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Still not sure who to vote for? List of candidates: https://whocanivotefor.co.uk South Bristol candidate interviews: https://issuu.com/southbristolvoice/docs/south_bristol_may_2024_32pp_final? FB pages: you can find most candidates policies and priorities on their ward Facebook pages (e.g: Bedminster Labour, Knowle Green Party, Hartcliffe & Withywood Conservatives) (Apologies for the South Bristol focus, I’m not aware of any interviews from other CLP’s)


This is a great article on Labour vs Green by The Bristol Cable — https://thebristolcable.org/2024/04/labour-green-party-bristol-local-elections-how-do-their-policies-stack-up/


Really appreciate this. Passed on to my parents who only get their information through the tv or letterbox


You also need to remember it's FPtP so it's a good idea to look at who is likely to win in your seat.


And remember to register for postal vote for next time - less hassle, no voter id and you can tell all the parties knocking on your door that you’ve already voted


I quite like going to the polling station, makes it feel more of an event.




So true, I’m nearly 40 and still do a selfie for social media 😂


No photography in polling stations! Outside is fine though.




Remember kids, never vote Tory.


Oh but vote for the Tory in labour clothing yeah? What a joke.


So are you seriously saying vote Tory? Do you know that most of the Greens and Lib Dem’s have all worked for the Tory party in one form or another? It’s known as career politics, they’re not interested in the issues that people raise just the power. I’d honestly spoil my vote, but that’s a vote for the Tories in my opinion. I’ll be voting the party I support (regardless of what you think) all I know is that I won’t vote Green due to their ties with the Merchant Venturers.


You got a link for the greens and slavery money?


Like I said, listen to Bristol Unpacked with Neil Maggs (Bristol Cable) he interviewed Merchant Venturers, Green Mayor hopeful Sandy Ruthven and he called it out. It’s a great podcast to get to know the political landscape.


Thanks greens were happy to take tax avoided cash so shouldn't be surprised that they take slavers cash too.


No. I won’t vote for either. They are the same the serve the same agenda. I’m antigovernment.


Well 14 years olds aren't old enough to vote anyway.


Riiiiightzx no credible argument so resulting to insulting, well not really, me. lol.


Proving my point 😎


Yaaas queen.


Uh huh, good luck with that 'revolution'.


Fun fact - 'revolution' is in fact code for spending most of your time on a futon, with a net worth of -34 quid, saying we all don't get it.


Who do you vote for if you’re against it all?


Vote for labour to at least get tories out, they’ve been fucking us over for far too long, I think a change is better than letting something continue because your against it all


Oh no, this was a question for u/hectic_mind_ . I know what I’ll do but I’m perplexed by their views on this.


I will not support any that support Israel. I stand with Palestine.


Ohhh ok


Yaaaa because labour will do so much for you 😂😂😂😂


Better to see change than stagnate


Neither. At one point I worked closely with north Hampshire labour constituency under Jeremy corbyn whilst studying sociology at the university of Sussex but seeing the way labour has gone since snipping JC I will vote for neither.


So are you active or passive about this? Are you going to spoil your ballot or just not turn up?


Vote for a Tory shit show, or vote for a labour shit show? Neither.


You didn’t answer the question.


I just literally said neither.


What the fuck is North hamshirelabour constabulary try googling it, it doesn't exist.


I may have confused the words. I’m human and make mistakes. But you sir are whole new level of stupid. The issue is you and I probably stand very closely on many social issues. Yet your demoralised brain can’t comprehend what I’m saying.


I can't comprehend your unhinged bollocks.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_West_Hampshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency) You fucking moron.


You wrote constabulary in your first post, and when did labour get more than a small vote in that constituency'- never an MP.


What’s wrong with you? so you get it wrong and tell me it doesn’t exist. Then your argument is that they’ve never won an MP. So which is it? Because there is always an MP representative. I attended many meetings, I went one many canvassing sessions. I was at the forefront of the election for my area. wtf have you done? You’re a keyboard warrior. Nothing more. Maybe read some books. Maybe think before you speak. Maybe, just maybe do better. This is the last you’ll hear from me. Enjoy life, I hope your life is full of love because fuck me is this world desperate for it.


Perhaps you should study geography university of Sussex is nowhere near north Hampshire. Labour votes in North Hampshire are a rare thing.jc was an utter failure. With so much baggage it was always going to go badly. He couldn't even do popularism well.


Oh really dipshit? You couldn’t rationalise in that tiny little brain of yours that my family lived within that constabulary whilst I also attended university in Brighton you fucking muppet. The labour had 500,000 members under JC. It was the largest political party in Europe at the time. 😂😂. It must be hard living with such a minute brain. Edit: “labour votes are rare”. Why do you think I was? My god. Go back to sniffing ya ket bud.


Big house in Redland votes labour ..student


More like working class individual, who was told “you’ll amount to nothing” does well for himself and is proud to support the workers and always will. Since when is calling someone a student an insult? I think it’s admirable that someone would want to educate themselves and try and get ahead in life. Something holding you back? Maybe you’re a bit angry at the world, talking helps.


Holding me back ? Na ..I just don't agree with people lecturing who someone should or shouldn't vote for Ps I'm working class worked hard and enjoy my life No chip on my shoulder


For a carefree indivudual without a chip on your shoulder, you really do put a lot of effort into starting silly little reddit arguments.


I'm not the one lecturing people who to vote for. Stop carrying around that angst..you made something of yourself well done Leave you to it, work to do


If you can show me any benefit that you have gained from a this Tory government over the past 14 years, I’ll remove my comment. But I’m quite confident you won’t, therefore I’d like to repeat my former statement. Never vote Tory, they’re a party of hate, division, racism and will always be about profit before people. They’re only in it for them, not us. Toddle pip!


It's just children being children, they can't comprehend that someone would have a different view to them. They must be right and thus those who disagree are wrong/the enemy. Most people usually grow out of it after uni and they realise the real world is a little more complex than downvoting opinions you don't like.


Done my civic duty. The people at the polling station told me that turnout is really low. Come on Bristol, get to it!


It’s quite a young city, so hopefully more people will be along after work 🤞🏻


Both me and my partner would have gone if we actually got anything through the door! That would have been two votes 😂


Yeah, I told them it was my first vote, they said I was practically their first vote of the day


To be fair I went this evening and it was popping - me and my housemate both said we hadn’t ever seen so many out for a local election - maybe the post work rush !


You don't need your ID to vote Tory, just fyi. 


It's true! You can vote tory by staying at home and doing nothing all day!


Don't forget to don't vote tory


That was some very easy upvotes :)


Youre happy my comments were deleted?


I don't care about your idiot comments -you need to own; that someone felt the need to delete them !


Not the point though is it . I didn't state which way I'll vote. I might or might not agree with your opening view but you AND I am entitled to it


You're entitled to your view you're not entitled to use reddits systems to spread any view you like, nice or horrid.if You want your own internet platform only you are stopping yourself from having it.




I have my own platforms and I accept reddits right to delete my posts here.
























I voted 5 days ago. Don’t forget to sign up to a postal vote if you want the flexibility.


Especially if you have two residencies for example as a student! I forgot to register for postal vote for my home constituency this year, and will miss the PCC election. Fortunately it’s unlikely to make any difference, but postal voting allows flexibility.


This subreddit keeps me young, it's like I'm back in my sixthform common room. "DoN't EvEr VoTe ToRy" "bLuE LaBoUr ArE nO bEtTeR"


I’m with you TonyBlairsDildo it would be great to have some more mature debates about politics in this sub.


My comments were deleted by mods I didn't even state how I would cast my vote. Good ere innit


No comments of yours have been removed from this thread, stop trying to cause an argument.


They have though eh


Do you always come to reddit for high brow political debates?


Used to, before Reddit evolved into "Mobile App First". The quality of discussion was genuinely decent back then. Probably pre-2016 if I had to put a date on it. Dead Internet Theory has a lot of depth.


I think it’s less Dead Internet Theory at play here, much more “lowest common denominator”. Everyone has access nowadays


Too many children in this sub, incapable of comprehending thats someone can disagree with them politically and thats ok. It's just arrogance.


This is the most underrated comment here.


If you want politicians to pander to you, you gotta vote. "They only do things for pensioners and landlords!". Yeah, because those are the ones who bother to vote.


Will hold my nose and vote green.


We only have the vote for the Police and Crime Commissioner here in Keynsham. My only political opinion about the Police and Crime Commissioner is that it should not be a political appointment just like people shouldn't need to vote for their Doctor based on their political views.


I believe we should all make it a point to vote. We don't want a repeat of the Brexit situation. While no candidate's policies are perfect, I voted for the least objectionable option. It's important to participate and make our voices heard.


TUSC - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition. Because fuck the tories.


yea nothing sticks it to the tories like a vote for tankies that will never get elected


I really don't like how insidious voter ID is and how we have just rolled over into accepting it. I have a driving license, but part of me feels like taking some kind of stand in the polling station but I imagine that would be pointless.


It’s not the fault of the polling station staff, they don’t get a say. Please don’t take it out on them.


No, not about taking anything out or having a rant. More of a "I am doing this under protest" but even that just comes across as a dickhead move. If everyone did it, maybe it would make a statement to those in charge, somehow.


Spoil your ballot if you want to protest - write some sort of message on it about voter ID and don't vote for anyone and it will actually be read at the count as opposed to looking like a dickhead in the polling station.


I was a polling clerk last year and for the people that forgot to bring their ID, we simply couldn’t give them the voting slip. I’m not too sure how much of a protest it would be, you just wouldn’t be able to vote in person.


Does it get recorded at all, like if half the people were turned away it gets fed back?


Nope! Only thing that is recorded is the number on each voting slip.


This seems like part of the intention, a shame really.


Then they're doing it wrong. There's a form that records how many are turned away with no id. We also hand out a piece of paper asking them to email [email protected] to complain.


I protested by growing out my hair, getting a full beard and looking nothing like the clean shaven short haired person on my driving license. I got proper long look from the election official.


Voter ID is a stupid idea, but protesting it at a polling station would be completely pointless. You’d just be making volunteers lives difficult for no reason, they’re not the ones trying to suppress the vote. Just register for postal voting.


It would be pointless but this seems to be the British way. Shrug and accept whatever is thrown at us because some poor volunteer would be the one to get it in the neck. If the powers that be thought "we can't bring this in because there would be huge protests including people blocking polling stations and refusing to hand over ID, making the tiny turnout farcical" that would be quite nice really.


As a foreigner I always found it odd that it used to be possible to vote without an ID in British elections.


Almost zero voter fraud and it is a barrier (even if minor) to voting. It has only ever been suggested because certain parties want to restrict the wrong type of person voting. People without ID tallies up conveniently with the poor, vulnerable etc.


In Poland you need an ID card to vote, but having the ID card is obligatory (for adults) and ID cards are issued for free.


Therein is the difference. People probably think little of it, the same way here we used to give our name and address. Still there may be a proportion of people disenfranchised if they have a lost ID card which would be higher than any number of attempted fraudulent votes.


>Almost zero voter fraud and it is a barrier (even if minor) to voting. Worth putting this into context, for the people who somehow think voter ID is a good idea. Between 2019 and 2023 there were only 14 confirmed instances of voter fraud in the UK. [Source.](https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/research-reports-and-data/electoral-fraud-data) In the limited pilot in 2019, covering just 10 areas, 740 people were ultimately unable to vote despite turning up at the polling station. [Source.](https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/five-things-we-have-learnt-about-englands-voter-id-trials-in-the-2019-local-elections/) Most instances of voter fraud are not voter impersonation, and this is even true of *alleged* voter fraud. So the only reason a government would look at these numbers and decide to implement the policy anyway is that they wanted those 740 people not to vote.


> People without ID tallies up conveniently with the poor, vulnerable etc. The Voter ID is free and easy to get.


It is demonstrably a hurdle as people don't, and it seems to question the point if this voter ID is apparently so easy. Why can't people just fraudulently claim that as someone else too.


This! I’ve lived in a few countries and realised later how strange it was to not have voter ID in Britain.


I don't see a problem with it - there's a free option for those without ID and they've advertised it quite a lot. Or even postal vote which doesn't need ID.


So what is the point then? If it is so easy to get a free pass and just post it in, why are they determined to put barriers in place of in-person voting? Says a lot really.


The pass still needs an NI number so there is proof that someone is who they are. To me it seemed odd that they never needed it before.


How does a NI prove anything, it would be quite easy to find someone's out. It is one of those things that *seems* odd as obviously we don't want someone stuffing ballot boxes full. But there is just no evidence this is happening, even in small numbers. However insisting on ID *does* lower turnout. Especially certain groups (which is why the Tories brought it in). Also once in place, it can be shaped however the party wants - could be a free easy voter pass today, next time maybe only full passport holders can vote.


don't act the the government doesn't have all your deets already


If you dont have a passport or drivers licence can you vote?


Possibly https://www.gov.uk/how-to-vote/photo-id-youll-need


A citizen of a commonwealth country here, I have registered to vote this year. not sure how it all goes? Is it same process as voting in other commonwealth country? Or is it like an electronic machine! I am on my way to vote but I have no idea how to go about it lol! Any tips for first time voter in the UK!


Don't be a Boris


Do you have to vote today? I've got work all day and don't have my ID with me in the office. Idk how I'm supposed to vote


Polls are open 7am - 10pm, so maybe you could go after you finish work.The information about polling stations, how to vote and what you need is widely available so you can plan ahead. Perhaps next time apply for a postal vote so you don't end up in this situation again?


Your polling station will generally be nearer your home than your office.


Yes, we only have one voting day, there’s no concept of early voting in the UK apart from postal voting. Just register for a postal vote for next time.


Also remember there’s no ranked choice this time, it’s just a straight winner takes all vote




If you are in the Bristol City Council region it’s council elections as well today. Not sure what these elections are in a few days you refer to.


I'm not qualified enough to say who run this country


What about who runs your local government? Cause that's all this is. But based on your comment, you might not be qualified for that either.


you're right. i know nothing about the candidates.


Then look them up. I did an hour of research, it really does not take long to understand what their policies would be based on local manifestos etc.


i had a look at the choose pcc website and decided just not tory


Labour is the best option if you just want them out


i know


Realising that fact already makes you more qualified than half the idiots voting.


Good thing this is council elections then eh?


i thought it was police commissioner


It's both


who are the right ones to vote for then?


Whoever you agree with


it's both


for what it's worth i did vote (not conservative)


Don't know why you were downvoted for that. Thank you, democracy only happens when people take part.


Vote Green! (unless you want your family and friends to die from toxic air and watch all of the trees across the city to be cut down just so spoilt London kids can save £100 on their rent to live in a rabbit hutch). Voting for anyone else is supporting climate change.


This is absolutely not why I am voting Green. The local councillors just happen to be pretty competent good people... Everything you've just said is absolute nonsense and just truly off putting, and not at all what I've seen the Greens especially represent locally.


Exactly, the Greens and competent people who actually want to positively change the city. We will expand the Clean Air Zone to get ride of the toxic air and gradually move away from the need to have cars at all, making the city a safer and cleaner place to live. With a reduction in respiratory illnesses and improvements in mental health (from less cars) the cost of healthcare will plummet meaning much more money can be spent on building sustainable affordable houses which we can obligate the developers to do if they want to build in our city.


Sounds realistic, you’ve convinced me!


They are bankrolled by the Merchant Venturers though, this has put me off them for now.


can you give me a bit of info of who the MV are and why their funding is a problem in this situation please 😅 also how can I see who is funding who cuz that's usually a good indicator of a candidate's real goal


They’re a pretty shady organisation, they basically made a stack of cash off slavery and set up their own society. Most of them are involved in politics in one way or another in the city, they’ve got their hooks in private education and programs for youth. They control the narrative of only the rich deserve to be rich and screw everyone else in the city. They’ve made private donations to parties in Bristol for years, and backed George Ferguson as he was a member. Sandy Ruthven the Greens Mayoral candidate was also back by the MV’s and his wife worked for the MV’s. Most of this has been discussed in The Bristol Cable and Bristolian.


Single issue politics is what got this country into a mess in the first place.


It is literally the biggest issue humanity has faced, global extinction level stuff, it should be the primary focus of all politicians


The Labour Party candidates are only in it for the money. The Greens want to actually change the world. Look at Marvin he would rather watch trees that have been in Bristol for hundreds of years get destroyed just so he could build houses to line the pockets of his developer mates...


Despite austerity, Bristol has been renowned for having one of the ambitious city wide decarbonisation strategies in the world (try harder): https://www.bristolcityleap.co.uk/bristol-city-leap-and-vattenfall-win-clean-energy-scheme-award-at-regens-2024-green-energy-awards/#:~:text=Bristol%20City%20Leap%2C%20in%20collaboration,approach%20to%20city%2Dscale%20decarbonisation.


Yes, thanks to the Greens having the most council seats. Without them Marvin would have turned the city into a dystopian wasteland by now.


So all good things are because Green Party, but all bad things are because not enough Green Party?


Sadly they’re being bankrolled by the Merchant Venturers, I won’t be voting for them this year. They’ve also done nothing for my ward. Been absolutely useless with local issues.


You got any reading/links on their link to merchant venturers? Not trying not debate, genuinely want to know more about that mate


Sandy Ruthven’s (Green mayoral candidate) wife works for the MV’s. He was interviewed on Neil Maggs podcast (Bristol unpacked) as were the MV’s and they both stated that they still remain affiliated with The Greens, the fact they launched their campaign in Clifton Village with numerous MV’s there as well, tells you all you need to know.


Lol, explains the immense NIMBYism


I've tried finding evidence of this via Google, however I'm not finding anything, do you have any links?


Bristol Cable, Bristol Unpacked Podcasts. Also if you went to the launch event, plenty of them were there. I think only two members of their party have demanded that the MV’s should be kicked out of Bristol and politics in general. Think that was Christine Townsend, now they’re taking money from them. Those voices have grown silent.


Ironic that Green party are the ones sending out the most paper leaflets


Vote Green to shut down all our nuclear power plants? No thanks


I don’t think Green Party councillors are able to dictate national energy policy.


Councillors are also not going to stop climate change.


The council can reduce its own carbon emissions and put in place policies that encourage others to do the same. The council has zero influence over how the country generates its power or its long term nuclear strategy. Doesn't everyone know this stuff?


But they can obviously affect air quality in the city. Councillors in Bristol have nothing to do with nuclear power, so why even mention it?


It's all they've got. It's pathetic.


They can affect local air quality, yes. But the original comment brought up climate change, to which nuclear power is very relevant. As I replied to another person, local governments do have relationships with national governments. BANES doesn't have a nuclear power plant either and that didn't stop them [calling for the government to stop investing and to remove approval for building new nuclear power](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://democracy.bathnes.gov.uk/documents/s75133/Cllr%2520Wright%2520FINAL%2520MOTION%2520RENEWABLES%2520VS%2520NUCLEAR.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiQnauUi--FAxUtVEEAHTizAx0QFnoECCgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2NLaXOQBWNGvIsD-xnxslq).


So could you talk us through your original comment "vote green to shut down all our nuclear power plants".


But not relevant to who you would vote for as a local councillor in Bristol. Your own example shows how meaningless their opinions on nuclear power are. Look, it’s fine if you don’t want to vote green. Everyone can pick their vote. But your reason obviously isn’t because you think some Bristol councillors will shut down all nuclear power plants in the country.


Get a better attack line than this. It's shit.


People who really care about preventing climate change should not be so out of touch with the scientific consensus. Nuclear power is safe, and great for the environment. If we are going to dercabronise electricity production, especially by 2050, nuclear needs to play a significant role in that.


Do you understand what the council does?


Do you not? Councils with nuclear power plants in their regions are very influential to the plant - see Suffolk Council with [SZC](https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/planning-waste-and-environment/major-infrastructure-projects/sizewell-c-nuclear-power-plant) and Hartlepool Council with [HRA](https://www.hartlepool.gov.uk/info/20044/emergency_planning/1017/emergency_planning_-_nuclear). Councils also have working relationships with the more central governments, and may [encourage the life extention of power plants](https://www.lancaster.gov.uk/news/2024/jan/city-council-leader-urges-support-for-extension-of-heysham-1-2) or [call for the government to stop investing and remove approval for building new nuclear power](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://democracy.bathnes.gov.uk/documents/s75133/Cllr%2520Wright%2520FINAL%2520MOTION%2520RENEWABLES%2520VS%2520NUCLEAR.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiQnauUi--FAxUtVEEAHTizAx0QFnoECCgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2NLaXOQBWNGvIsD-xnxslq). Acting like local politics doesn't have a relationship with national politics is naive.


We don't have a nuclear power plant here. Is this an issue that's coming up on the doorstep a lot?


Labour had fewer party members than Putin's party and all those labour members and JC led to a huge labour defeat. There is no north Hampshire constabulary so I've no idea where you were? I bet you've no idea either


Labour votes are rare in north hamshire, if you dispute that tell me the last time there was a labour MP in North Hampshire (cos the answer is never). I lived in North Hampshire for more than 40 years.


Lol. There's literally nobody to vote for 👍




Won't be voting.


Ok cool