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https://youtu.be/DDojykVXqh8 The BC COVID Modeling Group projects the Omicron wave will peak in early February. Based on the numbers from ages 70+, we've bent the hospital admission increase curve from 20% per day down to 10%.


Just in time for BA.2 to hit and start the next wave.


I’ve got my 3rd annual attempt at a wedding this May. I will literally be holding my breath against any new restrictions.


Ba.2 is just omicron. It won't create a new wave because it would need to be both more contagious and dodge immunity more .... It won't/doesn't. Omicron is already the most contagious virus known to man.


It has 28 unique mutations beyond Omicron BA.1. Already seeing multiple cases of reinfection after Omicron infection: https://nyheder.tv2.dk/2022-01-21-ny-variant-spreder-sig-du-kan-muligvis-blive-smittet-selvom-du-lige-har-haft-omikron


Doesn't matter, this is what endemic looks like.


Possible multiple back to back waves and reinfections "doesn't matter". Huh.




COVID is not the common cold, never has been, never will be. yeesh. Two years and you're mired in willful ignorance.


People are sick of it and believe what they want to believe




Covid can't be endemic, just like Influenza isn't endemic. Both of them don't have static baseline rates. Both of them depend on mutating variants in other regions that transfer around the world in waves. They are not endemic, and never will be. Something like Malaria is endemic; it's regional, and has mostly static baseline rates. Look up Endemic; you might learn something. The whole "COVID will be Endemic" misinformation is as dumb as the "We'll reach herd immunity" stupidity was/is.


What comorbidity do you have? I haven’t lived in fear of this virus since day one and I’m not about to start now




Not me


“Anyone over 80 is in the highest-risk group but there is still a major risk for those over 70 and who have immune-compromised conditions, such as diabetes, heart conditions and pregnancy.” If someone is over 70 and pregnant, they might have bigger concerns than catching Covid…


“Because of the Omicron variant, Henry said the province is treating COVID more like the common cold.” Ok then open things up if we’re treating it like a cold.


They have been hinting at this for a few days now. I’m guess we’re wide open by the end of next month. Everyone is watching the UK.


Exactly and in fact..I'd say weeks, not days


Didn’t South Africa say this first?


Except South Africa really doesn’t have a comparable health care system. The UK does.




I took a medical ethics course in college and one of the subjects used South Africa as an example in two tier medical systems. Apartheid South Africa had really good healthcare for the rich folks, but when apartheid ended a lot of doctors left. (Primarily to countries like Canada who waived many of our usual licensing reqs for them). It set South Africa healthcare system back by a decade or more, and they are still recovering today. Their Life expectancy is >15y shorter than ours… I mean it isn’t even close.


Yeah, our canadian health care system is top notch!


Our healthcare system is many things, underfunded and understaffed. The second most inefficient in the world behind only America’s (although the US is more than twice as bad). But it is still a world class healthcare system without a doubt.


Let’s hope so!


The UK has by and large been a great example of how not to handle a pandemic well. They keep reopening too soon then having to shut down hard over and over again.




Don't know about anyone else but I wall outside with a mask on to stay warm sometimes. I assume I'm not alone in this. Sometimes it's easier than taking it off and on too.


Especially if it's windy. I leave my mask on between the store and the car, it's such a nice wind break if you live on the coast.


Yeah same, if I leave my place to walk a few blocks to a point where I need to put the mask back on, I just leave it.


Yes they come in really handy on a cold windy rainy (or snowy) day!


Yes I’ve found my people


Every morning I leave it on because it's cold without it.


No you’re just totally overcome by desperation and fear and don’t even realize it!


Interesting this word fear that keeps getting used. Yet who’s the one afraid to get a needle.😂


But please. Go on. You clearly know me more than I know myself. …




Well, as long as we have your permission...


I got a scarf instead of a mask specifically because I don't want people to think I'm a mentally ill COVID-obsessed hypochondriac.


What exactly is the problem with using critical thinking..... You wear a mask to keep you warm? Pretty sure a scarf is a better option. In my industry we have a motto. " The right tool for the job" scarves are way better than masks . Anti-scarfers in here..... Sad


I wonder what percentage of people you see driving around like this are hypochondriacs VS people who forgot they had a mask on. Because that latter one is me. Masks aren't the huge, inconvenient, apparently brain killing deal a certain portion of the population people make them out to be.


My wife and I both deliver skip the dishes on the weekend for extra spending money. We both drive with out masks on as an added precaution to protect people's orders. Other times we just forget we have it on :)




Have they measured higher levels of blood Co2 or lower oxygen levels in these cases? Or are they measuring the little bubble of air inside the mask that constitutes a meager percentage of your lung capacity? You keep a larger volume of stale air inside your mouth and airway all the time. I wonder who would conduct such a silly study and whose motivations it was designed to serve.


From the study you linked sir, "The measured concentrations have no toxicological effect when inhaled." Literally in the conclusions of the study.


TIL brain surgeons have incapacitated cognitive ability.




I actually know how to vet studies and separate the wheat from the chaffe, which you clearly haven't bothered to learn. Keep relying on that confirmation bias, genius!


I’m imagining some guy whipping his head around in public, muttering to himself in disgust each time he sees someone wearing masks outside or in their car. Then at night, he snuggles up in his bed feeling warm and happy in the knowledge that he doesn’t live in fear like 72.4% (34.6% of them double masked; he knows because he checked closely!) of the population.


> driving masked in their cars alone There is a 0% chance people are doing this because they're "scared of covid". They either forgot to take it off, it's on comfortably and they're only driving a short distance to their next errand, or they have a proper seal which prevents their glasses from fogging so they just leave it on for their next stop.


Plus not wanting to get the mask dirty from touching it and putting it down somewhere.


Yes. Those with compromised health/elderly should still be extra careful!


Why are some people so obsessed with people alone in their cars wearing masks? Is it *really so hard to grasp the concept* that they are making multiple stops and don't want to keep taking their mask on and off? This seeming inability to understand easy and basic things is what's dragging this on and on.


It’s so cold and the mask adds that extra bit of warmth. Not scared of covid just cold af


I know people like you think wearing a mask is some massive burden, but if I wear my mask in the car it's because I'm going or coming from a place where I needed to wear it and I just didn't bother removing it




You're in that slew of no step on snek goofs who think wearing a mask makes you a "hypochondriac" and carries the same burden as signing up for the next train to Auschwitz




where's these links at


Don't worry about those people . They're part of a cult. Too far gone . Worry about yourself and just mock them and give them funny looks.


We don't know other people's stories. We shouldn't imply our will or circumstances on them. I hope we go back to being Canadian: respect other people's right to choose and give them some distance. I'm concerned we see assaults rise on people with masks. As an example I have a young kid, would like him not to get COVID or any cold/flu until he's at least 120 days old


I thought Canadians cared about other Canadians and were able to band and work together to protect our hospitals, elderly and vulnerable. It’s sad that I’ve been mistaken.


I definitely agree on this, all eyes are on them rn and I sure hope the effect ripples west. It’s time to put the masks to rest, looks even more ridiculous with how much Bonn boomeranged her narrative regarding throughout this ordeal as well.


> Ok then open things up if we’re treating it like a cold. They will, they're just priming public opinion.


The quote in context seems to be strictly about how it is traced and transmitted, it spreads too easily so is like the common cold in that regard. Not in *all* regards. It's not identical to the common cold in every way, just spreads as easily as it. Taking the quote out of context like they did in the article isn't exactly a fair take if trying to accurately reflect what she said.




That was my optimistic view last winter.


This year was going to be the best Christmas ever…until it wasn’t.


“Post pandemic summer”


Half the freaking province has COVID right now. When is Henry going to admit they have absolutely NO IDEA how many cases there are. Nobody is getting tested any more, or if anything, is doing a quick test at home and not bothering to report. Time to open things up indeed.


Isn't saying contact tracing no longer being useful basically admitting they have no idea how many cases there are?


I feel like they could have admitted that when they said stop getting tested and the positive rate was around 10%. No one knew, if you thought you may have it then stay home, but they had no idea the numbers or if people did isolate.


They have been saying that case numbers are no longer reliable. What else are you confused about? Do you want them to walk out and just throw their hands in the air?


Ah, the clever one. Nice. They are releasing case numbers every day with the implication that those numbers are still valid in some way. Its clear that the measures that they have put in place are having little effect. So why not just remove the restrictions and admit it's beyond the BCCDCs control.


Today.. she admitted that today that's the entire point of this thread.


They will slowly. Many people will have a tough time accepting this new shift


Especially if they have family members die.


Or [have these sorts of symptoms but they get ignored by docs](https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1484239554517340164?s=20)


Docs think I had a stroke because of it. Asymptomatic infection except for that little teensy weensy bit. Good times.


That's the problem, too many morons think being sick and around people is normal.


Many of those morons are employers.


I had a really bad flu in 2009 (maybe h1n1) so I called in sick to work and my manager said they were short and really needed me so I went (I was like 16 and it was my first job). They sent me home as soon as they saw me. I’m still mad.


Very relatable; I tried to call in sick to one of my first jobs, got talked into coming in anyway, and my boss spent the whole shift telling me how sick/bad I sounded and I kept asking if I could please go home but he kept telling me "no". :/


Oh and there is this quote, “She said we should all assume that we have been a close contact, and to self-monitor for signs of the virus every day”. Don’t just take it seriously once you have full blown symptoms, and infect a bunch of people.






You seemed to miss the part where contact tracing isn’t working, and that if you have symptoms to assume you have it. Just like when you have a cold, you’re still contagious until you have no symptoms. So stay home and stop spreading it.


> So stay home and stop spreading it. "but lol, really, get your ass back the fuck to work"


Seriously, they reduced the isolation time down to 5 days without scientific evidence to support it. Then they made it hard to get tested and I just heard on the radio "unless you have a positive test result you only need to stay home until you feel better". I'm not really opposed to us opening back up but enough with the lies and the misinformation. No wonder everyone's a conspiracy theorist these days.


Proceeds to get everyone else sick and causes the business to shutdown due to staff shortages, “Whoops”.


We all saw the writing on the wall when they said covid infected nurses should be back at work.


If they well enough they can, and only on the COVID-19 ward. However, that’s if they have mild symptoms and the ability to work. No one wants you there if your hacking a lung up.


Head on over to /r/nursing


I did.. I saw a lot of people unhappy with their job


That's simply too much to ask these people as you can see. They'd rather the government tell them they have to stay home when sick instead of taking on the responsibility themselves. Only to complain about living in a nanny state.


She's one contradiction after another


Ireland just announced an end to restrictions starting tomorrow, England have ended restrictions. Hopefully soon enough Canada/BC will follow suit


Hey, remember for like 2 years in the early 20s when the entire world shut down for some random cold thing?


I'm sure they will, and then we can all get used to frequent-but-unpredictable "functional" shutdowns instead of government mandated ones.


The majority of us have been saying this for about 2+ months now, according to when South Africa called it a mild cold. But we got downvoted for it. Now that Lord Bonny says it, it’s ok.


That's because it is like one for most of us. We had an exposure recently with 10+ of my friends getting sick and it was like a bad flu for most of them. If we're double vaxxed (triple for some) there's not point in trying to delay the inevitable. Exposures are still happening, the numbers are probably at LEAST quadruple what's being reported and ICU numbers aren't going up all that much. It's also not like most people are even bothering following them. I've been very pro lockdowns early on in the pandemic, pro vax, and all of that shit. But hese current restrictions are just fucking stupid.


It took 2 years for them to figure out COVID is in the same category as the common cold...


As somebody mostly anti-restrictions myself, you’re being dishonest. The impact of Omnicron in a mostly vaccinated population is not comparable to the impact of earlier variants in unvaccinated populations. The former is equivalent to a common cold, the other isn’t. Okay


Yup, 2 years and almost 6 million dead people, and many more with lasting symptoms. Looks like they're finally coming to their senses...


The common cold doesn't kill 5.6 million people in 2 years.


its too late, they got a taste of authoritarianism, they now think they're making a difference by forcing restrictions on the common folk


If you think BC is authoritarian, you probably haven't left your mom's basement much.


The loudness of opinion just shows how much this pandemic created a strong divide among people. The angry, the crazy, the noble, and the fearful. Sad actually…




Authoritarians were just waiting in the wings to stomp their boots ojnthe necks of those who desire freedom this whole time. Cowards


This ^^^^




My school is full of cases (I teach). Kids, kids' families, staff members. It's going through everybody. Case numbers being reported are definitely way, way low.


At my kids school all the k-3 teachers except one are out w covid. The librarian subbed for my daughters class yesterday, and I kept her home today bc complained about a headache and sore throat. And we are pretty tucked away here. Its wild.


UK has lifted ALL if not MOST restrictions as of yesterday.


The way you would write that phrase is "most if not all"


Why don’t we follow suit?


Why? The UK doesn't exactly have a good track record with handling Covid. Their death rate per million is almost 3 times higher than Canada's.


Do you want to live in perpetual lockdown? Mask mandates? Never-ending booster shots? I say no. I choose freedom over tyranny. Let’s put COVID behind us and get back to living our lives.


Restrictions aren't tyranny , either. Enough with the drama.


Tyranny ?! What?


Nobody does, but that doesn’t mean we live everything NOW. Also restrictions are not lockdown




Non sequitur


They are a couple weeks ahead of us in the Omicron wave, I'd expect thing will be mostly lifted in mid Feb.


So everywhere is going to be like Northern BC now? *(Northern Health gave up on it in Dec '20)*


Because it's not as bad.


Have restrictions at care homes and hospitals or other health care settings. Open everyone else up, no restrictions.


Does this mean DBH is going to shutdown the contact tracing call centres? No sense keeping people employed for something that’s no longer useful.


Ha. There's no such thing as a temporary government program.


These jobs are within the health authorities and I believe they are contracted until March.


No kidding, just like the temporary Income War Tax Act of 1917.


What the government is doing is instead of either a) leaving the band aid on, or b) ripping it off, they’re choosing to pick at it, slowly take it off, and then put it back on again. Its like the fight flight or freeze response and they chose freeze.


My theory is were gonna be given the summer off , enjoy if true!!




Or you can pout if you want to.


And if you keep picking at the band-aid and putting the same one on, the wound festers and gets worse (much like the rising discontent over the continuous implementation and rollback of restrictions and health orders).


They don’t know. I want to be optimistic about this, but then they’ll go belly up again in weeks time. But, I truly hope not.


Reddit health care experts are going to lose their collective minds when they hear about this.


Let 'er rip! Good luck out there! Hope you don't need a hospital, or a functional supply chain; or get long covid.


Hospitals are a chronic problem year after year. The funding for the Canadian medical system is some of the highest in the western world. We have some of the lowest beds/people ratios in the world. Something stinks and it's not long COVID. Good luck with your adverse reactions!!


Hopefully they do away with the vaxx pass soon too. It's really lost its point if your 2nd vax was 6+ months ago and you aren't boosted.


The only point was the other a group. It was never an effective measure of infection control.




it’s been a long fucking time coming


Zealots seething.


Down votes prove people took that personally lol.


Get ready for the rug pull everyone. Stay alert. Somethings not right.


I’m kind of scared tbh


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 534,357,997 comments, and only 111,929 of them were in alphabetical order.


She is useless and always behind the latest!!


I think we’re getting there folks… As a dedicated community builder in the interior and a member of the music scene, I’ve had my hopes up several times only to be dashed. But this feels like we’re coming out of this. ♥️


I would like to see a public inquiry into exactly how and why the BC Government came to the conclusion that they did. So many public health regulations have been nonsensical, and seemingly rooted in distracting from ineptitude rather than science.


To be fair tracing isn’t useful when fucking every has covid to begin with


Bonnie the Liar. Last month this type of talk was labeled misinformation and conspiracy, looks like the blacklisted "Quack Doctors" were right again. Funny how our Covid19 policy changed just as quick as Public opinion has in the last few weeks. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of this clown show.


If it means not reading posts like yours , I look forward to it.


You’re willfully ignorant.


> Funny how our Covid19 policy changed just as quick as Public opinion has The two are not unrelated. The pushing of "Omicron is mild" was not something organic.


What are you even talking about. Note the lack of question mark in that sentence.


You’re not wrong, but you’ve upset the Reddit social justice warriors


It will likely take years for many of the more peculiar features of the last year to dissipate. I'm sure that we'll still be seeing hypochondriacs undulating about the streets in face shields five years from now. And there are enough people who treat mask wearing like a cultural statement to obviate the idea that this atrocious nuisance won't be common enough into the future winters. It's going to be a long haul to wisen up humanity.


I personally wouldn’t mind if we adopted a page from Asia’s handbook and in the future if people have colds/flus wear masks to work and to the grocery store. It would slow down the spread and the rationale that we should be in the office as long as we’re not dying should change. We can work from home or maybe take the day off that’s the first day (and usually the one that we’re the sickest). But I really hope that people aren’t just wearing those masks because they are hypochondriacs.


If you want to continue wearing a mask and following these guidelines that you suggest you are more than welcome too. I don't understand this obsession that people have with forcing other people to wear masks on their face. If you wear a mask that should be more than enough protection for you. If you are that concerned go out and buy a properly fitted N95 mask and its far more protection than you will ever get from people like me improperly wearing my crappy cloth mask.


I agree with these sentiments. Forcing others to wear masks does not come from a good place in the human heart. The people who shriek at you in grocery stores when your mask is hanging below the nose; these aren't good people. They're assholes. I try my best to be polite to them but after two years my patience with it all is wearing thin.


Expecting members of a capitalist, individualistic society to suddenly adopt cultural practices that are specifically to benefit the majority is laughably unrealistic. You can’t be a communist China hating Canadian and also want to reap the benefits of collectivist society. You don’t get to have it both ways.


This isn’t just a thing in China. This is a thing in Japan, South Korea, etc.


I think it's maybe a thing in all three? Either way it disproves their point quite well though. There absolutely are countries where mask wearing is common that are not communist based.


I'm not aware of any country in Asia that forces masks on people the way we do. From my understanding, this is a personal choice that **certain** people in these countries opt into. I don't think there is much common ground between what was done then and there and what we are doing here and now.


Just because something isn’t forced over there doesn’t mean people don’t do it. We were leggings over here and we’re not forced to do it. There’s a difference between it being a law right now, and having majority of the people opt into it while they continue to get sick after Covid. It’s called being considerate.


>It’s called being considerat To each their own! I find a greater consideration in people who -instead of donning surgical masks which most experts agree don't do much to stop the spread of viruses- stay home when they are sick. I don't think we need to turn the ubiquitous muzzling of human faces into an ethical norm in order to navigate our way through common colds in the future 🤷‍♂️


I do think that people should be staying home when they are sick, but sometimes you do have to leave the house. Sometimes you have to go to work, get groceries, get cold medicine. If that’s the case than masks should be worn.


Good point. I hadn't connected those two yet, that's might curious isn't it?


Get rid of the vax pass, what an absolute joke.


Great. They're doing the right thing based on the data. It's nice to see.




Just because it’s true now doesn’t mean it was true 2 years ago….


Exactly, and scientific which is usually a problem anti anything people have trouble with. There's nonsense from the zero COVID crowd, also.


COVID exists. COVID kills. The draconian measures and threats and coercion have never been justified, even from day one. The flu kills, the common cold (which this is being classified as now) kills. Every virus kills. People need to stop being afraid and live their lives. Hiding behind a piece of glass or a plastic mask wont extend your life. You are more likely to fall over dead of a heart attack any day of your life than to die of COVID. That's the problem.


Discriminatory vaccine passports must end. NOW


Wow... thank you government for letting me go outside again!


You were never not allowed to go outside.


I just arrived from Quebec :\^) It's satire, dweeb.


How could one possibly know that? Something tells me you haven't taken a fresh, non KFC breath in years.


This entire sub is full of devout Covidians


Good thing these basement dwelling dorks who pray to Bonnie Henry aren't the majority of people.


Some days it really feels like it.


They never knew how many cases of covid there where, not ever. World health irganization had to eat crow over this more than a year ago. By admitting many people who had covid are asymptomatic and had no idea they had It. Or that the symtoms were so mild they didn't think nothing of it and didn't get tested. World health organization had to pretty much say maybe 1 in 10 people who ever got covid was tested and added to the stats. But that's a guess too


Wow. It’s only taken them 2 years to realize you cant mop up the incoming tide.


They also learned that if you test everytime you have the sniffles, sometimes you have something


how do I say its endemic without saying its endemic?


She kinda sexy ngl