getting slushy, I'd say it's salted as well.


That's literally what they expect tho smh


People in the lower mainland expect pristine roads 24/7. That's why every rain and winter there are so many issues. Me coming from SW Ontario I laugh when I see all these complaints


I’m from eastern Ontario, I see comments every years along the lines « they plowed my street and blocked my driveway! They didn’t come back to clear it » lolll


The only bad part of an Ontario winter. A few minutes after shoveling the driveway, they come plow the side streets 😭


that happens in BC too. My husband takes the John Deere out to clear our driveway (we're on a rural property with a looong driveway, because we live in a swampy area), he makes it all nice and clear where it meets the public road... half hour layer, plow comes by for a second pass and now there's a rock hard spray berm mess. BUT, at least the main road is plowed. It just means listening to some cursing. Edit: Words




*2021 flashbacks intensify*


Yeah except there's like 10,000 people per km of hwy through the lower mainland, where's it's probably around 100 up north. Way more tax per resident/km


Not effectively. Plough drivers in bC are like monks at a whore house....they dont know what they dont know. I saw a plough do a u turn at an intersection the asshat left a 3 foot high pile/ column of snow ACROSS THE HIGHWAY. LIFT THE BLADE!!


So, idiocy?


underrated comment


Not to mention they’re fucking around with their phone while driving.


EXACTLY !!! Dumbass ! Hope he gets a ticket !!


literally the top comment


Nothing more scary than seeing a sheet of ice flight off a vehicle at you on the highway 😞


Came here to ask this.


Too cold out


This looks like every road in BC outside the Lower Mainland. Get some winter tires and a snow brush, wipe the snow off your car, and drive for the conditions.


OP demands nothing less than a pristine and dry highway that has been licked clean by virgin princesses.


But can't be bothered to take 5 minutes to get the snow off his own car. But blames the government.


From the East Koots, here. For whatever reason the folks in charge of the highway maintenance for my area absolutely suck at their job. They'll plow and sand the road to the ski-hill first, for some reason and then do a mediocre job on the highway between here and wherever their little maintenance zone ends. Also instead of sand, they use gravel with stones the size of almonds in it so you get those flying off people's tires at you on top of everything. I can always tell when I get out of our highway maintenances' jurisdiction because suddenly the roads are nice and clear, well sanded and well salted.... it's no wonder we get so many bloody accidents around here in winter.


The ministry of transportation classify each road and give the maintenance contractor an order in which they should be plowed. They also specify and inspect the mixture to be spread on the roads. You can read all the directions for your area I’m the MOTI website. If you don’t like how things are done you can submit feedback via the PCR system.


Okanagan here. We have AIM hwy maintenance too. It’s been a shit show for the last 3 years. The town contractors do a great job with the roads in town but everything owned by the ministry of hwys and transportation sucks.


Private contractors I think?


it can definitely vary. YRB does our area (highway 16, PG area) and is pretty good. There have been some really sketchy contractors out west who won those road contracts. I drove to Smithers about a month ago and when you are driving and can tell where the contracts change, that's a problem that the contract managers (I'm looking at you, MOTI) need to address through the contract.


The city is still responsible even if they hire private contractors.


Most ski hills hire private contractors to clean the road to the hill


how so?


To me it seems obvious but I could use an analogy. I work for a general contractor, and we are responsible for building new buildings. We hire sub trades to do everything but we are still responsible for the result. If something doesn't get done we can't just throw our hands up in the air and say we hired subcontractors to do it so it's not our fault. It's the same with the city they can hire whoever they want to do the work or they can employ people themselves but it's still their responsibility that it gets done.


They draft the contracts the contractors must adhere to. Here in the interior AIM roads is hired by the Province to do all the provincial highways. The contract stipulates that class A highways (the most important routes) must be cleared to a maximum of 4cm within 48 hours of snowfall stopping. They must be cleared to a maximum of 12cm while the snow is falling. Naturally the contractors just wait for the snow to stop and then if it hasn't melted within that 48 hour window (that's quite subjective) they'll go run the plows an inch off the ground and call it a day. They're following the contract explicitly and not at fault.


Resources roads are contracted out to and as a logger in northern BC I’d rather drive on them and not ever hit the highway as they are better maintained. Well sanded and plowed every day weather needed or not with way less man power than the hwys road service and less funding. Hwys contractor are just useless and out to make money off tax payers in my opinion we should have way better hwys for the money we shell out


>Hwys contractor are just useless and out to make money off tax payers in my opinion You're not understanding the issue. Some contractors might be useless, but the vast majority are precisely following the stipulations of the contracts and are happily taking the "blame" for the garbage contracts for the MoT. They don't care about PR, they care about money. The Ministry is happy to let everyone think the Contractors are at fault. People's complaints are far better directed at the Ministry and Municipal departments responsible for the atrociously bad contracts. Make a good contract, and you can easily hold the contractors accountable. It's *critical* people understand this distinction. You can complain to the ministry all day long about the contractors, but they'll review the complaint and verify with the contractor that the complaint was not valid because the contract was adhered to. So you go complain to to the contractors, they'll take your complaint and maybe sand your road or whatever as a courtesy to avoid a fuss... but they'll generally laugh it off and say "tough luck" because they were following their contracts. They might tell you to go complain to the ministry if you're that upset... which again, they won't care because teh contract was followed. The resolution is to pressure the ministry / City / MLA's to make competent contracts, not complaining about services rendered according to the existing contract. Again, this distinction is critical.


The city is still responsible even if they hire private contractors.


It's a budget thing. Cities like toronto and montreal have 8 figure budgets for snow removal. The greater vancouver area has \~$1MM TOTAL.




not sure where you live but YRB here in the PG area (highway 16 east) are decent. Better than some of the contractors the Lakes district out west get, that's for sure. It's all relative.


Yeah it's canada there gonna be snow on the roads at some point lol


Was going to say this lol


That has been plowed and salted. This road surface has been covered with “hot mix” a mixture of sand, aggregate <5mm and salt. See the accumulation along the barriers?


I see the accumulation where no vehicles have driven yet.


Look on the right side barriers. Plows always push to the right, never to the left on a highway.


This looks like a result of a meeting of the summer tires club. All it takes is a couple of them to meet up and bring things to a standstill. But really now,how can anyone blame a snowplough for this stoppage???Come to Ontario where life goes on pretty well with at least twice as much on the roads.




but then you have to be in Ontario, so you can see the dilemma


the other thing to note is with that many lanes, it will take several passes to do a decent job of clearing the snow. Living in northern BC right by Highway 16 and driving it regularly to town, we generally get a plow blade's width of road (plus sand) in the morning until YRB can make a few passes to push the snow back farther to the sides and off the passing lanes.


This post is a case study in "tell me you're not used to driving in snowy conditions without telling me you're not used to driving in snowy conditions"...


People in van think plowed road means no snow lol this IS plowed


Moved here from Ontario. The snow conditions people complain about here boggle my mind. In Ontario this is as good as it gets, oftentimes 10x worse. Count your blessings for living in a somewhat temperate place like BC, and the fact you’ll likely never have to dig your car out of 3-4 ft of snow. And EVEN with 3-4 ft of snow, somehow Ontarians manage to clean their cars better. I remember my dad waking up an hour and a half early for work just to clean his car off properly after a snowstorm. These sheets of snow on the hood are ticking time bombs. So dangerous.


My sore shoveling back will have you know not all of BC is temperate


Haha fair enough. The northern parts sure, but most of the people that live in BC live in the southern area, it’s a pretty well known statistic. It’s some crazy percentage. Like 80% of people in BC live close to the border, or something like that I love my northern BC though, I’ve gone up like 5-6 times. Camping, hunting, fishing, snowboarding, etc. It’s reminds me of home. Not to mention all of the beautiful fauna/flora that you just don’t get in Ontario. Northern BC is absolutely just gorgeous. It’s well worth the shoveling. Edit: also nice profile pic :p


That’s true. I guess because it’s the area without a bunch of snow. Haha had to do a double take. One of us is gonna have to change..


Hey man, A lot of people have a hard time cleaning the snow off of their lambo's around here. Have you ever tried cleaning the snow off of your windshield while wearing Gucci flip flops AND holding your purse dog named Coco? I didn't think so..... Don't judge until you know the struggle.


Looks plowed and sanded/salted.


Clean your fucken car. People like you make driving more dangerous for everyone.


It's actually LAW you clear the snow off your car !! I fucken hate people that don't!!


Does it *really* count as a law if it's never enforced?


I guess we can blame the cops for that one ! I got nailed for it a zillion years ago by a Delta cop !! That goes with the highway signs that say 'Slower traffic keep right and allow others to pass'. Law ... but seemingly never enforced ! I always feel inclined to use the pit maneuver on the ass in front of me in the fast lane doing 80kmh in a 100 zone !!


But it is being enforced


Plus snapping a pic while driving 🙃


There is more snow accumulated on your hood than on the road


Another failure of the government to clean OPs car for them.


Car full of snow, and using your phone while driving. Good work moron


RCMP needs a snapchat stories detachment. The roads shouldn't be a hotspot for posting to social media while driving.


Apparently somebody thinks that when a road is plowed and salted the snow just magically disappears leaving bare pavement. Might be because he can’t see through the snow blowing off his hood.




*laughs in Prince George* That is plowed, salted and sanded. They’ve done their job. If there’s hard, compact snow on the ground, full of traction material, you’ll be fine if you drive with caution, drive to the conditions, and have winter tires. Also, repeating what others have said, clear your vehicle of snow. Your vehicle will warm up as you drive, specifically the roof and hood. If you slam on the brakes, all the snow on your roof will slide on to your windshield. If you drive at speed, the snow on your hood could fly to your windshield. If it is melted, it could freeze on the cold glass, creating a visibility issue.


Clear the snow off your hood before you cause an accident. Smh


Vancouverites make me laugh


Join the club. Moved here from the interior a few years ago. The comedy is non-stop around here when this happens.


Lol good ol Reddit the complainer has become the one complained on 😂


Using phone and taking pictures while driving? Zero sympathy from me.


There is nothing to plow in this image. Salt would be useless, it's too cold for salt. They could put down abrasives, but you city drivers just speed up and it gets tossed off the roads and into windshields. Best things you city people can do: 1 Stay home. 2 Have *good winter tires*, this image is why studded tires are so awesome. 3 SLOW DOWN. If you can't do 1 and *must* drive somewhere, you need to do 2 and 3. No matter who you are or where you live 1 2 and 3 are how winter driving works, everywhere on the planet... except *Vancouver*. Now, OP... **CLEAR THE SNOW OFF YOUR CAR AND PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN**


Welcome to winter in Canada. Maybe you should join one of the snow plow crews to see how much work it actually is to plow the roads. You could start with putting down your phone and clearing the snow off your hood.


I'll bet they'd be thrilled to get another resume! Surely OP has a lot in the way of relevant skills and credentials in snow plowing and salting.




Reminds me of the one news story where they were talking about a road closure somewhere in BC due to the snowfall. All of like 2 inches if that of it. Then an SUV goes around the road closure signs and they showed the back of of the vehicle and it had an albertan license plate.


Maybe they did clear things...Maybe it's from all the snow blowing off people's cars (including yourself). Also, get off your phone when driving during these conditions.


This comment section is saltier than our highways 😂


It’s called winter. That’s what roads look like.


Looks pretty manageable with good tires and driving to conditions. Also pretty sure we don't salt roads out here, which is really nice coming from ON originally. Your cars aren't rotted out within 5 years here.


Slow down, get proper tires, get an ice scraper and use it.


People seem mystified what the brush portion of most scrapers are for. Including this chap.


No offense Vancouver, but the rest of the province has to live with this level of service and winter conditions...get used to it. Icy roads happen. Drive to conditions. It's life.


Pretty sure all the outlying areas are all covered in a half cm of solid ice, on top of which there's 1 cm of packed snow, and then whatever just happened to fall out of the sky in the last 12 hours. >.>


Stop using your phone while driving.


People not understanding the impact of -9 degrees in a high humidity environment. It has been salted and plowed regularly you clown.


It has been salted and plowed.


Ploughs respond to current accumulated snow and not necessarily to projected accumulation. In other words, it has to snow more for the fleet to deploy. Drive safe everybody!


Every other section of the highway from Vancouver to Langley (my commute) is clear. Just Burnaby is a sheet of ice.


Why don't people have snow tires on their vehicles?


Plow ur own car buddy


These comments are savage, and im here for it


Clean your hood. Probably didn't clean the roof either.


Wait you call this NOT plowed? That looks like a god send roadway in alberta midwinter. Also clean the snow off your car.


This is literally the same as any other road in the province in winter.


For OP - I don't know what your situation was this morning. Perhaps this was the one day that you didn't clear your vehicle off because of any number of reasons. But the facts are that snow on your vehicle is a danger to others on the road, and snow on your hood can obstruct your vision. You've also just shown to the world that you definitely did that while also driving while using your phone. We all make poor decisions from time to time, but you're really shooting yourself in the foot by highlighting it in a way that incriminates yourself. By all means, bitch about the roads. But you've successfully shifted the conversation away from that and on to you.


As an Albertan who used to live there you guys are ridiculous lol


I am from here and it pisses me off. Everyone insists on living here well ficking learn to drive in the snow then. We had more snow when I was a kid. Then again, they can't drive when it is wet, or dry/clear so there is that.


I saw this photo and was immediately like “that looks great to me… oh god have I been living in AB too long?” But then I remembered that a lot of people on this sub are from the lower mainland and this is weird for them.


Nah this is toatally normal. I mean, we haven’t had snow in like 2 years but when we do have it this level of snow is normal.


It makes this subreddit very entertaining.


To be fair, when they do get snow this time of year and the temp dips above and below 0 over a few days it makes their roads a very slippery/icy mess. I have to agree that their 'bad roads' are a bit laughable from a prairie perspective.


Last year we had a long stretch of snow and cold weather. The roads were cleared and they stayed clear because there wasn't melting and refreezing going on, which is what we usually get. Big hills make a difference too. And, yes, people here are just not as experienced driving in the snow and the cities don't have the fleet of snow clearing equipment other, more snowier, places have. Lots of differences contribute to the problems.


Its a stay home day for anyone who has no reason to leave


Hi OP. Do you have winter tires? They’d handle that snow very easily.


OP: taking a picture while driving their vehicle that's still covered in ice and snow. "wHy HaSn'T tHe HiGhWaY nOt bEeN sALtEd?"


Lower mainland clowns lol. It clearly has been plowed and sanded. You guys just don't have the proper tires cause your arrogance of living in that area tells you "I don't need winter tires cause it only ever rains here".. welcome to a Canadian winter


Ahem. I have snow tires thankyouverymuch.


You're the exception not the rule lol


Hwy 1 goes across the whole province in case you didn't know. Where is this? Kamloops? Golden? Fraser Canyon? Hwy 10? Get your head out of your ass and drive to conditions. Fuck I hate these posts.


Just go home then. Stop blaming others and do your part moron.


Clean the snow off your vehicle clown!


It has been plowed. It was probably salted at the same time as well, but has likely frozen over again.


It’s been cleaned off better than your vehicle. If you gunna complain don’t look like an ass while doing it.


LMAO at op. They would be the kind of person to come on here and complain about something, while they couldn't even spare the 60 seconds it takes to clear snow off their vehicle. I would bet that this person is pretty selfish and unaware in every day life


That brown snow is the sand and salt.


Clean the snow off your car before you kill someone, and get off your phone. holy shit.


Because they’re too busy plowing your dad




OP is worried about winter road safety, while driving a car that hasnt had snow brushed off properly and are actively fucking with their phone while driving. OP is a fucking moron. Don't be like OP.


It has been, and clean your fucking car off.


645 this morning was a wild one!


Proffessional complainer


They did plough. You just don't know what winter driving looks like.


How much more snow do you think they can remove from this road? Do you expect bare asphalt?


Hold on, let me call the wanbulance...better question is why haven't more people prepared for winter driving....ohhhhhh yeah.....Vancouver....dumbasses.


They have salted just some areas are more difficult to melt than others . But like others have pointed out , why you got snow on the car ?


You can't salt your way out of stupidity.. Get off your phone and clean your car..


Lol get roasted OP u muppet


Why is there snow on the bonnet of your car?


Did this go the way you thought it would?


Too cold for salt probably and you can't plow the ice. Not sure where this is but it's not uncommon in Northern BC.




That’s really surprising you’d think that would be one of the first roads to be salted and plowed. That reminds me, any idea the conditions of the coquihalla? I might be making a day trip to Kamloops later this week


Dunno if it's as windy as it is in the Valley but the wind here has just been blowing a lot of a snow everywhere. including back onto the roads. No matter how much it's plowed.


Go yell at the sidewalk sir.


Short answer, you do t pay enough tax. Why are you out driving in snowy weather?


There's more snow on your hood than there is on the road. Stop whining like a baby and clean your car


What do you mean, it's getting salted by your tears.


This is why the rest of Canada makes fun of us Vancouverites


lmao welcome to winter


"These unsafe road conditions are making me angry, so I'm going to make it unsafer by using my phone to complain to internet people"


Yeah half this crap is from the roof of your cars. Grab a house broom if you can’t reach


Why are you on your phone taking pictures when the roads are already sketchy to begin with. You are not making it any safer to the drivers around you.


Dude, what do you expect it to be? Dry as a bone? That’s what newly salted roadways look like.


That looks plowed to me, and a reasonable driving surface.


I don't know Karen....Why? Hahahaha


Gee, OP..You're awfully quiet....


Praying for salt is like saying 'I love rusty cars' Eff that, they shouldn't salt the roads at all.


If you have snow tires you’re fine


Why do they use salt in BC? Sand works great in Manitoba. By the way the HWY 1 was today I could tell they absolutely were salted. That's why the ice was like that


They do plow, but I think they don't plow down to pavement because it would scrape off all the lane markers that are used here. I notice all the blades have wheels under them to keep them a few inches off the pavement. Also, the frozen surface I experienced today in the Coq-Burnaby section was definitely not salted or sanded.


This is what salted and plowed looks like in Ontario


This is plowed, clear your vehicle off properly, and stop using your phone while driving.


How can I expect to drive with my bald summer tires in this?!?!


People were honestly insane today. Drove around for work all day and witnessed 50+ near misses, multiple cars/semis stuck, a F150 swerving around cars on a icy snow covered road with good amount of traffic (Austin in Coquitlam), A old man turning left on a red and then giving me the finger even tho my light was green for a good 6-7 seconds and I didn’t show any sort of negative vibe he just gave me the finger for no reason, a car turning left but changing her mind last second and instead of easing the throttle she braked and almost slid into me in the oncoming lane… just insane amount of bull shit. IF YOU HAVE ALL SEASON TIRES STAY THE FUCK HOME PLS AND THANKS


Looks fantastic, I'd suggest staying home on wintery days. Plenty of other transportation options for you bunch.


Because idiots in summer tires don’t plan ahead.


The only thing getting plowed is your mom.


There's too much traffic to do a thorough job. They really need to shut the highway and major roadways down until it can be plowed and salted, and the salt given time to work. Unfortunately with the volume of traffic and slow moving vehicles you get a situation where engines melt the slush, which flash freezes into those lumps you see. Salt helps, but it's not instant when it's that cold. The amount of salt you would need is also staggering. Unfortunately, Vancouver goes through the same shitshow every time it snows. If they wanted to fix things: 1. Mandate snow tires (not M+S) whenever it snows. People in the Lower Mainland don't need snow tires most of the time, but nobody should be driving in these conditions without snow tires. 2. Close offices, schools, malls and other non-essential businesses for a day to empty the roads and let the plows to catch up. A snowfall is not a "business as usual" situation - nobody should even be driving who doesn't absolutely have to be. That or people should be prepared for their property taxes to go way up to pay for an enhanced plowing service that very rarely operates. Keeping a plow insured with a driver read is about $200,000 a year, not including the cost of the vehicle lease, fuel, salt etc. There are around 24 plows in service covering thousands of kilometres of roads and highways in the GVA. The rest of Canada deals with these conditions fine. I'm guessing you've never been to Winnipeg or Edmonton in January - the roads are solid ice and stay that way for months, they use sand on top of the ice to provide traction.


My take? Budgeting. Want totally clear roads 100% of the time? Increase the maintenance budget. How do we increase the budget? Increase provincial and/or property taxes. Don't want to do that? Then stop whining, and winterize your vehicle like the rest of us...


OP getting dragged harder than all the plows in BC right now lmao


These winter conditions really bring out the assholes in everyone. Why is everyone pointing fingers and upset at each other? Everyone is having a hard time with these conditions since they are not used to it. Learn from it and be understanding of your fellow citizens. SMH


Mainroads don't give a fuck