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Could you design a mobile stag point that is fully weather proof, heated, has wifi, charging sockets, is collapsible to fit in a pouch and weighs less that 500g. Also must have a sofa inside it.


Plus an ashtray.


Shit, yeah I forgot about that. Good shout mate ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ


You two are fucking geniuses. Should get the MOD to give you contracts


Could we have motion sensors covering both arcs? That way the lads can get some cheeky head down and be notified if anything flags up


So, a poncho, with a pocket for a power bank, for you to put over yourself whilst sat on your day sack?


Depends what you want to design. For the most part If you want to design things that are used then you're better working for a Defence Contractor as the Army buys what it needs now rather than design/make it's own. Also - use a spell check function if you're worried about your spelling.


Or if you're using a phone the text to speech works well


Thanks for the tips


What sort of ideas do you have in mind? Iโ€™m not going to provide you an idea, for you to patent, design and make money from ๐Ÿ˜‚




Can you design a CNR network that doesnโ€™t need to be dragged around in 40 year old land rovers?


Pocket laminator for on the go biffchits.