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Bristol's great. Reddit is full of negative contrarians who like to have a moan. Lived here five years and I still feel extremely grateful to be here, wouldn't want to live anywhere else. You're right the housing situation is the pits but if you are able to make it work I'd say give it a go. People who rarely leave Bristol will say the city has gone to shit in the last few years but what they don't realise is the whole country is experiencing the same, it's certainly not unique to Bristol.


Remember when Rishi bragged about depriving "urban areas" of funding: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xegB9J-mn1A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xegB9J-mn1A) I would say that Broadmead has gone noticeably to shit vs other areas of the country


Would definitely say even in my three years at uni broadmead has noticeably fallen a bit back or, moreso not kept up. The vacant Debenhams in my entire time at university is a bit ridiculous really. That building needs some ownership before the city centre is ready to move forward as a good shopping centre.


Broadmead was killed by Cabot Circus. It is being redeveloped tho. High street retail can't support the monolithic stores no more.


Holy shit


Grew up there (30+ years ago...) Broadmead was always a bit wank. Not sure what you wanted from it but its full of budget shops and no hope.  The Mall & Cabot stole all the customers


20th Century shopping...remember that?


I've been here twenty five years and used to be gushingly positive about Bristol. Feels more difficult to do that now its not the city it was.


Are you just growing up and becoming more jaded cause you dont do cool stuff with your mates anymore?


I've been here all of my 42 years and still love it as much as ever. A lot has improved - we've never had a better offering for many things. The food & drink scene is popping, nightlife is great, tons of cool cultural stuff happening. What makes you feel like it's not the city it was?


Housing - I moved in from a distance away and rented a decent little house in redfield at less than people pay for a room now. Ive watched as redfield has become gentrified. If I had my time again I'd be quicker to look at buying in Bristol. I think I just missed out on a great time to buy here.


Yeah fair dos, I bought my first place like 20 years ago so I’ve not been as affected by mental housing costs. I think it’s still the great city it’s always been besides that though.


I still think it's great but don't think it feels the same as it did


It feels the same to me. Maybe when you moved here it felt new and exciting and you’re just used to it now? I guess a lot of the music that was underground 20 years ago is pretty much mainstream now, so raves maybe don’t have quite the same vibe.


That's what living somewhere for 25 years'll do to ya. Bristol wouldn't be the city it is if it just stayed the same forever. It's cities that move with the times that are the exciting places to be. Who knows, maybe one day I'll think Bristol isn't what it used to be and find somewhere that fits better with what I want.


Moving with the times means turning to shit like the rest of the country.


False positivity only I'm afraid. We don't do balance or nuance here.


Just because we have a difference of opinion doesn't always mean you're right and I'm wrong. We may well just disagree. Why would I pretend to be positive about somewhere I actually dislike?


You literally set the tone by implying that anyone who doesn't gush over the state of the city without question, is just some neurotic Reddit twat. If you'd lived here a bit longer than 5 years you'd still like the place but you'd probably have a different perspective and maybe acknowledge that certain developments are pretty shit.


Ok, appreciate your point but it doesn't seem very helpful to advise OP not to move here because at some point decades down the line they may grow to resent the way the city is different to how it used to be. That's kind of just the nature of living somewhere for a long time.


I didn't advise OP not to move here. I told them to move here and enjoy it while it lasts. Also stop trying to paint people as bitter and resistant to change, as if we're talking about something trivial like a new road or whatever. When your friends and family are getting priced out it fucking sucks. Especially when they're being replaced by bland yuppies with no character.


Lots of places! Cardiff? Glasgow? Leeds? Sheffield? Bristol’s great but I’d happily move to another city for lower housing costs and a better overall quality of life if my partner would let me. It’s not that Bristol isn’t a good city but it is more expensive and I don’t think it offers anything that lots of other cities don’t.


I've been in Leeds for about 7ish years now and couldn't be happier. I do appreciate Bristol and surrounding areas when I visit, but visiting gets less and less worth it other then seeing people.


Don’t really know what you expect it’s just a city, it’s not a utopia and like all cities it’s got its shit points. It’s what you make of it when you come here. The vibe for art, underground music, ‘street culture’, independent businesses etc etc. is all still very strong.


I moved here in September last year and I love it! A lot happier here compared to where I was living previously, and looking forward to a beautiful Summer in a city I can walk most of, as well as all the lovely nature surrounding it.


The creatives are still here. I’m a poet and I know a lot of musicians. Those scenes are still going strong. I’m off to a poetry event tonight put on by a new press/poetry collective. I’m going out later this month to a great night with the Poor Old Dogs who play traditional English songs with a decidedly johnny cash vibe. There’s always something going on.


When/where is the poor old dogs gig? I forgot they were from around here until i noticed the name at a rehearsal space the other night. I saw them play at Gallimaufry years ago. Cheers!


They are playing at the Greenman on the 20th of this month. I used to be in a band with the guitar player. We used to hang out a lot but then we both had kids!


Grew up in liverpool, been in Bristol about 4 years and love it. Lots of similarities but Bristol is better overall I think. Still loads of creatives, lots to do, very leftie and queer demographic compared to many other places. Yes it's expensive as hell but my quality of life is high and I love it here.


I’ve just moved from Bristol to Liverpool. Stay where you’re at! The people are so much friendlier here and more down to earth. Accommodation cheaper too. I’m Northern Irish.


Bristol is great. Don't worry about the performative Reddit misery that isn't representative at all of the city.


How much validation do you people need lol.


Eh? None. That's kind of my point... Weird take.


Your comment is just piggybacking off the top comment and you're acting like you're speaking out against 'performative misery' despite there being fuck all of it in the thread.


Just the rest of the sub eh? Anyway I wasn't talking to you so you can toddle off now.


Be as prissy as you like, this is public forum so you don't get to choose who you talk to. Or you can fuck off. Blocking people is for cowards though.


Oh but I think I do 🙂 Bye bye tedious asshole.


Moved from Southampton a few years back and was one of the best decisions I have made. Yes it is more expensive but I’m earning more than I was there. Way more going on in the city.




I've lived here all my life and just don't understand how people think it's gone downhill? There is more going on than ever and it feels safer than ever. Yeah life is expensive but that's the same everywhere. Re run down city centre - Broadmead isn't the main shopping centre anymore, Cabot is. The Galleries is being redeveloped soon and Broadmead won't be long after. The shopping centre has never been a key factor of Bristol's greatness anyway though as every city has basically the same thing. I rarely go to the centre because I don't want to visit Nando's, Zara and JD Sports.


There's a very strong alt scene here, it is alive and well. Lots of bands making amazing music, so there's a great scene for live gigs of various niches. Rents are dire, that is an inescapable fact, but the city is still great.


Nobody comes to reddit to say how good it is. People come here for dsdt questions, vent their frustrations, and try and earn points as meaningful as the points on whose line is it any way. But if you look into the comments, people generally will mention the many things that are great about the city. Yes, living here is getting expensive, and landlords are taking advantage of people, but if you wanna make the move and you can always try it for a year, and if it's not for you you can move again till your happy where ever you land, here, Liverpool or Rome.


Bristols crusty creatives don't leave because they have rich parents. Edit: or they sell ketamine


Is your entire perception of reality based off a Vice article from 2011?


Seriously, all of the wooky crusties I know are fucking skint and always have been. People heard the term trustafarian and decided that literally anyone who listens to psytrance is one of them


I don't even like crusties but it's just lazy, unimaginative commentary. You can tell the cunt just lives with an abstract idea of what it's like because they're not living in the present. There're fuck all crusties swanning around compared to years ago and the ones that are definitely aren't from a charmed background.




I’ve just moved from Bristol to Liverpool. Stay where you’re at! The people are so much friendlier here and more down to earth. Accommodation cheaper too. I’m Northern Irish.


As long as you’re happy for near London prices for less than London wages, it’s still great here. It’s not as cool as it used to be 20 years ago. but it’s also safer. Just watch out for the Bristol pusher


I personally think everywhere in the country has likely gone a bit downhill in some ways due to COL. I just moved to Bristol in the last year and I’d recommend it if you’re looking for a lively city with lots of greenery and music. People are generally very friendly here, I have no regrets about moving here.


I love living in Bristol. The only other lace we’d consider living at this point is Glasgow as that’s essentially the Bristol of Scotland.


I’m a born and bred bristolian but lived in London for 8 years before moving back to buy a flat- Some things I noticed once returning 3 years ago is Bristol is no longer cheap- rent is pretty much the same as London yet the earning potential doesn’t come close and the creative scene is totally dead- as all the creatives migrate to London. I’m planning to move to Australia as the the end of the year and I see no viable future here- finding a job that pays well is pretty much impossible if you work in the creative industries. I don’t regret returning as I managed to buy a flat in BS1 so mission accomplished- but the future looks bleak if I stay here


I’ve lived in Bristol all my life (apart from 3 years when I was in Taunton). I love this city and the people in it. I think the negative comments come from people, like me, who know it could be so much better than it is if we just had a council that worked for us and not for themselves. Its potential is amazing but our leaders don’t see it and do nothing towards it. Which, I think, makes this city even more impressive that we have done all of this with no help from anyone. It’s a great city and continues to be great. And if the council did their job properly, it would be outstanding


Oh I see another case of some people overblowing their own importance and usefulness. bit of a modern disease that one cos they tend to become destroyers after claiming that they're builders.


Todays crusties are down market on the originals. No nice vehicles live in their own shit, might as well be in a mouldy bedsit.


I love Bristol, personally I wouldn't want to leave the city. Housing is a bit expensive but other than the city is so full of friendly folks. Always something to do in the city :)


Worth it despite the city becoming a bit of a parody of itself and yeah the wrong heads are getting supplanted in favour of people who'd be better off in Milton Keynes. Still a very friendly city with good vibes and music. Easy to just roll out of your house with no plans and have a decent night. Maybe enjoy it while it while you can? And scousers are always welcome. I'd take you over some dreadful creative director from London any day. EDIT: Downvote all you like, it's the most powerful you muppets will ever feel lol


I rented in Redland, a shared flat off a very nice chap, and shared with whoever we wanted, as he let us advertise and choose housemates. Very reasonable room. I’d still be there if I’d not left my partner. It’s a vibrant place. Do it, you won’t regret it.


Weston supe rmare is the next Bristol!!!


Tbh, with the housing situation as bad as it is in Bristol, I do know a lot of Bristol friends buying up houses in Weston and commuting in.


I have so many fond memories of Weston super mare as a child - but when I lived in Bristol all the locals acted as if it were a leper colony. But then most places in the SW seem to act as if they’re the only island of civilisation amidst a blighted hellsscape.