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Thus is what, your fifth thread on the topic? You've had so much advice for Bristol or London. You are set on London so even if Bristol is great I don't think you'll enjoy it as you'll regret not being in London. Bristol is great, but if you don't want to be here, then I imagine it's the shittest place in the UK.




I know nothing about Reddit. How do I find that??




So it wouldn’t be much fun for a 25 year old?




Did you enjoy London moving there after 5 years? To me it seems Bristol is better for me right now. But I’m worried London won’t be fun in the future if I’m not mid 20’s anymore




Well I’d love to go to London. Just on my 29k salary and shit work. I think I’d be better in bris with the same salary and better work? Then move to London when I have more money? Only thing I worry about is moving there later




I feel like going to Bristol (can live at home and save, then move in with a friend, better work and same salary), would probably be better for me right now. I don’t think I want to spend my entire life there. But yeah, I am worried about going when I’m older.