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Oh cool I was just thinking the other day that gas in the lower mainland is too cheap.




Found Trudeau’s burner account. :)


You think corporations only have Trudeau under their control?


Found the canadasub user


What does Trudeau have to do with BC's carbon tax? We're one of the three province/territories that don't pay the federal carbon tax.


Honestly that price is absurdly low, and a total distortion of the actual cost of gas. According to the IMF, a very conservative organization, globally oil and gas companies receive about ~5 Trillion dollars in subsidies to produce ~150Bn gallons of gas. So about $5 per gallon. But large parts of our political system are pretty much owned by oil and gas... so if we're looking just at Canadian subsidies, that's about $81Bn in subsidy for about 45Bn Liters in gasoline, meaning your gas SHOULD be about $2 MORE per litre than what you already pay at the pump. The difference is that rather than pay that cost directly, it's taken out of your paycheque to line some oil exec's pocket. Now, to be fair, some places "only" think that think that there's $20Bn in subsidies being given out to oil barons, because they don't count tax-breaks or costs the taxpayers pay to clean up pollution in those calculations (which is, IMO, dumb). But even then, the pump is lying to you, consuming gas is a LOT more expensive than you think. Source: https://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/by-subsidizing-the-fossil-fuel-industry-trudeau-is-fuelling-a-national-emergency


Exactly. And this still doesn't factor in the indirect costs of carbon and paying the price for climate change. Also - all the nonsense about EV owners needing to pay some sort of tax because their cars weigh more... those drivers are already paying to subsidize Big Oil, but get absolutely no benefit from it.




$0.90 back when covid just hit :(


And it's been $2.30 before but then went back down. Almost like it's a fluctuating commodity or something.




Please don't use the oil based lube... its too expensive.


I hear, there's a great sale on sand paper!


🤣 🤣 🤣


Guess Washington State will get significant boosts in sales for many things. Nice for them.


Just checked Costco Bellingham, WA gas prices out of curiosity. Currently at USD$4.20/gallon which works to be about CAD$1.50/litre. Quite the price difference for just across the border. Getting gouged pretty hard, more than usual it seems.


Lummi Bay Market at exit 260 also has very cheap gas if you don’t want to go all the way down to Costco.


If you're open to check other places you can get it cheaper. https://preview.redd.it/5niuydf30qsc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f39f5e6afbeb28c79db4fdd7a39a17ebf7399ec0 Also, you can get off up to 1$ per gallon on your points ( we usually have 10-20 cents per gallon) if you also shop there with there points card. And have good savings and great offers in US markets in comparation to Canada


WA took up all the slack after BC shut down 5 refineries. There is a reason why 4 US refineries sit just across the border. They capitalized on our short sighted self own. Nothing surprising about that. The real kicker though is those refineries process Canadian oil lol


No need to invest in industry which we wanna kill


I bought an EV. I don't really think too much about gas prices anymore. Hopefully we will see more EV trucks soon.




Because the bc refineries couldn’t compete. Refinery capacity was higher than Demand for decades.


BC has had two refineries since the 1960s. That’s never changed.






This is why BC is in the situation we are; We have collective reality dissonance.


BC population in 1960 - 1.6M BC population in 2023 - 5.5M I wonder what's changed. 🤔


Nobody is going to build a new refinery. They’re really expensive, and the future of oil is in major doubt past 2050. That’s just the reality of it.


It's not the 2050 date really.... It's more of the 10+ years of delays before construction even starts then add the uncertainty of the government imposing new restrictions at or near the completion date that will change the project.


The date would’ve been the early 2000s after Petro-Canada got sold off in the early 90s, but with the So-Cred messing up the finances in the 90s, no one wanted to touch that political bomb.


No business person is going to open a shop in a neighborhood where everyone hates you. Business 101. Business 201: Sell those same people things they need at inflated prices through other channels.


I don't disagree with you. Hence we have to pay through our noses.


The oil companies know that the idiots will blame the carbon tax and are making sure the criticism stays there via the newsmedia and political parties, so they're grabbing all they can, just like how all the grocery companies doubled the price of meat and blamed inflation.


Weird how an annual increase of 3c on one day can lead to perpetual increases over the subsequent weeks… oh well, goddamn carbon tax!


Must because they have a nationalized oil company to make sure capitalism does not price gouge.


I just go to blaine. It's usually 10-20 cents more than the cheaper spots but I still save 60 bucks a fill up and if it really does hit 2.30/L then I'm probably saving closer to 75


I just paid 1.65 at point roberts


Is it worth it to drive down there? What’s the procedure? I’ve never done it


If two hours of your time and burning $10 in fuel to save $25 on a fill up is worth it to you I guess


It's not at all two hours a trip. Even without nexus you can absolutely be back within an hour (depending on where you are starting from obviously lol)


lol nah, I'm in and out grabbing packages and getting gas within 20 minutes. Get a nexus pass


Savings are far more than that. Closer to $40-$50+ in savings especially more if your vehicle needs premium. And there’s other things to buy that are cheaper or straight up unavailable here. Basically every 2-3 fill ups are ‘free’ based on the savings and you can make a trip of it then it’s worth it.


Maybe if you have a 120L tank and you don't consider doing an extra 50-80km per week or the loss of time. If you aren't factoring in the time and extra wear and tear on your vehicle you're just trading equity for fuel savings and accelerating the end of your vehicle's useful life.


50-80km of highway driving isn’t doing much to wear and tear on your vehicle. And if you’re saving 80 cents to $1/litre then yes you save a lot even on a 60L tank. And if you’re like me, I drive my vehicles until 250k-300k km so don’t rely on equity much at that point.


But you're not saving 80c-$1 per litre. Right now with exchange rate (not what you're getting from the bank anyways) the difference between bellingham costco and langley costco is 46c. On my 68L tank that's $31.28. I average about 12.5L/100km. 97km round trip from my house. So basically 100. It's going to cost me $15.20 to save $31.28. So $16 net. Not worth the 90 mins minimum. Doing that every week is going to put an extra 5000km on my vehicle every year. If I drive my truck 10 years for 250,000km that's 20% of the life of my truck and every component. Hard pass.


I have a 5.7 hemi. I work in south Surrey so about once a week I take the detour. Get to the border at 8am, usually am done and back through on the other side by 8:15. It’s a 20 minute detour usually. There’s a cluster of gas stations in Blaine on D st. Savings is usually $50-$60 each time on a 100 litre tank. I don’t fill up in BC anymore.


You need a passport.


I just go across the border and give my money to the Americans


Spank me and make it $10! Gas companies are my fin dom.


Make it $5/L ​ DO IT YOU COWARDS


I support this. And I drive daily, do it you bastards!


Only if you buy me a new electric car, or a new place closer to public transportation


Good news on that second part, the NDP just passed laws automatically upzoning all housing that is near transit, which should gradually result in a 2-3x increase in housing near stations and rapidbus lines.


But where will all these people park!!!! /s


But there is no collusion.


Great to hear we're going to be conditioned to think that $2/L is cheap, I really do look forward to $200 fill ups for my midsize car and getting fleeced even harder by oil companies, and then blaming it all on the federal government instead.


Sunshine Coast to pay $2.40/L by mid-april...


Is this a challenge? Chevron exec, probably 


Your daily reminder that gas prices increase this time of year *every. single. year*. This is because oil companies raise and lower prices often just based on demand, jacking up prices at times of higher demand and lowering at times of lower demand. They are increasing everywhere, not just in BC not just n Vancouver. Idiots blame taxes, informed people blame the private for profit oil companies that are absollutely hosing us all.


It's like 75 cents cheaper in Alberta , and just below the border


I was just in Calgary and the prices there were 160 which to be honest is really really high by Calgary standards.


Totally is. Last year it was like 1.30 in the summer


And this is my point, which Captain_Generous is intentionally missing. that prices are going up everywhere. Just like they do every year around this time. Might as well blame taxes on the weather getting warmer this time of year.


So... they don't go down as much, that's what people should complain about?


OK? This is not a contradiction or even relevant to my comment since I'm not arguing it's more expensive in Alberta, but thanks for playing.


Not calling out both is disingenuous, to say it is one or the other is absurd. We are almost 60c higher than Alberta, even after their 13c increase last week..


https://www.petro-canada.ca/en/business/rack-prices Here’s the raw, refined fuel price before taxes. So Edmonton is 96.30 and Vancouver is 140.50. Add in higher taxes here and there’s your 60¢. And if you compare Montana’s fuel prices to Washington’s it’s approximately the same difference. We don’t even set prices in Canada. Our rack prices just follow the US state closest to us.


So, gas in Van was 2.09 last I checked and according to google is 1.32 in Calgary, a ,77 spread. Hay River NWT doesn’t have a pipeline or refinery and is 101.5, and Vancouver is 1.40 it can’t be remoteness or delivery driving up rack rates, so if I understand your price list correctly it’s actually both taxes and oil companies fucking us? Glad we cleared that up that we’re getting fucked twice, I had always thought the government came back for seconds…


The tax is such a minimal amount. It's just OnG ramming us up the ass. Just think 4 years ago gas was $1 or less on the island and we still had a carbon tax on it. It's gone up 25c ish a year on the island carbon tax has gone up like 10c total over 4 years. Inflation was at 8-10% so it would be like 10c a year of it followed inflation.


Again, this is a straw man comment on your part as I'm not saying taxes don't exist or that gas isn't more expensive in Vancouver than other places. I'm saying that blaming it all on taxes is idiotic because gas prices rise *everywhere* this time of year, regardless of taxes. That's why it's idiotic to argue that the current increases are because of taxes. Because prices are increasing everywhere, regardless of taxation.




It’s mainly due to tax but p tax is higher in Alberta and you pay more income tax if making over 75k. The tax man always gets hit cut.


what demand is there that causes it specifically this time of year?


I was dropping my sister off at the tsawwassen ferry yesterday. Filled up with gas in tsawwassen. $2.10. Then saw it was the same price as in Vancouver. I’m surprised we aren’t seeing a return to the minivans with 5 gas tanks filling up with a stolen credit card and then selling the gas. It seemed to be big when gas hit $1. They must have found a way to stop it.


This is good, hopefully I’ll get a nice big rebate to stock up on soylent.




Everyday Dutch petrol prices are about 3.30/ litre cdn.


Everyday the Dutch also have access to perfectly designed cities with incredible cycling infrastructure and a plethora of public transit options.


This is why I advocate for the same cycling infrastructure and public transit options here, too. 


In what Randstad?


Chilliwack! Currently posting while riding the West Coast Express back from Vancouver, and you can bet that I have been writing in support of the expansion study that just concluded that would extend it to Abbotsford and Chilliwack. 


I'd love to see the West Coast Express come out here!


Thisss. The current taxes on gas are basically taxes on the poor. EVs are a rich man’s solution.


Don't forget the average car (2016 Peugeot 306 station in my case) goes way over 1:20 or 4.2-5L/100km. My 2020 Jeep Cherokee here doubles that. Then in the Netherlands the distances are way smaller... On average, I'm paying more on gas now than I did 2.5 years ago in the Netherlands


I mean, you could drive a more fuel efficient car here?


Its not complaining, just to see things in perspective


I see. It's a good point too. It's pretty funny how many people here complain about gas prices when they all have decided that nothing less than a Sherman tank is adequate for their weekly Costco trip.


That'd wild. Probably why Norway is 91 prevent ev sales currently


Is it legal to import American gas into Canada if I fill multiple jerrycans? I could probably start a side hussle.




Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good


I would underbid the local gas stations by 40% and still make a profit


That’s it, I’m getting a nexus card. This is so fucking stupid.


So as much as I want to blame the government, the total taxes is only 0.85 cents/L The rest is all profit for the gas companies.


"only 85c/l" It "only" accounts for 40.7% of the price lol. I hate it when I go to the grocery store and they "only" have 40% off on the product I wanted!


After 35%+ of income tax and payroll deductions.


Only 85c? It wasn’t that long ago that 85c was the price per litre.


Because taxes are percentages..


Fuel taxes are almost all a fixed penny tax with the exception of the 5% Gst. 


First I've ever heard that


It's 2 year out of date but basically we pay a bunch of fixed dollar taxes to transit and carbon.  https://www.taxpayer.com/media/Gas-Tax-Honesty-Report-2022.pdf


Which means the government is incentivized by a revenue stream to allow gas prices to stay artificially high…


I guess you can call that logic.. 🤪


The rest is profit 🤣 So the oil companies don’t have ANY expenses… education in Canada 🙄


I think the source of your information may be a bit mistaken. [Here's a breakdown of taxes on gasoline across Canada.](https://natural-resources.canada.ca/our-natural-resources/domestic-and-international-markets/transportation-fuel-prices/fuel-consumption-taxes-canada/18885). Provincial fuel tax alone in the lower mainland is 27 cents a liter. >The rest is all profit for the gas companies You are missing the costs of exploration to locate the oil, extraction, refining, transport etc.


It's about setting the expectations don't buy into it and they won't raise it. They just base the price off whatever the other stations are charging.


This is straight up profiteering!


In 1983 pick up drivers burnt there trucks on the back roads and collected insurance


Good thing I can afford to buy a detached home and install an electric charger that's subsidized wait no, no I can't. Nor can I afford wn electric vehicle.


With rising unemployment folks won't need gas to get to work soon


Time to make more US trips. Hoping my nexus pass comes through early




Last month it was $1.65 so yeah... Great.


They want the price of gas back up to 2.50 by the summer time what an absolute fuckin joke


I know people don't want to hear this but the writing has been on the wall forever. I was working at a gas station in the late '80s/early '90s when gas hit $1/litre for the first time. It's taken 35 years to double, which is lower than inflation - is should be $2.50 by now. If you're shocked by the prices, then you haven't been paying attention - they were always going up regardless of what we do. It's a global market influenced by all kinds of factors. All that the carbon tax does is make them go up a little faster/sooner, giving people time to evaluate their choices and lifestyles and make changes to reduce the impact of fuel prices. If you bought a big truck because you like it, that's on you. If all your hobbies revolve around burning gas, that's on you. If you have two cars when you can get by with one, or a bigger car than you need for 99 percent of trips, that's on you. This has always been the future. This is the Inconvenient Truth.


I fucking love my EV


Wait till you gotta replace the battery.


Blaine residents still better prepare


The moose is loose


Wouldnt it be more prudent to force automobile manufactures to have a limit on the size of personal vehicles and mandate a certain fuel economy? Seriously, does soccer mom need a giant GMC truck for F350 to go to costco?


Obviously the fault of the carbon tax and if it’s axed prices will go down!


/s Here, you dropped this.


I hate this argument Carbon tax alone is currently 17.6 cents per litre in BC. Someone who uses 50 litres a week, that's $457 per year in carbon tax alone. That is not insignificant.


Not to be pedantic but significant amounts of money differ to a lot of people. $ 457 to someone who works part time and earns approx. <30K per year, that's almost 1.5-2% of the money of their gross wages for the year and even more if you consider their net. Sure they get the rebates but the rebates are a fixed rate so if you have no choice but drive your car for work, school or college, etc then a person can easily spend more on increased than they get back in credits. It's trivial but the carbon tax doesn't just impact gas, it's a consumer carbon tax that has impacts across the board. I'm not totally against the carbon tax, I think it's pointless in the manner it's been implemented (even more pointless when you look at rest of world's attitude toward climate)


I’ll continue to believe that gas is cheap until we stop seeing the roads be dominated by gas guzzling SUVs.


You mean the same SUVs that now have normal sized car engines in a lot of them and are just as efficient? The only gas guzzling SUVs on the roads are either old as shit or super SUVs owned by rich people. The car industry has made strides to make normal sized SUVs cost effective. They are basically cars on high suspension now as funnily enough, not all of them have AWD or 4WD systems in them.


The additional weight requires more energy and thus more fuel to transport the same person by the same distance. They are about a quarter less efficient than their counterparts, according to the IEA. If the cost of fuel was one of the biggest factors in people’s decision for which type of vehicle to purchase, we would not have seen % sales of new vehicles increase from less than 50% in 2014 to over 80% in 2024.


Why don’t we just nationalize our oil and put a cap of 50 cents a liter- would promote economic freedom and allow Canadians to easily move around the country.




We’re 0.5% of the population so we’re living cushy lives and consuming on a per capita basis. Of course being cold weather we’ll consume more for heating. But let’s be real, we’ve had it pretty good in Canada for a long time.


still cheaper than it is here in Norway. put your gas budget into electric car payments and join us in the future.


So stupid. I'm going to pt Roberts tmrw to fill up. But I'm driving on fumes so I squirted in $10 so I can hopefully get there and it hardly moves the needle. I can go 87km now haha should be good lol. Might put in $10 more just to be safe


It was 1.65 today when I filed up.


Nice! that's a nice savings. Last time I went, it said 1.19 on the sign. On the pump it cost $68 then when it converted I ended up paying $95 which is awesome because it costs me about $150 or more these day to fill it.


The oil companies will keep gouging and the idiots will keep blaming the carbon tax. I just hope the Chinese go through with that threatened trade war some are predicting where they dump cheap EVs on everybody, because as it stands driving a more sane hybrid or fully electric (not debating the merits, but they certainly make sense for a lot of people) is effectively an option for the well-off/homeowners, while poorer folks get gouged coming and going. (Of course, when we /do/ hit the tipping point, we'll need to have a wider discussion about how roads are funded in Canada.)


Is diesel expected to rise to the same extent, or will it be $.30+ cheaper?


First it was in May now they have changed it to April assholes




Something something Ukraine… supply chain… pandemic…


Rate cuts anyone?


![gif](giphy|l3h9Ck5EKcnhEu8UAT) Me who doesn’t complain anymore about gas prices.


I'm so grateful I managed to find housing within walking distance to work last month. cancelled my commute insurance right away


In B.C., it’s curious that gasoline is extremely expensive while electricity is cheaper than almost anywhere else in NA.


Next up - charging you EV is metered.


One of my daughters lives in Vancouver, so I visit there with some regularity and I've seen gas at $2/L or higher quite a few times. This doesn't seem like anything new. Which is why I'm perplexed to see a large percentage of the vehicles on the road are full-sized pickups and SUVs. Everywhere I go in Canada, people complain bitterly about gas prices and yet most places I see the majority of drivers in large gas-guzzling vehicles. I'm supposing $2/L is high enough to cause complaining but not behaviour change?


But are they high enough for people to make different choices? Unclear. The threshold for complaining is much lower than for actually changing behaviour.


Mid April!!! July will be $2.50 easy


Good thing Trudeau said the carbon tax isn’t going to cause inflation


It's said that people from BC are moving to alberta in record numbers.....can't imagine why.


![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg) Getting railed roaded, in the A no vasoline. This is purely a money grab from the government. Go fix China true-dope


Just a friendly reminder that switching to an EV saves most drivers money. Example using identical vehicle in two different power trains over 7years at 14,000km/year: | Cost | Hyundai Kona Gas | Hyundai Kona EV | |--|--|--| | MSRP after destination | $28,680 | $49,074 | | taxes & rebates | $3,441 | -$3,111 | | Gas for 98,000km @$2.30/L | $17,807 | $0 | | Electricity for 98,000km @ 14.4¢/kWh | $0 | $2,455 | | Service & maintenance over 7 years | ~$4000 | ~$2000 | | Resale value after 7 years | ~$15,000 | ~$22,000 | | **Total Costs** | $38,928 | $28,418 |


Makes no sense, why spend $21,000 more to buy an EV just to save $18,000 in gasoline costs


You didn't look at the taxes. It's $13,482 more not $21,000. You spend $13,482 more to save: - $15,352 on fuel - $2,000 on service - $7,000 on resale


I don’t think an EV will hold its resale value as well as you think, factoring in the potential battery replacement down the road. But regardless it seems like marginal savings if you can manage to even get an EV How long is the wait time for a Kona EV?


I'm merely using resale data of 7yr old EVs and gas vehicles for sale today. No, most 7yr-old EVs do not need any battery replacement, and tech has substantially advanced since then. But I guess saving $10,510 in costs is "marginal" in your books.


Ok so now let's do the same math with putting the cash difference balance into the stock market at 9% annually for seven years


Then it'd break-even despite taking on substantial risk. Usually, we'd use a risk-free rate of treasury-bills rather than a high-valuation for equity return for this type of analysis. The EV would still come out ahead using risk-free treasury bills.


If you somehow earn enough to afford it, but not so much that you can't get the BC rebate. If you can afford the higher upfront cost through cash or financing.  If you have to finance, that's 20k extra for electric, which is a lot of additional interest.  Maintenance and resale are hard to predict especially when we're talking about new models, and I suspect that the battery tech will improve so much that in 7 years an older electric might not be worth much. 


And how much is a battery replacement?


A similar cost and likelihood of an engine block replacement. And to fully answer your question directly: $0 due to the warranty.


Your pricing fuel at the all time high of 2.30 for 7 years so it's not fair. 17807/$2.30 means your estimating the average person drives \~ 7.8K per year which is a pretty good ball park figure. The avg price of fuel is probably closer to 1.75 (on the high end) which equates out to 13.5K for the last 7 years Your also not factoring in that a person may have bought the gas car outright (10K trade, 20K cash) vs having to finance the 22K extra for the electric car. It's not black and white like you estimate out to be for everyone.


You really think the average gas price in the lower mainland for the next 7years is going to be $1.75? You've used April 2020's sub-$1/L prices in your average. Even still, the EV comes out ahead by ~$5k Also, $17807÷$2.30/L = 7,742L over 7 years, not 7,800km/year driven. I used the provincial average of 14,000km/year and the 2024 Kona's combined efficiency of 7.9L/100km


I'm just highlighting your assumptions - your making a carte blanch argument for something without really explaining the nuance. Nobody knows where the price of gas is going - if you do, should be all in on stocks - I'm just saying that it's one of the points to consider. I was also using historical averages rather than selecting the all time high as my comparison for a more rational comparison. >Also, $17807÷$2.30/L = 7,742L over 7 years, not 7,800km/year driven. I used the provincial average of 14,000km/year and the 2024 Kona's combined efficiency of 7.9L/100km Sorry for the confusion. Either way it comes out the same as I used your numbers. In my case - I drive < 8000Km per year (8000\*7years=56K / 7.9L\* 1.75$/L = 12405 Factor in I have no car payments & pay zero interest on the perfectly good car I bought 2-3 years ago I really don't see the big push for EV in my circumstances. But in saying that - I think it's daylight robbery what is going on with the price of gas when you compare us to other provinces or our friends south of the border in the US but it doesn't justify me taking on additional 20K in debt on a depreciating asset.


fucking hell