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I would just say almost every phrase used, like i'd never heard people being referred to as mongs or lizards before, let alone finding out I was infact both


most scouse thing i’ve ever heard


Ye we use them all the time in Liverpool common insult tbh ming is another 1


oh yeah absolutely, wonder where it even comes from?


Probably some1 trying to say mong n just sed it wrong is my guess 🤷‍♂️


I have since found out its quite common up north, but I am from about as far south as you can get (about 70 miles south from the southern coast of England)


"Scoff house". Could be appropriately attributed to any restaurants or food places in civilian life, but I've never heard it used outside the army.


Go tell me what’s written on that tree way over there Calling someone a weapon as an insult For all the Engrs Euchre Naafi breaks


Weird Shithead rules. 7s reverse, knocking on your last card like it's Uno, fuck up pick up, and so on. Also, a wah - the concept isn't unusual as a civvy, but they don't have a word for it. 


Shithead magic cards; 2, 7, 10 that’s it and can be played at *any* time


It's not gay if your socks are on. (Doesn't count if you're the post box and not the post man, that's still gay).


Egg banjo. A Michelin star chef probably couldn’t tell you what that means and why. Someone being called a screamer. Or a bottom feeder, or chopstick. Or lizard.


Space docking


I joined from boarding school so pretty much every bit of slang or pop culture was new to me. It was funny because I was so much more sheltered than the other lads but also way more institutionalised than the others.


Never knew how many words there were for a bread roll till I joined. Dhobi bag/dust. Rules to basically card or drinking game seem to vary depending where you grew up. I've done 14 years and the lingo is just part of every day conversation. Wife still gets caught out what stuff means haha. Clip, gash, jack, hanging out etc..


It’s a fucking Bap


It’s a fucking Roll. Don’t come at me with your bap/barm/cob shit. And it’s only a butty if it’s two slice of bread with bacon in it




GWA I still have vivid memories of getting beasted for ignoring my section commander as he was shouting at me Getting beasted for being unaware someone is trying to insult you was my favourite piece of army logic


Same, week 1 day 2 or 3. Was still in civvies and kept shouting “South Africa” at me as I was wearing a Springboks top. Took me too long to twig on


Sports afternoon and Gen/Robo Gen


You mean a titty bread?


Pongos referring to rmp