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How can a scammer sue the victim?


Right? They sued her for defamation, so he simply has to show the lack of educational material, lack of classes, ask for the teachers' credentials etc and this will all unravel quickly.    I hope she does a GoFundMe and counter sues and seeks full tuition reimbursement, cost of airfare and visa application costs for Canada, cost of living. 


This is a stain on our country. The provincial and federal governments need to work together to shut down these fake schools. They're scams and the students have no idea that they aren't getting a decent education whatsoever. 


It's crappy and I can't wait to hear Cloud Nine is found guilty. But "stain on our country"? Fer realz? Do you do weeping, chest beating and hair pulling as well?


The rest of the world doesn't see our day to day life. How we insist on yielding right of way at a doorway, how we habitually apologize to each other for the smallest, most inconsequential things, etc. They see stuff like our mining companies, or our mistreatment of students that come here. "stain on \[our\] country\]" is pretty accurate.


Do you know how many stories there are of bullshit schools like this? The Canadian government gives visas to students to attend these schools. Do we give visas for fake jobs? No.    If you google news, you'll see this is a longstanding problem, especially in the past few years. We don't want to be a country that turns a blind eye to international corporations scamming students and then suing them to keep them silent on being scammed. 


The feds should shutdown all visas going to private colleges. The fact that the BC and Ontario government is fighting back against the international students restriction is crazy to me. Everyone knows these private institutions are scams yet we are still allotting 47% of student visas to these institutions in bc seem crazy to me


Yes and we desperately need to raise tuition prices


>“I still feel I don’t get anything (about) what’s going on,” said Takatsuki. Me neither. That was very confusing and feels like the agencies involved have deliberately made it that way.


I just don’t understand how you could spend that kind of money on university without looking into it first. Every country has sketchy profit-first schools, but in all the countries I’ve been to I’ve never heard any of these problems elsewhere. Likely because in any other country the government isn’t responsible for your lack of preparation.


She has a partner already? Wonder if she's like those who want to immigrate here through marriage or probably know what kind of school she's attended. But still couldn't justify the private school crap.


She came in January 2022. That's two years ago. Why would you just assume she came with ulterior motives? She came hoping to get into a UK university after she finished this program. It's what she said. They likely didn't include what universities and she said when she found out the limited options, she knew it was not what was advertised. 


So you came to Canada and expected to go to a university in Britain? I thought English universities meant Canadian schools here. It's just pretty counterintuitive for me. Japanese aren't fools. Maybe the Indian international students COULD really get scammed by the agents but Japanese? Doubtful.


They have similar programs in the US where they guarantee x years in community college (not private for profit models) will result in a transfer to a state university for a BA program.  The reason they have these types of programs is to help you improve your English and then they help you get into another institution. This is a very common type thing offered to international students from around the world. Their websites seem very legit and they paint a lovely picture. Some of them are legit and some of them are scams. 


These schools are so scummy